CELEBRATING THE HISTORY OF THE WEST In other parts of the year they contin- ued their migratory, nomadic habits as they searched for game and native plants. Due to the lack of converts, the missionary bosses back east wanted to discontinue the mission and consolidate resources near Spokane, Wash. Marcus Whitman, however, had other ideas. He traveled east to lobby to keep the mission open. On the way back West, he joined the fi rst large wagon train on what would become the Oregon Trail. Each year, more pioneers used the trail. Most dreamed of settling in the fertile Willamette Valley and claiming their own piece of paradise. In 1844, the Whitman Mission popula- tion grew as Marcus and Narcissa adopt- ed seven Sager children whose parents had died on the trail. The Whitmans off ered the mission as a rest stop just off the trail. They provided food to the hungry, medicine to the sick and repairs to folks who had broken wagons. The school for Indian children failed. Eventually it was replaced by a boarding school for settlers’ children. The trickle of emigrants on westward migration became a fl ood. Then, in 1847, a measles epidemic broke out, and Marcus off ered medicine for both whites and Indians. The Cayuse became increasingly agitated when white children mostly survived, but the Indian children, lacking immunity, died. Their antipathy grew as the Whitmans 19 CULTURE & HERITAGE welcomed white settlers who Indians sus- pected as wanting to steal their land. The boil-over point came on Nov. 29, 1847, when a small band of Indians attacked the mission. The Whitmans and 11 other whites were killed. The mission burned down, and 53 people were taken hostage. News traveled slowly in those days. But when Congress learned of the attack, they quickly moved to make Oregon a legal territory, a step toward white domi- nance in a previously wild land. A walk around the grounds is a step back in time. Visit the Great Grave, the Whitman Memorial, the reconstructed Oregon Trail ruts. At the visitor center, open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., learn more about the history of Whit- man Mission by watching a 25-minute fi lm. AUG. 3�10 Above: The obelisk at Whitman Mission is visible in the background, at the top of the hill. Left: Explore history at the Whitman Mission National Historic Site in Walla Walla, Washington. National Park Service/ Contributed Photos The park grounds are open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., including Memorial Day, July 4 and Labor Day. The grounds are closed on other federal holidays. None of the original buildings survive. But on a self-guided tour you can see where buildings such as the blacksmith shop were located, and with imagination visualize how things looked before that fateful day in 1847.