REGION Thursday, August 4, 2022 East Oregonian A3 Raid rescues Yorkshire terrier puppies near Hermiston By ANTONIO ARREDONDO East Oregonian HERMISTON 4 Area animal rescue operations are hustling to save several Yorkshire terriers following a raid Friday, July 30, north of Hermiston. Robin Barker, vice pres- ident of Fuzz Balls Animal Re scue, s a id seve r a l mistreated Yorkshire terri- ers were uncovered of High- way 395 near Hermiston in a trailer with no electric- ity or running water. With temperatures rising past the 100 degree mark this past week, it created an unsafe environment for the puppies. While Barker couldn9t say how many dogs were in the trailer, six of the dogs were voluntarily given to the shel- ter due to their condition. Five were taken to the animal shelter, and one additional puppy is in critical care One of the terriers, despite being nearly 3 months old, weighed only 1 pound. Though he is receiving care at Fuzz Balls, Barker is not hopeful his condition will improve.