$1.50 THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 AUG UST 146th Year, No. 100 INSIDE WINNER OF THE 2022 ONPA GENERAL EXCELLENCE AWARD 10-1 7, 202 2 WW W.G OEA STE RNO REG ON.COM Fair d MAKE AN ADVENTURE ON THE PENDLETON CHARM TRAIL ays MEASURE 114 Talking aim at gun control GR ANT C O U N TY FA IR M A 11 3 YE A RKS R S AU G . 10 -1 3, PA G E 8 Pendleton’s Grain Craft mill erupts into a PA GE 3 PA GE 13 RAGING INFERNO Oregon gun rights advocates line up against proposal on November ballot By DAKOTA CASTETS-DIDIER, ANTONIO ARREDONDO and JOHN TILLMAN East Oregonian ENDLETON — Fire erupted early Wednesday morning, Aug. 10, at Grain Craft fl our mill in Pendle- ton. By midmorning, fi rst respond- ers were waiting for the possible collapse of the structure. Pendleton Assistant Fire Chief Tony Pierotti said this blaze kicked off at about 4:30 a.m., and all signs point to the massive structure as a total loss. Pendleton Fire Department, Umatilla Tribal Fire Department, Umatilla County Fire District No. 1 were the fi rst to respond to the scene at 501 S.E. Emigrant Ave. Soon after, fi re departments from La Grande and Board- man also were responding. Pierotti said silos were at full capacity of fi nished grain, so the fi re fuel load was extreme. P By JOHN TILLMAN East Oregonian PENDLETON — A measure requiring a permit, reporting of application data and safety training to buy a fi rearm in Oregon is set to appear on the November ballot. And gun rights proponents are taking stances against it. Measure 114 also would outlaw magazines holding more than 10 cartridges. “First and foremost, I hope voters will take the time to educate them- selves on the measure and review it line by line,” Umatilla County Sher- iff Terry Rowan said. “Measure 110 might not have passed had people studied it. Proponents sold it as breaking the cycle of addiction, but didn’t focus on legalizing the most dangerous drugs, so that addicts would no longer be compelled to seek treatment. Similarly, Measure 114 advocates focus on stopping gun violence, but the public really needs to evaluate its language.” The proposition, titled “Changes to Gun Ownership and Purchase Requirements Initiative,” is one of the strictest gun control measures ever proposed in the nation, accord- ing to opponents. “(Measure 114) will virtually end the sale of fi rearms in (the state),” Oregon Firearms Federation Exec- utive Director Kevin Starrett said on July 26. “Where do you suppose all the smaller towns who rely on private gun clubs for training are going to go for the live fi re portion of the class? How often will they provide it? What costs will be created? How do those increased costs and barriers aff ect Black folks in inner-city Portland?” Measure 114 would require a permit to obtain any fi rearm, and it would outlaw magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. If the measure passes, it would ban some commonly used pump shotguns because their capacity can exceed that limit. Further, Oregon State Police would be required to main- tain a searchable public database of all permit applications. Rowan also said he was convinced the measure is a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment. PA GE 9 Fire may have burned through the night Pendleton and other fi re departments on Aug. 9 at 2:55 p.m. responded to the mill on a report of white smoke. Pierotti said a “rubber boot” that is part of the sifter may have caught fi re. Crews had to get a hose up top to shoot water into a silo to put out the fi re. Crews that day were at the mills for about six hours. Grain Craft, the third largest fl our miller in the United States, owns the mill and employs 22 people there. The company issued this statement: “Early (Wednesday) morning a fire erupted at the Grain Craft fl our mill in Pend- leton, Oregon. There have been no injuries reported and our focus remains on the safety and well-being of our team members and the surrounding community. We are supporting all authorities as they contain the fi re and miti- gate the damage where possible. We are still working to understand the situation, however everyone is safe, and we will update when we have more information.” Pierotti said chlorine tanks at the site were far enough away they were not an explosion risk. Still, fi re crews doused the tanks with water as a precautionary measure. He also said nearby buildings were another concern. “All these other buildings around are considered exposures,” he said. “Then we go defensive. It’s gonna come down, the goal is to make sure it doesn’t go anywhere else.” Flame shoots from the Grain Craft fl our mill in Pendleton the morning of Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2022. Photos by Kathy Aney/East Oregonian See Guns, Page A8 A Pendleton fi refi ghter sprays water on fl ames shooting from the Grain Craft fl our mill on the morning of Wednes- day, Aug. 10, 2022. See Fire, Page A1