. en - . VOL. -1. PUBLISHED EVERY HOMING, ' (MONDAYS (XCKPTCB,) Y ' WILLIA5I XI. NEWELL, KDiT04t AHD rKOFRIITOR. T'dhjis Twenty-five emit per week, payable to the carrier per month, by mall, $1; three month, $2 60; tlx months, $5j eae year, $8. Advertisement! inserted at low rates. Job Printing, livery df srrinthm of plain an fancy Job Printing exe iiti il with neatness anil despatch, and forwHrded as per atirx any part of the country. J tymentJor Job Print ini) i"irt be mailt nn delivery oj mirk. BLOCH MILLER &, CO., Dalle, Oreiton, IMPORTKBS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALL, KI.VOS OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING-, HOOTS AND SHOFS, HARDWARE hinews roots. Also, a good assortment of all kinds of Groceries and Provisions.! Wines and Ijiquors, Constantly on hand. m!4-tf H. BROWN & BRO., WHOLESALt AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ' FANCY AND HTAPLI5 DEYGOODS! , GHOCERIES, PROVISIONS, o. Mr. M. BROWN, being a resident of San Francisco, we aie enabled to offer nreat Indeeuieiit to unrchasers. Ve r 'spectrally Invite the public to exuuiineour stock before I'livctmsmg elsewhere. mioii Q-Stouo .Stow. B.wtli side Main Btreel. Dalles. jf-i . X . A.' J. -a- vjr u -t. M-r , SEALER VH HAR.DWAKE. Iron tintl Steel. , Every Dncription of .Itinera' and Mechanics' Tools, AND Fai'ininj; Implements. fllllP CI1ANDLEHY. QHOCERIES. CLOTHING, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Crockery and Glassware. E. P. FITZGERALD, no-tr Dalle, Ontpn. UUMASON Sc OUELCj ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS ATLAW WBTIIX PltACTICB IN THE SUPREME AND CIRc ff cuit Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts of nasiiiiigtuii Territory. Pnrticuliir attention nald to the collection of claims. 0. 1IUMAS0N, Dalles, Ogn. J. A. ODKLL. GEO. L. WOODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. A LL BUSINESS entrusted to his care will bo prompt ly, ly attended to. Office at the Court House. altf.tr GEO. L, WOODS. II. IIEUM AN & CO., SEALERS IN Clothing, and Fancy Dry Goods. ltecoiving their Goods direct from San Francisco, they a e enabled to sell at low rates. II. HERMAN CO. aull-tf Main street, Dalles. JL HE. , SPIER s OFFICE ON WASHINGTON STREET, n20-tr BETWEEN MAIN SECOND BT8. PAY WE & CO.'J?JS AUCTION HOUSE, SECOND STREET, PALLKS CITY, F. A. O. PAYNE, Auctioneer. sC3 ALES OF REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL MER- chiindise. AT-Stock 8ales every day. noltf' J. DO WD'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, (SECOND STREET, near tin Court Home.) 1 ENTLB HORSES, AND HORSES AND T Carriages to hire. Also, Horses boarded by the day, week, or mouth, on reasonable tHrliis. The Stable has boen fitted an with every care fi r the comfort of animals, and none but careful groon j cm ployed. The public patronage Is respectfully solicited. j8-tf BOOTS AND SHOES. r. WYCKlTlA.i, Manufacturer of Hoots and Shoes, r atn RTRRKT. Dalles, onnoslte Bloch. Miller A Co JY1 Western Hotel Building. Good AU guaranteed and 11 work done to the satisfaction of customers. Also, oi hand a fins stock of ready made Boors and Bnoiw. ua iialrlng done. "i9" i.iaa lbs. Fresh Batter, in Rolls. For sale IVUU by UUMAS0N, BT0CKING CO. DALLES, OREGON. SUNDAY, 3MA.11CII SO, 1864. Produce & Commission Store. J. coivsiIi & SONS, ' Second Street, Dalles, Flour, Feed, Produce COMMISSION MERCHANTS. TUB VBRY BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, FEED OF all kinds; and erory description of PRODUCE con stantly in store and sold at the lowest rates. FAMILY GHOOEIIIES, I A splendid assortmont of FAMILY GROCERIES, In cluding the choicest Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Ac, selected ex preasiy lor sunny use. Star-Consignments received, and a general 8tornge Forwarding and OominiHsion business atteuded to. j . uunoE.il a suna, aeconu street, n26-tf Aiaf door to Payne' t Auction Store. DALLES UAKEBY ' ' " - AND ... GROCERY STORE. '. ANTHONY SNYDER, (Second Street, two doors brlnuAh Globs Hotel ) . WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL MANUFACTURER 0 . , I-BR E A 1 . -a Crackers, Piloi Bread, cakes & Pies, ' ARB DEALER IN Family Grooerleg YrOrdor front the upper country filled and nrnnmtlv aisiwtcnea. . ' ai-u Wit. HORBDS. . O.t. KCSOOL WM, MOABTJS & CO., CITY BAKERY, AND , PR 0 VISION STORE, Comer of First and B streets. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In BREAD, CRACKERS and Family GROCERIES. ft Orders from a distauce carefully filled and promptly atspiucKeii. .... 1-11 A. I. 11LOCII fc OO MAIN STREET, DALLES, 1UPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Clothing, Gents' Famishing Goods, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO & MINERS OUTFITS All Orders Pnnctnully Attendeil to. J3:tt WASHINGTON WAGON UO VI) ....FIIOM Portlaml to the Cascades. Th undersigned would respectfully lufurm the traveling public that the above named Wagon Road Is now in traveling order fir light loaded wagons, from the mouth oi SANDY to CASCADES. Persons wishing to travel from Portland to the Dalles, will find itto their ad- van taxi ge to cross the Columbis River at the mouth of San- dy and haul their wagons over this Hoad to the Cascades, as it will save the price of freight on the lower steamboat t. und also over the Cascades railroad. There is a good trait from the Cascades to the Dalles for loose stock, crossing the river back again near Little White (Salmon. Ferrios are now kept at both these crossings. From and after the 16th of February next, the undersigned will keep the auove Ferries iu connection wiui me. uoaa, anu win pass tho travel through as cheap as any other route. There being better grass, less rooks, and generally a better Road on this route, I natter myself that 1 will receive a liberal patronage from Drover and Packers. In addition to the O. B. N. Co.'s steamers, the steamer OeliUi is runuing rrora tile cascades to the Dalles, and will carry wagons cneap. Bates of Toll over the Road t For each wagon, with twohorses, mules, or oxen.. Ai 00 For eaoh additional pair of houses, mules or oxon.... 60 For horse and buggy 70 For each additional horse 25 For each man and horse 60 For each sack animal 3714 ror eacn neau oi amtuais, oiuer man sueep nogs or goats 26 For sheep, hogs or goat, each 06 k. v. UAiiux, rroprietor. We. the undersigned Immigrants, hen 'jy certify that we sassed over U. C. Hardy's Wagon Road, on or about the 2Mth day of September, 18(13, with the Bethel Train of thirty-four wagons; anil do consiuor said lusul a good Moun tain Road for light loaded wagons. Aurora, Marlon county, uct. o, ioa, Well Young, Frank Weyman. John Fry. D. XI merman, D. Steinhach, John Will, Urban Will, Gxorge Fry, John J. Cnllen, Henry llocker, Philip Snyder. H. Will, G. Will. David Scholt, Jacob 8telndach, John Bier, Joseph Durkholder, ' Benjnmln Marquar Samuel Wolfer, 8amuel Miller, Rudolph Wolfer, G.W. Khlon. Cornelius Dalr. M. Burkholder, Andrew Grossman, Stephen Smith, -Tlimxlor Stoptfer, C. II. Kill, Edward Vawter, Jacob G. Miller, Leonard Will, George Will, Joseph II Miller, John Gerkin, Nicholas Bier, Isaao Miller, G. F. Knop, C. Wolff, Capt. Train, Chas. Burkholdor, George Klegler, Michael Bachert, Henry Snyder, William Miller, J23-tf SADDLE & HARNESS MAKERS. rwnn undersigned have opened a M. SADDLE k HARNESS SHOP,, on Main street, onnoslte the What Cheer House. where they aro propared to fill orders In their line of business. A full stock of BRIDLES, SADDLES, HARNESS. WHIPS, Ac, constantly on hand and made to older, Pack-Trains fitted out, and all orders In the Saddle and Harness line filled with dispatch. REPAIRING promptly attended to. , BTR1TTBR A FRITZ, . fell.tf Main street. Dalles. gA lbs. Fine Teas, the choicest brand in 91 1 IV market. For sale by nol UUMASON, XOOKINQ CO, A. It. liooxii, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, PHI ESt RAPI1KJ, W.T. F HEIGHTS CONSIGNED TO MY CARE for Colville, Hock Island, Okanagon, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will receive prompt attention. r- Freight Stored, or taken over the Portage at rea sonable rates. s-tf COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. A. H, .BO O T I I , FOOT OF PRIEST RAPIDS. W. T. DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND Miners' Supplies. A full assortment of Goods con stantly on hand, comprised (n part of Flour, Miners' Boots, Sheet Copper, Beii-msing flour, 1. n. Hoots, Nitric Acid, Quicksilver, Retorts, L. II. Shovels, Millers' Picks, Coanre Wire, Gold I'aus, Bacon, Nailed Brogans, Beans, - ' Uata, Dried Apples, - Iudlan Goods, Sugar, . : Blanket, Tea, Liquors, Coffee, Dry Goods, ' Tobacco, uroceriea, xom Kocxer jrons. etc.. eu. Also a good assortment ot Clothiun. Goods delivered at the upper end of Priest Rapids, if desired. Jylo-tf L.a. Grande Hotel THE TRAVELING PUBLIC ARB heroby notified that the under signed has Just opened the above named FlfVju' iiorKU situated in the town ol LAC 1Y GRANDE, In Grans Rondi v Mr!' where MEALS maybe had at all hours. GOOD BEDS will also bo furnished. There Is also in conueotlou with the House a FEED STABLE and enclosures for Stock. No pains will br spared by the proprietor to make the above nainoe House all that can be desired by the travel- lug public aud others who may favor him with their pa tronage. X. V. La Grande, Baker county, Oregon.) July 4th, 1830. JyMrn MILLINERY & DRESSMAKING. f UST RECEIVED FROM SAN FRANCISCO. A FINE J lot of l'imcy Grooda, suitable fur the lloll uays, consisting oi Ladies' Hats, Bonnets, Cloaks, and variety of other Goods, which together with a lot oi riajs r uua, win ne uisposeu oi at cost. M. A. O'llOUHRE, Third street, MO-tf One siiuare east of tho Catholic Church. M. .JP. RIECK PRACTICAL TAILOR, 1 nd MAIN STREET, DALLES. (Next door below Dr. BelCt Drug Store.) .PiARMENTS MADE iu the latest style. Clean UT Repairing neatly executed. selfi tr NOTICE It hereby given that the Capital Stock of the MUNDS A COMPANY'S WAGON ROAD," having been subscribed according to law, the first meeting of the Stockholders will be held at MUNDS' RANCH, on Burnt River, on FRIDAY, April 1st, to elect a Board of Direc tors of tue company. tvsi. munds, LESTER McKRAY, Auburn, Fob. 9, 1864, folfl-30d . Incorporators. W. D. Ill GELOW, RECEIVING, FORWARDING, AND COMMISSION MER CHK.NT, Columbia ttretL near Alain. DEALER IN seU-tf STOVE AiD TI1H STORE. -A.. BETT1NGEN, , (Second Street, near Wuihington,) i , HANOrACTURIR AND DIALER IN sxoves, xin, copper lin SITVV.T THnV V7JDP III STORE A FUIjI. assortment of KITCHEN, Jl PA11L0K, and OFFICE STOVES, which are offered at low rates. Also, a full stock or TIN WARE, Ac Orders sromutlv attended, and every description or JOBBING, whether in Tin, Copper, or Sheet Iron attended to. Give me a call. A. BETTINGEN, Second street, near Washington, " oc20.tr over Musical Hall. PORTLAND FOUNDRY AND ' , MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. Steam bnglnei of from 4 to 40 horse' power,eitlier Portable or Stationary. Also, CI It- f CULAR SAW MILLS COMPLETE, constantly ? 111,':: on hand. Also, IlBy Pre- if.W&. ses of all sises ; Planing Machines,(Woodworth's pattern,) Wrought and Cast Iron work for Ver tical Sawand Grist mills; Brass and Iron Castings aua WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. ' I am also propared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest A most Improved Patterns. These Mills can boforwarded to any part or the mines, as the weight or the entire machinery will not exceed 3,. wo pounas. Horso Poweri & Agricultural Implements manufactured to order at the very LOWEST CASH PRICE. n. h. rarucnior attention paiuto uea AlHB. mm I WAtia walla ataueman please copy t CHAS. SCIIELLWOKTU & CO., PROPRIETORS Of TOE - CITY nAKURl, LA GRANDE, Baker County, Oregon. TRACKERS, TEAMSTKHS, FAMILIES M. and othors supplied wilh BREAD. CRACKERS. PUSS. CAKES, ate Also, dealers In Groceries, Provisions, Ac. . mhl0-3m lE k mm NO. 83. f' ColumblaTransportatlonCompany , . ' ' TDK STEAMK.R ' . 1. ' tJSkfrfy PIONKKR Stxasaaa KERNS, Master. will leave rortiana every . . , Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, at 7, A. H., connecting with the new propeller CELILO,' BAUUUMAa, master, aiinauaacaaes,nexiuay. ttoium lug, the CELILO will leave the Dalles every ' Tuesday and Friday, 1 "' ' 0, A.M.. connecting with the PIONEER at Cascades, eune-r dav at I'i o'clock M. Freight by this line will be Ibrwaided from the Dalles by the steamer Cascadilla, White, Master, to Umatilla, Wallula, and other sort above. Arrange- , menta have been made Mr the transit or passengers over the Portages, and shippers may rely that their freight wilt . De taken to uosuuation witn care ana uispaicn. lot ireigni and passage, apply to JNO. T. KERN 8, Agent, Portland, oc2-lm orW. . D. BIGELOW, Agent, Dalles.' NEW CROCKERY STORE!; 31. SELLER & CO., Dalles, Oregon, i -V-VT0ULD RESPECTFULLY Inform the pub- . IT I lie that they are now opening the stores formerly occupied by Bloch, Miller A Co., with a ' luruMuij wvuiiiDU uy uiwu, i,,i large and well selected stock of UKUUK.HKY, GLASSWARE, LAMTS, of all descrlptloolj PLATED and BRIT ANU. WARfl, LOOKING GLASSES, TABLE and P0CKKT CUTLERY. t NOTIONS, 40., o., -." WILLOW V? ARB, . . , , t i KEROSENE OIL, : CAMPHENK, Ac. ". ". Having a house in San Francisco and Portland, we aia' enabled to offer Goods at the lowest rates. M. 8ELLER & CO., MAIN STREET, del4-tf Dalles Oregon. : ; H. H. Hlbh. , A. 1. KAMI HILL & WH0LEIAU AND RETAIL DIAURI IN ;. w , Groceries, Dry Goods, liquors,. AND ' " .) AGRZClTLTTJRAIi IMPLEMENTS. STORAGE AND FORWARDING, Goods consigned to a will meet With proper attention ' References) FORTLAND. '!...,. DAttBtt 1 . . . n.W.Oorbet, Robbtns a Cc i ' Richards A MoCracken, . W. O. Moody Co, .. U. I-aw, O. Uumason. Umatilla Landing, Sept fits., 1863. ' 1 let-rl . S. MALTESE, - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, MAIN STREET, 1 (Opposite Brown A Bro.) DALLES, OREGON. . ' - Constantly on hand a full and select stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, " "l ' STORAGE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT.. Goods. shipped to order- . Also, FKEHH AND DRIED FRUIT. .. iu Also. FRESH FRUIT, and every doscrlntion of VRGkV TABLES, imported from San Francisco, supplies o which will be constantly on hand. . jatf j T? . DEIIM, Watchmaker and Jeweler, I ...... . K . . . I m?'rl EJ DAtLTS (next DOOR TO TBI AS8AT orncE,) TEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, s j uiAHjiAa, uoia reus, silver ana naiea nare. Dpecuicies, uutiery, sc. Asr-Particular attention paid to repairing fine' waunes, uiocks, jewelry, eto. All Wi All Watches repaired by me warranted lor iweive montns. N.B, All orders from the upper country, bv Exnresa or otherwise, promptly sttended to. aiilltr J NEW STORE! ' THE UNDERSIGNED take pleasure In announcing tothelr friends and the public, that the have RB- muv hd to ineir new store on tne Northeast Corner oi MAIN AND COURT STREETS, where they have opened an extensive assortment of GOODS, consisting In part of Tobacco, Cigars, Yankee Notions, CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac, which they jrill sell at th, lowest rates, see-tf ABRAHAM80N AKOULBERO. Curteis De Vlsite, Jk,o. , FOR A LIKENESS OF ANY SORT, GO TO HOI.STZ Corner of Second street, opposite the horse market aud he will . , , Give Yon Entire Satisfaction. . rain or unahine, with hit powerful toitlwider Instru menta. eld-t FOU SALE. . , A Lft and Three Houses, situated on the south side of Second street, between Court and Washington streets. Centrally located, this property Is snre to increase in value and offers an excellent opportu nity ror Investment. For nirther partlcdlars, apply to Kt DOHNINU, at the Mount Hood S saloon. la. JalMf MTJSIOI MUSIOl String Muste furnished BALLS.SOCS REESj Private Parties, Ac, at Short Notice, and at reasonable rates. Apply at tn Cigar Store, of J. D. Sturm, Main treot. Dalles. cao-tf J A. BTIIKM. NOTICE. Am W T MR. DIETSB, formerly in our employ, Is so longer authorised to receive monies on our account. LAZARD FRERB9. Eon Francisco, Fob. 9th, 1864, fol9-lu