3 MIXED MEDIUM THE ARTS AROUND EASTERN OREGON AUG. 3ÿ10, 2022 An artistic scavenger hunt The Little Big Show is an August tradition in Baker City By Lisa Britton Go! Magazine BAKER CITY — At 5:30 p.m. — and not a minute before 4 the hunt is on to o nd your favorite piece of art in this year’s The Little Big Show. This annual art show features many dif erent artists who created original works on boards that measure eight inches square. All those pieces are di- vided up between participating galleries and shops in Baker City, so if you’re searching for a particular artist you might have to hunt around a bit — and get there before someone else snatches it up. The Little Big Show opens at 5:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 5. The show continues through the month — but be sure to check it out on First Friday for the big- gest selection. Every piece is priced at $40, and a por- tion of the sales go to local charities. LOCATIONS • The Cheese Fairy, 1937 Main St. • Churchill Hall Pass Gallery, 3451 Broadway St. • Crossroads Carnegie Art Center, 2020 Auburn Ave. • Royal Artisan, 1912 Main St. • White House Art and Design, 1829 Main St. • Sweet Wife Baking, 2028 Main St. Joann Leone/Contributed Image Sherri Linnemeyer/Contributed Image Left: Still life artist Joann Leone, along with o ber artist Rachael Mayer, will open their show