12 h'iVexo 0sc:t Ctatesuam. Salem, feeyon PrtJdy Horning, Velrvary 19, HER DEATHS r Jty Tests Will be Given Dcth Before Murder " Charges Pressed VT. JOSEPH. Mich.. Feb. 14.- ' YAP)- Accused by her daughter - - f tartar slain e!gh tcbildren. : Sir. EtHel Lewis. - 4, r together wttfc tbe daughter, Mrs. Okel Gor- fcsnv 13. must - stand trial on efcargee of harlng killed the flTe mantle old eon . of lira, Gorbam fact naday. They waived exam " tuition when arraigned In Justice rouil this afternoon on first de- rrM murder warrants and were bowod orer to circuit court with .- oat bond. ' - ft was i Intimated tbat both weald be given sanity tests betqre f Manns; in circuit court - Wallace Lewis, Eau Claire Junk deafer, and Herbert Gorbam. Dow agJae, husbands of the women, wsr held in Jail but Prosecutor TTIIWr N. Cunningham, of Ber "i fas county, intimated no charg- . c would be brought against them. - - Statements Conflict Cosily officials said they had aMafaed conflicting statements frets Mrs. Lewis, but that four 1 bf of Questioning had failed to wiaterfally alter her. denial of her ' - d fighter's accusation. According to Cunningham Mrs. ' lswlc admitted baring nut "some fiowta medicine," Into milk given Clare e Wesley, the child for vbosv death they are to be tried : llewerer. Mrs. Lewis vehemently . denied having choked the child as " lira. Gorham charged. "If a lie; they're all lies.", she hotted as Mrs. Gorham accused . tor mt not only poisoning . and ' : rkekiag Clarence Wesley, but also i af caaslng the deaths of three ether grand-childYen and four of . I ier own children. Woman Maintains Story ire the truth; I'm telling the truth, her daughter retorted. ! Mrs. Lewi claimed her daugh ter 'bed accused her so that she 1 night obtain possession of "things 4 7re get in the house." . The house la a dreary two-room : lar paper covered shack on the j vataktrts of Eau Claire. Mrs. Gorham related that she i cas present Sunday when, she i r barges, her mother choked Clar ;; ,enee Wesley, already dying from : tea effects, of poison in the milk ; Mrs. Lewis' version was that the , child was suffering from whoop , fas; cough, and that she had given , If medicine and shaken it. When teld a physician had denled-the ! eaild had whooping cough, she : sa ragged her shoulders and said, j "Walk there was a rattling in its ; thrvat," IIEIL ESTATE DEALS If STLVBRTOtf, Feb. 14. Several sales in real estate have ben made 'alias; the past few days In and sear Sllverton. A. I. Robenolt haR sold his garage building on the corner of First and Lewis streets to Elmer, Ferguson, who recently came here front western Oregon. Mr. Fer- Is engaged In the general reMir and tire and ton hualnesH. and will continue business in this same building. . - Harold Roop has sold his 10 aer tract In the Everren A- met to S. Harmon of - Sllverton. Mr, Reop took In on the deal the Harmon home on Third street, which be then traded for a ranch near Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Har aso will take Immediate posses sion of their newly acquired ranch. " ; Ed Thomnson sold hi taarjt-rn tract on' the -Salem highway to Mama Jorgenson who recently -eaae sere irom the middle west. Mr. and Mrs. Jorransaoi nt fam- lly will make this their future aosse. Lights of Many - Colors Proposed Show Car . Speed Installation ' of j - rarl-colored Bant on motor vehicles, which will how . the rate of a speed at which the reside la traveling, is proposed In a. bill Introduced to day bf Senator Carsner, by re- sjvecc ' - The : lights would be on the frewt ef the motor vehicles, and . weeOd be risible to traffic officers and ether officials who are em - ployed In patrollng .the highways. Interest Grows' ' . In Church Meet The series of evangelistic meet, tags being held at the First Chris- Usj church by the Rev, John B. Ha'aley, pastor M)f .the ; Central fbwrch. Walla Walla, Wash., are growing in , Interest, with good crowds , in attendance. ' 8npple aseaUng : Mr. Hunley'a Ure mea sages is the work done - by Mrs. Ilaaley a soloist and song leader and which Itself la proving a draw- - far card. ' ' - . - - i TOTS I HEM Wt5 Will Pixy Full MkrkeSt Price LlinCC Extensive Plans Made; For Sunday School Meeting r ' "" " -: -About 140 parcels of programs tor the county Sunday .school con vention to be held In Sllverton March & and 9 will be sent out within the next few days by Fred de Vrles. president of the Marlon County Sunday School Council' of Religious education. Forty-fire speakers and special singers will take part In the convention proH gram. vv. 0 V:.::y-.:--:,A Every Sunday school In Marlon county should receive their pro grams by Sunday, but in case any fall to do so, Mr. de Tries should be. notified and a. supply -will be sent. - " f -'..v - j ' "Eugene Silke of Salem is secre tary-treasurer of the Council of Religious education.- HIS BILL APPROVED The first step In placing the state highway commission in a position so that it can sue and be sued In courts was taken . In the house Thursday, when H. B. 428. Introduced and staunchly de fended by Representative Loner gan of Multnomah, massed enough votes to pass. , Representative Lonergan, fa mous for his ability to present his case vigorously . and forcefully, waged a mighty battle for his measure, although he was excel lently aided by Carkln of tax mea sure fame. ! - - During the debate Mr. Loner gan struck out rigorously against any tendency to form "blocs" such as has been intimated are now forming in both the house and senate. Legislators should rote according' to their honest- conrlc tions, and not as groups, he said He pointed, out that during his career In the house he had often voted tor farm measures, and that he would continue to do so when he thought they deserved support. Another delicate slap at bloc forming was taken when Carkin tose to defend the measure. "When I am not a lawyer I am a farmer," he said humorously. "Just now I am voting as a far mer, and as such I favor this bill." The present status of the high way commission was explained by Mr. Lonergan In defense of his Mil. The state engineer now has power to pass on all disputes, and his word is final. It was stated. Thus the contractors or others do ing business with the commission hare no opportunity to be beard if they have complaints. If any person can prove that the editor of the Oregon Voter is lobbying, or that the publication ia indulging In such work, It will be immediately suspended. This was the answer to the resolution introduced Wednesday in the sen ate which proposes the removal of the Voter from its corner in the- statehouse and which brands whe publication as a "lobbyist." The letter, signed by S. 8. Chap man, editor of the Voter, was read in both houses- Thursday. EDWARD KI66IIVS TO SUNBYRY-ON-THAMES, Eng Feb. 14. (AP) Edward J. Hig ?ins of England was selected com manding general of the Salvation Army's world wide organisation tonight succeeding General Bram- well Booth. The high .council's choice of a new general followed action ear- ilari today when General Booth was adjudicated unfit to continue as head of the army. : The rote against General Booth was 82 to 5. The election of General Hlgglns, heretofore- a commissioner of the irmy and chief of staff, marks a new. phase In the long struggle to release the organisation, with Its property assets; from ' control by mmebers . of . the Booth family. Four members of the Booth .fam ily -were Included In the fire mi nority rotes today against the act depriving General Booth of office. They were Mrs. Bramweli Booth, her two daughters Catherine and Mary. Mrs. Lucy Booth-Hellberg, and Commissioner Alllster Smith made tbe- iinn. . - 12 NemBillsirSW rPlaced inHouse; ' Excise Tax is Up , Bllfs to the number of an even dosen came into thehouse Thurs day, with the'very last one, num ber 507, a substitute for the noted excise tax, . which was originally H. B. 279 Amendments and the percentages of tax are Included In the new measure. The rate Is set at fire per cent, with exemptions allowed op to fire per cent on interest. -c ' .- '- -.,x" . "v VETO OVERRIDDEN The senate 2 overrode Gorernor Patterson's reto of a bill passed at the It ST legislative session In creasing the salary of the county Judge of Union county from 11200 to $2100. Senator Kiddle spoke In faror of the bill He said it had the Indorsement of the tax payers of Union county, f!' v 1 DCf.TC K M HIS BLOC BECOME AHfB Ill PASSES SCORE OF BILLS Argument Develops Over Salary Increase for La bor Commissioners The house grist mill ground out a seore or bills Tnursaay even though the, machinery did become clogged at times by debate and oratory. None of the measures was of outstanding Importance, although some of them occasioned much ' discussion. --tX. A sharn debate arose on the floor when H. B. 424; which in creases' the' salary of the state la bor commissioner from 13,000 to 14,000. : Some of the members claimed that 13,000 should be ample, since the- budget showed that -he had ' a considerable ex pense account. This was rather hotly answered by others, ; who said that the commissioner bad a large number of deputies on) ex pense accounts and that he had to do a great - deal . of traveling. The measure passed and now goes to the senate and governor. - Representatire Childs' blll pro- riding for Issuing of license plates by sheriffs, passed the house, and if it continues on-its way. motor ists may buy their plates at their county seats, or Alt the measure changingihe dateApf obtaining li censes becomes law;, tb sheriff wm rind himself rery'busy in the miaaie of the summer. ' w m . Aiuiinoman county wants to hare clril service for its employes, and upon the assurance of Repre sentative Lonergan of that county that everyone, even the delegation, favored It. It was quickly passed by the house. Restrictions Are Made on Fishing - - - - - . .Tl ; a dui introduced by Senator Miller would make It unlawful to angle for, catch or take g$me fish in or from any lake in the state of Oregon by the use of snag or gaff hooka, set lines, or lines having more than two attractor blades, or wore mm tnree hooks. Penalty .for rlolatlon r h. .t includes a fine not to exceed 1100" ua. imprisonment In the Mint. Jail not to exceed 60 days. , TO PUBLISH REPORTS Senate Bill 182. matin nnhti the reports of traffic aocirfenta Hied with police and sheriffs, was massed by the senate Thursday. lt as sponsored br tha .... committee on roads and highways. - Cvaranteedi. workmanship 1 t mil ' Mi and construction in e very parL Sturdy, one-piece - unurw i vut?f testa i tOflOO, volts,. Terminals, connectors, separators' and other fittings are hiah- . est quality, carefully made Sales Tax To Be : Topic hi ' Millet At Chamber Meet A sales tax as a means of pro riding needed revenues for Ore gon will be explained Monday at the chamber of commerce by Sen ator Edward W. Miller, of Grants Pass. Senator Miller la. probably the leading adrocate of a tales tax In, the leglslature.r-:; -ZT O. E. Wilson, secretary, said Miller's talk wilt be of especial In. terest to business men since they are most concerned with such a tax measure. .-. . . $7500 y Damage is2:t. Turned Down in ; Sheridan Action After being tried-before a Jury for nearly three days, , the case Sheridan vs. Wlllig was decided in favor of the - defendant Thursday afternoon. 'William Sheridan sued for $7500 as administrator of the estate of James Sheridan, : who was . killed In an .'auto accident last summer. - Willis was the owner of a truck which thejlain tiff declared crashed , into James Sheridan's car and resulted In the fatal injury. ' Endowment Need Told to Students The matter of contributing to the Willamette university endow ment was presented to the stu dents of the 'university at special slass meetings held Thursday morning. The terms of the pledg ing and the manner of the cam paign were explained by class rep resentatives on. the executive committee of the student body. The actual student campaign will not begin until the latter part -of aext week, and no effort at or ganisation for the campaign was made at the meetings held here Thursday. S7T uli til. mi. v "Couehs L. Fure It Is J For Sale by Capital Drug mm When Eiffel Tower was built in 1869 for the Paris Ex position, no man Jiving thought it would stand longer than 20 years . . . But it has, and engineers now say it will easily be in use for 20 years more . . So'. . . like Eiffel Tower . . . Riverside Batteries give more service and greater power for a longer time than yon would expect and at less, cost than ordinary VEOOIDS DE LUXE BATTERIES : $6.75 (StaadArd ll-Plate) Two - year gwarantee. . A minion satisfied weere. Wottderfal new compound -Sires 80 more power for cold weather starting. The outstanding battery arae of the world. - - W also aUote 75c on . your old battery. molS - . wtuer. and inspected. LODEH SEBCS H1B LOST JT m MIAMI. Fla.. Tib. 14-(AF) CoL Charles A. Lindbergh, who ftndav on nletad the last lesr of his round trip to Central America in augurating air man service to tne canal - gone, twice took the ajr after hi return to search for fel low Dllota forced " down - In thd Florida" Keys. After making a, four and a half hour flls-ht over - the Kera In search of a plane from which two persona were rescued by a terry boat, the . flying colonel, accom panied by CoL John AT Hamble ton. rite president of - the Pan- American Airways. Inc., roared away into the dark to seek the nlloti of one of the nlanes that Joined the search today, returning sereral hours later without hav ing sighted the lost flyer." V V V V. GAN FRANCISCO 4 departures dally at this, big saving. World's greatest motor coach system assures tafety,f , comfort, . lowest fares. , All cars pleasantly heated. Other Low Rates YREKA f 9.75 SACRAMENTO SJ18JSO OAKLAND 91S.50 - LOS ANGELES 910 SAN DIEGO $22.80 KANSAS CITY $34.45 CHICAGO $68.45 Four Schedules Daily Depot Senator Hotal Court and High St. r&ona 69S - Super Power BATTERIES $9;70 Ow best batteryl Two- aad-a-haJf-year - tee. 17 oversize plates aew plate compound rubber Insulation gires added cold weather power and longer life. ' .. There is a r 0 111 TCversideTJattery for every make of car. Ipi'awww'WqN'uPwPwrwPBw You will want three or four of these charming little house dresses that are everything that house frocks should be, . with the added charm of gay spring colors. Prints with geometric and flower designs made with short sleeves, long sleeves and sleeveless.. Circular skirts are featured in the smaller sizes while others abound with pleats. 98c 1.85 &9S 3;95 '.Advance Spring Monarch Electric Every type of Electric Range suitable for the modern home, is now being displayed in the windows, and in the Stove Department of . our store. Wheth er your needs call for a large or small range, you are certain to find one here that will meet with your requirements. s . : . . The first thing that will impress you, when you see the Monarch Electric Range, is4he wonderful quality of the construction. The next important item is its efficiency and economy of operation, which help reduce the labor of cooking and give you the most returns for the electricity used. Be sure to see these Ranges before making a definite selection, also inquire about our convenient payment plan. - " , i . - All Enamel Monarch Electric witb even temperature control, rust proof linings, three cooking elements and convenience- outlets . , 1 s $1190 Showing - i ' ' i .Manges FREE': An all aluminum' orea.net consisting of seren pieces of high grade wte nil,- giren free with erery Monarch Qectrie' Range' sold this month. ' !4 i Capital D amdniand iunlc . , V - -r ZiO Court SU ,i - : K. STEINBOCK, Prop. Phone 398 -275 J-iberly SL ; : Phor.j435 Salem Oregca ; V;'. Co ; ' " ; . - ,