r en- DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY SO, 18C4. ' NO. isi. VOL. 3. Jl ailg Mountaineer, PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, (MONDAYS EXCEPTED,) BT William ii. nkwell, Editor and proprietor. - ' Tbhms Twtnly-fiot centt per week, payable to the carrier per month, by mail, fl; three months, 12 60; alx months, $5; one year, $S. Advertisement Inserted at low rates. Job Printing. K.very description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe oted with neatnoss and despatch, and forwarded as per order to any part of the coup try. PuymentJarM Print tng mutt be made on delivery oj Work. BLOCH MILLER & CO., . Dalles, Oregon, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IH ALL KINDS OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE MINER'S tOOlS. Also, a good assortment of all kinds of Groceries apd Provisions, "Wines and Hiiquore, 'Constantly on hand. ' m!4-tf M. BROWN & BROs, WHOLESALE AND RETAH DEALERS IN FANCY AND STAPLE DRY aOODSI GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &0. Mr. M. BROWN, being a resident of San Francisco, we Vre enabled to offer retit indcemeuts to purchasers. We ri'spoctfully invite the public to examine our stock before purchasing oisewuere. min-ti &f Stone 8tore, north side Main street, Dalles. p eTpTjbit z cl e r a l d , DEALER IN HARDWARE, iron unu wteei. Ever Deteriptim o ' Miners' and Mechanics' Tools, AND Farming; Implements. S1IIP CHANDLKRY, GROCERIES. CLOTHING, AND Crockery and Glassware. K. P. F1TZGKRALD. flO-tf Datiu, Oregon, . HIIiTlASON X ODELL ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW VHTILL PRACTICE IN TUB 8IIPRKMR AND CIK- , ' TI ctiit Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts of ,, vnimliniKtoD. Territory. ': Particular nttoution paid to the collection of claims. t i'ttllUMASON, Dalles, Ogn. J. A. ODKLL, GEO, L. WOODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, ! REAL ESTATE AGENT. -'-',.4 Lt BUSINESS entrusted to his care will beprompt- iLm. lyatiemieu to. Office at the Court House. QUO. L. WOODS. II . .HERMAN & CO., DEALERS IN Clothing, and Fancy Dry Goods Receiving their Ooods direct from San Francisco, they are eoauieo. tu sen at low rates. II. HERMAN CO., Main street, Dalle. anll-tf I It,, SPIER OFFICB ON WASHINGTON STREET, h20-tf BETWEEN MAIN A SECOND 8T8. PAYNE & CO.'S AUCTION HOUSE, SECOND STREET, DALLES CITY, F. A. O. PAYNE, Auctioneer. J ALES OF REAL KSTATB AND OBNBRAL MED- SO chandise. AW Stock Sales every day. nol J . D O WD '8 LIVERY AND FEED STABLE (SECOND STREET, near the Court House.) CI ENTLB HORSES, AND HORSES AND pa. T Carriages to hire. Also, Horses boarded Ivy the day, week, or moot' nontu, on reasonable fWir terms. The Stable has been flttfH nn with every care for the iry care comfort of animals, anerwane but careful grooms cm- ployed. The public patronage Is respectfully solicited. JS-tf ROOTS AND SHOES. rt F. WYCKMAIV, v. Manufacturer of Roots and Shoes. UTAIN STREET. Dalles, opposite Bloch. Miller A Co ' i'l Western Hotel Building. 'Good flu guaranteed and all wort done to the satisiaction oi customers. Also, o nana a nns stocx n reaay maae uooxs ana bboes. us pairing none. auzutr. HOICK YOUNG II ISO N TEA, for sale by J sezt-tfj HJBNRY. LAW CO. Second street 13. Gr. VORIIIES, dealer in Groceries and Provisions, MAIN STREET, - (Second door from What Cheer House.") Dalles y, Oregon. CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL STOCK OP Family Groceries, embracing Flour, Teas. Coffee, Sugar, Spices, Candles, Ba con, Deans, Simp, Starch, Coal Oil, and Coal Oil Lamps. Also, Crockery, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Llciuors, Ac. Buying our Ooods exclusively In the San Francisco mar ket, we are enabled to sell at the very lowest markot rates. Packers. Faniiies and others are Invited to send i s their orders, and may rely upon being si 'ted. po'il-tf II EN IX Y LA & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN lour, Grain and Produce, OF ALL KINDS, SECOND STREET, Dalles, Nsar the Globe Hotel. WOULD INFORM THEIR FRIENDS AND TUB public, that they have constantly on baud all Outside Brands of Flour, Together with Standard, Mission and Self-Rising, or sale In lota to suit. " Also, a complete stock of choice Family Groceries. To the Dalles Merchants. WB EAYB ALWAYS ON HAND A Large Stock or Flour. WB OFFBK IT TO YOD AT TUB 8AHB RATB that it can be obtained in Portland, with freiich added. It seems useless for you to send below, when it can ne naa in yoar own town on tnese terms. HENRY LAW A CO..) f HBNRY LAW A CO., Portland, f a',-tt Dalles. DALLES BAKERY AND GROCERY STORE. ANTHONY SNYDER, (Second Street, two doort below Vie Olobe HM ) WHOLESALE AND &BTA1L HANVEAOTVBJUl Of Crackers, Pilot Bread, Cakes & Pies AND DEALEB IN Family Grooerles. a- Orders from the nnper country filled and nromntlr aicpaicnea. . -Al-tt VI. MOaBUg. 0. B. KIKGeb WM.MOABTJSi&COM CITY BAKERY, AND PROVISION STORE, Corner of First and B streets. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In BREAD, CRACKERS and Family GR0CHR1BS. ;, Orders from a distauce carefully filled and promptly oispatcneu. - i-tr A. I. BLOCII Sc CO., MAIN STREET, DALLES, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO & MINERS OUTFITS f All Orders Pnnctually Attended to. J3;tt NOTICE to Packers, Teamsters, Hotel Keepers, i amines, AND THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL, HENRY LAW & OO "i ARE RECEIVINQ A General Assortment of Groceries, by every Steamer, direct from Sao Francisco, which they are selling at a very HMALL PROFIT FOR CASH Also, on hand and for sale all the CHOICE II HANDS OF FLOUR SUCH AS Standard, Imperial Standard, . Imperial Standard Self-Rls Ins, MlHBion, Magnolia, besides a variety of outside Brands; all of which will be sold at fortiand prices and Irelght. . eeZt-tf CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES BEST OOFFEB, BEST TKA, DKS1 SUGAR, BEST SYRCh CAN CHICKEN, CAN OYSTERS, PICKLES, YEAST POWDERS, 8ALEARATUS, ALLSI'ICB, GINGER, CANDLES, UAH UUAH, TOBACCO. Ac. Always on hand and for sale by HENRY LAW & CO. att-t k 1W street, Dalles, near Glob UotelJ FALL ARRANGEMENT. The Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s STEAMERS m NEZ PERCE CUIEF,Capt. Frank Coe AND SPRAY, - - Capt. Chas. Felton, Will run regularly from CELILO to UMATILLA and WALLULA, as followei Leave Celllo, Tuesdays, Thursdays and ! ., .i . Baturaays. ? , Railroad Cars to Convey Passengers to the Steamer, will start from Dalles, at 7 O'Clock, A, M. I RETURNING, will leave WALLULA, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at O 0 C10CK, A, Jt., ' AND Umatilla, at V A.M. Connecting with Train at Celllo for Dalles, same day. . The Steamer Oneonta, Cant. J. McNULTY. will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays ex cepted) at 8 o'clock, A. H., for CASCADES, connecting with the steamer Wilson u. hunt, uapt. wolf, lor fortiand. J. v. AiPiSWUKTU, rresment. Dalles, September let, 1863. . - sel-tf A. R. BOOTH, , FORWARDING AND' COMMISSION MERCHANT, lc aeiha uitt. toot ot rnest tiapios, W. 1. WRKIOUTS CONSIGNED TO MY CARS for Colvllle, JP Rock Island, Okanagon, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will receive prompt attention. Freight stored, or taken orer the Portaue at rev sonaoie rales. e-ci COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. A.. OOTH, YAKIMA CITY, FOOT OF PRIEST RAPIDS, W. T. TVEALKR IN GENERAL MBRCHANDISB AND M3 Miners' Supplies. A full assortment of Goods coa- stantly on hand, comprised In part of Floor, ' " Miners' Boots, Sheet Oopper, Self-Rising Flour, 1. R. Boots, Nitric Acid, Bacon, Nailed Brogans, QulckslWer, Ueans, uats, Ketorts, Dried Apples, Indian Goods, L. H. Shovels, Sugar. Blankets. Miners' Picks, Tea, Liquors, Coarse Wire, Coffee, Dry Goods, Uold Pans, Tobacco, Groceries, Torn Kocicer irons, en- era. Also a good assortment ot Clothlnn. Goods delivered at the upper end of Priest Rapids, If desired, Jylo-tf La Grande Hotel. TUB TRAVELING PUBLIC ARB hereby notified that the under- slgded hasjust opened the above named HOTEL, situated in the town ol LA GRANDB, In Grand Ronde Valley, where MEALS maybe had at all hours. GOOD DUD3 will also be furnished. There Is also in connection with the House a FEED STABLE and enclosures for Stock, No pains will br spared by the proprietor to make the above namee House all that can be dosl-ml by the travel ing public and others who may favor him with their pa tronage. X. V. lUU&Utb La Grande, Baker county, Oregon. 1 July n, 1838. J JyV-am SELF-RISIN3 & EXTRA FLOUR. TUB IMPERIAL STANDARD ' SELF-RISING AND EXTRA FLOUR! 1 ' TUB : Best Flour in Market, For sale In lots to suit, by HENRY LAW & CO., JslD-tf Second street, Dalles. H. W. EDDY & CO 'S 'STANDARD MILLS FLOUR," 1 THE 13 test Article In Market, FOR SALE, IN LOTS TO SUIT, BY a24-tf HERY LAW & CO. HAY-YARD & COIUlAl fpHB SUBSCRIBER, at hli ranch, on th John M, Xay, eJgut nulet. above Leunaru t underwoud Forry um oTor Five Hundred Tons of Hay aid Is prepared to ranch horses and other stock. Horse taken for the winter, at the rate of 1 10 for the winter, oclifl-tf JOHN M. IRV1NR, 1 M. i- RIECK, PRACTICAL TAILOR, I MAIN STREET, DALLES. i, (Next door beUm Dr. BeWi Drug Store.) ARMENT3 MADE in the In tost style. Clean nd VLJS " Repairing neatly executed. seiatf r NOTICE. Office Superintendent Ind. Affairs, 1 Olvmpia, W. T Dec. 22d, 183. f All parties hnidliiKclalme against the Indian Department for liabilities Incurred previously to May 12th, 18(12, and who have presoitod the same to this office for examination, are hereby notified that it Is ne cessary for them to forward frill sets of vouchers to the Department In Washldgton, for adjudication. Claims can either be sent direct or through (his office. , 0. II. HALH, 1.8w . Snpt. Iridinh Affairs ,W. T. 800 noli) lbs. Fine Teas, the choicest brands ill market. For sale by tlDMASON, TOCKINQ bO. ColumblaTransportatlon Company j TTTIfl OTBlMrn PIONEER. KERNS. Master. will leare Portland every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, at 7, A. Si, connecting witn tne new propeiior tKULU) BAUGHM AN, Master,' at the Cascades, next day. Return, lag, the OBLIIiO will leave the Dalles every , Tuesday and Friday, A.M. connecting with the FIOfcEER at Cascades, same day at 12 o'clock 6. Freight by this line will be forwaided Irom tne uaiies by tne steamer uascaauia, white, Master, to Umatilla, Wallhla, and other ports Above. Arrange ments have been made for the transit 6f passengers oveV the Portages, and shippers may rely that their freight will be taken to destination with care and dispatch'. For freight and passage, apply to ... . . jnu. x. iiKitns, agent, roraana, oc2-lm or W, D.. JIGELOW,. Agent, Dalles. , NEW CROCKERY STORE! 1Y1. SELLER & CO., ' Dalles, Oregon, WOULD RESPECTFULLY Inform the pnb-. lie that they are now opening the store C formerly occupied by BI6ch, Miller A Co., with a Urge and well selected stock of UrtUUIirVKr , GLASSWARE, - LAMPS, of all descriptions, ' PLATED and BRITANIA WARE, . LOOKING GLASSES, TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY, NOTIONS; Ac, Ac, WILLOW WaRE, KEROSENE OIL, : . CAMPHENE, ao. . , Having a house In San Francisco and Portland. . Va enabled to offer GikmIs at the lowest rate. - Bl. SELLER & CO., MAIN STREET, ' Dalles Oregon. delt-tf H. H. HILL. A. J. KAMI HILL & KANEa WHOLESALE AND EETAJL DEALEU IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors, AND ' -f AGRICULTURAL IfttPLEfttENTS. 8T0RAGH AND FORWARDING. , Ooods consigned to ns will meet with proper attentlod " Heferririoes ... ' PORTLAND. DALLES. . n. W. Corbet, Robblns A Co. Richards A McOracksn, W. 0. Moody A Co ' ' H. Law, . o. Humason. . Umatilla Landing, Sept. 6th,l863. seS-ti F.m , 1 lis n m: , Watchmaker and Jeweler j WlAirs STREET, DALLES, , (NEXT D00E TO TnE AS8AT OFFICE,) DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY; . CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Silver and Plated Ware! ' D,,ut..l. ... ' -Partlcular attention naid to renalrinir Sn.B Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repaired by me warranted lor twelve months. N. B. All orders from the upper country, by Express or otherwise, promptly attended to. null tf NEW STORE! THE UNDERSIGNED take pleasure In announcing totheir friends and the public, that they have RE MOVED to their new store on the Northeast cornor 01 MAIN AND COURT 8TREETS, where they have opened an extensive assortment of GOODS, consisting in part of Tobacco, Cigars, Yankee Notions, CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS. CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac, which they will sell at the lowest rates. se8-tf ABRAHAMBON AKOHLBBRG. Cartes De Vislte, Aco. FOB A LIKENESS OF ANY SORT, GO TO HOLSTZ Corner of Second street, opposite the horse market audhe will Give You Entire Satisfaction, rain or sdnshino, with his powerful Voitlander Instrd ments, . . ,ol6.t SCRIP AflO INDIAN CLAIMS , COLLECTED WITH DISPATCH. V Wstr Scrip, Indian Vouchers, and tlU other CLAIMS ON TUB UNITED BTATES, col lected by 0. M. CARTER, who leaves for Washington In January next, roturning in March. All business sent with him will be promptly attended to. ; . dfrflm OFFICE NO. 102 FRONT BT., Portland ROAU TO CANYON CREEK AMI HO IS E MINES. ' TnB TRAVELING PUBLIC are hereby notified that the new B 111 DUE across the Des Chutes, about three miles from the mouth of the same, Is now finished. Per sons going to Canyon Creek or Boise, mines will find it to their advantage to travol this road, as It is the nearest and best route. A deduction will be nade from th. renl.. rates of toll to persons having'large droves of cattle or sheep. JmW-tfJ J. A. SIMMS ft CO. MUSIC. "" ' String and Brass Music furnished for Parades, Soirees, Balls, or Parties, at short notice and reason able prices. Enquire at Musical Hull, second door, corner Second and Washington sereeta. , d30-tf DALLES BRASS A fiTRTNfl nn V.-n ' . MTJSIOr MtJSIOT" to irinsr jnnsio rurnlshed BALLS.SOI- u 3 REES. Private Parties, Ao,at Short C Notice, and at reasonable rates. Apply at V tn. Cigar Store, of J. D. Sturm, Main stroet, Dalles. UJMr J. A. STURM. , HME! LIME! ONK Hundred and fifty barrel Lime) for sale cheap for cashi . ls-f b. p. irrzaERAttf.