A16 East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Tuesday, August 9, 2022 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M. SCHULZ Parent misses teenager’s ex-boyfriend, his parents FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE B.C. PICKLES BEETLE BAILEY BY LYNN JOHNSTON BY MASTROIANNI AND HART BY BRIAN CRANE life a living hell. I have grown to Dear Abby: A couple of despise him. weeks ago, my 17-year-old I need to be respectful of his daughter broke up with “Matt,” children and friends. Only a few her boyfriend of a year and seven close women friends know the months. My husband and I are situation. I want to have a prop- sad because Matt had become a er remembrance for them that part of our family. We included won’t involve too much of my him in vacations and holidays J EANNE presence. He will be cremated with us. We also became friends P HILLIPS per his request. Can you sug- with his parents and shared a ADVICE gest how I should handle this? couple of holidays with them. — Careful In California I have not communicated Dear Careful: Discuss this with them since the breakup, and I feel horrible. I’m not sure what’s with the person who will officiate at the proper etiquette in this situation. Should memorial service when the time comes. I reach out to Matt’s mom or just leave it Be as active a participant as you would alone? I don’t have hard feelings toward like. Leaving the eulogizing to the people them, but then again, my daughter broke who loved him — his friends and chil- up with Matt and not vice versa. Let me dren — is your privilege. Dear Abby: My daughter is 38 and know what you think. — Broken Up Over still can’t forgive me for being an alco- Breakup Dear Broken Up: Young love doesn’t holic when she was young. Will I never always last forever, which can be a good be forgiven? I have had my drinking un- thing. I see no harm in waiting a few der control for six years now. What else more weeks until things cool down and can I do? I don’t want to leave this world then reaching out to Matt’s mother. Tell and not be good with her. It’s killing me. her you are sorry about the breakup and I need my baby girl back. — Sober Mom hope it doesn’t spell the end of your re- In Kentucky Dear Mom: You didn’t mention what lationship with her, which you have very much enjoyed. Her response will tell you personality changes you experienced when your daughter was young. Whether if she feels the same. Dear Abby: We are a couple, married you were abusive or emotionally absent, for 46 years. Of course, one of us will be the truth is she “lost” her mother during passing on in the future. If my husband that period. You may need your baby goes first, I’m unsure about how to han- girl back, but that baby is long gone. If dle any services for him. He has narcis- you are not in AA, you should definitely sistic personality disorder and, over the attend some meetings to see how other course of our marriage, he has made my parents cope with their loss. BY MORT WALKER DAYS GONE BY 100 years ago in the East Oregonian GARFIELD BY JIM DAVIS John F. Hill, who came to the west in April, 1886 from Kentucky, died this morning at 6 o’clock at St. Anthony’s hospital. Mr. Hill, while not being bed fast, has been in the hospital for years. At the age of 16 John Hill enlisted in the Union army and for four years fought for his country. He was the father of ten children, nine of whom survived him. His wife was taken from him in 1909 and since that time he has gradually declined in strength. Death came as the result of old age. 50 years ago in the East Oregonian BLONDIE BY DEAN YOUNG AND JOHN MARSHALL Lightning storms moved from south central Oregon into the northeast portion during the night, touching off more than 120 fires on federally protected land. Forestry agencies braced for another series of lightning storms today as cooler air moved into the state, ending a hot spell that left the forests extremely dry. Clarence Edgington, U.S. Forest Service fire control officer said fire danger in the forests ranged from high to very high throughout the state. Eighty of the fires were on national forest land and firefighting crews moved quickly to control them. The largest was 50 acres north- east of Burns. A lightning storm was blamed for a fire which destroyed a $50,000 boat- house and marina on Wizard Island at Crater Lake National Park Tuesday night. 25 years ago in the East Oregonian “Never!” said Jim Stearns, when he was asked to share his winning technique. Hermiston Fire Chief Stearns, with a winning spit of 24 feet, 6 inches, won in the Emergency Services category of the Hermis- ton Watermelon Seed Spitting contest. Earlier, in a practice session, he shot out a 33-foot shot. “I want that first shot,” he was heard to say, “but I don’ think they’ll buy it. They didn’t. It was close there, for a minute, between Stearns and Umatilla Police Chief Travis Eynon. But Eynon said he didn’t mind. “I don’t feel too bad (about losing) as long as I didn’t lose to Roberts,” he said, referring to Lt. Jerry Roberts of the Hermiston Police Depart- ment. “I overslept,” Roberts said about his no-show. TODAY IN HISTORY HISTORY TODAY IN DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY PARKER AND HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN On Aug. 9, 1974, Vice In 1854, Henry R. David President Gerald Ford Thoreau’s “Walden,” became the nation’s which 38th described Thoreau’s expe- chief executive as Presi- riences while living near dent Richard Nixon’s res- Walden Pond in Massachu- ignation effect. setts, was took first published. In 1934, President In 1934, President Frank- Franklin D. Roosevelt lin D. Roosevelt signed an signed an order executive order executive nationaliz- nationalizing silver. ing silver. In 1936, In 1944, Jesse 258 Owens Af ri- won his fourth sailors gold medal can-American based at Port the Berlin Olympics as Chicago, California, the United took refused to load States a munitions ship cargo vessel first following place in a the 400-me- explosion ter relay. that killed 320 men, them days Black. In many 1945, of three af- (Fifty the sailors were ter the of atomic bombing convicted of mutiny, fined a of Hiroshima, Japan, and imprisoned.) U.S. B-29 Superfortress In 1945, three days after code-named Bockscar the atomic a bombing Hiro- dropped nuclear of device shima, Japan, over a U.S. Naga- B-29 (“Fat Man”) Superfortress code-named saki, killing an estimated Bockscar dropped a nuclear 74,000 people. device (“Fat Man”) over In 1969, actor Sharon Nagasaki, killing an peo- esti- Tate and four other mated 74,000 people. ple were found brutally In at 1969, Sharon slain Tate’s actor Los Angeles Tate and four other people home. were found brutally slain at In 1982, a federal home; judge Tate’s Los Angeles in Washington ordered cult leader Charles Manson John a group W. of Hinckley Jr., and his followers who’d been acquitted of were later convicted of the shooting President Ron- crime. ald In Reagan and three oth- 1988, President Ronald ers by reason of insanity, Reagan nominated Lauro committed to secretary a mental Cavazos to be of hospital. Cavazos became education; the In first Hispanic serve in 1988, to President the Cabinet. Ronald Reagan nomi- In 1995, Garcia, nated Lauro Jerry Cavazos to lead singer of of the Grateful be secretary education; Dead, died became in Forest the Knolls, Cavazos first California, of a heart attack Hispanic to serve in the at age 53. Cabinet. In In 2004, 2014, Oklahoma Michael City bombing Brown Jr., a conspirator Black 18- Terry Nichols, addressing year-old, was shot to death a court for the first time, by a police officer follow- asked victims of the blast ing an altercation in Fer- for forgiveness as Brown’s a judge guson, Missouri; sentenced 161 consec- death led him to to sometimes- utive life protests sentences. in Fer- violent In 2014, Michael Brown guson and other U.S. cit- Jr., a Black 18-year-old, was ies, to spawning national shot death by a a police offi- “Black Lives Matter” cer following an altercation in movement. Ferguson, Missouri; Brown’s In led 2016, at the death to sometimes-vio- Rio protests Games, in Ferguson Michael lent Phelps the spawn- 20th and other earned U.S. cities, and a national 21st Olympic gold ing “Black Lives medals of his career as Matter” movement. he Today’s won the Birthdays: 200-meter Comedian-director David butterfly and anchored Steinberg is 80. Singer the United States to Barbara Mason is 75. Actor victory in the 4x200 free- Melanie Griffith is 65. Actor style relay. Katie Ledecky Amanda Bearse is 64. Hockey earned her second gold Hall of Famer Hull is the 58. in Rio by Brett winning Pro and College Football Hall 200-meter freestyle. The of Famer Deion Sanders is 55. U.S. women’s gymnastics Actor Gillian Anderson is 54. team won gold for a sec- Actor Eric Bana is 54. Actor ond consecutive Olym- Liz Vassey is 50. Actor Anna pics. Kendrick is 37. PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE