:''TTv".:r'''f: fx 3 ' TTT Published in the Interests of United PURITY Stores Vol. I. United PURITY News, Friday, February 15, 1929 ECONOMY GROC rice Store tfliokreal! Es listens Back In 1S1G J. V. B. Butler es. tablished a general store at Itickre all. About the same time a water power grist mill was built&nd the Idea seems to have been to found a town there. But roads at that time were very scarce and In the winter nearly impassable. However, the grist mill prospered and many a four and six-horse load of Crusader brand flour was sold and distributed throughout the Willamette valley. The store also prospered and filled a real need In the community. This store changed hands many times un til It was finally acquired by Peter Cook in 1899. Mr. Cook was not only a fine merchant, but a great sports man and raiejhorse fancier. His fa miliar face, nas to be seen at nearly all nearby race tracks during t.he racing season. When old man time gathered Mr. Cook in some two years ago, his many friends and acquaintances felt their loss very keenly. At present the store formerly own ed by Mr. Cook and known as the Rickreall. General store la owned and operated by J. O. Price. Mr. Price Is an up-to-date merchant and was quick to see the- advantages to be gained by becoming a member of the United Purity Stores organisation. Mr. Price is a native Oregon i an and has lived in the Rickreall section for 20 years or more. Located at Highway Junction Being located at the intersection of the West Side Pacific highway and the Salem-Dallas highway, Rickreall is very well known by travelers and tourists who use these roads and stop for the tempting lunches and soft drinks served by the Black Bird Inn and McKee's lunch room. Most of the above Information was given to United Purity News by Mr. Burch, an old time and very congen ial resident oi RickrealL Suitor Chains Girl to Bed Post for 3 Weeks New York. For three weeks, forty-year-old William E. Miles, senior, held liis n?tcen-year-old bride-to-be In captivity, chaining her nude b-dy to a bedpost so no more youthful sheik could carry her otT and marry her before her elderly admirer could save up for honeymoon expenses. It was re vealed. Mrs. Sophia Sader, landlady of h rooming house, beard groans ema nating from the room and told her husband, who called the police to lib erate the girl. She, however, told them to mind their own business jtnd get out, asserting her sweetie could make her a prisoner tf he wanted to and In any fashion he chose. Next day the girl left her trunk with the Saders as security for two Weeks' back room rent and with the , money Miles might have had to pay out for that Item they tripped to the city hall where a marriage ceremony was performed. Child Pasteur Saved t . Became His Watchman Paris. The first child Pasteur succeeded In curing of hydro phobia In 1SSR now Is principal gatekeeper at the Pasteur Insti tute laboratories. He Is Joseph Meistcr, an Alsatian. Melster has grown older and stouter, but he Is still known as Little Melster, "le petit Mels ter." to every one at the Insti tute. He keeps watch at the gate Just opposite the building which houses the vault and last resting place of the great scien tist who saved his life, the first of so many others. THE FEATHERHEADS Wherever You Theya bin shenanigans, gan, HfflllflSF III GREAT CLiiTvlNCAU LEADS LONELY LIFE Visitors Are Ghosis cf Dead Whom He Loved. Paris. Georges I'lemencea u, who has wreeked many cabinets but won the country jjrufi! ink in the war, is bit terly Cons- Ions of a great loneliness In the evening of his life. When his sister died recently, friends gathered at his Paris home l imd "tie of them asked : "ll.-w many 'ol'Uial visits do you receive? How many ministers, how many m.-irshuls call on you?' The Tiger begun,- In what all thought an evasive way: "I Uep little; old men sleep little. Ofien at two or three o'clock In the morning I awake. I would be bored in bed. awake, so 1 get up. I come out here, with difficulty, for some times my legs go back on me, and here. In the silence, I talk with the dead" "It Is during those night hours," went on the aged man. vj ho so often governed Frafre. "alone with ghosts, dear ghosts, that 1 have' written my memories of Claude Monet. Ah ! There come many of the dead, at night. Into this room. "That Is my destiny. I see them go, one after another, those I love, all of them. Then, facing the one who was to anxious to know who remembered him. the Tiger snapped out:. "I am alone, monsieur, alone." Russians Clamp Lid on Old-Time Music Washington. D. C The tlwroiigh fteas with which Soviet Itussia la attempting to supplant utterly every part of the old order which existed before the revolution-Is un limited according to the reports brought oack by travelers who have been Investigating the Bolshevik ex periment It Is the fixttl Intent of the Soviet lenders to remake Itussia so completely as to leave not a memory of the old days of the czar and the nobility, or, at least, not a pleasant memory. Knowing - that Intangible as well as tangible things have a d! rect bearing upon the thoughts and aspirations of a people, the Russian officials have gone so far as to cen sor music and to encourage a whole uew school of music. Andrew Fletcher of Sal toon, a Scotch philosopher. Is 'the author of the famous observation: '"Let me write the songs of a nation and I care not who makes the laws." The Soviet leaders apparently have every confidence In that statement and have effected a complete revolution In music In the hist decade. Just as they have changed the social order, remade the government, altered all practice concerning property owner ship and generally set up a new Rus sia. With as much care as was devoted to the dissemination of propaganda of a political and economic nature, the Soviet government created a special department charged with the revolutionizing of music. Gusher Brings Fortune to Motherless Children Sunnydnle, Kan. Oil, renowned for Its gifts of sudden wealth. Is spout ing In a new Klondike near this south ern Kansas village, bringing riches to WUlard Goodrich, hard-working farm er, and his two motherless children. The discovery well In the new pro ducing territory Is on the Goodrich farm. With a dally output of 7.U00 barrels. It Is the biggest gusher Kan sas has seen In ten years. It "came In" without warning, drenching the surrounding fields in oil. A pool of "black gold" four to five feet deep nnd covering an acre of ground was formed as neighboring farmers with teams hurriedly con structed ditches and dirt dams. The 80-ncre farm on which the well Is located was left to the family by the mother when she died, 11 years ago. Goodrich has an eighteen-year-old daughter. Arlene, and a fifteen-year-old son. D:liv Br Osborne ftfea WAS ABOUT DWHG MCiWESZ. VS MAM WHO TWCEATENEO Vfe WUEM I WENT TO AiD Mm Vfcg. WAS 1 11 I IK Try nrntti uvji G&1n:'tke: Willamette :Vdlley DC Events Somwhr tb Sun Shine Cannibals In the Island oi laq;i. eat the Dutch fax collectors. Then seems to be some Justice In the world after all. Springfield Sun. Industrial Beginning The first wide looms installed for weaving wide cotton shee.ing were set up at the Klodeford (Maine) plant of the Fepperell Manufacturing company in 1S50. Summing It Up There is no weMib hut Life Life Including ail Its powers of love, of Joy and of admiration. 66 lis Jackets 9 I turned his pockets inside out It was our washing day; I found a multitude of things, A curious array: I found a piece of colored glass, A spool, a knife, a nail, A bottle full of bumble bees, A frog, a hook, a snail, Some cherry pits, an apple core, A piece of broken spring, A top, a screw, a tack or two, A ball of colored string. I placed them on the shelf with care, The treasures of my boy; I knew too soon such things as these Would fail to bring him joy. Too soon he'd hear the wander call And journey far away. Oh. let me treasure things like these, His treasures, while I may. IUT FUMVtV GOING TO A 1 im I.J M l 1 HI II w W in the Lives of Little Men Banana a Plant Oddity The first paradox about the banana is that It Is a tree, by virtue of Its size and height, without a true trunk yi.ts the Nature Magazine. The tall fst banana plants measure 40 feet from the tips of the leaves to thf ground. In Jamaica they attain about -'." fet, the first feet of which Is. npproxlniately the remarkable "pseu ilostem," or false trunk; the remain der the blades of the huge 3 leaves which lower above It. Hawaii Floral Emblem The local name of the hibiscus. Ha wall's national flower. Is the Pua Alcalo. You Can Almost Rest Assured TO PURITY STORES 0 Town Refuses to Move . "Column With a Curse" Augusta, Ga. Sentiment which for 18 years has allowed "the column with a curse" to stand In the middle of a sidewalk, won 'out recently when a paving program made practicable the removal of the queer relic of a tornado's fury. The column, once the pillar of the city market house, has stood at r.road and Center streets ever since a tornado hit Augusta in 1873. Old citizens say that an ttlnerant mln ister, claiming the gift of prophecy, predicted that the old market house would be destroyed the day after his sermon, lie declared that hut one of the hig pillars supporting the market hcuse would be left standing and de clared that any attempt to move the pillar would be fatal; that the per son who tried It would be struck by lijrhtnlng. As it happened, a tornado hit this town the next day and only one pillar of the market house was left stand ing. Some years ago city officials said the pillar would have to lie de stroyed to permit certain street re' pairs. A large number of workmen carried the pillar alwuf 50 feet.' There was an explosion nnd they dropped It. And today the pillar stands where the workmen dropped It when some practical joker exploded a firecracker Art Is Used by Pastor to Stress His Sermons Springdale, I'a. Rev. Charles W. Baker, Jr., pastor of St. Mark's Lu theran church here, illustrates his ser mons with charts and sketches he has made himself. In Sunday school and church assemblies he gives chalk talks. At the altar is a huge mural of Christ In the garden of fiethsemane, a copy of the Michelangelo mural in the Vatican, which the minister has paint' ed. In his church and parsonage Mr. Baker has hung numerous other of his paintings and sketches. While attending college t.nd the Lutheran seminary at Gettysburg, Pa Mr. H.iker had 'in advertising sign shop which provided him with funds for his education. Both Wholesome Need SoliM-d; Is s needful to the I ma a ination as society Is wholesome for the character. Lowell. Two Hours Past Supper Time E, S. RICH N GROCERY A NEW i TO JOIN A CHANGE in retail grocery circles in Salem, of interest to the t, Public was consummated February 8 when it was announced that E. S. Rich was the successful bidder on the Economy Grocery Store at 17th and Center, which has hppn i n tliA Virmrl.a vf Ino Ail. jiistment Bureau for the past three weeks. TU rv, r i ... . 1 Lie uiHjxuy oiocery is too wen Known in Salem to require fjurther comment. Mr. Rich is very well and, favorably known in the grocery field here, and success f6r him in this venture is as sured. Mr. Rich is changing the name to Rich's Purity Grocery and as soon as weather permits he plans to paint the store with Puri ty colors Blue and White and otherwise improve the looks of this building. To manage and operate his store Mr. Rich ha3 secured Mr. Harry Kimsey, a very capable and experienced man. It is need less to say Mr. Rich readily saw the advantages to be gained for his, customers by joining the United Purity Stores organization arid his store is now in a position to compete with any retail gro cery in Salem. PREHISTORIC MEN CREMATED DEAD Scientists Unearth Bone Ashes in New Mexico. Minneapolis, Minn. Evidence that prehistoric dwellers on the North American continent were the first of mankind to cremate the dead has been unearthed by an expedition of tie Minneapolis Institute of Arts. The evidence Is based chiefly upon a crumbly material found In the sands of the Mimbres valley In New Mexico, thought to have been pulverized corn, which an analysis showed was bone ash. The culture of the Mimbres valley Is believed to have flourished .2,000 years ago. Objects and materials found cer tainly are the first evidence of crema tion in that valley, and possibly any where, says Dr. Albert E. Jenks, lead er of the expedition. Doctor Jenks believes Mimbres culture ceased to extet about COO or 700 A. I). Near Hurley. N. M., the searchers unearthed a village of 150 rooms, or huts. Some yielded sitting, or full length skeletons with bowls over their heads. But in one was found a jar of an unrecognized material. "We tasted It, said Doctor Jenks. "One member of the party declared It was pulverized blue corn, common in that vicinity." Laboratory tests re vealed It to be bone ash. Another find deemed Important was a copper bell, use of which previously had not been known. A bracelet of Y.i shells was found on the arm of the skeleton of a ferrule. There were fireplaces and wall bases of adobe and stone. Some Luts were constructed of wood. The culture, according to anthro pologists, disappeared when Mimbres villages were destroyed, although how they were destroyed has not been learned. So far as Is known the cul ture never took root elsewhere. Tots Travel Far New York. Vernonlca Wolonln six years old, and her sister, Anna five, have come from Poland all alone to Join their father In Youngstown OMJo. They have not seen him since they were Infants. Their mother Is del le to Become Cannery MuiiUiK Klessheim castle, near Salzburg, once the property of the Ilnpshurg dynasty of Austria, Is to be come a canned meat factory, and pigs wilt be fattened In apartments once sacred to royalty. Married Man s Musing A husband always gets In wrong when he keeps on Insisting, he's IB the i IghL. Cincinnati Enquirer. HE CCOLO AT LEAST PHOtE- MS U!rtEl WlrS 6ou5 Tot lATeJ here '11 Be a r. T N"' OWNER OE SALEM FIRST HE IS E MIy EPiaiwoirfitte' ly grwtn J?. CtI Appertaining to Finance MOST of us are familiar with the stgry of the improvident persou who, on being warned by the bead of his bank that he must make exten sive deposits Immediately In order that his drawtng account might bal ance, made answer as follows: "Say, look here I I'm getting good and tired of having you fellows both ering me about these petty financial details. If you begin pestering me again I'll be domed If I don't take my overdraft out of your bank nnd trans fer it to the Second .National, across the street." There's a companion story for this, not quite so old : A gentleman In a southern town, well known ns brilliant hut careless, was persistent In his applications gr loans and extremely tardy shout re paying them. He had Induced a local bank to let him have forty dollars, and gave his note therefor. At the end of each . day period he Invariably appeared and asked that t he note be renewed: nnd as there was nothing else to do. tUe bank al ways renewed it. One day ho appeared and said to he cashier: " Td like to renew that paper of mine you have here." "Certainly." replied the cashier; "I'll fix it up for you." The cashier made the proper prep arations fo- the renewal, and then lie said : "Say, the directors were talking nbout this paper of yours the other day. They decided that they wouldn't charge you Interest on It any longer." "That's very considerate of them, was the reply. "Ira mighty glad to hear It. I certainly am under obliga tions to them." Yes," continued the cashier, "we're not going to charge you Interest, we're going to charge you storage!" (2). by the McNaugbt Syndicate. Inc.) Simple Sharpener An easj way to shniien scissors Is to cut sandpaper. You will not hare to wait for a grinder to come around. Look for IT! IT in this case is your copy of the United Puri ty News which comes to you through the courtesy of your United Purity grocer. Should you fail to re ceive your copy each Fri day, he will consider it a favor if you will so In form him. Look for your num ber ! It contains Greater grocery, savings for you. It's your ITI Purity Store! If 1 I t v it? . . V '"-: ' - 'iff? - - JC ' . if? - -. .i-t