mm iniig fountain er THE SPIRIT'S HlGH fe'oTINY. ,. Thoughts iti frea.e.tvd eloejiioni, and bright, linked In goMee, chain j I all mushitkeAHh, and light, ' And linked I A mind all r And worth.-rltllout a stain tot tlielr-ivlne, Immortal birth f fyf "e "ow have fragrant broath, ' t , i"'.d rosy smiles and hues f and why their porfume livei In death ? Why sunbeams, showers and dews, And gentle Spring's ethereal reign, Should warm them Into life agalu? Called by the silent Tolce of Time, As day succeeds to day, The bright, the beautiful, sublime, Must pass from earth away '.While all her wilds, and bowers that bloom, ; Make muslo that wight wake the tomb I j But'roodness dies not with the good, . Nor wisdom with the wise ; , All things that fade shall be renewed ' Beyond these ruined skies. These spirits aud theso forms of ours Bliall wear the infinite stars as flowers? WHAT IS IT t The man Is thot a fool, Or bigot, plotlng krl m, IIoo, for the adransment or hit kind, la wizer lhati bit ti m. Nou.sau-mlli grat In everl forest nook, Mou splndia bum best d ech monntnu brook; ' Thru virjln forests lokomotiva wall, And prail-flourz,ar.krust benotb the rati; ilwer Ueben rold, so trakles and Ire, The AJ ov pros stoks forth and niajw the se, And (be swift litnlng wuns selestiul fire Dm drujerl In harues on a wire, Ilwil patents fil the air, besil d the war And dog us from the kradl tu the gran Masheni that rok asleb our lut'an: kri; Masliera that pat upon uur latest si; . We waft bl telegraf our luv's yung dre in. Llv bl mnshoiieri, aud bi ste in. The veriest kouard npon erth Is he boo faera the wurld'a oplnyun ' IIoo ukts .with referens tu Its wil, ills koiislieos swaid bi Its dominyun. HOW TU WALK. In a graceful human step the heel is always raised be- i fnre the toot is lilted Hum the ground, as if the loot were . a part vf a wheel rolling forward ; and the woiglit of tho i body, supported by the muscles of the calf 01 the log, rata for a lime on the fore art of the foot aud toes. There b then a bending ot tho foot in a cerluin degree. Dut when strong woodon shoes are used, or any shoes so . stiff that it will not yield and allow the bonding 01 the loot, the heel is not raised at all until the whole toot rises ' with it ; mi Hint the uiuscleB of the calf are scarcely used. and, in consequence, soon dwindle in size and almost . disappear, Many English farm servants wear heavy, . btlll siioes, and in Louuou It Is a striking tiling to see the drivers of oountry wagons with tine robust persons in the upper part, but witn legs that nrettushloss spindles, producing a gait that is almost awkward aud unmanly. The brothers ol these men, whoaro olherwiae employ . od, are not so misshapen. What a pity that, tor the trifle saved, fair nature should be thus detoriiiedl An example of this kiud is seen in Paris. There, as the streols havo tew ur 110 side pnvonictus, and the ladies have to walk alraust ounstniftly ou tiptoe, tliegreat action . of the muscles of the cult lis. given coul'oliuulluu of lite limb and foot, to match which the Parisian belles pioud ly chaliango the world not aware, probably, that it is a . defect in their city to which the peculiarity ot their form . is In part owing. Mrs. Gago Francis D. in a recont address, In Colum , bus, on the oonditlun ol ttie contrabands on the goa Cot ton Ielauds of goutb Carolina, Aud that when she went there, in 1802, they ' neither used protiine language nor got drunk these immoralities beiug coiihued totlie mii ' iiary olhcers but since ttie white man was introduced, and tho intercourse between the two races had extended and become common, ttie contraband hod arrived at a're markabie stute of accomplishment In the ucuiieumuly qualitlicatlous of swearing and drlnkiug whiskey. , Wanted A Bill Poster. A wag, speaking of the 'one hu.idred thousand cuides ol ilio t'rociaiuation of ' Amnesty, printed in hand-hill form, to be posted up iu ..conspicuous piacos .11 Dixie," say: "The only thing now iu the way of crushing out tho rebellion Is to find u competent biU-potter I" A briefless young barrister says that any young lady wbo puesenfess one thousand acres of laud proseuts eulli . clvut ground for attachment. CLOSING OUT. - WN CONStQUKNUK UV TI1K ILL HEALTH OF ONE M. of the l aituers, the flini of LAUD, Ki.UU A CO, Portiauii, oner tueir entire siock ol Liquors and Ucncrul Merchandise fVU SALE AT REDUCED HATES, , until tho 1st of June, at which time the copartnership will bo closed. Our Stock of L1QI.UUS havliiK been pur- ,. chased In the KASTK11N MAIlKr.T prior to tlie levying of the KxciseTax, we can oiler superior indiirmcnts to Ituyers. Parties inilebted to tho firm are hereby reutiest- ,ea to niaxe payment. LAI) I), Ktr.u & uu. ' I'ortland, April ), 1804. ap20-IJul I'BESlfEGGS. ' CJ FRANK A. CO., nro receiving daily from ,K7 tneir uuiuttfin iiamju, on Mill urocK, 'IS Dozen resh Lggs, wblch they warrant to be VrcBh and irood. Also, from their own ranch, a supply of KUKSIl DUCK KUDU. Lot i the lovers of good living ehew ttie addled eggs from : the Valley and feast on i'UESII KUOB. Our avoruge re , .colpte are 26 dozen per day, lor which we are now pro- pared to receive orders. . r it A Ml a uu., , apitO-lm Main street. Dalles, I RKSII UUTTKH. rMHK SIUIBCRIHKH has mode arrangements to receive ; X KVUUY DAY a lull supply - '.JOHsljn'ai. Curtis' and lloss' SUPERIOR BUTTER. OF WHICH I1B T1IK KXCLUS1VK SALE. Funv Hie aud others will be supplied on application. , M. KKNIG, ap27-tf Slain Street. Dakos t INFANT GIGGSr - A n assortment ot INFANT 01009 at San Fran. . Cisco prices, with freluht added. Also, a largo va riety of CIULDKKN'SCAIUUAUKS AND WIIKKI-UA1U HOWS. For sale by J. juki.ii. . spld-tf Main street. Dalles. Ten Dollars lleward. ' traor a Leather Valise, marked 0. P. NEW JC YOUK. Vaken by mistake Irom the steamer One ' onto, MON DAT. May 1HIU. The. above Howard will be paid on delivery or the VAL1BK, at ap4-t WfiLLS, FAKUO A CO.'B OFFICB. 'BISSSIOM biilLs" rtoiiK. . 'TOR SALE IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT PURCHAS- K UUMA80N, STOCKTNU CO, -?" , . . Agents for "illusion Mills," ap!9-tf Dalles, Oregon. Hake & ROHR, ' KnrAcnjBERs km iNPoRfJtns or Carriage, Concord, Baggy and Stage II A. TZ NESS! nallfornla Mnle Team and Farm. Har- J ness, Carriage nnd Iluggy Whips, W hair bono and California Stage Stocks and Lashes, and Sliver Mounted Saddle fine Texan Ranger Saddles, California Y.ochlllus, aud Sue Stamped Saddles, English Shaft er and Ladles' Saddles I ALSO, Silver Mounted Hair and Fancy Bridles ! and Riding Whips, always on hand. A full assortment of Mexican fc California Bridle Bits & Spurs! Leather Backed Drushev, Curry Combs and Cards, and a general assortment of SADDLERY HARDWARE. Also, ou hand and made to order, APARAJOKS, caronas AND TAPOJOS ! 3 Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. 1IAKK A 1(01111; H-tf Main street, opposite Washington. JOHN , TCBTIM, M. 1. Da hahtT JOHN R. FOSTER Sl 0., Front Street, Portland. Ann NOW RECEIVING AND OFFER for sale a full assortment of Shelf and Builders' Hardware, AND MECHANICS' & MINING TOOLS, Consisting of SHOVELS, long and short handled: long and short handled SI'ADKS; Mnire fork nnd llrnshes; Wright's Sacramento made MINING PICKS; Collins' Mining Picks, new pattern; Manilla Rope, from L to 2 inch in diameter; Hunt's AX ICS, handled and unhandled; Hickory pick and Axe Handles; Ox Yokes and Ox Hows; Whip. CrossCnt nnd Mill Saws; Crow liars, stool; Mining and fry Pans. Coffee Mills; Nails ol all siaee, Ac. To gether with a large assortment of SHELF AND II K IVY GOODS, In nur line, to all of which welnvite the attention of pur chasers, confident that we can give satisfaction, both as 10 quality ana prices. j. u. fwimt a cu. PORTLAND, Oct. 1, 1803. OtD-tl LUNCH & OYSTE I SAOLON. MIKE RENIG, DEALER III Fancy Goods, Tobacco, Scgars, Ac. MAIN STREET, DALLES. CONSTANTLY ON HAND ft full stock of the beat brantls Tobacco nnd Sueur. Also, Frosh Krult. Can- dies. Cun.Vjctloi.ory, Toys, PUKK IIONKY, Ac. Iu tbe rear of tlie store is ft hauu.noii.ely furnished Dining Room and Oyster Stand, at which will be found a constant supply of f - Khoalwnter Oysters, I i which he will serTe up iu every style. Also, X&jiJr all the dulicocius of tbe setutnn served up to suit I lie taiite ot tho most fastidious. seU-tl bald Meads. Petters Celebrated Hair Restorative. Thin is to certify that I have uud DETTKIt'S HAIR ItKr-TOUATlVK, and 1 tukeitruat pleasure in recommen ding It to the public, us a side nnd elVoctual preparation lor tin restoration 01 the hair. J was nearly balu when I romnirncod the use uf it, und aftur using two bottles, I find it has reproduced a line hoalthy growth of hair, and that. too. tu lens than two months, lean heartily reoom mend it lor its grent virtues and emcacy. r. It. fUMMONH, WltlM'KH. fc. U. KA31ffUtbL, Lkwikton. .-ent. 3'l, lHt.2. ALDHON KUUS. Solo Airents. Druir Store. Main strt'et. l)u II us, Oregon. ap23-lm DR. A.. J. HOFFMAN, PHYSICIAN. SURGEON & ACC"UCHER, I a ik u;unti ruiaiuiAiN, aim t'liymciau oi me A Herman lloHiiital Sociuty of Trinity County, Califor nia, rrtinectiully otlors bis services to the public of Dalles. ami vicinity. st9-lm tittlce In French ft Utlmnn's fire-proof stone buildiug. corner ot waum union and Second Htreets. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND IJILLIAUD BOOM, F. C. Brown & Co., Proprietors, COHNEK OF Inin unl Court Streets, apl6tf Dalles. Oregon. KEiaaSON&"UOLUND'S SALOON. MAIN S T REE ' , DALLES. riHK UN11KHH1GNK1) INTI- M. mate to their friends and the puhlic. tliat they have fitted up a tfaloon on the Nortti side of Main street, where they will be happy to see thuir old trieuds and acquaiu tuuee Thuir bar is stocked with Wines, Uquoi'M nnd Clears, OV T1IK BEST QUALITY nirfl-tf KK1UU30N t HOLLAND. Dissolution Notice. mhe Pnrinerahln heretofore oxistlng between A liUCKNKH It McllKIllK.ln the Vive Mile Home, is this day dissolved by mutuul consent. All bills against said fir in. and all debts owing, will besottlod by Mclliide. ap'2l 4w WM. P. MJCKN Kit. Dalles, April 18, 1864, JOHN M, McllltlDB. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the stock of PLACR'ft WAUON ROAD COMPANY being dulr subscribed, the Mock-holders will meet at AUUUKN.on MONDAY, the Oth day of June, 1804, tu elect Directors or the In corpora' ion. (J1IA8 .H. PLACE, Auburn, April 15 1R84. np244w for the Incorporators. ONE Hundred and for sole cheap for cosh fifty barrels JLIme K. P FITZGERALD nolU-tl DAILY MOUNTAINEER POWER I'UMSH BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE, First Street, between Main and B, DALLES OREG ON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. IN A BTYLB THAT WLL C0MPAR8 FAVORABLY with the Tery best, and AT BATES A3 CHEAP A3 THE CHEAPEST .4 , o ORSsa; . Cards and Iti 1 1-ne. a (Is. CHECKS, DRAFTS, SECEirTS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOB ' THEATRES, CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS, urc, av, . tec, PI-nilD IN TBI HOST ATTRACTITI MAXXKa. ALSO, WAYBILLS. 1 MILLS OF FARE, LETTER HEADS. XECEU'T BOOKS, RILLS LADING, Uriels and Paniplilets, riSlTlXG, WEDDING AND "AT 110 HE" CARDS DruaTgists Labels, In short, everything that can be done In a Book and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and niost delicate Card or Circular, to the largeat sine and most showy Posting Hill anil which will be turnea out 1 a style that cauuot fail to insure entire satisfaction. dim rAClUTIES FOR Till ZXECUTIOK OT DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades nnd Tints. Such as Taney Posting Bills! from a single Sheet to tlie Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS. 1'URFUMERS' LABELS, ceo Are unsurpassed by those of any other establishment in Oregou. We devote special attention to this branch of tbe business, and are continually adding to our already exten sive and well appointed assortment of material. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, rfc, tfc, rfc Of tbe mot modern nnd elaborate denlgne. Our stock 0 FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC, Are of the fluent quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot bo equaled in tbe State. The principle upon which business is asked Tor tills es tablishment is, that persona will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office In which their money can be expended to the best advantage. To this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, tu call and examine specimens, and Judge for yourselves. rderH from the tipper Country Will have oar special care, and friends from the interior may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State of Orecon I Address MOUNTAINEER OFFICE Dalles, Oregon. Dil8-tf SIGNS! SIGNS! SIGNS! O. 8.SAVAGE. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DEALER IN PA I1TS, OILS, WINDOWGLASS VARNISHES, Colors. Putty, llrnshes, Glue, ete. Paper llanirinns. Window Shades, Fixtures, 4e. 1-tf DALLES CITY UlltU STORE. P. CRAIG, WH0LS8ALI AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MKDICINK8. Ac. 1-tf A Al.UAHLi; FAItifl On Ten Mile Creek, of 70 acres of rich bottom Land. 60 acres fenced and 46 acres has been cultiva ted: 200 Fruit Troes, some boaring. comprising Apple, Peach, Plum, Pear, Cherry, nnd Apricot; drape vines, Currant and Lawton Blackberry, Poultry, Garden seeds and Farming Implements. Dwelling House, out bouses, Ac, all are offered for $800 cash. Inquire on the prom ises, '2, miles above the Five Mile House, of felS-tl 0. OLNEY. 11. A. LAW & CO., UMATILLA. JOnilKItS AND UKNKIIAL D BALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, GrocerieSj Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Waffon Timber, $te, AL30, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT All Goods consigned to our care will bo received aud forwarded with dispatch. Wo have oue of the best and satest stores in town as regards Are. apT.Oui n i:itv law & co., PORTLAND, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Will also recotve and forward Goods to our House In UMATILLA. II. L. A CO., havo constantly on hand, and receiving by every steamer from New York, a good supply of Wafjoii Materials nf all kinds, consisting of Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Buggy Rims, Hlmfts, Polos, Plough Beams and Handles, Oak, Ash and Hickory I'lnnk, all of which we will sell at Sun Fran cisco prices for Cash or City acceptance. For 8M.K Three of TOWNfiKND'S PLANTATION MILLS, for grinding Flour, Feed, 4c; will grind 16 bush els Wheat per hour. Prico, $76, up7-6in "Wasco Lodge So. 15, A. F. & A. 91. TIIEETS AT MASONIC HALL, XI . Danes uty, on cue jnusi ana Tllll SATURDAYS in each month. All brethren ironinr "vf. Jl aplt-tf good standing ore invited to meet with ns. JAB. A. UVCliU, B. Ci LrrracoiT, Secretary, GLOBE HOTEL, Corner of Third and II Sts., DALLES, OREGOX. JOHN EPPINGEH, - . . ProprittQt riMIK U.NDEH81UNED W0UU RK8PECTFUU Mvu, X ly inform his friends and the puWlc, tent k f jJT has completed and opeued a ftue three story U0 M ' ' ! TKL, on the corner at' Third and Ustrests, DuUs,JJliJL and has pleasant and commodious rooms lot the conven ience of Travelers, ami has furnished the same in R.h style, as he has the bouse throughout, and la prepared fun the patronage of the plUc. VISH DINING 1100MS AND PARLOUS are attached to the bouse, uud all the conveniences reqnii site for a well regulated Hotel. No pains will be spared-, to render guests comfortable and give the most perfect satisfaction to all who may lavor the house with their pai roonge. The bouse is pleasantly situated iu a quiet por tion of tbe city, and will be found a desirable plocei abode to the traveling public. m-u JOHN KFI'INHKK. COLUMBIA BREWERY. IIENIIY HDWM-, PROPRIETOR AND COMMANDER IN CHIEF, me, respectfully announces to his frienda aud hijjf' balance of mankind, that he has erected at the tersection of Second street and the Canyon City V Road, the largest and most complete Brewing establish, ment in the State, known as the , Columbia Brewery, where he is prepared to receive orders both from city anil couutry fur bis SUPERIOR LAGER BEER. The Railroad passing immediately iu front of the Brewery, he has superior facilities for filling orders from the upper count.y, at the vry lowest rates. A hauusomely tilted up Saloon attached to the Brew, ery, where LAUEll is retailed for the accommodation ol customers. Also, a aoatly furnished room for the accommodation, of private parties. HENRY LtDWIG, Pallss, April 28. 1863. PROPRIETOR. JACOU COIIEIV, Watchmaker and Jeweler FRONT 8TREET, Portland. Dealer In Fine Jewelry & Watches, Solid Silver and Plated Wore, Cutlery. Ac A GENT FOR W. BOHM'S LADIES' PATENTS jMtlMPROVEDOOI.DHKLTBUCKLKS. Watch-i! es and Jewelry REPAIRKl and WARRANTED.!' particular attention paid to Repairing fine Watch- s. l Keep on nana a complete assortment or SPEOTAOLKS. of the Improved styles, Also Opera and Marine Glasses, Quartz Magnifying Glasses, Compasses. &o. 49 AU goods sold by me are warranted as represented , N. I). AU orders sent by Express, promptly attendiil to apHf JACOB COHEN. MOUNTAINEER SALOON (Basement stjry, next to the Umatilla House,) G. A. STAKGLE1V. Proprietor. THE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and. the public, that under bis direction tlie " Moix tsinhr" will sustain tbe reputation of a No. 1 Lager I3e-r Saloon. Also, choice WlneB, Liquors and Cigars. aa,U-tf G. A. STANGLEN. IURNITURE! FURNITURE! -)WNIT0j. CORNER THIRD AND B STREETS 41!qMPnBk? nII...PIIv 1va n liutt.l W.i4iil. a Household Furniture. embruciuK Tables, CliHlm, BuroHiiB Upiln mvdUedHteailH. UudtliriKX'ariteU etc., etc., all of which will he add ut Kw rutea. Furnituv Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. AIbo.oo liaml u'Attrusims aitil Pillows. Sprity: lleds made to order. aul2t OHIO IIO l El. & UITAt ItAXT. MAIN STUEKT, next doir to Ilaldwin ft Ilru.'u.on the llridire. Thlg new tt.blUhment is now open for tli acconiniodutioii of the public. Kvorythinji is entire ly new. All tho Suhotuntiiihi and Dt-licticifB ol life will bo served up In a nuHt nnd inviting Btylo. A t-hareol pub lic pati-ououe Is solicited. JOHN IIUNTtilt, W. P. llUKCHAKD, Dalles, Feb. 13, 18M. fo!4-tf j Proprlctont. pni; iiiii.ii:uv. Alain Street, Ialles. MRS, C. MONELL, has Just rocolved from San-, francisco, an Invoicoof Klcli and Elcpant milliner)', to which she invites the attention of the Ladies, Also, a well assorted stock of the most fashlonablo style of for Ladles' garments, all of which are of recent Importa tion from Eunopi and Ntw Yoke is now amply prepared, to manufacture to ordor, Ladies' Hats. Bonnets, Dresses CLOAKS, etc., at SHOUT NOTICK.and at LOW PRICKS She embraces tins opportunity ol ronuerinK her sinccr t hanks to bur numerous friends and customers for their liberal patronage heretofore awarded her. and to mmt to spectfully solicit a continuance of the same. np7-ti SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. ir-KKSM STOCK I DUSENIIEIll Ac ItllOS., Dalles and "Walla Walla, . liEALSHS IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. flllnci'8' Outfits, Hoots and Shoes, . Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, And a full assortment of General Merchandise. Ruyiiiji our Goods exclusively in tho 8an Frnncisco market, and making none but casli purchases, we are enabled to sell iiu per cent, cheaper tnan any otner House ai tne naiies. DUSKN1IKRV & 1I110S., tnl-tf Dalles and Walla Walla. UMATILLA HOUSE DALLES, ORECON. IIANDLEY & S1NNOTT, 1'rop'rN. r 11118 WELL KNOWN UOTrlL Is now open for the JL reception of guests. After boing thoroiigbly reno-. vated and newly furnished, it will be conducted, in all its departments, as a flrBt class HOTEL. The house Is con veniently located noar the steamboat lauding and railroad depot. Raggage taken to the House, free of charge. House kept open ull night. Tlie Proprietors will not be responsible for any Baggage or Valuables, unless a chock Is given therefor. Meals 80 cents Lodging 50 cents, mrl-t Pictures and Picture Frames. rtf Steel Engravings and PICTURE FRAMES for Parlors, etc, at tho lowest rates. For sale by J. JOKER.' mm ajtt-tf Main street, Dalles,