CM) aillfffomttithucr. Affecting Ahecdote. On one of tbe many bridges in Ghent Btand two braeen images of father and son, who obtained this distinguish ed mark of tbe admiration of their follow-oitizens by tbe following inci dent! -Both the father and tbe son were, for some offence against the State, condemned to die. Some favorable circumstance appearing on the side of the son, be was granted a remission of his sontenco under certain provisions ; in short, he was offered pardon, on the cruel and barbarous condition tbat he would become the executioner of bis father I . lie at first resolutely refused to pre serve bis life by means so fatal and de testable. This is not to be wondered at; for let us hope for tbe honor of our nature, tbat there ore very few sons who would not bare spurned with ab horrence life sustainod on a condition so horrible and unnatural. Tbe son, though long inflexible,yiolded at length to the entreaties ot a fond parent, who represented to him tbat bis (tbe fath er's) life was forfeited, and it would bo the greatest possible consolation for him to know that he was the in strument of his son's preservation. Tbo son consented to adopt tbe hor rible means of recovering his life-and liberty; he lifted the axe but, as it was about to fall, his arm sank nerve less, and the axe dropped from bis hand. Had he as many lives as hairs, bo could have yielded them all, ono after another, rather than again con ceive, muoh lesB perpetrate such an act. Life, liberty, everything vanish ed before the dearer interests of filial affection; ho fell upon his father's neck, and embracing bim, triumphant ly exclaimed : "My father, my father I wo die together 1" and then culled for anothor executioner to fulfil tbe sen tence of the law. Hard must tbe hearts be bereft of every sensation ot humanity which could stand insensible spectators of tho scene. A sudden appeal of invol untary applause, mingled with groans and sighs, rent the air. The execution was suspended; and on a simple re port of the transaction to tho authori ties, both were pardoned. High re wards and honors wore conferred on tho son ; and finally thoso admirable imngoa were raised, to oommemorato a transaction so honorable to human nature. We Think So. The Oswego Times wants to know if a man has torticollis nnchololis of the radlus,paralyzalion of tbe iter attestia idquarlem, vcnlricul lum, oblibetatum of the laver labli su periors uliquinnsi, and besides don't leel very well himself, whether bo would bo exempt from the draft. Slanders issuing Irom beautiful lips, are like spiders crawling from tbo blushing hoart of a roso. There is no such thing in tbe world of naturo as dumb belles. Impossibilities, like vicious dogs, fly ueiure mm wuo in nuu mruiu or. mem Private Residence in Dalles City FOR SALE. THE Valuable Private Kosldonco of L. W. COM, and tlio (joining ORNAMENTAL GROUNDS, ftnit OOTTAQH belonging to MHS. (IRAVKS. art offered for SALE. Cor aArtieulars enquire Of W. C. MOODY, Esq, Dulles City, or of 0. K. GRAVES. In Portland. Tho above Property has recently been laid off Into ' 8M ALL LOTS, and ii now offered In section, to null pur- CDuera. uirio-ii HAKE & ROHIi, MANUrACTUUM AXD IMFOltTEHS OF Carriage, Concord, Buggy and Stage HARNESS! o L, I YI 13 ! LIME! KB Hundred and fifty barrel Lime Tor aalo cheap for cub. nolWf R P FIT7.0ERALD IIUTCIIEKS' TOOLS. A FIRST-RATE ansortmunt. Including SAWS 8TKKL8, CLEAVERS, 8TKAK and SKINNING jVN 1 VE8, 8CALE8, and evroythlHg necewuiry to the Ti ade, Fosala ly luowj uumaoun, Biuuninu a w. Indian Department Vouchers anted INDIAN ukpahtmknt vuuuuisks, for rio-tr which the hiihost Drico will be paid by itiilil1"- Nau Francisco Reftned -2 I "MIP and Now York Crushed HJ0AU8. For . . f . i .iivr Qiiuuiiriuii m. f,.-. fhuuby . . - .1 TI 1. -.1- m , oiaen syrup, - !!i mmv tjsr at the Family urocory oiore,uy California Unit TeKftt And Fan Har n, Carriage and Dftggy. Whips, Whulcbone and California Stage Stocks and Lnalics, and Silver Mounted MexIcahl'nqlUftf Saddle fine Texan Rangor Saddles, California Mochlllas, aud flue Stumped Saddles, Engllih Shatter and Ladlea' Saddle I ALSO, Silver Mounted Hair and Fancy Bridles 1 (tnd Riding Whips, always on hand. A full assortment nf Mexican fe California Bridle Bite tb, Spars! Leather Hacked Brushes, Curry Combs and Cards, and a genornl assortment of SADDLERY HARDWARE. Also, on hand and made to order, APARAJ0K3, oaronas and TAPOJOS ! , Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. IIAKK RCIIlt; f4-lf Main street, opposite Washington. Treasurer's Notice. THERE WILL flee, in Dalles ItefiMtred 1883, March 17th.... ME paid Upon presentation at my of City, the following County Orders: Clan Ai. hi favor of ...A.. ....8.. " " 20th.. 41 44 I, W it II ( ' 24th... " " ... u II u " April lSth.'i " May Till... July 13th.. II II 44 M 14 II t9 U U U t. U 41 U (( It . 44 U " ' U .. II II 44 ft II II 14 ( " 18th... " 24th.. August 7th.. 41 II U 14 14 .4 (( " 81b.! 44 II U 10th.. ,' lrnii.. " " 17lh Sept. Ulh.. 14 II 44 ( 44 44 t U II " " 14th.. 14 44 41 a 15th..' " Kith.. II 14 II ,( II 44 M ( Oct. Oth.' " 10th.. 4. 4 4 44 ( 12th.. Not. th.. " " 7th.. 44 41 44 ( 44 U II (, ' - Oth.. 41 41 H Dor. 24th.. II u t 2flth., 14 II II ( II II II ( 44 II II 44 14 II (( 14 14 II ( 41 44 ,.,,..48...., M m. Aldrich. 45 Win. Aldrich. ,...64,..Wilc)i A Clements. ....9lil , Ilrnliit, ....810. ,, K. Ilraliii. ,..9A0 .. W. C. Moody, ...JKi II. II. Hill, AM C. R. Meigs, ..2 .450 C. White. ....134 A. II. Vanillin. 3 2i 0. N. Donny. 3 13 II. II. Lansdate. 3 21 U. II. Lansilulo. 3 UM It. II. Lansdale. 3 244 It. II. Unsdale. 3 .246 II. II. tansdale. 8 .227 . II. Lansdale. 3 229 M. P. Oilliam. 3 221 M. P. Oilliam. 8 220. F. W. McDanlcls. 8 2Rfl....James 8. Reynolds. 2 MM C. 0. Crisnmn. 3 Ill R. II. Lansdalu. 3 .410 K. H. Lansilalo. 3 .408 K. II. Lansdale. 8 ZH N. Olnoy. B .414 N. 01 net;. 3 .427 II, II. Lansdale. 3 205 Journal Olllco, B 88 Thomas Oordon. 3 .438 J. l. Harford. 3 453 R. II. Lansdale. II 452..,, R. II. Lahsdale. 8 .451 R. II. Lansdale. 3 28 W. II. Newell. 2 .925 W. II. Newell. 3 .450 Rohblns k Vallard, 103., 3 .342 8 .437 3 603 3 478 3 499 3 487 8 33 L. 0. Tomlinson. ,.L. C. Tomlinson. Dr. C. Desch. ,..!(. II. Lansdale. R. II. Harford. R. B. Harford. N. Olnoy. J. R. Harford. 3 &to R. II. Lansdale. 3 535 M. P. Berry, March 0. 1864. ...3 .532. M. P. Borry. ... Di V. li. jirooks. ...8 4A. C. B. Brooks. ...3........5K7 J. B. Harford. ...3 Jb J. B. Harford. ...8 .000 M. P. Bcrrv, ...3 .6U5 M. P. Burry. ...a m .11. r. uerry. ...3 .603 M. P. Berry. ...8 .01 M. P. Berry, ...3 JWO M. P. Berry, ...3 jm M. P. Berry, II. J. WALDllON. Treasurer of Wasco Connty. finrlO-lt Oregon. Sheriff's Sale. State of Oregonflater County, SS: Dyrlrtue of an execntlou issued ont of the Circuit Court of tins County, against the Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tene ncnts of 11KMIY FULLKK. I have seised all the rlzlit and tltlo which tho said HKNHY FULLKlt had on 51 ON. DAY, the 2d day of Novcmlier, A. D., 1863, or at any time since, of, In and to the following described Premises, which I shall expose for sale, as the law directs, at PUBLIC AUCTION, before tho Court House door, in Auburn, in said County of Baker, on MONDAY, the 2d day of May. A. p., 1864, to-wlt i All that certain piece, or pircel of mining ground Known as tne (UbiiKii uiiuunu, pur chased by the said Fuller from Anderson ; situated In French Gulch, Blue Canyon Mining District, In said Coun ty, being the Flat Claims originally located by Josiah Jones and John Kllmore, below, and Joining the Claims of Cvmstock and Johnson, and sold to them by Jones, on the 18th day of August, A. 1863. Also, one-fourth In terest In Claims in Humbug Gulch, in said County aud District, and described as follows: Commencing at Wil low Creek, and running oleven hundred and twenty feut to a certain stake, and one hundred Doing fifty foot wide; also, two gulch claims three hundred feet in length, and located originally by Grow and Pasnusky, Just abore the mouth of Humbug Gulch, and two flat claims located di rectly west of the above named Claims on Willow Creek, and originally located by Watson and Cnloy, and two flat or hill Claims still directly west and adjoining these last named Claims, and reaching over on to Wiusor Gulch- the same being originally located by Watson k Posey. The said flat and hill Claims being one hundred and fifty loot square eacn. w. n, ratt-iv, Bliorin, By K. 0. BARNARD, Depntv. February 10, A. a., 1664. m2-w4w FOR SALE. rsrhe Lot and Bulldlnp;. on Main Street Ja. next to the Umatilla House, known as the CALI FORNIA KXCHANGK, thoCOI.UMUIA RESTAURANT, and the MOUNTAIN KKK LAG Kit 1IKKK CELLAR, the wuoie paying a mommy rem oi 94f Also, a DWKLLINO.OUT-HOUSKd. and Soring House. with a good supply of spring water, and ONK ACRH OF GROUND, well improved with an assortment of Fruit Trees and Flowers, fonced in with a now close lioarded fence from six to eight feet high. Also, a DWELLING 1IOU8K and TWO LOTS, with a well of spring water, within the city limits. For further particulars, enquire of T. B. KRLLYi or at the MocxTAixEcti Wijce. jaimtf DAILY MOUNTAINEER BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE, First Street, between Main and B, DALLES ...i. OREGON. JOB PRINTING Ot EVERY VARIETY Executed With accuracy and dispatch. IN A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY With the very best, and AT BATES A3 CflEAP AS TftE CHEAPEST TO OUDHH ! Cards .and It i 1 1-If e a d s . CHECKS, DHAFTS, SECEIITS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES, CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS, crc, a-c, a.c, PRINTED IN Till MOST ATTRACTIVE ALSO, WAY-HILL. BILLS OF FAKE, LETTEK HEADS, JtEVElIT BOOKS, BILLS LADIA'O, Uriel and Pamphlets, VWTiav, wEDbiya axd at home" cards DrrtgalHtsi' Isabels! In short, everything that can be done 111 a Moult and Jnh Printing ORice, from the smallest and most di'lk-atnCahl or Circular, to the largest sise and most showy posting Hilt una wnicn win ue itirneu out in a style mat cannot foil to Insure entire satisfaction. OUR FACILITIES VOR THE EXECUTION Of DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades aud Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills ! From a single Sheet to the Largest Muiniuoth, OR NA ilENTA L SIIO W CARDS. yUHFUMF.llS' LABELS,ile Are nnsurpassod by those of any other establishment in Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of the business, and ore continually adding to our already exten sive and well appointed assortment of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, fCsf tfC, tCsf Of tbe most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o FANCY INKS, TINTS. AC, ' Are of tbe finest quality, mid for rtchtiou of color und durability, cannot be equaled tn the Htate. The principle upon which buninoni in otlced for thin en- tabl.nhu.ent i. that person., will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their cuntoin to thut office in which their money can ue expemieu to tne Pest wivantatee. To thin end we solicit all In want of irood Printinir. at rerv reasonable charges, ti call and examine specimens, and judge tor yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Wilt have our special care, and friends from the Interior may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GQRMN POWER PRESS In tbe Htate of Oregon ! Address: , . MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ni!8-tf Dalles, Oregon. SIGNS! SIGNS! SIGNS! O. S. SAVAGE. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. SEALER IN art a wmTrsnot jr;i mis, OILS,, WINOQWGLASS VARNISHES, Colors, Putty, Dmslies. Glue etc. Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fixtures, 4c. 1-tf DALiL.CS CITY DHUtt STOKE. P. CRAIG, WHOLBSALi AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MKDICINF.g, ke. 1-tf NOTICE Tsj hereby jriven that the Htorkholders of tne CKNJ JL THAI, huau Ann liuiimti lumka.m win meet Auburn, Uaktr county, Orogon, on FIIIUA Y. the 11th day of March, A.Ik,llit)4ftoeleckUtrectorsof tbe Incorporutiou. OKO. BAKNY, OKO. H LOCUM, JOHN A. LYTLK, Auburn, Jan 28,1804. ;iell-80ill Iucornurstors. JFBESII BUTTEB. TIIK SUDHCIIIBKR hastnaitearranitemenU to recelTS vory TU8KDAY a lull supply of Josslyn's Superior flutter. Families and other, will bo supplied on application. Ja26ltf ,.. '. M.KKN10. M tin Street, Dalle. GLOBE HOTEL., Corner or Third and U Si's., DALLES, OHEGOX. JOHN EPPINGEB, .- . Froprieto? riMIK CNDKKSIONKD WOULD' RESPKCTI'i;!, X ly inform his friends and the public, hat tye ftifj ' 1 "l has completed and opened a fine three story HtK I!!JJl TKUon the corner of Third and Bstreets'. Uiilles, JLilillk aud has pleasant and commodious rooms fut the conveil? ience of Travelers, aud has furnished the same in jrd' style, as he has the house throughout, aud is prepared tiif the patronage Of the public. FINIS DINING 1I00M3 AND PAliLOHS ate attached to tile bouse, and all tbe conveniences rripil , Kite for a well regulated Hotel. Nu pains will he suirer tn reudor cuests comfortable iind give the moat perfect' satlsfaotloi? to all who may favor the house with their it' rouage. The house is pleasantly situated in a quiet por tion of the cify, and" will be found a desirable place ol abode' to the traveling public. mom John Ki'i'iMiKir.- COLUMBIA BREWERY, ii i:itv HIVM., IJROPKIKTOU AND COMMANDKll IN . respectfully auuouui es to his friends nnd tlieVjf balance of niaukiuil, that he has orected at the In- i tersectlon of Second street anil the Canyon City v ltooil, the largest and most complete Brewing establislf) tneut 111 tile Statu, known as the Coltimbia. Brewery,- , where he Is prepared to receive orders both from city untl' couutry for his SUPERIOR LAGER BEER. Till) Knllroad passing immediately in front of tbs) Brewery, he has superior facilities for tilling orders Iroin the upper count. y, at the Very lowest rati's. A handsomely fitted up Saloon attached to the Brew' fry, whert) LAUEH is retailed for the uccomniodatiou of customers. Also, a neatly furnished room tor tbe accommodation' of private parties. HENRY LIDWKJ, Dalles, April 28, 1863. PROPKIKTOn. MOUNTAINEER SALOON, (Basoinent stsry, noxt to the Umatilla Ilonse,) ti. A. STANGL.EIV, Proprietor. rgVW UNDKRSIONKD INFORMS IIIS FRIRNBH anil JL the imblic, that under his direetion the " Mou.x taineek'' will sustain the reputation of a No. 1 J-iOfyer I3eer Saloon. Also, choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. BiiU-tf G. A. 8TANOLKN. Sheriff's Sale. County OF BAKKII, SS: By virtue of an Execu tion Issues) out of the County Court, lu and fur sold County, against the Uoods. Chatties. Lands and Tenement of JOSIAH KlItl.KW. I have seized all tho right, tltlo and interest, which the said JOSIAH KIKLKW. had mi THU11SDAY, the 7th day of January, A. 18M, of. In, and to tho following described premises, which 1 shall ex pose for sale, as the law directs, at PUBLIC AUCTION, on SATURDAY, the 2d day of April, A. v., 1864. at ot. o'clock, p. v., before the Court Honso door of Auburn. In wild County, four MINING CLAIMS, lying next ahovit claims known as tho Colwoll k Cu.'s claims, In French Mulch, near Auburn, In nnld County; more istrtlcularly described as follows: Commencing 50 feet north-east Irom an OLD ROOT, which is on the line between the said clnims and the Col well k Co.'s claims, and running south easterly to their stako, 2&0 feet; thence nearly nortli :" feet to a stako above ; thenco 250 feet north-easterly ; therce south-easterly 300 feet tn the place of beginning! W. II. PARK, Sheriff, By C. C. Brulnard, Depntv. Dated Feb. 10, A. I)., 1864. frl9-w4w DIERLAM te WENTZ, TAH IT Ut corner THIRD AND D PTRKKTS sJJSfciSJftT Dalles City, have on hand avuriety it i-svai iiousenoia rurnuurc, embracing Tables, Chairs, Bureaus. Beds and Bedsteads, Bedding, Cnrpete etc., etc, all of which will be sold at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also,on lion I 1'attressesnnil Pillows. Spring Beds made to order. aul'Jt FASllIONA IJLlll Millincry.Drcss & Cloak Making ESTABLISHMENT, Mnin Htreet, UrIIpb. MRS. C. MOSiELL, having just returned from the city of San Francisco with a large and well as sorted stuck of the most approvod and latest style vf Millinery, Dress & Clonk Goods, also, a well assorted stock of the most fashionable style of TRIMMINGS for Ladles' garments, all of which are of recent Imports tion from KliHort and Nxw Y OKI is now amply prepared to manufacture to order, Ladies' Hats. Bonnets, Dresses, CLOAKS, etc., Bt SHORT N0TICK, and nt LOW PRICKS She embraces this opportunity of rendering her sincert) thanks to her numerous friends nnd customers for their liberal patronago heretofore awarded her, and to most re stH-ctfully solicit a continuance of the same. oclV-tf IVliJW FEUBY. The subscriber, having purchased the W1IITB BLUFF FEHRY, hereby gives notice that ho has re moved the same to PllIKST RAPIDS, where It Is perma nently established. The boat Is one of the best on the River, nnd no ptilns will be spared to make It safe and convenient. This FKIlltY is on the most direct route from Dalles City to Cariboo, Colville or the Kootonal mines. Priest Riiplds, Feb. 1, 18I14. fclD-tf, A. It. BOOTH. SUMMONS. State of OregonCbtinfy of WatcoTn ttie Clmiit Ormrt: OKORUK II. ELLIOTT, Plaintiff, . IIKNRY II. WALKKR, Defendant Suit In equity. To Heury II, Walker, the above named defendant. Whereas, George II. Klllott, the above entitled plaintiff, lias filed bis bill ol complaint against you in the above entitled Court, pray ing a docree of title to certain town lots, In Blgelow'a Ad' ditlon to Dnllos City, In said Btato and ceatHy, and which said lots are described in said plaintiff's bill of complaint And It appearlng.aftoTdue dllllgence, you cannot be font within this State, and It having been ordored by the Court that notice ami service be had on you by publication. You are therefore required tonpper in IheClrcuit Court, of the Stato or Oregon for tho couuty of Wasco, at liallee City, on the SI'.COND TUKSDAY of May, 1804, and aas wer the complaint of George II. Elliott, the nhove named plalntltr, which is on file in said Court, or for the want of such answer, the plaint iff will apply to the Court for thw relief demanded in the said complaint, and a decree will be taken against you as by confession, lion. J. O. WILSON, Judgo. OLNEY A DATES, Solicitors lor Plaintiff. Attest W. D. Blgclow, Clerk. Bv It. II. lansdale Deputy. 21-3m I. J . "W A li D II O N , POST-OFFICE BOOKSTORE. CONSTANTLY ON HAND a mil supply of Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Stationery, Newspaper! Megar. lues. otn. Also. Fresh Ftnll ul3 FOll fcAMILIES. Aftplenaid Lot of Hue old V INE8 AND BRAN DIES, selected especially for fsmily use. on draught, CI sale by no'JUl IIUMAsON, STOCKING Cvl.