NEW RELEASES IN THE WORLD OF MOVIES 15 NOW PLAYING AUG. 17�24 B.J. Novak’s directorial debut ‘Vengeance’ a smart social satire By Katie Walsh Tribune News Service B.J. Novak opens his debut feature “Vengeance,” which he wrote, directed and stars in, with a scene of acidic social commentary that lays the tone for the smart satire of contemporary media cul- ture that ensues. In a scene that targets the mating ritu- als of the urban-dwelling modern Amer- ican cad, interspersed into the opening credits with an almost jarring violence, Ben (Novak), a writer for The New Yorker, and the unlikely, sometimes unlikeable, hero of “Vengeance,” parries back and forth with his friend John (played by singer John Mayer) about their vapid dating lives. As they debate the merits of seeing six women or three, question whether a cellphone contact labeled “Brunette Ran- dom House Party” refers to a woman met at a publishing event or a just a “random house party,” and falsely declare that they’re not afraid of emotional intimacy, Novak does something important with his character: he makes him a buff oon, fi rst and foremost, in this bracing setup that allows him to carefully thread the needle on his American tale. In “Vengeance,” Novak sets his sights on lampooning the big city media types who go chasing stories in middle America and return with observations from the “fl yover states” that are usually conde- scending, preachy or inauthentic, and in doing so, he fi nds the humor, and some- thing honest too. Ben ends up in small-town Texas thanks to one of his numerous hookups. The family of aspiring musician Abilene (Lio Tipton), who has met a tragic end in what appears to be an accidental over- dose death, is convinced that Ben was her serious boyfriend, and implores him to come to her funeral. When Abilene’s brother, Ty (Boyd Holbrook), insists that his sister was murdered, and enlists Ben in his quest for revenge, his journalist ears perk up — this would be a great podcast. He quickly pitches it to a producer back in New York, Eloise (Issa Rae), and equipped with some Amazon fl annel and the Voice Memos app, he sets out to tell the tale of a dead white girl, and of course, of America itself. The way in which Ben fi nds himself embroiled in the mystery swirling around a stranger’s death is reminiscent of the Serial podcast “S-Town,” and it’s clear that Novak knows this genre of “prestige jour- nalism” well: when Ben speaks, even as we know we’re supposed to chuckle at his purple descriptions of the Texas sunset, he nails the style and cadence, the slick language of a media-savvy writer. It’s fun- B.J. Novak stars as Ben Manalowitz in “Vengeance,” a Texas-set fi lm he also wrote and directed. Focus Features/ TNS ny, but it’s also insightful too. Ben’s work passes muster, which lend’s Novak’s fi lm merit, and another layer to the complexity of this movie. “Vengeance” is fast and loose, moving quickly, the punchlines only landing before we’re on to the next joke. The fantastic ensemble cast, including J. Smith-Cam- eron and Ashton Kutcher make meals out of their dialogue, and though some of the plot’s twists and turns are a bit facile, and too heightened, it serves the mystery that churns the story along. In “Vengeance,” Novak’s linguistic blade is simultaneously incisive and skewering. He indicts Ben’s pretension Are you a local artisan? We are a small, no-till farm using organic practices, growing vegetables, flowers and culinary herbs. We are located one mile up the South Fork Road in beautiful Dayville, Oregon. We also have camping and glamping venue with three units. Look us up on Airbnb at Guyon Springs. Serving breakfast every Saturday and Sunday. Please call or text ahead to reserve a spot! (Think Cowboy Dinner Tree). Check us out on Facebook for weekly menus. 2022 CSA Shares Available. Call or Text to reserve! 541-602-0303 Where is EXIT 306? We want to hear from you! call (503)325- 3211 and the craven way he seeks to extract Abilene’s story for his own gain, inspect- ing the media’s role in the “culture wars,” and the socially constructed divisions in our country. But the fi lm manages to land somewhere between sour and sincere, as Ben makes meaningful connections with both Abi’s family, and Abi’s story, fi nding the heart after all. As Ben does, so does Novak, unearthing some profound truths, wrapped in comedy, about America right now, too. T HOMAS O RCHARDS U-PICK • Pie Cherries $2.25/lb • Apricots $2.00/lb • Semi-Cling Peaches $1.75/lb Bring a ladder and containers for U-Pick