United purity news. (Langley, Wash.) 192?-1???, February 01, 1929, Page 7, Image 1

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PnMwM m ffte nieretf of United PURITY Stores
VoL I.
United PURITYNews, February 1, 1929
No. 2
Horner At Gates,
Good Fisherman;
Has Contract No. 1
Has Served Mountain Town
As General Merchant for
Nearly 20 Years
A. B. Horner, who, since
January 1, 1910, more than 19
years, has served, a large and
growing community at Gates,
Ore., has the proud distinc
tion of holding contract No. 1
with the United Purity
We want to congratulate
the people of Gates in having
as their leading merchant a
man broad enough to visualize
the enormous possibilities of
fered by this general merger
of Independent Oregon gro
ceries into the great United
Purity Stores organization.
Mr. Horner, who for more
than 20 years has conducted
a general store, has seen more
than half a dozen competitors
come and go. The facts in
his case are that a great deal
of credit is due not only tp his
enterprise in maintaining an
excellent store at all times,
but to his able assistant, Mrs.
Homer and a trusted chief
clerk who continuously wears
a sombrero hat.
Always On the Job
The'se aides are constantly
on the job while Mr. Horner
enjoys some of the fruits of
his long years of activity by
doing his daily dozen on the
North Santiam, so well known
for its good trout fishing.
The thousands who read
this interesting news item will
want to become personally ac
quainted with this fly-hook
artist. ' Acquaintanceship
may, in fact, lead to an en
joyable trip.
Motor up to that beautiful
mountain spot where Mr. and
Mrs. Horner have spent so
many happy years. Stop at
the corner store, at the big
gas pump, and meet these
wonderfully fine people.
If, perchance, your fishing
equipment is not the kind to
entice the wily trout, Mr.
Horner will recommend just
the right lure to suit the par
ticular season. Not only that,
but we know he will be'only
too glad to direct you to the
place where he caught his last
18-inch speckled beauty.
Africa Horn of ta Data
More Hutu l.OtH' different kinds of
dates are known to the Arabs, but only
20 or 15 have proved commercially
valuable In the United States and only
.four or Ave are being planted on any
considerable scale. More than hall
the date palms In thla country were
derived from North Africa.
tA my poos old MoWit3 I WgS SSJ rY 1 W caxwt atlact l-iutff VrMW-L -L--4 K V lMl
lW ? rp
Omaha Visited by Three
Strange Criminal Type.
Omaha. Neb. Three strange crlra
Inal types two of them killers, the
other a k!dnair with a inadmnn'
(Method have visited upon Omnha
during the lt six year's a series ol
particularly frightful crimes.
Just now It Is the "hatchet man.''
who killed five persona. Three years
before him It was 'the sxiIkt." and
In 1022 It whs the "chain man" kkl
er. klfiruiix-r un.l bad man.
The sniper. Frank Carter, went to
the electric chair last year. The
chain man. Fred Brown, was shot
dead In 1!2f during a riot at the state
len!tentlary where hje was serving a
life sentence for kidnaping.
To the final moments of 1,1s life
"the sniper" was a strange mixture of
braggHdodo and fearlessness. Many
said he was crazy. He was a puzzle
to psychologists. His "cm ring fr
publicity." as M. Andreasen of : the
state prison welfare society" put It.
"was such as to make him try any
thing to get Into the papers."
Boasted on Way to Chair.
Even as be walked to the ebalr.
the sniper Jeered and boasted.
"They say 1 killed three," be said
as the slow tread of his death march
counted off his remaining moments
of life. "Ihree? Why. I have killed
42 r m
The Vlltesca (Iowa) ax murders,
one of the most revolting chapters of
Iowa criminal records, were among
the'crlmes which the sniper paraded
as his own work.
Carter operated during the early
hours of evening, whereas the hatch
et man chose that time of night Just
before dawn. During the fortnight
that ' Carter was abroad In Omaha,
claiming three lives with his silencer
equipped pistol, fear of his marks
manshlp kept many persons off the
streets during the evening hours.
The specific crime for which Carter
was convicted was the slaying of an
Omaha physician.
Fred Brown, the "chain man," came
to Omaha trailed, by a crime record"
which Included a conviction for ' a
murder committed when he was six
teen years old. He was free on parole
from a life sentence Imposed upon him
for that crime.
Women Kept Chained.
Two young women were Brown's
victims here, ile kidnaped and trans
ported them to a shack at the edge
of the city. There they were kept
chained while he went about other
crimes. Including the plundering of
Omaha homes.
A man, finding the women chained
In the shack, set about freeing them,
but was himself overpowered by
Brown and placed In Irons. This man
later escaped, and Brown fled. He
was captured shortly afterward and
sentenced to life" Imprisonment
Of this trial of abnormal crimes
only the hatchet slaylngs remain nn
solved and the guilty person or per
sons unpunished.
Three of the hatchet rlctlms an
aged drayman, a young mother and
her sister were beaten to death as
thev slept.
Hungary Gets New Port
by Reclaiming Swamp
Budapest. One of the finest
ports In central Europe has
been opeoed at 'Czepel, near
Budapest. This was formerly a
waste area of swamps and mud
now transformed . Into the port
of Budapest. "
Construct Ton work was dor,e
by a French company which
holds a 50-year lease on the
property. At the end of that
period It passes to the I lungs
rlan government The new port
will benefit the Dantihlan stater
and Is exacted to stimulate
trade between Hungary and her
fiy Osborne
Cravaa Traaiportation
Caravan (karwan) Is a Persian word
denoting a body of traders traveling
together for greater security and for
mutual assistance. Camels, harnessed
In strings of fifty or more at a time,
are generally employed for the trans
port of heavy goods.
Began Witb Stoa Age
The sttir.s age derives Its name
fro'ii the fact that during that age
man manufactured his tools and weap
ons chiefly of stone. These Imple
ments constitute the earliest known
cultural traces of the human race.
Elsinore Brand Highly
Recommended by Grocers
' Members of the United PURITY Stores throughout
the Willamette Valley, will feature ELSINORE
BRAND canned products as one of their uniform prac
ticesi it is announced. These attractively packed and
labeled canned goods represent a uniformity of high
quality that goes hand in Hand with all that United
PURITY Stores are striving to be.
ELSINORE BRAND products are not exclusively
Oregon grown, although a large proportion of the
items In this splendid line of merchandise actually
come from the wonderful farms of the beautiful Wil
lamette valley. It would not be possible, of course, to
get such things as pineapple from Oregon soils, and
there are certain other commodities which are not
grown here, yet for which there is a great consumer
ELSINORE BRAND attempts to provide every item
of caKned goods that its friends demand. The line is
growing constantly and many new items will anpear
from time to time. With the entire line, however, as
it exists today or as it may be developed, goes the
ironclad guarantee of highest quality and absolute
Whatever goes under the ELSINORE BRAND label
Is packed in the most sanitary possible manner, under
the strict interpretation of pure food laws, in the fin
est canneries in the state and nation. United PURITY
Stores sell and recommend ELSINORE BRAND and
urge you to use them. t
What He Used to
China'. Gigantic Wall
It Is the opinion of experts that the
Great wall of China was built of
round bowlders and earth, the differ
ent sections being repaired as they,
fell into ruin. Only in the valley bot
toms and on the passes was It com
posed of masonry or brickwork. The
Mings rebuilt certain sections of solid
No Accommodations
Td like to take this chrysanthe
mum home," sighed the young thing
to her boy friend, "but you know I've
moved Into a small apartment" De
troit News.
Britain's Latest Craft to Fly
London. Trial flights of the R-100,
the gigantic airship now being con
structed under the auspices of the
British air ministry for the purpose
of flying the Atlantic, will not be
made until March, 1929, according to
Information given, at the headquarters
of Commander C D. Burney, who will
lead the expedition.
Although Commander Burney has
been pushing his plans with all pos
sible speed, there have been several
delays as the result1 of manufacturers
requiring extra time to supply parts
for the mammoth air liner. It Is
pointed out, however, that the predic
tion of trial flights by March Is a con
servative one and that It Is possible
the Intervening period will be cut
down. x
Meanwhile considerable speculation
reigns as to who will comprise the
passenger list of the ship on its great
flight from England to Canada and
thence to New York. While the Brit
ish air ministry nominally Is In charge
of the flight, It is known that Com
mander Burney will be permitted to
select practically the entire crew, as
well as determine who will be carried
as passengers In addition to the air
ministry's representatives.
'Requests for permission to accom
pany the commander on his flight
bare been pouring In from all parts
of Europe as well aa America, but It
la declared that no final selections
have aa yet been made.
Honey Formation
Whether bees make or gather honey
is a disputed question. Honey la a
sweet viscid liquid obtained by bees
fiom the nectar of flowers, and after
transportation to the hive In the crop
of the Insects, discharged by them
Into the cells prepared of wax. Wheth
er this nectar undergoes any altera
tion within the crop of the bee Is a
Question upon which authorities differ.
Twentieth Century
The First century comprised the
years 1 to 11 Inclusive; the Second
century, the years 101 to 200 Inclu
sive, and so on to the Twentieth cen
tury, which Is the period beginning
with 1901 and extending to the year
The Badger Gamer
Keen Interest of
Housewives Greets
Big Grocery Merger
From All Parts of Willamette Valley Come Complimentary
Remarks About Service and Prices Offered by
United Purity Stores; Members Remain
Independent in Ownership
The intense interest of housewives throughout the Wil
lamette valley greeted the first issue of United PURITY
News, distributed to some 25,000 homes last week.
Not only have many voluntary expressions of apprecia
tion of the first issue of an entertaining new newspaper vis
itor been received at the office for publication, but scores
have volunteered their congratulations to the general office
and to individual members for the enterprise shown in band
ing together the valley's leading grocers into the United
PURITY Stores.
The first apparent effect of this great merger of inde
pendently owned stores was, of course, the decidedly reduced
prices which it was possible to make on standard foodstuffs
products. This is due to the huge buying power of the new
But beyond the mere matter of prices is the improve
ment in many of the valley's leading stores by reason of the
more uniform and standardized methods of merchandising
made possible through the organization. This will include,
as soon as workmen can get at it, the physical improvement
of the stores themselves.
Changes in Stores Planned
These, in all cases, will soon have a uniform color scheme
of attractive blue and white for the exterior. Interior ar
rangement of stores in some cases will be changed to permit
of greater display facilities and more modern practices.
Grocer members of the new organization have reported
every day within the last week the fine response they re
ceived from their customers after joining this organization.
These customers have never before been able to enjoy such
savings in grocery items.
These savings apply to standard brands and highest
qualities of merchandise. Theyare made possible entirely
by the fact that the neighborhood grocers of the Willamette
valley are now in a position to unite for buying and thus they
buy for much less than they could possibly do as individuals.
They can invade the great markets for group buying and can
buy in huge quantities direct from the manufacturers of the
nation's finest foodstuffs.
Huge Buying Power Gained
The Willamette Grocery Co., of Salem acts as a clearing
house for the United PURITY Stores and distributes to the
many members stores in the organization. Where it was
possible before to buy only in small quantities, your local
merchant may now share in the price advantages to be gained
from buying in carload and, oftentimes, trainload lots. These
savings he can pass on to you as a customer. Yet, at the
tame time, he is the same independent, progressive, con
structive merchant he has always been. His store has riot
been absorbed by some great power trying. to crush the in
dependent owner or to gobble all the foodstuffs business and
thus gain enormous profits for himself.
Your own merchant joins in the request that you read
of the extraordinary bargains he has assembled for you thli
week as shown on the two inside pages of this issue of Unit
ed PURITY News. These bargains show very definitely
how you can save money in buying from the United PURITY
Store nearest your home.
Chilean Hotel Workers
Campaign Against Tips
Santiago. Chile. Hotel employees
here are campaigning to dp away with
tips, as being "prejudicial to their In
terests and bothersome to their
clients." They! ask an addition of 10
or 15 per cent to the bill of each
guest instead. With the additional
money they expect to receive from the
uew system, the waiters, barbers, and
porters any they will take lessons In
English and French so tiiat they, may
better serve foreign visitors to San
tiago. uh-oh!
Germany Plans Super
Plane to Carry Fifty!
Washington. A aupenftonoplano
driven by motors capable of develop-?
Ing 2,000 horse power, having n win
spread of 120 feet, and designed to
carry 60 persons. Is now nnilcr con
struction by the Junkers Alrpium- -in-pany
of Germany, the Departtm nt of
Commerce announced. r
Transatlantic service at a h-l:tit of
between 20.000 and 30,tKW feci i en
visaged by the German r.hi;niy.
should present plans for f-resrtliig
normal atmospheric pressure at such
altitudes prove practical.
- Living quarters will be In tin "wings,
which will be 120 feet Jon anil sis
feet thick, the Department ot Com
merce Is advised. Four 660 horse
power motors will drive the new mona
ster. It will be equipped with aa'
adequate kitchen and a superradiV
Russia Leans Heavily
on Large Land Owners'
Semlpalatlnsk, Kazakstoa ' Republic.
The Sovleta have taken draxie
measures In an effort to wipe out th
last remnants of large land ownership
In central Asia.,
- Sixty "beys," or wealthy Moslem;
nobles, who managed during 11 years',
of bolshevik rule to Ignore all com ',
munlst doctrines and keep their rast
herds of cattle and aroperty intact; ;
Lave been driven out of their borne
and deported to remote Slr-DarilnX,
reglona. . ? -' r,',J .'--.