nitntaiitceL " Who Relieved AIcClellanI1 Tho faction of iho democratic party which id seeking to make a leader of the dis carded (jenertil, bus a great deal to say ubuut Iis being a victim ot black ru imblican jealousy and envy. They might save ibeir bieulb,, if they would recollect 1. That the man at whose instances Ito was removed, Gen. Ualleck is a democrat; 2. That the mun who (un der the President) removed him, Secre tary Stanton, is u democrat; 8- That the man who succeeded him in the command of tho Army of the Potomac, Gen. Burnside, is a democrat: and 4. That the man who look Gen. Burnside's place, on the latter's promotion, Gen Hooker, is a democrat ? So it was a democratic piece of business all round- which makes square work ot it. it tbe General is the v. dim of persecution, may wo not ask if it is tho custom of democrats thus to persecute one an other. Indi.vuubb.ek Shir's Collars. Lin en, cotton; paper and steel collars are now made, and to these, vulcanized India-rubber collars have bean added by W. J. Smith, of Sale, England, who kias taken out a patent for them as a new artit-lo of manufactore. Me states tlutt suitable patterns may be pain tod or printed on the collar, cither beforo or after they uro cut from the sheet, and. tbey may bo made w bite, or col ored, or embossed. Cuifs and wrisl- bands may be also made- of tho same material. Vermont and the Draft. The nocky aud plucky State of Vern ont has enlhtted her entire quota under the call, exclusive of tbe ro-enlistments of her soldiers in the field. The new levies are of the best quality, coming mainly from tho laboring class, the bone and sinow ot ber population The Green Mountain State takes the lead of her . Eastern sisters. Take heed of this, ye Greon Mountaineers now resident upon Pactio shores, and and throw ivp your hats with nine enters tor "tno uiu btar tuat never sets." . America produces one hundred- mil lions of gallons of whisky per annum, and drinks most ot it hercelf. tjno Miners end the traveling puMfa. je. i no unuersignou Having secured the use or a large wull-bullt, new KERRY BOAT W foot long and 10 feet wide, together with a now rope, blocks and! ull necessary tackle is prepnred to keen a KERRY on the Yakima ltiv- cr. in Wahintrttm Territory, imnicdiateiv In the Qkd. Just Wlow the mouth of Autumn or Mlsaion Crtek; one-luilf ndle below K. M. Tliorpe's, on Hukiina Kiver, there is Kept a H1.ACKSMITH SU01, by a g'Mal smith, who is pnmurcd to shoo Imrscs and do all other work In that line w Ith dianatcli. Knit at the same nlace, for those wantinir. beef. Hour, bacon, fraih butter, eggs, milk, cheese, tobac co, c wen as riding ana puck-liorses, anil would say to all those who may wish to pass from Rockland or Dalles to the Odiimbia Kiver mines, Colvllle, Priest Rapid, Hock Creek. Frazer Kiver, Sooswon and Cariboo mines. I am In- tormeil, as well as having a knowlodgo of tlio fncts myself, that the route to all the above mentioned places on the north side of the Columbia Kiver, is the noarest and bost, nml my FKRK X being on the direct route, where 1 will be iouiiu ruaay n cross all witn dispatch and salety. February, 1804. feO-tf J THOMAS UUTLER. Slioria's Sale. ronntr OF IIAKKR, SS: Uu virtue of an Execn- J tlon Issued out of the County Cnm C, In anil for said (County, against the Goods, Chatties, Itnds and Teuomonts of JOSIAH KIHLRW, I have seir.ed all the right, title and interest, which the said J0SIAII KIHLKW, had on THURSDAY, the 7th day of January, A. ., 18(14, of. In, ami to me iouowing acscrineu premises, winch 1 shall ( pose for sale, as the law directs, at PUBLIC AUCTION on SATURDAY, the 2d day of April. A. .. 18C4. at or. o'clock, P. v., before the Court House door of Auburn, in wild County, four MINING CLAIMS, lying next aliov claims known as the Colwell A Co.'s claims, in French (ulch, near Auburn, In aaid County; more particularly dtwrllied as follows: Commencing 60 foot north-east troin an OLD HOOT, which in on the line between the said claims and the Colwell ACne claims, anil running- soutli- eivterly to their stake. 2&0 feet; thence nearly north 800 iii'i io a siuxe a Dure ; Mionce nu loet norrn-eiuiterly Hiei ce south-easterly 300 feet tn the place of beginning. vr. h. rAim, enerin, By C. 0. Braluurd, Deputy. Dated Feb.. 10, a. d., 1804, IclU-wJw NOTICE. rilhe etoek of the DALLF. AND UMATILLA WAO JL UN ROAD COMPANY linvlrr. boon all subscribe there will be a meeting of Die Stockholders of said Coin puny at the olllca of W. D. Ulgelow, In Dalles City, Ore gon, uu uauai, .uarco iu, loot. , W. D. B10KI1W, J. S. KliYNOLDS, TIIOS. OORD iN. Dulles, February 3, 1864, f3-tdj Incorporators. NOTICE. mR. DIETSE,. fonnorly in onr employ, Is no um. longer auiuoriuflj to receive monies on our arcoun LMfLHU FRKKKS. San Francisco, Feb. 9th, 1864. fclWm FOll t AItllMCS. Bpienald Lot ef dne old WINES -ANB BRAN jt. Dl KS, aelerted especially for family use, on draught, rr mile y noji tiujiAsua, BTUUKINU CO, fkn bFreh Batter, In noils,, rot. l, py UUMASOa,.BTXK;alNu) CO, ; t K" E OR ? - .-nam street, vanes, . ' WH0LX8AU AND IXTAIL PIAL11 IN ALWAT8 IIC STORI THI BIST DRANDS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &e. p laving cards, pocket cutlery, port monies, COMBS and BHOSltKS, o' nnftfndey . PERFUMERY, ot every description; 1 ... CHINA 0HNAMKNT3, , v. , TOYS, DOLLS, etc. 1 ; ' : ' ,";; V F1HII HOOKS and FTSIIINO TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ad. Also Powde". Shots Lead, Powder Flkstts, Baskets, and many ocner arnoies too numerous to mention. -. . . - Interior dealers suvulied with CI intra. Tobacco, etc at less titan Portland prices, wltu freight auuett. . oc-l NOTICE. , rwihe X'ndoritgned, .irtTlriplpAfted the FIVE MILK jl nuuBK co muHra. m curiae iiucKner.wouiu unarm U public (hat tliey will continue to chitv on the same Ditsinew, and th hope to reoeWe liberal thare of the public patrouuKe, as thoy Intend to keep-It ln' style tin' MirpaMud by any House on the rotul. iUI'deutmuWagaimit the llotue will be settled by the underotccned op to date. and all pontons Indebted to the same will please call and ... I... ...... Hi-ilWJ lAV a, rti T rumu luiiucuintoi je uvvvwn vv'i. lhtHei, Slnrrh 1, 1804. mrl-lm John Clue riu. Mformatlon wanted of JOHN QUE. UN, who lea Sun Francisco In Aiicunt. 1864 is sunuosed to be In Uulles City; was In Pierce City In 1802, Is about 21 years ot hko. Any information attont mm win ue tliankluliy veceiveii iy lis minor, jj. uuttuin, sun rruncisco, Laii- loruia. . niri-xra BALD HEADS. Better's Celebrated HahrKestorativo. Tills is to certify, that havimrseou tti irood effect in sev eral cases, and through the recommendation ot friends, I wan Induced to try Dr.TTER'S 1IA1U RESTORATIVE, ami tliitt It produced a tine coat of HAIR on tlie top of my Cra nium, Whore it should grow, but was not. Tiierciore, t take pleasure In recommending it to nil, mora especially tue young unmarrieu men, as a sure cure. I.eWIStOII, UCt. 180. K. U. MATHIW, If. J. WAI.DRO.N. SoleAirent. Druor Store. MiUn street tuira uonr oeiow uourt, uaiivs, uregon. mrl-lm UMATILLA HOUSE DALLES, OREGON. IIAXULUY & SIXAOTT, I'rop'rM. riHIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL it now open for the JL reception of guests. After being thoroughly reno- vaieu auu newiv lurnisnea, wm wt oononcieo, in ail us departments, as a first class HOTEL. The house is con veniently located near the steamboat landing and railroad depot. Baggage hikes to the House, free of charge. House kept open all night. - 'the Proprietors will not be responsible for any DaitKnge or Valuables, unless a check Is siven therefor. jneaie ou cents Lodging go eenti. mrl-tf JIIVEXILESCIIOOLFOlldiRLS. T will eommeuee MONDAY, SvUnaary 29th, s m si. in Mil, run ll(L3,ln the house known lutueOLD UL'1,IIJ1I,IUV .HMDnil tv - Abecedsiians t3 00 Orthography, Heading. Writing, Ueography, ami sieniai Ai'iiumeiio , o no dUannnar, History, and I'ruoUcal Arlthmetla 1 00 Instructions In Vocaii Music, Sewing, Kmbroidery, Needle-work. Knitting, etc, will be given free of charge. No pains will be spai cd for the advancement of the Scholars. ltas-lm AMAWUA UA1NKS. Ihart full assortment of well-grown ornamental SHRUBS, of sveral hundred varie ties as BOSKS, In 100 varieties: LILAC, In 10 vari eties; HONCYSUCKLK, in 0 varieties, lc Ic. Also, all R1DUS OI Flowers, Peonage Carnations, and BUIJ1S of all varieties. Priced List of 811111)118 and FLOWERS, and also of BULBS, can be seen and had at the Dalles, at J. JUKEK'S, who is my authorised Agent to receive uruers anu raymenis lor nie. Milwaume, Oregon, tfeld-l ml HENRY MILLER. SADDLE & HARNESS M4KEIIS. milR UNDEIISIGNKD nAVR OPENED A JL SADDLE A HARNESS 8HOP.I on Main street, opiiosite the What Cheer House. I wnere tney are prepared to nil orders In their line of business. A full stock of HKIDLU3, SADDLES, HARNESS. WHIPS, Ac, constantly on hand and made to older. Pack-Trains fitted out, and all orders in the Saddle and Harness line filled with dispatch. KKPAlltlNU promptly attended to. STKITTKR k FRITZ1. Main street, Dalles. fjn Connection with their CANYON CITY EX- PRKS.S, Messrs. Jones A Edzar. will nlace PASSEN GER TRAIN upon the road, which will take passengers through to the Canyon Inside or four days. Belays of Horses have been providod, and it Is intended to put passengers through iiiexnrosa time. The llrst PASSENUKlt TRAIN will leave the Dalles, on or about the lioth lust., and wllL connect witn tne uaniornia steanior. For further partic ulars, iiiquire of mn. liunius, Agent, at wells, rargo Mprcss, tie lo-ii j auiMKS euuak, OHIO HOTEL & RESTAVIIANT. MAIN STREET, next door to Baldwin A Bro.'s,on tbe Bride. Tills new establishment Is now open for tbe accommodation of the public. Everything is entire ty new; All the Hubstantlala and Delicacies of. life will he served up In a ueat and luvitlug style. A runro ol pub lic pairouogu is soiiciiou. juun iiun i Kit, W. P..BURC1IAIID, Dalles, Feb. 13, 1804. felVtfJ Proprietors. A VALUABLE FARM On Ten Bills Creek, of 70 acres of rich bottom Land, 60 acres fenced and 46 acres has bson cultiva ted; 200 Fruit Troon, some bearing, eomprlsing. Apple, Poach, Plum, Pear, Cherry, and, Apricot) Mmpo vines, Currant and Lawton Blackberry, Poultry, Garden needs and Farming Implements. Dwelllnc House, out houses. 4a, all are offrred for S00 cash. Inquire on the prem ises, i-fy nines uocvaine tire Aiua uouso, ol ', f18-tf 0.0LNEY. FOR SALE., A llai d.fllltshed II0UBK, on Second street, 10x1)0, JL lot SoxllK), will be sold cheap. Apply to Dulles City, Feb. 16, im. MUui SI. L. IIKFR0S. BOBBINS, McFARLAND & CO., WaOLHill AND RITAIL . - ,,...'. Dealers; lnv General . Merchandise, Ciroceries, Provisions, Liquors, Hardware & Crockery '. Main Street, Dalles. OFFER FOR BALK a large stid entirely new stock of most desirable Goods, among which are Ladles'. Misses' and Children's GA1TKK8 and SHORSi Ladies' and Misses' CLOAKS and 81IAVTL8, all styles; , DRESS GOODS, a large variety; VHK.NUii PKinxts. new styles: : . , ' Merrimack, Alleivn moVCoheco PRtNTSt ; Bleached awl Brown MUSLINS, sll Qualities; 1 jfioeaii nool ui.AMir.TS: An endlenn variety of SMALL WAKES, moat desirable - and lee irnmerone to mentloot " ' Fremh and English MEKI NOES) ., 1 ! ; ; : ' nmn ami spottea rbAn n ki.s; Irish UNENS,-LuieB TOWELS, Bed Spreads, J. ' CROCKERY AIVD GLASSWARE, SELLING AT COST! ROHDIN8, McFARLAND A CO., offer, rffeff entire stock of Crockery and CiehiNswarp. Kir sale at UOBT, In order to close Uiat branch of their Business. . Parties wisldnr to Dnrclisse. will do well to call and examine our stock, as wo assure them that we can sell lower than can be offered at any other house In town. iteniemoer stii,iiiiu at uusx. . T0DB1NS, McFARLAND A CO. offer at wholesale t IV lame and varied assortment of LIQUORS, direct from' New York and San Francisco, which having been purchased some time since, can be sold at about tue pre sent ean erancisco rates, among wnicn are 1000 galls. BOURBON WHISKEY; 14UUgailS. H1B WHIStlKX', , 1000 galls. HOLT'S WHISKEY; 400 giitls. KENTUCKY FARM VTU13KEY 1200 galls. OTA II D BRANDY; : a0O'tai.AWAIAI BUM; - 800 galls. HOLLAND OtN, to. ' IIAlXETw-ArfcE." " R0BBINS, McFARLAND A CO. have on hand and oiTei fi sale' the largest and best assorted stock of HARDWARE In town. MINERS OTJTITIXS: R0DBINB, McVARLAFD A CO. have In store a full assort laont of Uoodn necessary to comulete the Miuern' Outfits. In this Hue we enumerate FLOUR, BACON, , DEANS, 81I0VKIA WClMt ixts, 0TKRALLS, SC0AR, COFFER, TEA, Ac. Also, BOOTS and SHOES, UNDERSHIRTS, and DRAW KRS, and a full assortment of CLOTHING, suited to the Mining trade. All of which are offered at Portland prices with transportation added. ' Robbing, DIcFarlnnd & Co., MAIN STREET, DALLES, J24-H Opposite the Western Hotel. UAX.J3WIIV & DRO. HAVI U-0PUIO Their Store on Main Street, Entrance from the Bridne. with a New and) complete stock GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 'MIKY would Invite especial atteatlees to their well js. selected assortment oi Gents' Custom Made Clothing AM rURNISMIIVQ GOODS. wlilchytogsUisr with a desirable stock ot FRUSII GIIOCCIUES will be offered at the lowest Market Antrs. F. W. BALDWIN. J- C. BALDWIN. Dalles, Dec. 29, 803,-d:tf. STOVE AJ'I Till STOHIi. A.. DETT1N GEN,' ( ' ' (Second Street, near Wahington,) ,l ASOrtCTDBia AXD DKALKE lit STOVES, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE. IN STORK A Fl'L.1. onsortment of KITCHEN, PARLOR, and OFFICE STOVES, which are offered at low rates. Also, a full stock of TIN WARE, Ac. Orders promptly attended, and every description of JOBB1.NQ, whether in Tin, Copper, os Ihest Iron attended- to, (Jive me a call. A. BETTINOEN, .( Second street, near Washington, -ocaMf over Musical Hall. ' J. I. STOitJVI, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon, (nearly oppo site Bloch, Miller A Co.'s) niauulocturer and im porter of HAVANA Si. DOMESTIC SEG.tRS. Manufacturing my stock of Scgars from tho very best, Havana Tobacco, 1 can at ail times furnish the trade-avid. consumers a quality of Segars that ore sure to'greo satis faction. . patronise home iniiustry, and tints nld In keop ing money at home, without sending It abroad for an in terior article. Also, wnoiesaw ana retail dealer in . Chewing amiSnioklngr Tobacco, PIPES, MATCHES, A. VaT Orders filled at Baa Francisco prices, with frelirtit added. no22-tf LUNCH & OYSTER, SALOON. MIKE HEIST IG, DXALIR IX Fancy Goods, Tobacco, Scgars, Ac. MAIN BTSEET, DALLES, CONSTANTLY ON HAND a full stock of the best brands Tobacco and Scenrs. Also. Fresh Fruit. Can dies, Confectionery, Toys, PURE HON KY, Ac In Uis rear oi tne store is a oauusomeiy lurnisnea Blnlnff Room and Oyster Stand, at which will be found a constant supply of tSliTmlwnter Oysters, which he will serve un in every stvlew Jrlsaw all the delicacies of the season sorred tm to suit the taste of the most fastidious. rnlT-tf MEDICAL CAIID. '. DR. A.. 3- IIOFJaTJLAN, PHYSICIAN. SURGEON & ACCOUCHER, T ATM COUNT PaVSlCIAN, aid Physician of tlie JLi Oerman Seciety of Trinity Ocmntv. Califor nia, renpecttully utsts Uie tervicue to tho politic of Dalles, and vicinity. i , setfMm Office In Frenck A Oilman's flre-nroof stons building, A...... .J U'.ul . .1 Ll I . , FR E IV CI OILMAN , ; t J Ij iirentu Aim whoussali' f ' '7. Dealers in -Wines, Liquo? - GROCERIES . Kllners Goods, Boat Stores, & - ' , BAyi rimovid to Ton ' , N t W STONE BUILDING Second and Waslilngton Streets dalles crrar, WT0W IN STORE A LAROR AN COWPEKTB ASiy Ji sortaseni of the very best brands of , WIIfES AND IIQXJORS, ' Also, a full assortment of ' GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. ATsT Cemfantly neesivltnT our supplies direct from, New . York and Ban Francisco, we are able and willing to tell, at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. , They heps by adopting a strictly correct and prompt method of dnin&bMlnvas, tbey will receive the patronage cf the pub-' lie. . . an4-tf LMUII 11 UO Til 12 11,. wnoxaSAU Atro uiut diaum is) : ' ' '- Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, aROCHRIES, PROVISIONS, de, 1 MAIIV STREET, - - sDALLES, TVK8IRE to return, thanks to their friends and the JLV pnbtic for their past patronage and respectfully so licit a continuance of the-sameu Our facilities of every kind enable us confidently to as sert, that neither in styles nor prices of Goods can a more' desirable stock be found In the city. Our stock embraces everything la the line of f Fancy and staple Dry uooas Boots and Shoes,. ', Clothing, Hosiery,.' "' Hats and Caps, '' Gents' Fur nlshlnrGool8y . . Notions-, &c., &c. 1 , A full assortment of Family GROCERIES. Buying and selling exclusively for cash, we offer tlie greatest inducements, and are confident that our rustex; mere will acknowledge tliat the beat bargains aud cheap est Goods cau be had of : EI.FEET BRO'S. j Orders filled with care and promptness. 37-tf SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. . FXIKHII biTOCK 1 . , . Di8Eri:it V , & BROS., . Dalleis and Wttlla Wallov : , ; SKALKKS IX . , Staple and Fancy Dry Goodsr.'' miners' OutOts, Boots and Shoes, ; " 'Clothinir, .. .: ' . ;- , . i , i Uatsand Capsv Groceries, And t full assortment of General Merchandise. Buying? our Goods exclusively In the Ban Francisco market, an,P makiug none but cash purchases, we are enabled to sell. , 60 per cent, cheaper than any other House at the Dalles .-; ' DU8ENBERY A BROS, , ! ml-tf . , Dallas and Walla Walla. - ii. ii. , mll(5ixY; , CKLILO, ORKGON, ' oxAunt is DRY GOODS, ' WINKS. PITCir, ..i, OROCKKIKS, LIUU0R8. OAKUM. l BOOTS A SHOES. (110AHS. noHDAORl TO ACCO, HARDWARE, AND BOAT STOKES, of all descriptions. Also, a full assortment of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, sdapted to the wants. oi me country, an orders tram the upper eomtry promptly attended to, and Goods sent by return steamer. Goods sold 120 fier cent, ck tapes than any other stole In wwn. Qll-l 1 K, u. Al ALLOn I, J. W. GURLEY, SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL DENTIST , II AVI NO PERMANENTLY LOCA. II ted btmscir in the Dalles, ha la now i preporeu to periorm all Operations In Dig Line.'. In a professional and workmanlike manner.' All tile latest ' styles of Plata work done, such as Vslcanlxed Rubbery niiuuar Atuicumont, anu Auiver uase. uoiu and Mlvor Platos, by tlie most Im proved methods. . 1'eneus wlsbiug first class Gold Fillings Inserted will do well to salt. Particular attention paid to resulatlns CIIlLDltltN'9 TBKTH. , TEETH SXTRACTP.D WITHOUT PAIN, by tlie use or Klectriottgr. Chloroform administered If desired. Prices moderate In all cases. , Office Main streot, throe doors West of the rost Ofllce bulldlng, (upstairs.) - ssO-tr jou a. rosria, , .. i.j. BinAar, vv JOII It. FOSTER At CO.,,: s7-nnt 1..I.I ' ARB NOW KKCKIVIND AiJf Is OFFER for sals a full assertuient of Slicir and Builders Hardware t- ' A Wis MECHANICS' & MINING TOOLS, Consisting of SHOVELS, long and short handled; lout. ana suori nanuira bl'Alir.p; piuice rors and liruslirs; Wright's Sacramento made MININO PICKS; Collins1 ' mining I'icks, new pattorn; Manilla Hope, from '. to li. inch in diameter, Hunt's AXES, handled and unhand Hickory Pick and Axe Handles Ox Yokes and Ox-Bows; Whin. Cross Cut and Mill Saws: Crow Bare, ateek Minim and Fry Pans, Coffee Mills; Nails of all. dies, Ac . To gether with a large assortment of SHELF AMI lltiAVY GOODS, In our line, to all of w hich we invite the attention or pur chasers, confident that we can give satisfaction, both as to quality and prices. 1 K. FOSTER A CO. . PORTI.SND, Oct. 1, W3. ' OcV-tl'. WASHINGTON MARKET- COR!, HI SRO0MS AKD WASnWOTOX STRUTS, JOS. T K A ij. - - - Proprietor. A.9 lUHlUVKII TU UIB WEH MM Dnilding, where ha is prepared furnish Hteaasboats. Hotels, Restaurants, and Families with thsehoicost Xteef, Mutton, lJork and "Veal.. Sfawglitering none but thsbent And "Attest csttle, those who desire CUOICB CUT ssny atoll times rely upr.a bo-' Ing suited. - JOS. TEAL, , ooaO-lf Conn Second and Washington streets, Dalles. em i i iin- n UuWt JOHN M1CIIELDACII kes refitted wpc ths building at the corner of SecoiKl i and D streets, as a flrat-cluas Market, where he will keep the bent quality of ) MUTTON,' liKKr AND PORK, ' ' which hetwlil ten cheeper than any other nuu kst at the Dalles. The public are respectfully Invited to give me av call. 13-tf ' JQlIN MICIIELBACH. - ' 1111, 4, II. STFULE. . Resldenee at the hease en nrd by r.. XV, C0E. Coraet of Court and Fourth Streets.