DALLES, OREGON, SUNDAY MAIMiH 6, 84. NO. 11. VOL. L. aifo MCauntainecr, PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, MONDAYS K.KGKPTRD,) BV ... SVILLIAM 11. NEWELL, EDITOR AMD PROPRIETOR. '; ' 1 'v ' Ty.kms Ttatntf-JlctixHti pqr week, payable toth, carrier per muntH, by mull, SI; three months. li'SOj "tx nionths, ii; one year, $8. Advertisements luserted'at ' low rules. Job Printing. Every description uf plain and fancy Job Printing exe iiIimI with nearness and despatch, and forwarded us per orltar toa'ny mr1 of Hieconatry. fayktiU Jvr Jib 1'rint fit' iMibt wi'fe Mittrft orfc. BLOCH MILLER &.CO., UilUen, Oreuon, . Import!!) AND n.fafAL nuAt-na W - A LI. K is 1S ft 1? DRV GOODS, faorx j.Ttt sitocs. , . HARDWRF. - , . 'Als:'a amorttheut of allTtlnds of Groceries and Provisions. AVlnesH.iidljiiuor, ' lC Instantly on hand. nila-tf M. BROWtf & 3I0m WHOMtHAM AND RITAIl DEALERS IX FANCY AND STAPLE " DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, C Mr. M. IIROWW tiuiiifc reritJuic. of Btm Prmnclitco, w ' ura iiH.tlil to offtT itrmt 'utltVeitienn to iirolnUttrA. Wo Vvitri'tfiill.v Invite tlio mUUc to cxiuiihiewur atock before ''lire muting iH.wut're. niitui ' -.tone Hliin. rmrtfc Mo Main (refit, Iallp." 13. P. JTITZGEHALD, DIALER IX HARD W .ARE, ' irou unci isteei .'eery DetcriiAion of liners' and Mechanics' Tools, AND - ' ; lTta.iriti.liig Imptemonts. ' 'BlllP CHANDf.ERY, aitOCKUIISS, CLOTHINQ, AND KTAl'kU Ult UtHJUS, Crockery 'hiwl il;ssvai e K. a-ITXOKKAI.D, tllu, Orrym no-tf III M A: OIIKM, "ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS ATLAW -1 1.1, 1'IIAC.TICK IN T1IK 8UIMIK.MR AND OUU v cuit CiturU uf Uruut uiJ tli District Court of MUDiiint(iou lerruory. I'urtlcular uttuntiuii iitiM to tho collection of claim. O. HUM ASON. DMU, i). Vis A. OUKI.L. GEO, L. WOODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW REALi ESTATE A.GENT. A I.I. IIUtflNKKSentrunted to hit care will be prompt- J.M. lyauouueu to. uinuoai uio uouri iiouae. ulU-tf (IKiJ. U, WOODg. II. II Ell, 31 AN ate CO., Dil.l!ua IM 'Cloaking, and Fancy Dry Goodit Vf'h Ui;x'tlielr Uoude dlnwt from Sou Frauclaco, they are ouuuiuu io aeii iu low raiea. ii. iiruman ca, awlWf Maiu ilreet, Italle. omcK ox ' . " WASHINGTON STREET, irJiMf 1IETVKKNIA2N 8H00N1 AUCTION HOUSE, SECOND STREET, DALLES CITY, P. A. O. PAYNE, Auctioneer. aTJAI.KS OK HEAL ESTATK AND UKNKUAL MKIt- 'f Stock Sale! arery day. no! 9 J.DOWD'8 LIVERY AND FEED STABLE (SECOND STIiEET,ntar 0it Court Uimu.) y 1 RNTLK HOUSES, AND II0I18K8 AND Jt Carriagea to hire. Aleo, Iloreea boardnl Vy I lie day, week, or month, on reaeonable tel'tne. The Stable line been fltteil up with erery care f. r the eomfnrt of aninialH, und none Imt oareful rroou'.e Ant ployed. The public patronage iereeiwctfiillyiolicited. jS-tf BOOTS AND SHOES. F. WYCKJWA1V, i. Manufacturer of w a Boots' and SIioch. H TAIN STUKKT. DiUlee. onplt Hloch. Miller A Co 1,1 Wcntern llotol Utiildluir. Uood flu guaranteed and an wora aoue to me aaititiaction oi euntomara. Auo, oi iiauu a n u. aiuva vi ruuuy maoa uooia auo BaoEa. UA pairinc none. au'JUtr. HOICK YUUNfi I1YSON TEA. lor aitla by . tmitui uhjui law uj. rWeoud rtreot, P BALER IS Groceries and ProVisioiVs, ' MAIN STKEET, (8econd dour ffo icVir rfouSo.") " Dalles y,' Oregon.4 ' rlON'STANTI.Y ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF mtirtclhg Flottr, Tcan. Coffee, Sugar. SbtOea; Candles, Ba- -j. Means, soap, utarrn, iaj,i, ana voni vu Minipe. , AW Ciiickefv. Hardwire. Boots and Shoos, Clothing, LrflMArs, Ac. ' , . :; uuymic our rtnous exclusively in nu !un rnunwo mar et. We ro auahYed to sell at the very lowmt iiutrket rate. Packers. Paniiic and otlierM am liivlfedtoeeudi a their orders, and may rely iuhiii ueiur no'21-tf . DALLE fS II Ait E It Y AD TSIlOCtnV STORE. ANtHONY SNYDER, (SccohiI StrttUtvto dmrt Mine Me (ill HUtl ) 110LI5aIi'aND HtTMl. MAXUrAUTUIlCR Of Crackers, Pilot Bread, cakes & Pies, ADD DKAIKR IV Fainlly Groceries. AOrdun from Ilia unner ciiuntrr filled and Dromutl, UlaoaloNea. Zl-U WM. M0HDC8. 0. B. KOtQeL. WM.M0ABTTS&C0M CITY BAKERY ASD , ', . ; . PROVISION STORK, Corner of Klrat and II Striata. WIIOr.KSALK AND KCTAILDKXLKRS lb BIIBAD, CltACKHIlgnnd Vumlly OKJKItlKS. Ordure from a diatouce carentiry'filled ahtt promptly uiejttuciieu. 141 A. I. HLOC1I Sc O O. , MAIN STREET, DALLES, ; uroainu ViD dulhu m Clothing, Gents' Furnishing ftoods, GROC-ERITSn iiquors, CIGARS, TOBACCO &'MINRS OUTFITS Sr XII Orders Punctually Attended to. J3:tf. WAS1IIGT0. WAGON ROAD FROM Portland to the Cascades. flMi understgned woltld respectfully Inform the JL traveling public that the above named Wagon Riaul is uow in IViivclIng order fiH'light loaded wagons, from the niuulh ol SANDY to OAi'AIIKS. Pnrmn, wlaliinr to travel irom roriiaiui to uw Dalles, will nnd ltto theirad vauUuro to enws the Coluwbis River at the mouth of San dy and kiMl their wagons over this itoad to tho uacades, as It willsitru the price or freight on the lower steamboat, and alio over tlic Oascailes railroail. There is a good ti-ail from tho Ca-wudcl to the Dalles for loose stock, croasiug the rivor bacV airaln near Little White Salmon. Ferries are uow kept 'ifthoMi tltvso crossings. From and after the loth of February next, the undersigned will keep the above Ferries in connection with the Koad, and will pans tho travel through as cheap as any other route. There bottis: better griw, low rocks, and generally a bettor Rood on this route, 1 flatter niyxclf that I will receive a liberal patronage from Drover and Packers. In addition to the 0. S. N. Co. s steamers, the steamer Otiilo is running from the Cascadua to the Dalles, and will carry wagons cheap. Kates of Toll over the Iload: For each wagon, with two horses, mules, or oxen. .4i 00 For each additional pair of hostes, mules or oxen., 60 75 a w lor norms anu uuggy For eiu-li additional horse For each man and horse For each pack animal : , For each head of animals, other than sheep hogs or K'xtta , For sheep, hogs or goats, each 37 . . . , C. HARDY, Proprietor. . We. the undersigned Immigrants, hereby certify that we passed over K. C Hardy's Hum HoaJ. on r .lw u, loth day of September, 1803, with the Bethel Train of urn i v-iunr wagouu; anu aocunaidor eald Road a good Mouw tain Road for light loaded wagons. Aurora, Marion county, Oct. ft, 1863, Woll Youue. Frunk Woyman. John Fry, D. y.imorninn, D. Steiiihach, John Will, . Urban Will, ' lluorge Fry, John J. Cullen, Henry Huckor, Philip Snyder, H. Will, (I. Will, David Scholl, Jacob Steiuduch, , Jolin Dior, Joseph Uurkholdor, llenjuniln Marquart, Samuel Wolfer, Samuel Miller, Rudolph Wolfer, O.W. Khlon. Cornoliiis Ualr. M. Durkholder, Andrew Urommau, Ktepheu Smith, Theoiler Stopffur, C. U. Khlen, Kdward Yawter, . Jacob O. Miller, Leonard Will, Oeorge Will, Joseph 11 Milter, John Oerkin, Nicholas Dier, Isaac Miller, ii. V. Koop. 0. Wolff, Capt. Train, Chas. Durkholdor, Ueorgo Zluglor,, . Michaul Dacheit', Henry Snyder, William Miller, Private Residence in Dalles City THE Vwlnable Ptrltat'e Residence of L. W. C0K, ami tho adjoining OIIN AMENTA L GROUNDS, and COTTAOH belonging to MK8. GRAVES, are offered foi SAl.K. For partlrulani enquire of F. C. 11R0V'X, Kq, DiUIim City v. . w. n. . n.-). m roriiano.s . . oriiwr Fou sajl.ii:. : A Lot AAA Tnree Ilonses, altuatcd on the south side of Second street, between Court and Washington streets.' Centrally located, this sure to lucreasu In value ami offers an excellent i.noort,,. Jiinj ior iut.ii oni. ror iiiriner particulars, apply to It, ItOllJtlNOl.attheMoBiitn.udSal.Mir. j.'lf.T A. it." liooxii; riiiVrAnbisb . and commission merchant, ! PU1E8T RAPIDS, W. T. TTjlREIOirrS CONSIONKD TO MY CARK fbr CoWllle, Jt? Rork Ialand, Okaniujon or the Upper Columbia alines, will receive pruinpt attention. . n- Vrelxhta Stored, or taken orer the Portaica at rea onahlt ratee. ' 4-tf COLUMBIA KIVER MINES. A. R.BOO T II , , FOOT OF PRIEST BAP1DS.W.R, , DRAIikK IN GENERAL MKUCII ANOTPB AND Mlnera Sunnlie. A full aiiaortmeiit Of GooUa coit- tautly ou baud, oomprlaed In' part of4- Flour,. Minora' IkxiU, . Sheet Copper, ,, Self-RUIng Flour, 1. R. Uoota. ' Nitric Acid, Ifacnn, 1 ' naiiert uroguna, umcauyer, Ileana, . Hnta, ltettwtt, Dried Applea, Indian Oooda, , , J.. H. Shorela, Sugar, Hlanketa, llinera' Picka, Tea, Liquors, 'Coawa Wire, ColToa,;. ' Drytiocie, : ' Sold Paua, Tobacco, Orocerloa, i . ; Tnm m iiocKor irons, etc- eia. Ala a o6d aaaortment of (5hithinh. Uoodi delivered at the ufUMrend of Prleet lUplds, If denlred. Jylfi-tf Grra,ncr6 Hotel. TDK TRAVKI.INO PCDUO ARB hereby notified that the uhder- tiK'leer liaajuetopeneu tha atKvenameu HUThU situated In the town oi 1.A OKANllK In Grand Rondi Turn. where HKYUS Way be had at all hour. (OOD liKUS will also be furniehed.' There is also In connection with tha House a VEEU BTA1ILK and. enclosures for Stock. No phi will br spared by the proprietor to make the above name llouae all that oau be deel'ed br the travel- is public and others who niay tavor him with their pa- trouaga. , . r. v. aAUUlk, iA UUAilDi, Baker county, Oregon. I July 4th, 1838. f JyWiir SELF-RISING & EXTRA FLOUR. i i Till IMPERIAL 8TANDAU1 ELF-RISING AND EXTRA FLOUR! TUB Best Flour- in Marlcot, For sale In lota to suit, by . IIUMt V LAW & CO.. JrlR-tf Second street, Dulles, ,H. W. EDDY & CO.'S "STANDARD MILLS FLOUR," Host Article In Market, ii FOR BALK, IN LOTS TO BUIT, BY 24-tf II KM R V LA, V & CO. RIILl-lXDUY K URESSillAKUVft. -WU8T RECEIVED FROM SAN FRANCISCO. A FINK J) lot of P'ancy Oooda, suitable for the Hull uays, consisting oi JLadics' Hats, Donnets, Cloaks, and n Vnrlety of other Goods, which together with a lot of FINK Ft Its, will be disposed of at cost. l. a. u kuuiii-K, linni street, dllUf ' ' One square east of the Catholic Church jI. JP. RIECK, PItACTICAL TAILOIt, 1 MAIN STREET, DALLES. (Next door below Dr. Btltt Drug Store. a AnJi.iiiannuDiD iiieiaios. style, Clean rid Repairing neatlyexecuied. seie tr NOTICR II kerebjr glTen that the Cupltal 8toclt of Hie -MUNDS k COMPANY'S WAGON . ROAD, having been snberribed accordlna- to law. the Ant meetlncpof th. StocshoWors will he held at MUNDS' RANCH, on Ku'rht River, on FRIDAY, April 1st, to eloct a Board of Diioo- tursoi me vompany. wi. munus, s JUI1N UUA, ' LESTER McKRAY, Auburn, Feb. 9, ISM. M8-aod) Tncorporators'. . NOTICED..- To Carpenter and ContraetrThe building of the BcKool House for the SISTERS OF CHARITY, wlU.be given to the lot bidder, Fr Uie t)1.. a.... I srh.KJftL. n VA'ttllUD VVUULlrOll s imi (siai wiiui tiuui ffij mi Jiiiiniv ? niviuEicvii. Proposltinns will be received till rtie let of March. falH-td u W. 3D. JJIGHiSJjiOWa RECEIVINTj FORWARDING, AND . OOilSlISStON iTER CilKNT, .' Cotuinbia itriitL iuar JIaik. . j.w.-s. " e. s t"15-" A'UUUIi SJ UttlAir". PORTLAND FOUNDRY ' 'AND MACHINE SHOl?-, IR8T STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. AT tea m Kngine, . Ik? of from 4 to 4o hono pnwer,(ithe Portable or tttationary. Also, cut- fJTn COMPLETE, constantly C ( on hand. Also, Hay Pros- S-Je'V-., mvm vi M. .I.rf rilMling Machlues, ( Wojd worth's patre'rn,) Wrought and Cast Iron Work fur Vor tical Sawund Grist mills; Brass aud Iron Castings aud . , I . WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quarts Mills oomplete, 61 tha Latest & . .1 most Improved Patterns Those Mills can beforwardod to any part of the inlnos, as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3. 000 pounds. r Hon Powers Agricultural Implement-' manu&ictiired to order et the Tory LOWESTCASII PRICB. N. M Piirth'lll.iratti-ntiiHi puidto REPAIR, fv'iu-tr i Walla Walla Af llnia pivtw v jf ' rrvir.' .-if I ColumblaTransportatloTi'Co'iiipanyJ TUB STEAMER 1 VIONKEXt, KERN 8, Master, 1 will leave Portland every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, at 7, A. - connecting witn the new propeuor a;hi,iiai, BAUUU.M AN, Master, at the Cascades, next day. Return ing, the CEL1L0 will leave th Dallos every ' ' ' - Tuesday and Friday, A. M.. eottnectlni wltM the PIONKER at Cascades, same1 day at 12 o'clock H. Freight by this line will be ttirwaided Irom tne isuies try tile ateamer uascauiiia, wmto, aiaswr. to Wmauiia, -walluia, anu otuer ports auove, Arraugo" ments have been made fur the trausit of passengers over tli. Portages, aud shippers may rely tliat their freight will be taken to deetiuatiou with cam aud dispatch. Fur frei,th t aud piiasuge, apply to : - - " - . J.W. 1. xvr.ivo, Agent, roruitnu, : . . oc2-lm ' or w. D. HIOEUrW, Agent. Dalles. ' NEW CROCKERY STORE! SELLER & CO;, Dalles, Ore sroix, WOULD RESPECTFULLY Inform the pub He that they are now ditenlng 'the etorei" 1.7 formerly occupied by Bloch, Miller Co, with afS: large and well selected stock of - JUUUKKKY, GLASSWARE,' . -.t .... LAMPS, or all descriptions, . PLATED and BItlTANIA WARE, LOOKING GLASSES, 1 TABLE and POCKET CUTLER, ' . NOTIONS, Ac, Ac, . WILLOW WaRE, . - KEROSENE OIL, .' . , - " CAMPHENE, Ac, '. . .; Having a house In Sau Francisco and Portland. ..1 enabled to offer Goods at the lowest rates. . . ' 1 n. SKLIsER 9k CO., . , ' , . . . , , STREET, al-tf , Dalles Oregon. . '! ' H. U. HILL. .A. j, lUN II ' HILL & KA.2STE WU0lUALADnAU.DAALlAt lit . ; '- c' Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors' AMD . -: AGHICTJLTtTRAIi IMPLEMENTS. ' ' D1UKAUK ANU ,UKVARDlnU. . . Goods consigned to us will meet with projier attention ; References t .-. ' nmuw' ' ; - ralliu. ' ' H.W.Oorbet, Robhlna Co., . j Richards k McCracken, W. 0. Moody A Co- II-li O. Uuuason. ' ' ' Umatilla Landing, Sept. 8th, 1863. . ; nB.i , F. DEHM, Watchmaker and Jevelcry . MAIN STREET, DALLES, . . I (sui tool to tu awat ornot,) DEALER IJf FINK WATCHES, JEWELRY, , CLOCKS.Ooldl'ens, Silver aud Mated Ware, I Bpectaclea, cutlery, ", , - ATsv-Varticular at't'biit Jofi paid 'to repairing nnotekik' Walies,. Clocks, Je.wetry, efo. .All Watuhes repaired by uio 11.111.1111:0 iojrweive aiouins. si.u. ah oruers irom me u or otherwise, promptly attende N.B. All orders from the upper country.t'v Kx'iiress therwlse, promptly attended to. Anll-H NKAv STORE! THE JJ.DF,RhlQNKD take pleasure In annouuclnc 1 to their friends and the nubile that tl,iv 1 I.V. It I,'.. MOVED to their new store on the Northeaw comer 01 ' ' MAIN AND OOUKT 8TKKKTN. wl.er. th.v I.... . au extensive assortment of GOODS, consisting In part of ' Tobacco, Clsars, Yankee Notions," CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS-, ' CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac, which they will sell at the , hiwest rates. se-tf A1IRAH AW8QN A KOIII.IIKItO. CtirtOM re Viwlte. IOR A LIKENESS OF ANY SORT, GO TO H0L8T. M" Corner of Second street, onnoalta tli. liuiv u.rli. aud he will ' Give Yon Entire Satisfaction, 'J. v rain or sunshine, with his powerful Voltlander Inntrn ' "wnta. " . nelb-t , SCUH A0 II1V ClsAlMS COLLECTED WltB DISPATCH. War Scrip, Indian Vouchers, and alt other CLAIMS ON THE UNITED STATES, col lected by 0. M. CARTER, who leaves for Washington In I . ."VX. "xh.r,uri,,,,!i ,n H""1'- A" business sent with tilth ill pronrptiV attended to. dMin , OFFICE NO. loa FRONT 8T-, Portland. ; ROAU.TOCAKYOIV CKUEH.A.L , , . ' IIOISE ItllNES. THE TRAVELING PUBLI0 are hereby notified that " the new BRIDGE acioes the Dee Chutes, about three. 1, miles from the mouth of the same, is now llulshed. Per sons going to Canyou Creek or ttiise, lulnee will And It t 9 their advautage to travel this road, as it is the nearest mil best route. A deduction will be nade from the ruiil ! ' rates of toll to penous having large droves of cattle tir- . sheep. inU-trj J. A. SIMMS A Oil. ' MUSIC. ' trlng and Bran Muslo lunilliA for Parades,' ' K3 Soirees, Balls, or Parties, at short notice and reason able prices.' Enquire at Musical Uall.seconddoor.curuer Second aud n asliiiigton sereots. . .. d-sl-tf DALLES BKAS3 A BTRIN0 UH AND. ' MUsSIO ! MUSIC : kir.nit 111 usie. rurnianad BALLS.SOI REES. Private Parties, Ac, at Short notice, and at rensonanlo rates. Apply at tile Cigar Store, uf J. D. Sturib, Alalu street. Dalles. ' dAI-tf . 3 A. TIIHM. LIME! LIIVIli2! 0 Mnndrd andnrty bArieis A.lmi lor ile chiwp flir 1'a.ii , . 1, . ,1' ' ' FiTz!:::..r.vr ...a i