United purity news. (Langley, Wash.) 192?-1???, February 01, 1929, Page 11, Image 5

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    me New Oregon STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, February 1, 19t9
By Lulu. Hunt Peters MIX
flutRor DieVand Health- DictbrChHdrcrT
Answers to Mothers
O jJ could not be everywhere;!
t!i,?:;'')re He made mothers.
Jewish Proverb.
Y little rlrl of 11 eats so
much that I fear she has
a tape worm. She has
thr- or four helpings of every-th:-i;?on
the table, except meat.
pi which she
tas two, and
ats lour or
ive ana lome-
lmes six slices
f bread, also
.nilk and des
ert. And
till she is
thin! The
Vicnooi doctor
.claims shi
105 for her
Kr.UVt on1
jrels-hs only 98.
UUHuMTPCreasjtfHoyii can I tell
If she has worms, as she nevei
complains and Is never sick, bu
always hungry? She eats e very
tables and fruits and lots of them
and milk. Do you think I need
worry? MRS. P.'
1 W
Active children need a tremen
dous amount of food, Vrs. P. The
overweight thlld eats too much.
especially of the starches and
sugars, but & thin child Tery
-arely orereats. And a thin child
leeds more food than the normal
It is a common idea that a vo
racious appetite means a tape
vorm. It Isn't true. The host
f a tape worm is more apt to
aye a finicky appetite. But, Mrs.
if your little girl had a tape
worm she would be passing seg
ments of it and would probably
e having abdominal symptoms.
If she Is as well in all ways
is yau say she is, she must be
extremely active and uses up all
he food she eats for her excess ac
uities, as well as for her
rrowth. You would probably
et her to gain If you see that
he rest more. Have her lie
!own even if she doesn't sleep,
or an hour or so every day. See
nut she gets long hours of sleep
-i n!ght.
We have a list of modern books
u the general care and feediag
I children which you may have.
Peter's Adventures
TT was on a brisk morning that
Peter Btarted for a walk in the
forest. As he trudged through
the thick leave 3 he remembered
the flay he had saved the life of
t!ie Old Oak Tree, and the tree, in
eratitude, had given him the ma
gic power. of speech with all the
h!nls "of the air and creatures of
tha field and forest. Ilia finger
care-wed the tail of a blue lizard
which kept him from harm in his
t the edge of the woods he
spied a beautiful tree In its au
tiirnn dress.
"Vhr. that tree looksjust as If
it Was on fire!" cried Peter, look
ing at Its leaves which Jack t rost,
with his magic brush, had paint
ed flame color.
"And that little tree over in the
corner it shines like a pile of
gold! Oohl whoever would think
that an old stumn could ba
pretty as that stump yonder! Why
the moss on it is Just as green as
if it was the middle of the sum
mer. How glad I am that I chose
tha woods. If it is as lovely as this
outside, what will It be in among
the trees? I'll bet there'll be lots
hf thlncrs to see.
With a shout the boy dashed
straight into the woods, scuffing
up the dried leaves as he ran and
laughing Just for tee oy 01 Deiag
boy in the open on sucn a ueau
tifnt riav.
But by and by, as he went far
ther and farther into the wooas
It grew quieter and quieter, and
oy and by the boy erew auiet. too
It didn't . seem Just right, some
how, to make a noise that would
wake the stillness.
"I guess I'll make believe I am
an Indian, said the boy under
his breath, and he stepped softly
upon tne leaves, trying his very
best not to make them rustle.
mere was something on the
ground in front of him that looked
like a brown stump. What was It?
Peter crept forward to , see.
( Nearer and nearer crept Peter
toward '(he queer browir hum
mock. At last he stretched out his
hand to touch it, when something
happened that made his heart
jump up into his throat. So start
led was he that he didn't notice
an old tree root sprawled across
his path, and down Peter went,
1 head oven heels among the leaves.
"Quit! Quit! Quit!" The small
brown stump that wasn't a stump
at all kicked up the leaves all
about it, throwing some into Pe
ter s eyes, and away it ran as fast
as it could tear, scolding the boy
ror disturbing the peace.
Peter sat up and brushed him
self off.
That is the worst fright I have
had yet." remarked he, aloud.
Flaying- with the buss and
birds as long as I have ought to
make me used to most anything,
but I am never ready for these all
of a sudden folk. Now, who could
mat ueaiure inai 1 iook ror a
stump have been? Why couldn't
he nave made himself known
without rushing off like that?
My, but he was angry! And
wouldn't have hurt him for any
luuis- iuayoe it 1 nurry x can
catch him, and when he knows
that I didn't even see him and
wouldn't have scared him If I hat
known he was there that he will
make friends with me. I believt
lie went this way. These leave
don't seem to He quite so thick.
Next: "She's Fooling You!"
A short time ago I ran a letter
from a mother who ha'd a 18-year-old
ton and bad always long-
ea xor another child. She was
vsry happy when she found she
was with child again, but her
friends discouraged her, saying; it
was a disgrace, as her son was
nearly a man. and she would
have hard time, etc. ' My ad
vice to her was 'to be happy over
the advent of her baby and not al
low friends' abnormal ideas to
worry her.
In this morning's mail there
were several .letters from readers
who have had similar experiences.
and two of them wrote directly to
Mrs. M., requesting that I send
the letters on to her. So much
kindliness this little column of
mine shows there is in this
world! But, dear followers, we
do not keep names and addres
ses of our correspondents, so we
cannot forward letters. How-
yr t will run nurt nf thm flint
letter the. other was similar j
for It will be helpful to many wo-
men who are going to have chil
dren later In life. This is it:
"Dear Mrs. M,: I read your
letter in Dr. Peters' column and
I felt I must tell you of my ex
perience, as it will encourage you.
"Six years ago, when I was 45
years old and my youngest child
was 13 years old, my son nearly
20 and my eldest daughter 18, I
found I was to have another. My
kind (?) friends were sure I
could not live through, as I had
sven when I was much younger,-
had serious times with the others.
But I never got along so well be
fore! And I gave birth to a love
ly boy with no difficulty. My
children worshipped him and
were proud and showed him off
to everybody.
"A friend of mine is 41 years
Coming to
in Internal Medicine for the
past flftwn years
Will he at
Marion Hotel Friday, Feb. 8
fffice Hours 10 a, in. to 4 p. m.
Household Hints
Baked Spiced Ham
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Baked Apples Pickled Bests
Brussels Sprouts
Butterscotch Dessert Nuts
My favorite way of cooking
ham is to parboil it by putting it
on in cold water, after washing.
and letting it come to a boil, then
putting it on again in fresh cold
water and cooking it slowly until
fairly tender. Take out of liquor.
peel off the skin, rub dry mustard
and brown sugar into the fat.
stick cloves in here and there and
Love makes a man think one
(as from sQ the rest.
old and has lust given birth to
her first baby. She did splendid
ly. Now, Mrs. M., just remember
how much younger you are than
I was and don't tret or worry.
Kditor'a lfofe 1 Dr. Peters cannot
dl&rnoee, nor give personal advice.
Tour questions, If of seneral In ten.
est. will be answered In the col
umn, in turn. Requests for articles
must be accompanied by a fyilly
self -addressed, stamped " envelope
and 2 cents In coin for each article,
to oover ooet of pristine and hand
ling. For the pamphlet on reduo
tag and gaining, 10 oenta In coin,
with fully self -addressed, stamped
envelope, must be enclosed. Ad-
drees or. Peters fea care ex
- . i.W
' One Day Only
No Charge for Consultation
Dr. Mellenthin is a regular
gradnate in medicine and snrgery
and Is licensed by the state of
Oregon. He does not operate for
chronic appendicitis, gall stones,
ulcers of stomach, tonsils or
Ite has to his credit wonderful
results in diseases of the stomach,
liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves,
heart, kidney, bladder, bed wet
ting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheuma
tism, sciatica, leg ulcers and recta,
Below are the names of a few
of his many satisfied patients in
Oregon who have been treated for
one of the other of the above
named causes: -
John Olson, Astoria.
Joe Sheoships, . Gibbon. ,
Mrs. Walter Scott. Scotts Mills;
Mrs. John Van Beveren. Baker.
D. I. Wagenblast, Portland, l '
Mrs. H. E. Walters, Maupln.
Mrs. Jennie Woolery, Salem.
Remember above date, that con
sultation on this trip will be free
and his treatment Is different. .
Married women must be accom
panied by their husbands.
Address: 224 . Bradbury Bldg
Los Angeles, California. adv.
211 North Commercial St. Phones 1371-1372
Affiliated Buyers sell quality Groceries for less
49-lb. sack Ceretaria" Flour (Milled from 3 cans of . . ' . OCn
the finest Montana hard wheat. If you Wax String Beans KlC
iiyjg$1.79 Qnet f buc
saa.- $i.i9. r 49C
axff&ffl:. 36c' oh 47C
SgsgSgpW --. 25C, gZ. jar of
Golden West, MaxweU House CO A A . Z"Z
or &W. Coffee, per pound- 5ZC IBu"-'. 35c
ggcA. 48c QL- ,,,,, 22c
crfee -95c -ss- 18c
M".B1U!.R-...: -39c - 35c
- 35c S.,.: 15c
PatooUre Soap 22c 3 twin loaves of Ofjr
01dlutch Cleanser, Cp 3 pounds of large " OC
2 cans... . XJC , Italian Prunes OJC
Crystal White Soap 3 pounds of C7
12 bars -1 C ' Pacific Nut Margarine ej I C
Clorox C 10 pound sack of OQn
Large bpttle ..... IOC Pafirty Flour .. . . . : UeC
Large bottle of . 1Q 10 pound sack of AC
Gold Bar Catsup ..... 15IC hard wheat Flour rx3 1
Carton of Matches 9 pound sack of C.
(6 boxes) L.Jt. ; iVC Fischer's Rolled Oats Hi JC
3 cans of Grand Island ; C " Swifl'8 Premium Bacon 9Q
soild.pack- Tomatoes ftOC . Per pound : eVieC
Independently owned, personally, operated. Free Delivery to all parts of the city.
bake until brown, about halt an
hour; longer if the ham is not
thoroughly tender. A tablespoon
of brown sugar apd the same
amount . ot vinegar and a few
cloves or the Juice from pickled
peaches or pears In the water in
which the ham is boiled gives a
nice flavor.
Today's Recipes
Buterscotch . DesserW-Hake a
batter of three well-beaten eggs,
two cups of brown sugar, one and
one-half tablespoons cornstarch,
one-fourth teaspoon salt. Allow
three! -fourths of a quart of. milk
to "come to a boil ana stir in the
batter quickly. Cook for five min
utes. When cool, serve with
whipped cream, either sweetened
or unsweetened, and sprinkle
with chopped nuts.
' Children's "Between" Meal
Active youngsters often come
home from school hungry and un
able to wait until mealtime. One
mother prepares an eggnos; for
her children at noontime, as fol
lows: Thoroughly, beat one egg.
two i tablespoons of sugar and a
teaspoon of vanilla, then add two
large cups of milk, beat all till
foamy and light, set In the ice
box to chill. .This makes two
large glasses, which served with
a sandwich, elso made at lunch
time and wrapped in waxed pv
per. nourishes them and satis
fies their appetites till dinner Is
rishy Dishes
It yon have not time to wash
thoroughly in soda water the
utensils yon have used la prepar
ing end cooking fish. Just hold
them does to the fire or near the
gas for a few seconds, allowing
the whole surface to get equally
heated, and the odor will disappear.
Capes are of outstanding im
portance in the spring modes. The
sleeveless cape coat is developed
both as a separate wrap and as
an interpretation ot the short
Jacket suit.
Tiny thin enamel watches car
ried In the purse are the latest
fad of Paris.
mi & .
II I wi v l 1
lv x h tts
Ilave wealth. luxury, social position! Buy a home, extend,,
your business, become Independent. Be somebody. Send
your girl to college; give your boy a strt In business,
make your family bappy, comfortable, prosperous! Have
a bsppy and prosperous time during this NcwWeart Take
long, lazy summer holidays! You csn do Itothers have
done It and you are their equal, if yon would show it.
You Just need, a chance, and here Is your chance. We will
give away $3000 in cash prizes: huge fortunes have been built on
smaller foundations. Go ahead! Get rich! Make a start It costs nothing!
Put it off and you are still poor. The road to wealth lies ahead, and the twins are
beckoning you on. Remember, a beautiful automobile given EXTRA simply for being
Find them! Sure you cant They are all alike, you sayl Whoa! Not so fast! They are not all
clothed the same. Many young ladies look alike and the elfihteen on this page look like each other,
but the "TWINS" are dressed exactly the same, like ail real twins. Now look sgaln. How about
the hats? Trimming is different. Isn't It? That's where the fun conies In, finding the Twins.
At -first glance all of the pictures look alike. Jlut upon closer examination you win see that almost
every one differs In some way from the others. In some you will find a difference in their wear
ing apparel. Have they all ear-rings or necklaces? How about their coats and hats? A-e they
trimmed the same? Some have bands on the brims and crowns; others have not. Maybe the dif
ference la just the buttonhole in the lapel of the coat.
FIRST PRIZE $1,500.00
Maximum Cash Award
This Is one of the greatest array of Cash Prises that has ever been offered In a Portland Puwle
Contest. That's what it is folks and you can be a winner. The Prizes range from $2 to 35 and
from $35 to $1,600. All prizes will be awarded promptly at the close of the puzzle contest.
Think of it! " You can win as much as $1,500. Yea, sir, $3,000.00 In Cash Prizes may be won in
this interesting puzzle contest, and will be awarded promptly after March 14th, 1921. There will be
25 winners and the First Prize, the golden opportunity, $1,500 in CASH. In the event ot ties for
any prize, duplicate prizes will be awarded.
500 points wins First Prize. I will give you 475 points for finding the
Twins. Immediately noon receipt of your correct answer, I will tell
you how you can gain the remaining 25 points required to win a $1,500
First Prize or one of the other cash prizes.
25 Cash Prizes
. Listed below are the
maximum prizes you can
1st Prize.
2nd Prize.
3rd Prize. .
4th Prize. .
5th Prize..
6th Prize. .
7th Prize. .
8th Prize..
9th Prize. .
ICth Prize..
11th to 23th
f 1,500.00
Extra First Prize FOR PROMPTNESS
Whippet Coach
Latest Model
la addltloe ( the $3,000 la Caah
Prism, I mm solng- to S"1t a war
beautiful (719.40 Whippet Cacb as
aa Ultra First Prise for PROMPT
NESS. Voo can wla both the
Whlpprt Coach and 1 1.500 Cash If
rea are PROMPT.
Awawviiai II ,
-"7: 'C j i. VS.
i ... I
i ' i fii til nftH'' i lissiii i mi
The Portland Kfevs OREGON
Be Sure to Use This Coupon 8
Nambars and are the Twl that I hare
foaad. If the in cerrrrt, prmm ! mm the CVS lata aad tell
ase hew te sala the ftaal U palate U vie first Prise mt flSeS
aad a mtJS Whippet Ceeeh.
Full Address
E, IS - r E, K
stioocalsisr, ETeto. acacfl caHsr
Another shipment of Silk Dresses from New York of Travel Crepes. Printed Flow
ered Crepes, Foulards and other Novelty Silks. We guarantee these Drestes are
absolutely the newest and best styles for the money. These dresses are worth $10 ;
to anybody. Come early and look them over. None will be reserved in advance;
Salem, Oregon Around Corner frcin Doc Lc-vis Dru2 Store
220 N. Liberty