The daily mountaineer. (Dalles, Or.) 1861-1866, March 18, 1864, Image 2

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    lauti B. MWKU..
Weekly Mountaineer.
The Wuslt MouitTAiNxn. eontalnlnir 18 columns of
reading matter, ie published and retuly for delivery to
eubecrlbers. Price $3 per annum.
Single numberi, Id
wrapper, zo cents.
Sheriff Olniy returned borne yesterday
from bia pursuit of the escaped prisoners. The
pursuit was fruitless.
E. E. Kelly, Postmaster at Walla Walla, ar
rived at the Dalles yesterday, and compli
taerrtemd us fry calling at -but tanetum.
Tan United States Senate is considering a
proposition for a Ime of mail steamers be
tween California ana China.
Abbivals The arrivals from below yester
day, footed up 11 passengers. The steamer
also brought up 26 bead of horses.
Ah enterprising gentleman bas leased the
building at the lower end of Court street,
no. win open tne same, on tnisrriuayj even-
uB, uu.uj-gu.uj i..u...
According to present advices, the oooan
steamer far Portland and Victoria, left San
Fransisco yesterday, the nth. This steamer
goes to Victoria first, and consequently "will
not be due at f orlland before Tuesday nettu
Tn 'Okionta. -We yesterday spent a leis
ure "half-hour in examining the steamer One-
onto, as she appears in ber new rig. Fassing
to the upper deck, the first thing that 'attract
ed attention was the smoking saloon ot'Tex-
as," which in this boat is a highly ornamental
feature. Here the patuter, Mr. O. 5. Savage,
bad an opportunity to display ibie skill, and
certainly the graiqing'df the panels and doors
is tbe most perfect work of the kind we have
ever npnn. Onnntnc frnm the tfRVwaa" la tin I
Purser's offioe, neatly tfitted ip, 'and affording
onr friend Knaggs ample room for the tran
saction of bis business. Next is the Express
room, also neatly fitted up, and adjoining tbe
Captain and Engineers' staterooms, all neatly
and even elegantly finished. Fassing down,
we enter tbe main eatoon, which, like all oth-
er parts of tbe boat designed for tbe use of
passengers, is elaborately furnished, liext is
the Ladies' Saloon, the floor ot wbich is cov
ered with velvet carpet, and provided with
ottomans, sofas, mirrors, and, in fact, every
thing that can by anjr possibility contribute
to the comfort of lady passengers. At
tached to and opening into tbe saloon, is
two retiring rooms, neatly fitted up with
baths, wasbstanda, and every 'Convenience
usually found in (lie moettfhorougbly furnish
ed sleeping apartment. Passing out, we next
come to tbe Ladies' toilet, which is fitted up
With mftrhl a vraah.atnnAa nWt :...... i.n :M I
the arrangement of wbich excellent taste is
displayed. Leaving the toilet and passing to
tho opposite side of tbe boat, we have what
may be termed tbe private parlor, which is
fitted up in superb style. Here the furniture
'is all plush, and we can ecaroely conceive of j
a neater or more pleasant apartment for tbe I
accommodation of a select party Passing
forward, we have the barber shop, something
mew in Columbia River boats, and a luxurv
which old travelers can appreciate. On tbe
opposite side, and occupying a corresponding
.position of tbe boat, is the pantry, which like
All other parts of tbe boat, is neatly and ap
iprqpriatejy fitted up. Thus far, our descrip.
tion'bas been exclusively confloed to tbe up-
per deck, and more especially to that part of
tbe boat designed exclusively for the use of
passengers. On the lower deok are two taag-
nificent engines which furnish tbe motive
power, and huge boilers wbioh 'Would seem
capable of jroduolog steam enough lo.prqpel
the "Great Eastern." The first
looking down the lower deck is that of the
vast space dovotod to the stowing of freight.
On inquiry, we learned that three hundred
tons of freight can be packed away on this
deck, without crowding, and that five hundred
tons can be carried with-all ease. The 0. S.
N. Company own many boats, but in tbelr
whole fleet there is not a single craft that will
begin to compare with the Ontonta, whether
in tbe matter of ornamentation onia capacity
for carrying freight and passengers. -Having
laid thus much of tbo boat, we can only add
that she is commanded by Capt. John McNul-
tjj, with George Knnggs as Purser two gen-
tfemen who are universally popular with tbe
traveling publto.
Some one has said, it is always best to watch
your neighbots. In fact, not to let them stir
without watching. They may do something
wrong if yon do. To be sure; you never knew
them to do anything very bad, but it may be
on your account they have not. Perhaps, if I
it had not been for your kind care, they might
have disgraced themselves and families a long
time ago. Therefore, do not relax any effort
to keep them where they ought to be ; never
mind your own business that will take care of
itself. Then is a man passing along be is
looking over the fence be suspicious of him;
perhaps toe contemplates stealing something
soroe'of these dark nights; tbere is no knowing
what queer fancies he may have got into bis
head. If you find any symptoms of aty one
passing out of the path of duty, tell every one
else that you can see, and be particular to see
a great many. It is a good way to circulate
such things, though it 'may not benefit yeur-
sell or any -oae -else parttcvrarly. Co keep
something going silence is a dreadful thing;
though it is said tbere was silence in Heaven
for the space of half a tour, do not let any
such a thing occur on earth :; it -would be too
much like Heaven for the inhabitants of this
mundane sphere.
If, after all your watchful care, you cannot
see anything out of the way in any one, you
may be sure 4t Is irot because tbey have not
done anything bad ; perhaps, fa an unguarded
moment, you lost sight of thorn throw out
bints that tbey are no better than tbey should
tie that you should not wonder if people
found out what they were after in a while,
tbea they may not arry their beads so high.
Keep it agoing, and some one will take the
hint and begin to foelp after a while then
tbere will be music, and everything will work
to a charm. Carry this system into politics,
and even although von never rise vouraelf. vou
will at least bave tbe' satisfaction of keeping
down those to whom you are opposed. It your
neighbor becoming prominent, in fact, arising
man, and you can find nothing in bis charac
ter or life to assail, then as a last resort, whis
per it around that he isn't "sound." You
needn't te'll in what he fa not ound. Be sure
that your story is carried, and be fqu&Tly sure
that it gathers as It travels, and by tbe time itia
fairly put In circulation, this lack of sound
ness, if a politician, will be held to mean that
be is not "reliable on tbe Union question."
It matters not that the party against whom
you have thus instilled your poison is true to
his country as tbe needle to the pole, you
have gained your point, and in politics, as in
everything else, there is nothing like success,
Mr. Editor : Now that the people of Dalles
City.are looking about for suitable persons to
fill fhn rtv nflipAa r o r m i t a in an rrnrpat tliA
following ticket: for Mayor, ILemsel Lyon:;
Marshal, Capt. John Darragh; Recorder, J. P.
Booth; Treasurer, 0. S. Savage:; Aldermen,
R. C. Munger, C. S. Miller, Tbos. Bulger, Robt
Pentland, and- H. A. Hogne. ITbis ticket it
will te seen leaves all tbe present officials
"out in tbe cold," and substitutes gentlemen
in whom the public bave coufidence. If any
gentleman baB a better ticket to offer, I shall
B Pleaed 10 near from him tbrogh your col
Tax-Pat br.
A Cofpbkhiad Prkss. We have reliable
information that the copperheads of Oregon
just now are greatly exorcised about a propo
sitton looking 'to the establishment -of a first
class copperhead newspaper at Portland,
Bush, it is said, bas been consulted about the
I matter, and is willing to lend 'bis aid, provided
Ths delegates from Umatilla county are not
Instructed on the question of the District
Judgeship, as stated by the Portland papers
Qat cotemporaries when they steal their iteme
Ihould endeavor to steal them correctly.' 'One
and nossiblr two of the delegates have ex
pressed a preference lor Judge Wilson, but
they areuotiiostructed.
Thobi who .complain that onr navy bas ac
complrshed nothing will do well to make a
note of the fact that, .inoe4be war broke out,
1,328 blockade runnere (have been captured,
of which number there -ware .64.1 schooners,
479 steamers, 181 sloops, 80 brigs, 26 barks,
15 ships, and about 100 smalieroraft.
St. (Patrick's Ball, at Assembly iHall, last
n'mht,-WAS deoided success. fTherroom was
handsomely ornamented ; tbe music eieollent
the attendant (air; the dancing first rate,
and altogether Um ball waone of.the best of I
1 tne season.
Wilson Flint, an "original" republican, wri
ting from Washington under a late date, has
the following reference to prominent aspirants
for the Presidency : ,
Within a short time tbere have been quiet.
but very extensive movements among the
German voters to advance the interests of Gen,
Fremout so as to make him the radical liber
ty candidate. This movement indicates two
things bis wonderful hold on that patriotic
and large class of our naturalized citizens,
and that the German vote is not inclined to
go for a conservative candidate, .'t is even
reported that Gen. Fremont bns threatened to
to run as an independent candidate in rase of
the domination or Mr. Lincoln. I dout know
upon what authority this report is made but
it is freely quoted in political circles, and is
calculated to do great harm to Mr. Lincoln's
prospects of a re-nomination, because the Un
ion Convention will take the same view of
the matter as the Convention did which nom
inated Mr. Lincoln. The Chicago Convention
of I960, was compoed of a large majority
or original ttienas ot Uov. bewara, but when
they got together, they began to consult upon
the qcetftiffn'oT availabilily, and the more the
matter was discussed, the stronger grew the
conclusion th ait Howe wore certain influences
in the iremablican party which would net Rive
him a ram
warm and earnest support? so he was
seVasrde, beoHMse Vhe fnembers ef the Con
vention desired above till wings torcct the
candidate tbey came there to nominate.
Wtiile it is improbable that Mr. Fremont s
friends will be sufficiently strong to tiold tbe
balance of power so as to defeat Mr. Lincoln
in tbe Convention, they still are known to
command votes enough to give tbe electron to
tbe opposition, or prevent an election by tlx
people, unless their demands are respected by
tne uonveolion. While it would seem, fey tl
aclion of the Legislatures of several of tire
states, that Mr. Lincoln s nomination was aL
most a foregone conclusion, it must not be
concealed that there are powerful influences
being organized in the Union party which
make bis prospects a matter of considerable
doubt. It is evident th it Mr: Lincoln goes
into the contest against the field, and all other
aspiring gentlemen will naturally combine
aKa'n8t "'m'
Dbdnkkn Senatobs. A correspondent of
the Cincinnati Commercial has the following
on tbe habits and conduct of the copperhead
Senatois, in Washington :
"McDougall, of California, and Richardson,
of Illinois, are tbe only habitual drunkards of
the senate. McDougall is harmless in bis
cups. He goes out horseback riding, falls in
to tbe gutter, and the small boys gather around
bim and have a little fun at his expense. He
never troubles tbe Senate chamber with his
presence. Richardson, however, is disgust-
ing with bis bacchanalian revelries always
obtrudes nimself upon tbesenate when scarce
ly able to stand erect always, unfortunately
tor uiroseli and lor bis state, in bis seat to be
pointed at from tbe galleries, and have bis
name given to tbe oft-repeated question,
' Who Is that drunken fellow over there T "
A CtflEENBAC'tt. SWlKDUj!.
1 lun .1m i.
AKD, to the end thatothera may avoid being Impoaed
'Upon. On the 10th February hut, we aold Mr. L. a bill
of fcllO 88, which waa to be paid In thirty davj. Tin
Itonn composing the bill wore butlor, epK, fclcd fruit,
apples, oacon,.Ac.,'all or 'Which -were put pown at lowng
urea. After waltingAve wedks forour nay, during which
tltta imodol financier had time to go to Canyon City and
dispose of his cargo for cash, he yesterday callod at our
atore and tendered $310 in "Greenbacks" at par Grenn
'baoks'Whtoh lie had boueht n with monev reeeivofl -fur
tne goons -winan'wo naa soia mm. we suonut tncsenicts
fiuuiii;, aim ihuto iiiem itiriu iiiuirufiniiuBiuiiR ns
to tne menu oi tnis "Uraeniiack swindle." Thunktul
T"M.SriLW'Jn VAS''
o vuno iniiu
. . .. i. i
milea, March 17, 1804.
OK lien to work on tlmDnllesand RolaeKnad. Ap
Z3 ply to J. P. BOOTH, or J. U. K011DIN8, Maiu
atreet, Dalles.
n rlT-llt
XXT will iitmr Rooms, on SATURDAY,
v v juarcn luin, at iu a. u., a large lot or
Deslx-ublo Furniture
and other artlcloa. mrld-td PAYNE & CO., Auctioneers.
HiAiiA r ltlUMl..i0
TAToceiliere1iyrln,tliatthenrmof TREV
I V I'll' t. Cf ,...,1 F n .. (.... 1. .tlJDl.,J I... IX I
ITT t CO.. Dalles and Lewlstnn. is dissolved by llml.
tutlon aud consent of parties. Ladd. Reed ft Co.. hnvlnir
disposed of their entire Interest In said firm to Victor
Irevltt, who la authorised to sign in liquidations.
(LADD, KWiD.i c6., Portland
Dalles, March T5, 1864. jnrl6t
Iaetteaa Celebrated Rsdr Restorative.
This is(to eertify, that having suuu the good effect in sev
eral ensevemd through the recommendHtion ot friends, I
was indueed to try DfcTTKK'B haik kkbtukati VK, and
that It proditeed a flue coat of HAIR on'the top of my Cra
nium, where It should grow, but waa not. Thorefore, I
take pleasure tnrecouimending it to all, more eapocially
tne young nnniarrieaimen, aa a sure cure.
- J.ewlston. Oct. 24, 18J -'. js. c. matiiiw.
II. J. W AI.DllON, Bole Agent, Drag Store, Main street,
mini noor doiow uourt, uaitea, uregon. mri-im
A hard-finished HOUSE, on Second streot, 20x00,
lot 26x100, will be sold cheap. Apply to
naiiea uny, rep, iu, law. tieir-im M. u. UKrKOM.
mhe larse and desirable STORE, occupied bv'HHF-
M. HON ft PITTS, corner of Becond and Woahiugtan
atreeis, la onorea ior saie or to rent. Appiy 10
fe!7-tl M. L. IIKFRON.
-g Ualla. Coal Oil, warranted first quality
jLVPwr aaie uy uu .UACun, eiwmau a w.
The Oregon Steam Navigation Co.
n and after Monday, February 29th, until
further notice, the O. 8. N. ComnMiiv will diHiuitih
one of the following named Steamers
Web-Foot, TcntnO)
Yakima, Spray,
IVez Perce CUlef, Okanagon,
Col. Wright, Kljiis,
EVERY DAY, (Sundays eepted.) '
The Passenger Train,
To connect with the 8TRAMERS AT CKULO.TriYl start
from the lull road Depot,
Dulles City, at a A. M.
a? Before startlnir. Passengers mturt. nrorilrn thrlrTlelrt
eta at the O. 8. N. Co.'s Office.
The Steamer Oneonla. Cant. J.
McNULTY.wIll leave DALLKS, DAILY. (Sundays ex.
cepted) at 6 o'clock,
for CASCADES, cnmiectint
. HUNT. Cunt. Wolf, fur
mrl-tf Agent 0. S. N. Co.
Pallet, Feb. 27, 1864.
flUEATHOtlSE CO. will
M leave WAI.I.A WALLA every few rTi
days, for BOISE, with a .
Of good animals, up to the 2Mb of this month, after which
WOl leave Walla Walla for Bolso
Four Times a Weelt.
In connection with Messrs. Thomas A Tuillv Uht
Concord Coachea from allolu.
ri al la Walla, rep. 6, 18B4, fcl21w
fJTIhe undersigned would rc-
apectrWtj' blform tho citizen of Dal I us and
tltepafclic generally, that tliis
FASWQNt6U and popular saloon
la iH odBctc4 m FtnST-CtABS PIIIN
ClfLHS, attdaH Heo fcfa(c In connection
with 1 '
Tttnaorlal Manipulations
are performed with general antlsfactloii, ly
killful and experienced workmen.
In connection la a milt of HATH 1100)18.
where Wariij, Cold, and Shower B.Hha can
be had at all lionra. mt&4f
I "X7" A 'Tl l "CZT "IT' Q t
I -t- -L V J J L O .
Watchmaker & Jeweler,
Main Street, Dalles,
MflKE RENIO has lust completed an addition to
1.1 M. liia 8aloon, which he baa titled up in the ueateat
style aa an
"arfe.- h
I r saci - tsaaia. jiFiiaiia 1VUUII1.
I - . ,1,. .nnnmmn.i.inn t
.whevo avill be served up
Oystcw in Evory Styles,
Game Suppers, Dinners, &c.
Tbe Lailiea of the Dallea who have so long desired
a genteel and wallikajit Dining Room and ltestaurant. ara
invited to can and leaat upoullio-uultcacicBor the murk t.
- UAlillU Ailti AllaJ UllVtJlillltX
I 7
iriniiuriiin ivn riTiAnTmrun
Seller's Crockery Store.
I. O. O. F.
-T10I..UMBIA X.ODOBX, IV. -15, ,
V I. 0. 0. P., meets every WKuNES-l
DAY EVENING, nt 1 o'clock. Ill Masonic f
Hall, Dalles city. Brothers iu cood stand-'
Ing aro Invited to attend. ail. &IEIUS. N. CI.
N. II. UnTsa, Secretary. .fell-tf
MI 1(11 ItS A S 1 LOUIItS.
T have a fall assortment of wall-grown
aL ornamental hukuhh, olsvorai nundredorie-
Ilea aa ROB KB. In 100 varieties; LI LAO, In Klirarl-
etiea; 1I0NKYBUCKLK, In 0 varieties, fto.ftc. .Also, all
kinds of
Flowers, Peonas, CarnKtions,
and BULBS of all varieties. Priced List of AH HUBS and
FLOWERS, and also of BULBS, can be seen anil had at
the Dallas, at J. JUKER'S, who Is my authorized Agent
toTeceive Orders and Payments for me.
Mllwankle. Oregon, fuld-linl HENRY MIXt.KB,
Iaow effer my entire stock of GOODS, consisting of
groceries, Liquors, hardware, c, ac, at
.cost . and charges. Parties wishing to purchase will uleaas
givaaae acall belbra purchasing elsewhere.
nuiies vuy, jo.,io, 1NH..110U-IU1J si. L. IIEFuOX.