2 AUG. 17�24 follow us ONLINE www.goeasternoregon.com TWITTER twitter.com/GoEasternOregon FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/goeasternoregon INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/goeasternoregon contact us Lisa Britton Go! Editor editor@goeasternoregon.com 541-406-5274 Sarah Smith Calendar Coordinator calendar@goeasternoregon.com SUBMIT NEWS Submit your event information by Monday for publication the following week (two weeks in advance is even better!). Go! Magazine is published Wednesdays in the Hermiston Herald, Wallowa County Chieftain and Blue Mountain Eagle. It publishes Thursdays in The Observer, Baker City Herald and East Oregonian. ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTIONS Baker City Herald 541-523-3673 The Observer 541-963-3161 East Oregonian 541-276-2211 Wallowa County Chieftain 541-426-4567 Blue Mountain Eagle 541-575-0710 Hermiston Herald 541-567-6457 THE OPENING ACT RAISING THE CURTAIN ON THIS WEEK’S ISSUE What We’re Into New releases ‘The Blacklist’ Calvin Harris’ last star-stud- ded funk album in 2017 sported several hits but left listeners wanting more. Now, the DJ from the UK has deliv- ered a second volume, titled “Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 2,” featuring even more tracks and big names, but bigger doesn’t always mean better. The album emanates laid-back summer vibes similar to the fi rst volume, this time with a little more disco — it’s making a comeback. Soaring string interludes accompany punchy basslines, putting this album at the crossroads of the ’70s dance genre and funk. Most of the tracks are smooth cele- My wife and I have been binge-watch- ing “The Blacklist,” with James Spader and Megan Boone on Netfl ix. We’re on season 6 now, but it’s still being broad- cast, so we don’t know how long it will go, but I believe there’s a season 9 in the works. It keeps draw- ing us onto the next episode. Although there’s plenty of violence — which, of course, is staged — there’s little sex or language that can’t be. So it’s not too family unfriendly. It starts with Spader, as one of the FBI’s 10 most wanted, surrendering to the FBI and off ering to help provide names on the “Blacklist” — people who have committed crimes the FBI doesn’t even know about. He admittedly helps for selfi sh rea- sons, but both he and the FBI win. Howev- er, he insists he’ll help ONLY if he gives his information to Boone. Their relationship and questions surrounding it are at the core of the series. There’s plenty of mystery — questions that need to be answered and sometimes are. I won’t give spoilers, so you’ll have to watch it yourself. Characters come and go, with the writers not afraid to kill off important ones on occasion. They really make the series work. The thing we keep thinking about is it just keeps getting weirder and weirder. There’s adventure, action, humor and a bit of romance. — Bill Bradshaw, reporter, Wallowa County Chieftain ‘Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 2’ brations of youth, perfect for playing on a summer drive around town with the top down. Most of them, that is, with maybe a few exceptions. The dud of the album is the fi rst track after the intro, “New Money,” with its under- whelming instrumentals un- derneath rapper 21 Savage, which didn’t do the rapper’s equally underwhelming lyrics any favors. “Stay With Me” also lacks as an awk- ward combination of three very diff erent artists — Justin Timberlake, Halsey and Pharrell Williams, whose contributions to this song fall short of cohesive. — The Associated Press We can help you get from Here to Here BIKES, SKIS, CLIMBING GEAR, ADVICE, BEER & SNACKS, RENTALS, GOOD PEOPLE BIKES, SKIS, CLIMBING GEAR, ADVICE, 1301 A BEER & SNACKS, RENTALS, GOOD PEOPLE 1301 Adams Ave. Mon-S La Grande, OR MOUNTAINWORKSBICYCLES.COM S.COM La Grande, OR Mon-Sat • 10am-6pm 541.963.3220