C43 DISAPPEARANCE OF YoUNO GlBL8. Advertisements for young girls, just in their teens, who have disappeared from their homes, are quite common now. There 'Was never before a time in lioohe6ter when the street walkers were so numerous as at present and 'they are many of them of theyourfg. er claas,littlo more than children. The 'liberal expenditure of bounty money 'has -something to do with this state of 'things no doubt, here and elsewhere, ilf the war continues much longer our people will be so thoroughly debauch, ed that there will be little worth saving dn the nation. Rochester tlnion. We hear that many of these "miss ling girls" have found their way to this city, and are also more or less inter ested in the "liberal expenditure of bounty money," which is constantly being made by soldiers camping here, or coming from and .going to tbeir re pective regiments. Our streets'. just . sow aro thronged with brazen faced nymphs dupave, who have nearly suc ceeded in elbowing oll'decent women from the publio promenades. And among them may frequently be seen some young face a faoe which has not .yet lost all the native -sweetness ot in nocence and childhood, but which, alas ! is too surely deemed to wear ere long the revolting smirk and the dis gusting effrontery which raam the features of the most bold-faced "bouri of hell." . "MisBing girls 1" yes, raiss. ing forever the hallowed influences of the home circle for which they were 'intended missing from the hearts that might have loved, and the arms that might have wrought for them missing from the roll of the blessed and beloved of that Lord and Savior, whom their lips hourly revile and bias- iheme. Only the divine hand that ifted Mary Magdalen from the depths can reach them now. Harrisburg Pa triot and, Union. Americanized Chinaman. We have lately heard of a couple of instances 'which go to show that John has caught i. i . .0.1 i i i - mo spirit ui mo age, aim m "inarcuiug on." Sot long ago, on a hot sunny day, one of the California Stage Co.'s coaohes was rolling down the bills to wards this city with several passen gers, and among the number a lady and child and a Chinese merchant. The sun was scorching hot. and the child, like its mother, was in danger of becoming tanned, or perhaps sun struck. In order , to guard against either of such dire calamities, the lady aid to John : "John, if you will hold this parasol over my daughter to Ma- rysville, I will give you two dollars and a halt. To this proposition John indignantly replied : "You hold para sol ober me to MarvBvillo I gib you five dollar." The lady opened her eyes with astonishment, and subsided The second instance occurred in this city a few days ago. A Chinaman wanted to go to Sacramento, and hired a carriage to take rim to the steamer, On arriving and going on board, he was refused the cabin As the morn ing was cold, and John was almost frozen, such "coolness ' raised bis dan der, and he concluded without long reflection that he would patronize some other line. He therefore found the man who had taken him to the boat, gave him a dollar to drive him to the stage office, paid his fare, and had as warm a seat as any other Men can man. Both these Chinamen were wealthy merchants, and able to pay for parasol coverings or cabin passages. Marysville Appeal. MILLINERY & DRESSMAKING. fV&T RECEIVED FROM SAN FRANCISCO. A FINE .P lot of Fancy Goods, suitable for the Hull days, consisting 01 Ladles' Hats, Bonnets, Cloaks, and a yarlotyof other Goods, which together with a lot of UN IS FURS, win De disposed 01 at cost. H. A. O'ROURKE, Third street, dlO-tf One square east of the Catbollo Church NOTICE. To Carpenters and Contractors The building of the School House fur the SISTERS OF CHARITY, will he given to the lowest bidder. For the ,d Conditions, annlv to FATHER VERMEESCH Propositions will be received UU tho lit of March. folS-td FASHIONABLE Mllinery,Dress&XIoak Making ESTABLISHMENT, Main (St reet. Dalles. MRS. C. IIODELI,, having Just returned from the city of San Francisco with a targe and well as sorted stock of the most approved and latest styles of MILLINERY.DRESS & CLOAK GOODS, alse, a well assorted stock of the most fashionable style of TRIMMINGS for Ladles' garments, all of which are of recent importa tion from ubope and New York is now amply prepared to manufacture to order, Ladies' Hats. Bonnets, Dresses, CLOAKS, etc.,'t SHORT NOTICE, and at LOW PRICES She embraces1 tbls opportunity of rendering, her sincere thanks to her numerous friends and customers for their liberal patronage heretofore awarded her, and to most re spectfully solicit a continuance of the same. ocl7-tf P. A.'HAKE, MANUFAOTUBER AND IMPOKTIK OF . . Carriage, Concord, Buggy and Stage H A. H. IV E S S! California Mule Team and Farm Har ness. Cardura and Bniriry Whips, Whalebone and California Stage Stocks and Lashes, and Silver Mounted Mexican Vaquero Saddles fine Texan Hanger Saddles, California Mochlllas, aud fine Stamped Saddles, English Shatter and Ladies' Saddles! . ALSO, Silver Mounted Hair and Fanoy Bridles 1 and Riding Whips, always on hand. A full assortment of Mexican et, uaiixorma striate nits at spurn Leather Backed brushes, Curry Combs and Cards, and a general assortment of SADDLERY HARDWARE. Also, on hand and made to order, . APARAJOISS, CAHUNAS AND TAPOJOS I t3 Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. V. A. HAKE, f4-tf Main street, opposite Washington. BALD HEADS. Better's Celebrated Hair Restorative In August. 1859. 1 had a violent attack of the typhoid fever that resulted in deadening uty hair to such a degree that, in stead of all falling off, as is uxual in such cues, and a new growth taking its place, it fell off slowly until entire bald ness seemed to be my fate as no sign of new hair was per ceptible. In December of 1801, whilst undergoing a tonno rial operation at the hands of THOMAS DKTTKH, he in formed me he hod a hair restorative ot uis own invention, which he believed would restore my lost hair. I immedi ately commenced Applying it, and in a very short time, a young growth of fine lialr made its appearance, and con tinued to gain strength an long as I continued it use, which was from fourto six weeks. 1 have no doubt but. if I had have been so circumstanced as to have been able to con' tlnue the applications uninterrupted, I should now hae a full head of hair. As It Is, I ssn anything but bald. MK. DETTEH'S KEST01UTIVK succeeded where aU other fait- ed. J. vAKx (in Kit, Lewhton, July 4. 1862. witness, Isaac Deiti. II. J. WALDHON, gole Agent Drugstore, Main street. thtm door below u.njt, uaiies, uregon. a en-1 m TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. ON HAND, 40 TONS OF GROUND 01TS, AV1IBAT AND BARLEY, The VERY BEST FKKO fhr Hones and Cattle. For sale by , II EMI Y I. AW & CO., m7-tf second street, Dalles. WASHINGTON MARKET, ' CORNER 8EC0XD AND WASHINGTON STRUTS, JOS. TKAL. ... Proprietor. HAS KsSMUVlSU TO HIS NEW, Building, where he Is prepared to furnish Steamboats. Hotels, Restaurants, sod Families with tho choicest Beef, Mutton, Pork and "Veal. 81auirhterinir none bnt the best and fattest cattle, those who desire CHOICE COTS may at all times roly upon be ing suited. jus. THAI ocdO-tf Cornor Second and Washington streets, Dalles. E ML I I R E M A It K E T. JOHN MICIIELBACII has refitted np the building at the corner of Second and B streets, as a Aret-class Market, where he will Keep the best quality or MUTTON, BEEF AND PORK, which 1m will sell cheaper than any other market at the Dalles. The public are respectfully Invited to give me a can. tia-tij juun MiUflKl.BAUH FOR HVL10. Aliot and Three Houses, situated on tho south side of Second street, between Court and Washington streets. Centrally located, this property is sure to iucrease in value and offers au excellent opportu nity lor investment. For inrtver particulars, apply to 11. DOltNINO, at the Mount UoodSa. iuoun. JalB-tf Private Residence in Dalles City 1 U1C WVJUlli. mHE Valuable Private-' X Residence of L. W. COE, and the adjoining ORNAMENTAL GRuUNDS, and COTTAGE belonging to MRS. GRAVES, are offered for SALE. For particulars enquire of F. 0. BROWN, Esq., DalUis City or or u. K. ukavks, in t-ortiami. ociq-tr The stock of the DALLES AND UMATILLA WAG ON ROAD COMPANY having been all subscribed, there will be a meeting of the Stockholders of said Com pany ax the office of W . D. Blgelow, In Dalles City, Ors- son, on stow DA X, Marco 7th, low. W. D. BIOELOW, ' I . J. 8. REYNOLDS, THOS. UORDDN. Dalles, Febroary 3, 189. foS-td Incorporators. u ILL'S PALE SOAP, for sals by HENRY LAW CO., Second street. IfyrrVWMjfe- DAILY MOUNTAINEER Zl - " . . POWKR PRESS BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE, First Street, between Halo and B, DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY ' Executed with acenracy and dispatch. IN A STYLE THAT WILL COMPAiUS FAVORABLY with the Yery best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS TEE CHEAPEST to order: Cards and It i 1 1-IIcads . CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, OSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR HEATRES, CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS, -c- PRINTED IN TBI MOST ATTRACTIVE MANNER. ALSO, WAT-BILLS, , BILLS OF FA EE, LETTER HEADS, REVEll'TBOOKS, BILLS LADING, Uriels and Pamphlets, VISITING, WEDDING AND "AT HOME" CARDS Druggists' . Labels, In short, everything that can be done in a Book and Job Printing Unlce, train the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest size and most showy Posting Bill and which will De turned out In a style that cannot fail tf)insure entire satisfaction.. OUR rACIUTIES FOR THI EXECUTION 0T DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills! From a single Shoot to the Largest Mammoth. ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS FURFUMERS LABELS. o Are unsurpassed by those of any other establishment in Oregon. We devote special attention to this brunch of the business, and are continually adding to onr already exten sive aid well appointed assortment of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, , o5c, rfc, rfc, Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Onr stock o FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC. Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the State. The principle upon which business ii ashed for tins ee- tabl lull men t is, that nernonn will commit their own inter ent, by awarding their custom to that office in which their money can be expended to the beat advantage. To this end we aollcit all iu want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine specimeuB, and Judge for yourselves. , Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the Interior may rely upon having their orders tilled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State ofOreeon! . Address: , , MOUNTAINEER OFFICE nl!8-tf Dalles, Oregon. SIGNS! SIGNS! SIGNS! O. 8.9AVAGE. HOUSE AND SIGN FAINTER. DEALER IN FAINTS, OILS, WINDOWGLASS VARNISHES, Colors, Putty, Brashes, Olne, etc. Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fixtures, to. 1-tf IALLES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WBOLISALI AND JtKTAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Po yrt aril 7Vf m . , ( .Qaami PAfENT MEDICINE8, Ac. 1-tf JE-I1E8H BUTTEIt. T IIK SUBSCRIBER has inado arrangements to receive very TUSKDAY a lull supply of Josslyn's Superior flutter. Families and others will be supplied on application. Ja261tf M. RKN1G, Main Street, Dalles' KOTICU I. hereby given that the Stockholders of the CEN TRAL ROAD AND UIUDGK COMPANY will meet Auburn, Baker county, Oregon, on FRIDAY, the 11th day of March, A. ., 1804, to eleottlirectors of the Incorporation. GEO. BAltNY, , OKO. 8 LOCUM, ' JOUN A. LYTLE, Auburn, Jan. 28, 1304. jfll-30d Incorporators. 100 VOLUNTEERS WANTED! ry0 SERVE THREE TEARS, UNLESS SOONER Dlf. JL charged. Those serving two years, OT to tile close of the war, will be entitled to - The company will consist of one Captain, one First anil one Second Lieutenant, one 1st Sergeant, ane Qna.-ter-niaster Sergeant,one Commissar' Sergeant. Ave Sergeants, eight Corporals, two Teamsters, two Farriers or Black' sniiths,oneSaddler,one Wagoner and tewniy-eiijht Private. The enlisted men will be sent to Fort Dalles, at Govern ment expense, to be mustered Into tho service of the United States. Rated of Pay. First Sergeant. S20 ner month : all other Serceantt. f 1 1 Corporal. (14; Farrier and UlackBinltu, $16 ; Private. $1 3 sngier, -In addition the men will ba fnrnlshod with clothing arms, eqnipments, subsistence, quarters and medical afi leraunco. 'ine allowance lor clothing Is three dollars and Jiffy tents per month. When an enlisted man draws less than hit yearly allowance of clothing he will be entitled S receive the difference in money. The men wilt be eu listed as Privates. . Recruits presenting themselves at the office, will be eb titled to two dollars, when mastered into sorvice. JOHN DARRAG1T, "'- Recruiting Officer. 43 Offlcs on Court street, two doors north of Couri House, Dalles. J24-tf GLOBE HOTEJL, Corner of Third and B Sfs., DALLES, OREGON. , JOHH EPPINGER, -, - - - ' Proprietor alHR UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFUL- JSJ , ly inform his friends and tbe public, that he f Lri'ij has completed and opened a fine three Btory HO l.rjJJ( TEL, on the corner of Third and 1) streets, MltJLillilL ami has pleasant and coinmodiyis rooms for the couveis lence of Travelers, and has fnmlshed the same in good style, as be has tho house throughout, and Is prepared for the patronage of the public. FINE DINING ROOMS AND PARLORS are attached to the house, and all the conveniences reqtil site for a well regulated Hotel. No pains Will be spareil to rendor guests comfortable ami give the most perfect satisfaction to all who may fuvorthe honstf With their pati ronage. The house is pleasantly sitoateti in a qiiiet por tlun of the city, and will be found a desirable place of abode to the traveling public. ni4-tf JOHN KPPINQBR. . COLUMBIA BREWERY IIFNllY L1JDW1G, PROPHIETOIt AND COMMANDER IN CIUKF.mSfr ruHpoctlully announces to bin frienilu and t)i liftlnuceof mankind, that lie has erected at thefn-l&fi terucction of Second street mid the Canyon City Koad, the Itirnest and iuont complete Brewing establblf meut iu the Btato, known on the Columbia Brewery, where he b prepared to receive orders both Ironi city and country for his SUPERIOR LAGER BEER. The Railroad passing Immediately iu front of th Brewery, iie has miperior tHcillties for tilling orders from the upper county, at the rery lowest ratus. A handsomely lifted uu Ssiloon attached to the Brew-' ery, where LAUKHis retailed fur the accommodation of customers. Also, a neatly furnished room for the accommodation of private parties. Dalles, April 28, 1808. PUOl'ltlETOR. UMATILLA HOUSE DALLES. OREGON. II AND LEY & SIKNOTT, THIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL Is now open for the' reception of Ruosts. After being thoroughly reno-' vated aud newly furnished, it will he contacted, in all its departments, as n lirt class HOTEL. The house Is con veniently located near the steamboat landing and railroad depot. Baggage takon to the House, free of charge. House kept open all night. setMf Five Mile House. MESSHb. IIODQDON k COOK, re spectfully inform the public in , general, and their friends in particular, J that they have fitted up the above HOUSE in a style unequalled by anyl of the kind. W e are nrunared to receive aud comfortably . accommodate all who may favor us with a call. The Fl VIC MILK HOUSE is the best stopping place between t he Dalles and the l)eHChute,andisbeautifullyIocated. with -, fine advantages for trout fishing, ko. All who may siop here may rest assured tlmt they will be comfortably ac commodated by the proprietors. 8. D. HODGDON, 1-tltf J. M. P. COOK. MOUNTAINEER SALOON, (Basement story, next to the Umatilla House,) G. A. STANGLEIV, Proprietor. THIS UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS am the public, that under bis direetion the HMoux--TAi.NKltt" will sustain the reputation of a No. 1 Lager Beer Saloon. Also, choice Wines, Liquors aud Clgnrs: aull-tf G. A. STANOLKN. 11AHKY KERKlSOiV'S SALOOi, MAIN STREET, DALLES. THK UNDKU8IGNKD INTI niates to his friends aud the public, that he has fitted np a Saloon on the North side of Main street, where be will be happy to soe his old friends and acquaintance. Ills Bar is stocked with Wines,. Liquors and Cigars, OF THK BEST QUALITY. aull-tf 1IAKKY KERRI80N.- FURNITURE ! FURNITURE 1 ! DIKBLA3I Si WKNTZ, iHITUsjj. CORNER THIRD AND B STREETS Household Furniture, embraclnn Tables, Chairs, Bureaus, Beds and Bedsteads, Bedding, Carpets etc., etc., all of which will be sold at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also, on hand Mattresses and Pillows. Spring Beds made to order. an!2t II. J. W A. L. 1 It O N , POST-OFFICE BOOKSTORE. CONSTANTLY ON HAND a full supply of Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Stationery, Newspapers; Mannilnes. oto. Also, Fresh fruit aula FEED! FEED! FEED! GROUND FEED, BARLEY, OATS, BRAN, MIDDLINCS AND FEED OF ALL KINDS. FOR BALK BY 124-tf UCNUY LAW Ik CO.