THE LOVE KNOT. Tying Her bonnet under the chin, he tied the raven ringlets in ; Bat not alone In the silken inure Sid ihe catch her lovely floating hair, For, tying her bonnet under her chin, She tied a young nan' heart within. They were strolling together op the hill, Where the wind comet blowing merry and chill ; And It blew the curie a frolicsome race, All over the happy peach-colored face. Till Holding, and laughing, she tied litem In Under her beautltul dimpled chin. And It blew a color bright as a bloom, Of the pinklest fuschia's tossing plume, All over the cheeks of the pretleet girl ' That ever Imprisoned a roaming carl, Or. tying her bonnet under her chin, Tied a young man's heart within. Steeper and steeper grew the hill Madder, merrier, cheerier still The western wind blew down and played The wildest tricks with the little maid ; As tying her bonnet under her chin, ' She tied a young man's heart within. Oh, western wind, do yon think it was fblr Tu play such tricks with hor floating hair ? To gladl'tilly, gleefully do your best ' Tu blow her against the young man's breast, Wliere he has gladly folded hor in, ' And kissed the mouth and dimpled cnlnl Oh, Kllery Tone, you little thought An hour ago, when yon bosought This country lass to vMlk with you, ' 1 APer the sun had dried the dew, Svhat perilous danger you'd lie In, ' As sua tied her bonnet under her chin. TUe Sanitary Fund. , Portuss, Feb. 17, 1864. Dear Sir: Iter. T. H. Pearne hat juet hand ed me your note witb $106 12 in coin, and $30 (a currepcy the generous contribution of the citizens of, your patriotio city, io aid of the philanthropic purposes of the Sanitary Com mission. It is ft most welcome proof that the liberal donors do not "grow weary in well doing," coming as it does from a community which has repeatedly manifested its patriotic sympathy wtb the brave and suffering de fenders of. our free institutions. I will for. Ward this with other sums, collected during the las', ten days, amounting to nearly a thou sand dollars, by the next steamer, to the prop er officers of the Commission, who, I am sure, will gratefully receive such renewed proofs of confidence on the pert of the people of Ore gon. Very truly yours, Amory Holbrook, Associate Member of U. S. Sanitary CommlS' sion for Oregon. Rev, 15. C. Lippinoott, Dalles. The Nsw Conscription Bat. By the- amendment of the conscription bill, as pro tioaed by Senator Wilson, in the Senate, the following persons are exempt : Sucb as are mentally or physically unfit tor military duly the Vice President, Judges of Courts, Gov ernors of States, beads of Executive Depart ments; the only son of a widow, wholly de. pendent on him for snpport; tbe only sou of aged or inhrm parents wnolly dependent on kirn for support, and in case all are drafted of several sons, the parent or parents may select which shall be exempt ; the only brother of orpban children under 12 yean old ;- where two sons have deceased or been- disabled in military service the residue shall, be exempt. The division into classes io tbe enrollment is .abolished. Substitutes for persons enrolled exempts sucn persons. PNistDRNriaLLV speakiiig, tbeQuIncy Union says: " Under our form of Government some one must direct affairs. This coining Sum Tner we are to elect a successor to President Lincoln. Who shall it be ?' Seward is shrewd er : Chase is a better financier ; Grant is better General. Each of these gentlemen have specialities, but Lincoln posseses wbal neither or them nas, tbe absolute confidence ' the unwavering trust and affcctiso of the peo pie; and by a wave- of popular opinion, we . believe be will be carried almost without op position to the succession in tbe Piesidential chair." GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BALL GIVEN BY The Citizens of the Dalles. TO Jackson Engine Company.No. 1, AT. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, ON Monday Evening, Feb. 22d, 1804 nONARABa MANAORBS t OEN. O. HUMA80N; COL. J. 8. ItTJCKRL, COL. WM. LOGAN, MAJ. O. 8. 8AVAUB, COL. N. If,. OATHS,. ' MAJ. JAS. ODELL, irilXT 1 IT ITL'I IV uau If.U Ufl UiU IIK0. II. TWICHELL Esq., K. P. FITZGERALD, Esq.. W. C. LAUGHLIN, 4. JUKER, I'. CRAIG; TIIOB. WETIIERBD, C1IAS. 8. MILLER, K. 0. DRAWN, I, . 51. COHN, R. PENTLAND. " 1IENJ. J. DREW, . OK0. THACIIRR. A. W. PITTS, I. SPRINGER, " JOHN W. BRAZEE, . L. BROWN, , Mil. H.. NEWELL, ' I. DU8ENBKRRY, ' F. W. AYER8, . CAPT. FARNHAM, WM. BIRNBAUM,, JULIUS UOETZ, WM. MILLER,. R. O. MUNQKR, ' II. A. HOGUK, ' FRANK T.DODUB,. 1 tlEO. RAMSEY; " E. R. WELCH,. C. McFARLAND, D. II ANDLEY, , oomrrrrxs or abrakobxebts s A. W. BUCHANAN, JOS. RLFELT, J, ADAMS, 8. TIM. R.. J. MONROE, Music by STORM'S STRING BAND. Tickets, including Carriages,.. $3 00 49 fro pains will spared by the Management to make tills a most Dnniant anair. SoiuvitatloDS sent. The public invited. felttd J. JUKEK, Slain Street, Dalles, WB0LCSAU AND BRAIL DUUI III . ALWAYS III 8 TORI THE BUT BRANDS Of Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. P LAYING CARDS, POCKET CUTLERY, PORT MON1K8, COMBS and BRUSHES, o' all kinds, ' PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, t FANCY GOODS, Ac. Also Powder, Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Interior dealers supplied with Cigars, Tobacco, etc., at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-8 WASIIWGTON WAGON ROAD FROM; ortlanri Io the Cascades. The undersigned would respectfully Inform the traveling public that the above named Wagon Road now in traveling order for Unlit loaded wagons, from the mouth ol 8ANDY to CASCADES. Persons wishing to travel irom fori land to the Dalles, will nnd Itto tlicrirad. vantage to crow Ihe Columbls Ulver at the mouth of San dy and haul their wagons over this Koad to the Cascades, as It will save the price of freight on the lower steamboat, and nlio ovor the Cascades railroad. There i a good trail from the Cascades to the Dulles for loose stock, crossing the river back again near Little White Salmon. Ferries erenow koptat both these crossings. From and after Ihe 16th of February next, the undersigned will keep the above Ferries In connection with the Koad, and will pass the travel tnrougti as cheap as any- other route. There being better grass, less rocks, and generally a batter Road on this route, I flatter myself that I will receive a liberal patronngo irom vrover ana racnen. in addition to the o. s. a. uo.'s steamers, the steameK Cuilo Is running from Ihe Cascades thbe Dalles, and will carry wngona cheap. Kates of Toll over the lload : For each wagon, wfth two horses, mnles, or oxem-Al 00 For with additional pair of bosses, mules or oxen... 60 or iioweana tmggy 70 ros-eecn aautuonat norse..H 2ft to Fea each man and horse! For each-Hack animal...; WJ4 Kor each head of animals, other than sheen hogs- or goats za, For sheep, hogs on goats, each. US It. u. 1IAKDI. rronrletor. We, thennderalgnad Jmmlerants. herebv certify that we naneed over B. C.. Hurdr's Wagon Road, on or about the 28th day of September, 1KM, with the Bethel Train of tain Vrlour wagons: and do consider saiaiaoad a good Moun- Id Road for llglit loaded wagons. Aurora, Morion county, Oct. 6, 186S. Woll.Youug, Frank Wi veyman, jonn.ny, D. 7.1 merman, n D. Stoinbach, John Will, Urban Will, George Fry, John J. Cnllen, Henry Hocker, Shllip Snyder, U. Will, a. win, David Scholl, Jacob Steindacb, 1 John Bier, Joseph Burkholder, Benjamin Marquart, Samuel Wolfer, Samuel Miller, Rudolph Wolfer, G.W. Ehlen, Cornelius Rair. M. Biub nmuer, ' Andrew Grossman, ciepnen omiiu, Theoder Slopffer, C. II. Khlen, Kdward Vawter, ' Jacob G. Miller, Leonard Will, George Will, Joseph H Miller, John Gerkin, Nicholas Bier, Isaac Miller, G. F. Koop, C. Wolff, Capt. Train, Chas. Burkholder, George Zlegler, Michael Bachert, Honry Snyder, i, iiiiau jniuer, j23-tr A VALUABLE FARM On Ten Mile Creek, of 10 acres of rich bottom Land, 60 acres fenced and 46 acres has beea cultiMb ted; 200 Fruit Trees, some bearing, comprising Apple, Peach, Plum, Pear, Cherry, and Apricot; Grape vines, Currant and Lawton Blackberry, Poultry, Garden seeds and Farming Implements, Dwelling House, out nouses, all are onered tor SBUU cash. Inquire on, the prem iy, miles above the Five Mile House, of fel L-ll 0..0LNEK. SADDLE & HARNESS MAKERS. np,IIR UNDERSIGNED HAVE OPENED A M. SADDLE b HARNK8S SHOP on Main street, onooslle the What Cheer House. i.laenag wnere they are prepared to nil orders In their line of business. A full stock of BRIDLES. SADDLES. HARNESS. WHIPS, Ac, constantly on, hand and mado to oiuer. I'acK-A'rains ntted out, and all orders In the Saddle and Harness line filled with dispatch iia-rAininu promptly attenueti to. STH1TTER A FRITZ, fcULtf ' Maimstseet, Dalles. ""PASSENGER Tu Connebtlon with their CANYON CITY EX. PRESS, Messrs. Jones A Edgar, will nutce a PASSEN GER TRAIN upon the road, which will, take passengers through to the Canyon Inside of four days. Relays of Horses have been provided, and it is intended to put passengers uiroiign in express time. The nrst PAHHBNUEH TRAIN will leave the Dalles, on or about the lith lint., and will connect with the California steamer. For further partic ulars, Inquire of MR.- BURKE, Agent, at Wells, Fargo Co.'s Express. felO-tf JUNES &UUAK. OHIO HOTEL &. RESTAURANT. MAIN STREET, nut door to Baldwin A Bro.'s,on the Bridge. TUI new establishment Is now open for the accommodation of the public. Everything Is entire ly neV All the Substantial) and Delicacies of life will be sorted up In a neat and Inviting style. A share ol pub lic pawuuoge is soiicueu.. juhn iiuntek, W. P. BURCHARD, Dalles, Feb. 13, 1864. feli-tf J Proprietors. w. r. bjgtJejlaOW, RECEIVINiQ,, FORWARDING, Ann COM MISSION, MtBRCIIklfV;. Columbia itrut, ntar Main. siaiib m sel6-tf JC J-J w S-J XV -U--l XJ Kr ItVlLi Indian Department Touchers. Wanted INDIAN DEPARTMENT VOUCHERS, for which the highest price will be paid by . felO-tf . . U. HUMAHON. antfaAS lbe. San Francisco Kenned end New York Crushed SUGARS. For , eleb UUUASON, STOCKING CO. BOBBINS, McFARLAND &C0., WBOLMALI AMD RKTAIb ' Dealers In General Merchandise, Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, Hardware & Crockery Main Street, Dalle. FFER FOR 8 A LB a large and entirely new stock of most desirable Goods. amone which i Ladies' Misses' and Children's GA1TKRS and 8H0F.S; Ladles' and Misses' CLOAKS and SHAWLS, all styles; uouus. a large variety; FRKNCH PRINTS, new styles; Merrimack, Allen's and Cohero PRINTS: Bleached and Brown MUSLINS, all qualities; Fine all Wool BLANKETS! An endless variety of SMALL WARES, most desirable ano too numerous to mention; , French and English MKRINOKS; nam ami spotted FLA.NNKI.S; Irish LINENS, Linen T0WKL8, Bed Spreads, to. CROCKERY AJVD GLASSWARE, SELLING AT COST! ROBBINS, McFARLAND A CO., offer their entire stock of Crockery and ti-IiirvAp. tor saie at iaksi, in oraer to close uiat uraacii ol their business. " ' Parties wishing to purchase, will do well to call and examine our stock, as we assure them that we can sell lower than can be ofterad at any other house In town. uenieniDer BfibblNU AT COST. FINE LIQUORS T ROBBINS, McFARXAND A CO. offer at wholesale a large and varied assortment of I.IQUOH8. iIIhk-I from Newlork ami Snn Francisco, which having bene purchased some time-since, can be sold at about the pre sent San Fraaclsco nites. Among which are 1000 galls. BOURBON WHISKEY; 100 galls. RYE WUI8KKY; 1000 galls. HOLTS WHISKEY; ,; 400 gulls. KENTUCKY FARM WUI8KEY 1200 galls. OTAHD BRANDY; SOO galls. JAMAICA RUM; , 800 galls. HOLLAND GIN, Ac, IIA.REWAIIE. TtoiililNS, McFARLAND CO. have on hand anil XV ' fi sale the largest and beat assorted stock of tiAitun ahb in town. ROBBINS, McFAlUAFD A CO. have in store a full MMorlinent of Goods necessary to complete Ijie ssiueni- uutnts, ad tuis line we enumerate FLOUR, BACON, ; BEANS, ' BIIOVKLS, PICKS, AXES,' 0VERAL1J, SVGAR. COFFEE. TEA.-Ac. Also, BOOTS and SHOES. UNDERSHIRTS, and DRAW B-KS, aud a full assortment of CLOTHING, suited to Ihe mining traite. All ol which are onered at l'urllaud prices. whii traus;Hrtation auuea. Robbing, McFarland &, Co., MAIN STREET, DALLES, . J24-tf Opposite the Western Hotel, UALDVVIN &, BRO., HATB M-OPMSD Tbelr Store on Main Street, Entrance from the Bridge, with a NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE. fTIHEY would Invite especial attention to their Well m. ae.ected afutortmenl ot Gents' Custom Made Clothlnj to? ABB , 1TU111VISIIIIVG GOODS, which, togethea with A desirable stock ol FRESH GROCERIES villi be offered at the lowest Market Kates. . K. W. BALDWIN. J- C. BALDWIN. Dalles, Dej. , l863,-d:tf. STOVE AI1 TlH STORE. A.. BETT1NGEN, (Secona Afreet, near WathingUm,) 1 ' M ANOrAOTUBKB ANB DBALKB IN STOVES, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE.. IN STORES A FULX assortment of. KITCHEN, PARLOR, and OFFICE STOVES, which are offered at. low rates. Also, a full stock of TIN WARE, Ac. Orders promptly attended, and every description of JOB ill NU, whether lu Tin, Cupper, or Sheet lrun attended to. Ulve me a call. A BETT1NUEN, Second street, near H nshluirton. Oc20-tf over Musical Hall, J. I SXUltJlVX, Main Street llaAles, Oregon, (noarly oppo site Bloch, Miller A Co.'s) manufacturer aud Im porter of HAVANA &. DOMESTIC SEGARS. Manubcturlnc my stock of Sonars from the very best: Havana Tobacco. 1 cau at all times furnish the tradeatid consumers a quality of Began that are sure to give sutls- mction. j'atromae nome inuustry, ana inus aiu in aeei tng money at home, without eendiug it abroad for au In ferior article, Also, wholesale and retail dealer Inj Chewing and Smoking Tobacco,. PIPES, MATCHES, Ac Orders filled at San Francises prices, with freight aiiuni. iiiow-u LUNCH & OYSTER SALOON. MIKE RENIG, DIAUB IB Fancx Goods llobacco, SegarAc. HAIB STREET, D AXLES. CONSTANTLY ON HAND a full stock of, the best brauds Tobacco and Seirars. Also. Fresh Fruit, Can dles, Confeotlouery, Toys, PURE HONEY, Ac In the rear ot the store Is a handsomely furnished, Dining Room and Oyster Stand, at which will .be found a, constant supply of HhoatwateriUygtere, f J wnicn ne win serve up. in every style. Also, all the delicacies of the season served up to suit the taste t the must fastidious. se!7-tf I) It. A.. J. HOFFMAN, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCHER, T ATE COUNTY PHYSICIAN, and Physician of the jsj uerman iioapiuti eooiety ot 'trinity uounty,Ualiror Ilia, respectiully offers his services to the public of Dalles, ana vicinity. scomiu Office Id Ulobe Hotel, entrance on Waililngton street. FRENCH & II. MA IV , , IMroXTXM A.1B WH0UBAU ' '."" ; Dealers In Wines, Liquor?, GROCERIES, Miners' Goods, Boat Stores, fcc ' davb kemovkd to trxia NW STONE BUILDING", coBXnof Second and fVasblngton Streets. Ti A T T ra ri'pv . NOW IN STORK A LARGE AND COMPLETE As sortment of the very best brands of WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a full assortment of GROCERIES & STAJPLE GOODS. 49 Constantly receiving onr BunDltea direct from Nsw. York and San Francisco, w are able and willing to selD at a very small advance ou san yraneisco prices, xusy hoie by adopting a strictly correct and prompt-method off doing business, they will receive the patronage of the pub? lie. ans-tt uivr ii it o tu isii,. WBOUSAU ABB BIT AIL BBAUBS lit Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, . tiuoexRMs, provisions, , MAIIV STREET, - . - DALLES,. DE8IRR to return-tUanki to tttelf- friends and the. public tor. their past patronage aud respectfully so licit a contluiuuioe or the same. ' . Our facilities of every kind enable us eonfldentW Io as sert, that neHher In styles nor prices of Goods can a more. iimiruoie atocK ue loena in tne city, vur stocs: embraces everything In the line of ' 1 ' Fancy and staple Dry, Goods, Roots and Shoes, t , Clothlnir. Ilonlerr., ' . Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Notions, &c. &c. A full assertnieuti ot Family. GA0CERIK9. . Buying and selling exclusively for cash, we offer the. greatest iaditoementa, and are confident' that onr custe mete wm acknowledge mat tne best Dargaiiu and cbeap est Goods cau be had of ELFELV BRO'S. ipe. Orders filled with care and promptness. 87-tf SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. ETEraSH HTOCKt DlSEItEKV fc BROS., Dalles and Walla Walll,. ' PSAUUII LB StapLa and Fancy Dry Goods.. jiuneES' wiuuts, v . . lloots and Shoes, ' Clothing ' '' Hut and Caps, Groceries. And a full assortment of General Merchandise. Buvius? our floods exclusively in the Ban Francisco market, amL making none but cash purchases, we are enabled to sell, 20 per cent, cheaper than any other House at the Dalles.. DUNKMIEHX UHOX., ml-tf : Dalles aud Walla Walla. It. II. MALLORYa. CKLILO, ORKGOK, , DSALta IN DRY (MODS. VINES. PITCH, OROCERIE3, LldUOnS, OAKUM, - BOUTS A SHOES. CU1AR8. COKDAOE. TO ACCO, HARDWARE AJVLT BOAT STORES, of all deHcriutiotts. Also, a full assortment. of GENERAL HERVUAND1SK, adauted to the wauta. oi i n country. All orders irom the upper oo'iutry nromiitly atteeded bk and Uoods sent by Saturn steamer Uooils sold '20 ier (ient..ckoainri than any other store in town. Oliftll H, Hi MALIAJHI. jr. w. ciURLJEiar SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL DENTIST IT A VI NO PERMANENTLY LOCA. II ted himself lu the Dalles, be is now 1 prepareu toparioriu ail .. OnerjiUons In Ills line. In a piofessional and workmanlike manner. All the latest stylus of Plate work done, such as Vulcanised Rubber,. nunuer Aiiacnmeui, aim amoer usee, uoid and Silver Plates, by the most Improved methods. Parsons wlnhluir - first class Hold Killings inserted will do well to call. Partlcalur.atteutlou paid to regulating CHILDREN'S TEETH! ' TERTII EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, by the nse of Electricity.. Chloroform administered If desired, prices moderate lilttll oases. Office Main street, three doors West of the. Past Office building, (upstairs.) set-tf joh.v a. FostEB,. a.j. nanAir, JOHN R. FOSTER & CO.. Front Street, 'ortland. ARB NOW RECEIVING AMD OFFER for sale a full assortment of Shelf and Builders' Hardware, ASB MECHANICS' & MINING, TOOLS., . CoiHistiiiK of SHOVELS, loimand short bandied! aui and.sliort handled SPADES; Sluice Forks and Brashes; YY right's Sacramento luado U1NINO PICKS) Collins' Mlnlnu Picks, new luitlern; Manilla Rope, from i to '2. Inch In dlumeter; lluut'i AXES, liandled and unhaudled;: mucury i'lek and Axe Handles j ox Yokes and Ox Bows; Ul.l.. .. Villi U..u.. . t 11 .it - . ' VJ I if " um. auu .'' ntnt, VIVW U.l -.Oil. UIUIUK and fry taiM,.Goflee Mills; NbJU of tit atw Ac. Xu-. gtiiuur wiin. i urge aumorcnieni or SIIUL. ANU.UUAVi: GOODS. In our line, to all of which we Invite the attention of purr chasers, conttUi-nt that we can give satisfaction, both as . to quality and prices. . 1. B. FOSTER A CO. 1', Oct. 1, low. ooB-tf, iHtiolu(lon of Co-partnertihlp.. fBlie public la hereby notified that tbe co-partner-. JL ship heretofore existing- between J. L. Brown and Charles A. (Ilbsou, in the Mount Hood Saaviag Saluou, . la tins uay uissoivua uy mutual consent.. J. u. iiitunn,. CUAa..A.UlBSON. Tlic business will horcafter be conducted by the special i auperliiteudeuce of the uadersigned, who tliankful fur the liberal patronago heretofore extended by the citliens of the Dalles aud the traveling public, most respectfully solicits a continuation, of the snuie, and gives every ainu rance that no pains will bo. spaiod to ploase the must fas ii il ls, aud all who may favor bltawlth a cull at the Mo.ut Houd Shaving and Bathing Saloon. CHARLES A. GIBSON. naiite, Jan. 1st, ISM.-Jtn. 2C:ew, MRs.DIKTflB), formesly In onr' employ, is no. .longer authorised to revolve monies on our account. , LAZARD FRERE8. Ban Francisco, Feb. 9thl.8i. felMm lK. A. II. 8TEELK. Residence at the house owned by L,, "V. , COE. Corner of Court end Fourth Streets. ,