I aih Mountaineer, WIUUM B. H1WIU.. FRIDAY MOBXIXG, MAY 6, 18(11. Coii. BiLDiif, Agent for the ante of the Slate School Lands, is now at tbe Dalles, and wilt take pleasure la Riving settlers and all others needful information. In Mimobiam. Tbe firemen of Sao Francis co are about to erect a splendid monument over the remains of George H. Hossefross, late Chief Engineer of the Fire Department. . Hon. J. R. MoBbidi has tendered Master thanes weweu me appointment to tne u. . Naval Academy, to fill an existing vacancy. The youth has accepted the Appointment, and v ill leave for the East at an early day. Till Immiouation. A private letter, dated Burlington. Iowa, March 18th, says : " There is going to be a very large emigration to Ida- l.o this Spring j I think that it wilt be the largest that ever crossed the plains." It is said that since the call upon California for ten regiments of troops, the number of cripples, and persons afflicted with rheuma tism, and other disabling complaints has fear fully increased. It would seem that voting the last man means every body else, but never comes borne to tbe individual. Political Spiakinq. Messrs. Donnell and Stevenson will speak at tbe Court House, on to morrow (Saturday) evening, on tbe Issues that now divide the Americon people. Tbe meeting Is to be a joint one of union men find democrats, and it Is desirable that there be a full turn out. . J. E. Johnson, tbe celebrated vocalist, as sisted by the accomplished MisBes WebBter. nod Miss Minnie Gillespie, a highly promising Toung lady, will give a musical entertainment nt Moody's Hail, on to-morrow (Saturday) evening. As a comic singer Johnson has scarcely an equal, and the whole performance promises to merit tbe patronage of our amusement-loving people. Om ths Stomp. Governor Gibbs has taken the stump, and made a number of effec tive speeches in tbe Valley. His Excellen cy has a large number of friends on this ride of tbe mountains who would be glad to hear him express bis views in relation to cur rent events. The Governor may be less bril liant than some of his competitors for Sena torial honors, but those who know bim think that be is decidedly the man to tie to CxLismti. Tbe Chinese residents of Vic toria lately, through a committee, presented an address to Governor Kennedy, in praise of the equity of the Coloninl Government, which they contrast with tbe alleged injustice of California in tbe treatment ol their country, men. Their number tbey compute at 2,000 Many of them have been successful, and nil, they say, are thrifty as well as highly loyal to Queen Victoria. Tai Assay Okfici. Our Portland friends find It difficult to understand why Congress proposes to locale tbe Assay office at the Dalles. Tbe reason is obvious. This is the point at which the mining trade centres, and i be As cay office is designed tor the accommodation of this class of citizens. Had our neighbors ap plied lor aid to enable tbem to save their ap ple crop, we should never have entered tbe list Annual them, but when it comes to an Assay office, we naturally prefer to bave it located nt point where it will be of convenient ac- cess to miners. In this sentiment Congress concurs, and hence tbe Dalles Is to have the Assay office. t Justlv Said. Alluding to tbe right go ahead course of tbe President, tbe Nevada (ChI ) Gazette says tbat be never makes a movemeul of any kind, involving a change in the policy of the Government, which is cal culated to produce a profound sensation until he has first prepared tbe public mind to re ceive it and to recognize its propriety. If be finds one ol his Generals going too fast in matters which ure the exclusive province of the Executive Department ot the Government, however correct in theory bis uctioa toiay be, be restrains bim, because the public mind has noi been schooled to receive such action with favor. All the urging, coaxing, wheedling and llireaLeuiug which may be used by bis friends. cannot force bim into any act not fctriotly in consonance with his itfeas of pro priety,, apd all the abuse of bis friends and enemies cannot make,, bim swerve a hair's breidlb from what be esteems to be right and RADICALS AND CONSERVATIVES. A cotemporary bas an article on tbe Issues of the day, which so perfectly accord's willl all that fails appeared in these columns, iiiitl we deem it proper to present It to otlr readers. Contradtirig the racicals with the conserva tives, the writer says, tbe former are greatly In tbe minority, though of course tbey make tbe most noise. What they are after it would be hard to say. We doubt if they know them selves what tbey exactly desire to Accomplish. They do not appear to bave any definite plan to carry out, and well defined principles to guide tbem. Their course is wholly on tbe destructive order. Opposition for the sako of opposition seems to be their motto. They op pose tbe re-nomination of Mr. Lincoln ; they oppose most of tbe leading measures of his administration ; tbey find fault with every thing that Is done, yet iail to point out a man ner in which things can be better managed. The great numerical strength of tbe radical force is in the Northwestern States and Mis souri. There they most do agitate, grumble and growl, with occasional aid from the New York Tribune; and other sheets of a like char acter. It is noticed that the copperneads feel quite jubilant over tbe course pursued by the radicals, and joyfully express their belief that the radical opposition will secure tne defeat of Lincoln For be it known that the copper beads look upon tbe re-nomination of Lincoln as equivalent to his re-election, and tbey had rather lose what souls tbey bave to lose than to see him President for the second term, for tbey know that under his admistration there can be no prospect of final success for tbe rebels. Tbe fussy, fugacious Fremont is a great pet of a portion of the radicals, and therefore is just now patronised and encour aged by tbe copperheads, who wish bim to run agiinst their pet candidate, Gen McClellan. We fear that there is less of patriotism than passion In tbe propelling powers of the radi cals. Patriotism does not keep up a continual stream of far it finding against everybody, and everything that is done to save tbe country, as the radicals and copperheads do A patriot ic man will not set down and let the nation go to ruin or abuse those administering its affairs simply because in all things bis advice is not followed. One great cause of complaint on tbe part of the radicals is tbe President's Am-' nesty Proclamation. Tbey do not like it, neith er do the rebels. The radical idea appears to be that those once in rebellion should nev ei be allowed the privilege of citieenshlp in the United Statej an idea more distinguisn ed for its vindictiveness than for its wisdom. It is also remarked that the rebel leaders do not think that any of those engaged in rebel lion should be citixens of tbe United Slates again. That radicalism, rebelism, and cop perhesdism should be so near in harmony on' many of the leading points, Is the stronges reason in the world for Union men to beware of radicalism. Our duty is plain and simple, to use our utmost endeavors to crush out tbe rebellion, and re establish order In tbe dis tracted country, all tbe while avoining irrita tion and unnecessary side issues, for they only serve to complicate and make matters worse As for the question of slavery, that is now settled as much as it can be until the war is over. As for all other questions Mr. Lincoln's plan of reconstruction and amnesty is the best yet brought forward, and the only one we can with safety adhere to MARRIED. ' Tn La Grande. Bilker county, Oregon. April 23d. by Rev J. W. Lawrence CIIARLKS SCHMiLWORTH, of Htutt- Onrd. Germany, to Mine MAHGKItlTK, BOONKY, of Ma rysville. California. Brooklyn papers and Marysville Ap peal pieaao copy.j PieTd. In tills city, May fith. of acute mennleltls, CLARA MINNIK, dHunhtorof W. p. and 8. L. A onion. Aged eight years and eight months. friends of the faintly are requeatod to attend the fune ral it the resilience of her parents, Saturday the 7th ins,., at iu o ciojh, a. h STAUH LINE I OII ROISE. OUR LINE OF COACHES, In connection with our PA.-SKNOKIi TKAINB, cliunging hones every twenty. miles, are running regular ueiween UMATILLA AND BOISE MINES, Connecting with the I'. 8. N. Company's Steamers I nun Colllo. Passengers arriving on Bieiimersat Umatilla, can roach tho BOISK MINKS in UUICKr.il 11MK ami fir Lf.SS MONhV, by fifteen to twouty-flre dollars, than by any other route. We will Wager Five Hundred Dollars, Kach trip for thirty consecutive trips of the Boats, or any number less, that passengers arriving at Umatilla, mid starting upon our line, will reach the lloise Minos, before thou arriving on the same Boat, and going any other route. As a forfeit for the WAUKR, we will put fifteen thousand dollars worth of Horses and Mules against the sume amount of Hones, Mules, Cattle, Gold, or Groeiifi backs, for further particulars at vur Office, Orleans, House, Umatilla, Orogon. 1811 k CO, I Umatilla, Oregon, May 1, 1804. mtS-tf Proprietors. TRIAL TRIPBTlAili:ii YAKIMA. At 9 o'clock yesterday morning, the loco- rflb'tive, attached to a single passenger car, kh the Railroad Bridge, with nil her colors flying, and the usual Indications of a day of festivity. Tbe occasion of si! this display was tbe presence of the? President and Directors of the 0. S. N. Company, who' were here with lueir luviivu Etiesie, fur me purmise ui ujiik a trial trip on tbe new steamer Yakima. ron-borse bad a full head of steam on, and passed over tbe road with unusual speed, ar riving at Celilo in 35 minutes from the time of starting. Here we found the new steamer gaily decked out in flags, mil waiting for her distinguished visitors. These on board, at ex actly ten o'clock 'be lines were cast off, and the steamer beaded up stream. Once fairly upon the waters, the Takima fully vindicated ber claim to be regarded as one of the fleetest boats in the Company's service. In the face of a stiff bead-wind, and a rapid current, she made the run to John Day Rapids, a distance of eighteen miles, in one hour and fifty-five m'nates. There ber bow was turned for borne, and she made the return trip tn fifty-five min utes. Of those who were present, we may no tice Capt. J, 0. Ainsworth, President of tbe Company, and Messrs. Reed, Kamtn, and 01m stead, of tbe Board of Directors. Tbe Invi ted guests embraced quite a liberal delegation from San Francisco, including R. M Jessnp, Vice President of the California Steam Navi gation Company, dipt. Dull, Mr. Benson, and one or two other gentlemen whose names we fail to recall. From Portland, we bad Col. Belden, Messrs. Green, Leonard, King, Good win, Lappeus, Harris and others. Celilo was represented by R. H. Mallory, Agent for the Company. The Dalles was represented by P. Dodge, Agent of tbe Company, John Bra- zee, Chief Engineer, A. W, Buchanan, ol Wells, Fargo k Co., and W, H. Newell, of tbe Moun taineer. On the trip op, as also on the return, tbe wine flowed freely, toasts were drank, songs snng, and all went "merry as a marriage bell." Tbe Californiaus on board were- par ticularly loud in the expressions of their ad miration of tbe boat, and all were unanimous in tbe opinion tbat tbe Yakima is tbe finest stern-wheel craft that ever kissed tbe waters. Having said thus much of the triol trio, we have only to add that the Yakima is now ready to take her place on the line, and tbat she will b commanded by Capt. Fellon, a gentleman who bag bad great experience in the manage ment of river craft. ICE-CRIHAM! EVKUT Day and Evening. ALSO, Choice Confectionery, -AT- IUIHE RESIGN SALOON, inat-tf MAIN 8TRKKT, DALLES. Notice to Settlers on State Lands mht 6 th, Section of the Act of the LckIs M lative Assembly of Oree-un, approved October loth. 1802, provides that " All persons who have located lands wider the provisions of the Act of this State which was tunmed October Kith, 1860, shall pay to the State one dollar and tweut y-nve cents per aero, lor tne Lands so se lected." "Hnch nj,v,,na ara rnminatAil to mnlrn nnvment and mrntve deods. At the time of making pnyments settlers will be re- auired to preaent their vrrtincatee or locution, Col. Ueo. . Ilrlden has lieen temporarily appointed my Agent to assist In locating lands for the Statu. In WASCO and UMATILLA Counties. Porsnne not wishing to Incur the expanse of coming to my office may mako payment to Col. Hehlen, or to llamason A Odell, and deeds will he forwarded on receipt or tho money. Persons occupying lands under the Pre-emption, or Homestead law, can abandon their claims its such, and have them located aa State Lands. Col. Itelden will en ter on hisdntios immediately, and will give any further Intorination aosirea, aijuisij.v t.. uiuiis, my.t-lni. Land Commissioner for Oregon ltUAl'i'KUl, SUIIUKIIA. LOTS FOR SALE. rjM he undersigned offors for sale a number of Ueautlful SuHtllng Lots, well adapted fur residences, iu Trevitt'a Addition to Dalles City, ou Mill Creek, between the Catholic Church and TrovlU's residence. I'eraiins desiring to secure BEAUTIFUL II' 'M EST K ADS In a ploanant and heal thy location, are Invited to c.ill at the office of HUM AiO.N k UDULL, whore a plot of the same can bo seen and information as to T tie. Tel ins. ta, will bo given. 1 also offer lor salo, ou ruvorauie terms, LotH on the It lull", In my Addition to Dalles City. 0. UUM ASON. Dulles City, April 16, 1804. aplT-lm j. w. nn, 1. 1; st a, to., (successors to mmnku t milur,) WnOLtSALt AND EST AIL DIAUSS IX Stoves, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Drazler'g Copper, Lead I'lpe, Copper, Force bl Mil I'unips, Zinc, llrass & Iron Ware Lend J?Ite. &s.. &o. Jtf JOB WOHK, In all Its branches, attended to at short notice. MAIN PTItEKT, Dalles, opposite Blocli, uiuer w. epw-w iRRAKGEMENT TIr Oregon Stcain Navigation Co. On and after Monday ,'Felmiary th. oiVtil1 further notice, the I). . N. Couiiiaity will despatch." e,(n the following named Steam eri wVeb-Fooij 'jrVnlho',' Tt&J I ptffxt , . .. Spray, Aexl'erce ChW, fitntiiivoBf Col. Wright, ItljrVjf; FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA on TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY of each week, . The Passenger Train, To connect with the 8TKAM15RS AT CELILO, will start from the Railroad Depot, Dalles City, nt S A. M. S- Before startliiK.PTuirnsers mast orocure their Tick ets at the 0. 8. N. t'o.'s Office The Steamer Oneonla. Cant. J. McNULTY, will leave DALLK3, DAILY. (Snwbiys ex cepted) at 6 o'clock, A. K, for CASCADKS, cotmectitte; with the steamer WILSON 0. HUNT. Cnpt. Wow, fcr Portlnnd. FRANK T. VODOK. DaHes, Feb. 27, 180. mrl-tt Agent 0. 8. N. Co. FOR BOISE MIXES DIRECT. The WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE OF CONCORD STAGES Is now making Regular Trios from Walla Walla to Pl- corville, (Boise Mines.) , Through In Four Days. Carrying Wells, Furgo k Co.'s Express, and connecting with the Wallula Line of Stages, and the Boats of the S. N. Compiiny. Good accommodations on the Itnnte, and. no ueieniiou. UMJ. r. THU.HAS UO. apifl-tf Proprietors. "W" A. T O HESi: WM. BIIIN13A.TJM, PRACTICAL Watchmaker & Jeweler, Main Street, Dalles, NUT DOOt TO TUB posT-omct. - a - CLOCKS, &c. MOlimiOOI) S1IAYIXG SALOOY, rjjMie nnderetgned would re sprctfully iafonu the cltluns of Dalles and the public generally, that this FASHIONABLE AND POPULAR SALOON is still toadottea oa FIRST-CLASS PRIN CIPLES, aad all to branches in connection with Tentorial Manipulations art performed with general satisfaction, by skiUful and experienced workmen. BATHS! BATHS I BATHS I la cowvtc Ho Is a wit of BATH ROOMS, where Warm, Cold, aud Shower Baths can be had at all hoars. nir3-tf Hi o g M O o CHAM. A. CJIHSOIV. A I D KOl IS HUM., WR01MJU.S AMD RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MAIN STKKKT. Dalles. DEALER lBt HRtIB,- PATKMV MKUIINK8, KKIt-. Imported WINKS aad L1QU0IIB fir medical purports. 'IOII.KP SOAPS, POMADKS, HAIR Otk8, FLAVOR ING EXTRACTS. LDIIIN'S 1IAND KK.ltClinr KXTHACT3, to., Ac. Prescriptions curefiilly compound ed. Having purchased a new and comnletu Stock hi Ban Francisco for Cash, are euabled to stlL at the lowent possible rates. II. J. WALDRON, npH-tf &W. WALDltON. NEW DRUG STORE" eoKtiia ol Washington U Second Streets, (Opposite tht Globe Uottl.) CJ LEMON HAVING JUST OI'KNKD A Sf) new and extensive stock of D11DG8, rtlIvliiriIYL.S, CHEMICALS, ACIDS, Paints, Oils, ltrusheti, Trusses, AND ITanoy Toilot Articles, offers the same at the lowest mnrket prices. Parties ml kins; purchtiees for the Mines are requested to call and ex nine the Stock. W11 J. IiUOZA & CO., WnOLiSALl AND RST.UL BEAIIRS IN FAMILY GKOOKIIIES, IV lues and Liquors. Also Dealers In all kinds of FRESH AND DRIED FRUITS, VKQTABLES, TOBACCO and SIM AR8, supplies of whlrh. will be kept always on hand. One or the partners residiaa; In 8an Francisco, we have superior facilities fur obtaiolns all articles in our line, and at ow prices. Store on M AltfJ BIREBT, Dalles, adjoining Brown k Bro. aniMat 1 WW