f :: ' ""A 03 VOL. -A. DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY O, 1804. no. so. 0ntaineert PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, (MONDAYS IX01PTI D,) BY WILLIAM II. NEWELL, EDITOR AND PBOPRIITOS. , " ' TlftHS Twenty-JLvtcmU per weak, payable to the carrier par month, by mall, (1; thraa months, $2 60; lx months, $S; oua year, $8. Admrtlsementa Inserted at low rates. ' Job Printing. Every description of plain and fancy Job Printing axe ntad with neatness and despatch, and forwarded M per rder to any part of the country . Payment Jar Job Print ing mutt be made on deliver qj vnrk. '.. ' ' BLOCH MILLER 4 CO., Dalles, Oregon, IMPORTERS AND DtAUAl I ALL KINDS OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE MIXER'S TOOLS. Alao, a good assortment of all kinds of ' Grooeries and Provisions. Wines and 1-iiqu.ora. Constantly on hand. - t144f M. BROWN & BE07, WHOLRSALt AMD RETAIL DIALIM III FANCY AND STAPLE DRYGOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. &o. Mr. M. IIHOWN, being ft resident of San Francisco, we are enabled to offer great indceuieuls to purchasers. We respectfully invite the publio to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. imo-ti 4v- Stone Store, north side Main street. Dalles, E. P. FITZGERALD, " ' " ' '' dialer w ' ' " H ARDW ARE Iron and. Steel. Every Description of miners' and Mechanics' Tools, AND Farming Implements, SUIP CHANDLERY, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, AND STAPLE DUX UOOUS, Crockery and Glassware. B. P. F1T7.UKRALD, flO-tf Daltet, Oregon. GEO. L. WOODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW AND REAL. ESTATE AGENT. A LI, BUSINESS entrusted to his care will be prompt- J:JL ly attended to. Olnce at the court House. ulu-lf GEO. L. WOODS. ifll 1IA0 A ODULL ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW "WTILL PRACTICE IN TI1K SUPREME ANDCllt- lT cult Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts of Wusimigtou Territory. , Particular attention paid to the collection of claims. 0. HUMASON, Dalles, Ogn. J. A. DDK LI, II. I ERM AN .So CO., DIALSRS II Clothing, and Taney Dry Goods Receiving tholr Goods diroct from San Francisco, they are enublud to sell at low rates. II. HKRMAN A CO., aull-tt Main street, Dalles. SPIER OFFICE ON WASHINGTON STREET, oM-tf ' BETWEEN MAIN A SECOND 8T8. IA YNIi & CO.'S AUCTION HOUSE, SECOND STREET, DALLES CITf, F. A. O. PAINE, Auctioneer. CJALB8 OF HEAL ESTATE AND GENERAL MKRV aT3 ch-indlse. 43- Stock Sales every day. nolo BOUT AND snoi; SXOKi:. E. VVYCKMAN, fJT AS JUST RECEIVED, diroct from San Francisco, an Je.fi Invoice or Eastern made UOOTS AND SHOES, of the very best quality and latest styles, Including the a-elebratod ENGLISH HUNT1NU hhiik, manuiactnred liy Benkert. Also, a large assortment or FINE DRESS BOOTS. j J-Ocntlemen who prefer to nave their Roots or Shoes made to order, can rely upon obtaining nent nrni ouiy At, jr. w iunnAD, main turotu, 1 apl7-tf Oppoiiite the Express Office. NOTICE. rwin ne old al ' JL May 1HIM, the LANDS sot apart for the benefit of Vuhllc Schools. In Wasco county. The settlers on School Irfuiris prior to tho survey of tho same, can purchase same at TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS PER ACRE, to be Jwlected in legal subdivision! or mAW nir25-3w. Superintendent of Publio Schools Produce & Commission Store. J. CONSER & SONS. Second Street, Dalles, Flour, Feed, Produce AND ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS. TIIR VERY BUST BRANDS OF FLOUR, FKRD OF all kinds : and every description of PRODUCE cou- tantly In atore and aold at the loweat ratea. FAMILY GROCERIES. A splendid assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. In cluding the cholceat Tea, Coffee, Sugar, ax., selected ex pressiy tor tanury use. s? Consignments received, and a general Storage Forwarding and Communion business attended to. J. uuhbbk at Bil.-vB, second street, li26-tf If act door to I'ayne't Auction Store. DALLES BAKERY AID GROCERY STORE. ANTHONY SNYDER, (Second Street, (wo doors Mow the Globe Hotel ) WB0LRBAU AND KIT AIL MANOFACTORRR Of ier 13 It TH j. 13 . "j Crackers, Pilot Bread, cakes & Pies, AND DIALEK IN Family Groceries. 49 Orders from the upper country filled and Dromutlv dispatched. 21-tf Wli. MOaBDS. o. B. KacaeL. WM. 1YI0ABITS&C0., OITY BAKERY, AND PR 0 VISION STORE, Corner of First and B Streets. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALKR8 In BREAD, CRACK K118 and Family UR0UER1E3. Orders from a distance carefully filled and promptly dlspatclied. 1-tf A. I. ULOGII .St CO., MAIN STREET, DALLES, IHrORTHS AMD DKAIIU IV Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, GHOt'ERIES, EIQtlOUS, CIGARS, TOBACCO &MNERS OUTFITS ar All Orders Punctually Attended to. J3:f. It. II. MALLOllV. CKLILO, ORKGON, DRY GOODS, " WINES. rTTCTI, GR0CKUIE3, LlttUORS, OAKUM, 11., i'i'u h Qirnva nii ma n ifiAmD niOACCO, HARDWARE. AND BOAT JL STORKS, of all descriptions. Also, a full ussurtiueut of GENERAL MEHCHAND1SE. adapted to the wants oi ine country. All orders trom the upper country promptly attended to. and Goods sent by return steamer. Goods told M per cent, cheaper than any other store In niwn. oia-tt it. ii. MALLORYi wasulgto warn ItOAD ......FROM rortlnnd to the Cascades. The undersigned would respectfully Inform the traveling public that the above named Wagon Road Is now lu traveling order for light loaded wagons, from the uioutu ol SANDY to CASCADES. Persons wishing to travel irom rortianu 10 tne vanes, will nnd itto tlieirad vantage to cross the Coluinbie Itiver at the mouth of San dy ami haul their wagons over this Road to the Cascades, as it will save the price or freight on the lower steamboat, and als over he Caacadea railroad. There is asood trail from the Cascades to I lie Dalles for loose stock, crossing tne river uuck ugam near t,uue winte Niimon. rerrlea are now kept at both these crossing) From and after the 16th of February next, tho undersigned will keep the above Ferries In connection with the Road, and will pass the travel through as cheap as any other route. There boing better gnus, less rocks, and generally a better Road on this route. 1 tlattermyself that 1 will receive a liberal patronage from Drover and Parkers. In addition to the 0. 8. N. Co.'s steamers, the eteainur Oslrfoleruiiuiugfrom ui uucauus to cue uaiiee, and will carry wagons clie dt uaies oi ion over me Koad : For each wagon, with two horses, mules, or oxen-4i 00 For each additional palrofbowes, mules oroxen..,. 60 For horse and buggy... , , 75 For each additional horse 25 For each man and horse 60 For each pack animal 87J fu, duuh ucmwi .iiiuiais, uiiiur iiiuusueep nogs or gouts 26 For sheep, hogs or goats, each oi H. C. HARDY. Prunrletor. We, the undersigned 1 mmlgrants, hen-by certify that we passed over E. C. Hardy's Wairon Road, on or about the 28th day of September, 1863, with the Bethel Train of tiitrty-imir wagons; and do consider said Road agood Moun tain uoau ior ugni loauoo wagons. Aurora, marion county, Oct. 0, ma. Woll Young, Frank Wevmnn. Juiin rry, D. 7,1 merman, D. Htelnbach, John Will, Urban Will, George Fry, John J. Cullen, Henry Hocker, Philip Snyder. II. Will, U. Will, David Scholl, Jacob Stelnduck, John Bier, Joseph Burkholder, BeiJsmin Mnrquart, Samuel Wolfer, Samuel Miller, Kndolph Wolfer, G. W. Ehlen, Cornelius llalr. M. Burkholder, Androw Grossman Stephen Smith, Theoder Stopffor, C. H. Khlen, Edward Vawter, Jacob 0. Miller, Leonard Will, George Will, Joseph II Milter, John Oerkin, Nicholas Bier; Isaac Miller, 0. F. Koop, C. WolfT, Capt. Train, Chaa. Burkholder, George Zlegler, Michael Bachert, llonry Snyder, William Miller. j23-tr A. R. BOOTH, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, PltlKST HAflLia, W.T. ' RK1QHTS CONSIGNED TO MY CARE for Colville, Hock Island. Okanoiron, or the' Upper Columbia Mines, will receive prompt attention. - Frelghte Stored, or token over the Portage at rev eonablo rates, 8-tf COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. 'A.. Tt. BOOTH, FOOT OF PRIEST RAPIDS, W. T. DEALKR IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE: AND Miners' Supplies. A full assortment of Goods con stantly on baud, comprised in part of Flour, Miners' Hoots, Sheet Copper, Self-Rising Flour, 1. R, Roots, Nitric AcM, Bacon, Nailed Brogane, Quicksilver, Beans, Uats, Ketorts, - ) Dried Applet, Indian Goods, L. II. Shovels, Sugar, . . ' Blankets, , Miners' Picks, i Tea, , Liquors, Coarse Wire, Coffee, ' Dry Goods, Gold Pans, Tobacco, . Groceries, ' - Tom k Rocker Irons, etc.. eto. Also ft good assortment of Clothinn. Goods delivered at the upperend of Priest Rapids, If desired. Jylt-tf S. ABKABAMSOS. 0. K0ULBIH0. ABRAHAMSON & KOHLBERG, WHOltSAU AMD RRTAIL DEALIH8 IN ' CLOTIIIIVG, ROOTS & SHOES, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, HAVANA AND DOMESTIC 8EGAH8, TOBACCO, 8TA- T10NERT. TAIfKtl NOTIONS, RTC, Corner Main and Court streets, Opposite Wellt, Fargo A uo.'s Kxnress. Dalles, urea-on. " ATajr A orders promptly attended to, apia-ti I-ia Grande Hotel. THE TRAVELING PUBLIO ARB hereby notified that the under lined not Just opened the above named not Ma situated in tne town 01 1.A 0,f, 'im-T GRANDE, In Grand Ronci nu.tr. tLalJ)r where MKALS maybe had at all hours. GOOU BEDS win also De nirnisnen. There is also In connection wltn the House a FEED STABLE and enclosures for Stock. No pains will br spared by the proprietor to make the above naniee House all that can be deslnd by the travel ing public and others who may favor him with their pa tronage. P. C. KEIiSUR. . LA Grande, Baker county. Oregon. I : July tin, ikub, j jyiKIm" NEW FERRY. The tnbterlber, having purchased the WHITE BLUFF FEItltY, hereby gives notice that he has re moved the same to PHI K8T RAPIDS, where It is perma nently established. The boat is one of the best on the Itiver, and no pains will be spared to make it safe and convenient. This KERRY is on the most direct route from Dalles City to Cariboo. Colville or the Kootenai mines. Priest llaplds. Feb. 1. IIWH, niltt-tf A. K. WIDTH. LOtlTltANl l OUftilltY AND MACHINE SHOP, . FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. Steam Engines ol from 4 to 4,1 horse power.ilther Portableor Stationary. Also, CI It- CULAK SAW MILL- COMPLETE, constantly S lie on hand. Also, llav Pros- S4f(E)fc sea of all sites ; Planing tiacilines.inooawortirs pattern.) Wrouirlit and uasi 1 run wora ior vor tical SnwandUrlat mills) Brass and Iron Casting! and . WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quarts Mills oomplete, of tbs Latest & most Improved Patterns 1 These Mills can beforwardud to any part of the mines. as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3,- uuu pounus. . . Horse Powers & Agricultural Implements manufactured to order at the very LOWEST CA8H PRICE. N. B.Partlcnlor attention paid to KKPAI11S. fe2u-tf fWalla Walla .Vittrsman please copy 1 W.D. UlfrELOW, RECEIVING,. FOR WARDING, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT,' Columbia ttreet, near Main, DIALKR IN Ilel5-tl FLOUR GUMN, J.D0 WD'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, (SECOND STR EET. near the Court House.) 1 ENTLE HORSES, AND HORSES AND .vl y7 Carriages to hire. Also, Horses boarded btf'Y-fx by the day, week, or month, on reaaonable AP-if) terms. M The Stable has been fitted up with every care fi'r the otutort of animals, and none but careful grooir.i . nm loyed. The public patronage Is respectfully solicited. ,S-tf GOT" SCALES. A full assortment of GOLD SCALES, from 4 to M ounces. For sale by J. JUKER, apl7-dAwlm Main tsroet, Dull us. I'lcturesI SlctureNl Pictures! An assortment of 250 PICTURES for Parlors, ii uar-rooms, at reauceo prices, rorsaieat Bar-rooms, at reduced prices. J. JUKF.R'8. apIMf Main street, Dalles. D. Will. IIOUTIIITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANNOCK CITY, Idaho Territory. sT Particular attention paid to Collecting Debts. II. J . WALDRON, roHT-OFFICE BOOKSTORE CONSTANTLY ON HAND a full tupply of Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Stationery, Newspaper! Magazines, cto. Alto, Fresh Fruit aulS NEW CROCKERY STORE! M. SELLER & CO., Dalles, Oregon,' .. ; , WOULD RESPECTFULLY Inform the pnb- lie that they are now opening the store formerly occupied by Blocb, Miller A Co., with a ' large and wen aeiecieu sioca. 01 . .. GLASSWARE, , , , . . LAMPS, of all descriptions, PLATED and BRITANIA WARE, LOOKING GLASSES, ' ' -TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY. : , NOTIONS, AO., AC, , WILLOW WaRE, " "," KEROSENE OIL, ' ' ' CAMPHENE. AC. 1 ; '" ".' Having a house In San FranoltcoXnd Portland, we tie enabled to offer Goods at the lowest rates. M. SELLER & CO., -. . , MAIN STREET, de!4-tf Pallet Oregon. Columbia Transportation Company, ' THE RTF.AMKR ' PIONKKBi,'. itftrf 3 ' KERNS. Master. ' fcSSA will leave Portland every t, , Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, at T, A. M ., connecting with the new propellor CELILO BAUGHMAN, Master, at the Cascades, next day. Return lug, the CELILO will leave the Dalles every , . , Tuesday and 1'i lday, , 8, A.M.. connecting with the PIONEER at Cascade!, tame day at 12 o'clock u. Freight by this Hue will be forwaidtd from the Dalles by the su-amer Coscadilla, White, Matter, to Umatilla, Wallula, and other ports above. Arrange luenta have been made for the transit of passengers over the Portages, and shippers may rely that their freight will be takeu todestinatiuu with care aud dispatch. For freight and passage, apply to JNO. T. KKRNS, Agent, Portland, oc2-lm or W. D. BIQBLOW. Agent, Pallet. F1 . JL) E1I31, Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN aTR ET, DALLES, ' , (NUT DOOR TO Tilt AtftAT OrrlCt,) ..' v . TTVEALER IN FINE WATCHKS, JEWELRY, . X ' tLUuns, uom pens, sliver and Plated ware, ' Spectacles, Cutlery, Ao, 1 4tarParlicular attention paid to repairing fiueti Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repaired by me warranted lor twelve mouths. N. B. All orders from the upper country, by Express or otherwise, promptly attended to. uull tf B. B. HILL. A.J RANK HI LL & K A. ILST E , WBOLKtAU AND RCTAIL DtALRRt IN , Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors, ' '. ' ' ' -!' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. . STORAGE AND FORWARDING. . .; . Goods consigned to us will meet with proper attention Xtelerences 1 PORTLAND. DA1LR8. . II. W. Corbet, , Robhlnt A Co- Rlcbardt A McCracken, W. 0. Moody A Co, II. Law, O. Uuuiaton. Umatilla Landing. Sept. 8th, 1863, , tetH' rs7M ALTESE, ' WB0LRBALR AND RETAII, DKALRR IN Groceries and I'roviNions, , MAISI STREET, (Opposite Brown A Bro.) DALLES, OREGON. Const anllv on hand full and teleo ttock of FAMILY GROCERIES, . STORAGE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Goods shipped to order- Also, FRESH AND PRIED FRUIT. Also. FliEHH FRUIT, nnd evory description of VEGR TABLUS, Imported fnmi Sun Francisco, tuppllet 0 which will be constantly on hand. j!9-tf ' " i7"o. O. F. COLUMBIA LODGE, No. 5, 1. O. O. P., meets every WEDNESDAY EVENING, at 7 o'clock 111 wuiouic Man, uaues city, iirotnerr in good standing are Invited to attend C. R, MEIUS. N .0. Jamks IUiloran. Secretary. ' fcll-tf PASWKJNGEU TRAIN. In Connection with their CANYON CITY F.X PKKSS. .Measrt. Junes A Edgnr, will place a PASSE.N GKRTRAIN upon the road, which will take passengers through to the Canyon insidoof four days. Relays of Horses have been provided, and it is Intended to put passengers through in express time. The first PA8KENUc.ll TRAIN will leave the Dalies, on or about the 20th Inst., and will connect with the California steamer. For further partic ulars, Inquire of MR. BURKE, Agent, at Weils, Fargo A Co.'s Express. foilMf JONES A EDGAR. CurtoH Do Vlsite, &o. FOR A LIKENESS OF ANY 80RT, GO TO H0LST7. Corner of Second street, opposite the horse market aud he will dive Yon Entire Satisfaction, rain or ill n shine, with hii powerful Voitlander lmtru DlVtltfl. 0l(J-t C1AS. hCIlELLHOHTU H. CO-. PROFRIRTCM OF TBI OITY IJAICERY, LA GRANDE, Baker County, Oregon. ACKERS, TEAMSTERS, FAMILIES and othera supplied wiih BREAD, UKAVKBK.1, fJJSO, VAKJtO, CM Also, dealers In Groceries, Provisions, Ac. t nihl0-3m stit. a ii. tiTrni.n. wy etldence at the house owne A by Lf W. M.W VVtHi yorner oi yvur wis vunn cuyvis.