OFF PAGE ONE Tuesday, July 26, 2022 East Oregonian If we are not available, you can reach us at or 541.567.6151 Please note - we strive to be out of the office in the community as much as possible, we are happy to make appointments to meet you in the office. Yasser Marte/East Oregonian Chris Adams, morning supervisor at Thur’s Smoke Shop, Pendleton, shows a jar of marijuana buds on Monday, July 25, 2022. Cannabis prices have fallen in Oregon, and local dispensaries report customers are tending to buy less expensive product. The chamber office will be CLOSED the week of August 8-12 in support of the Farm-City Pro Rodeo & Umatilla County Fair! Hope to see you there! Yasser Marte/East Oregonian A variety of marijuana jars line shelves Monday, July 25, 2022, at Thur’s Smoke Shop, Pendleton. done business with go under, it means Kind Leaf is unable to purchase a large variety of Continued from Page A1 edibles or vape pen products. Jacki Zeckman is the store “I think we’re seeing a manager of Thur’s Smoke decline in vices, cannabis Shop, also in Pendleton. sales in particular,” she said. He said the cannabis busi- Krenzler also said an over- ness is like a wave, “always supply of product is pushing up and down,” and it takes down prices. He pointed to finding the right partners to Canada as a major source for stay afloat. For the cannabis customer now, he said, prices that abundance. The United States’ north- are better. ern neighbor has allowed Thur’s top-shelf cannabis “huge, major players to come is going for $10 a gram, lower in,” he said, with massive than some other compet- greenhouses that come with ing stores, he said, but the big harvests. Too much prod- business always makes its uct, and the prices plummet. margins. That comes with some dire Thur’s customers have consequences, he said. shifted in what they buy, he Larger farms said, engag- and out-of-state “EVERYONE ing in more far ms might budget consci- entious shop- have more IS cushion against pi ng. W h ile SPENDING t h e m o n e - hard economic tary volume in times, Kren- THEIR zler explained, the store has PAYCHECK dropped, foot and can afford to lower their traffic remains ON FOOD high. pr ices and “I still see recover to AND FUEL. quite a few keep paying WHEN people every their bills. But day,” Zeckman smaller farms PEOPLE ARE said. “I may not have less cush- ion, and some- SPENDING move as much, times they have but I move MORE ON investors to pay more custom- r-f r ie nd ly back. The situ- GAS, FOOD, e items.” ation allows big cannabis farms THEY DON’T Li kewise, to cannibalize Kind Leaf has HAVE AS small farms. not experienced Kind Leaf a slowdown in MUCH TO carries about the number of SPEND ON sales, Krenzler 160 strains it said, but also is sources from a variety of farms CANNABIS.” seeing custom- with a focus on ers spend their family-owned, — Brandon Krenzler, money differ- co-owner of Kind Leaf, e nt ly. T hey craft farmers, Pendleton stock up on Krenzler said, cheaper prod- and not all of ucts, for exam- those business partners are making it. ple, rather than premium “We’re seeing a lot of goods. farms going out of business,” Like any business, Zeck- Krenzler said, including a man said, surviving takes couple of cannabis produc- building partnerships. And in ers Kind Leaf carries. cannabis, that means working “Some of their products out mutually beneficial deals on our shelves are the final with suppliers all year long. To get through this, product,” he said. “There’s only so much we can do. K r e n z l e r e n c o u r a g e d Customers everywhere are cannabis consumers to feeling the same pain. If continue to support their they’re buying products, favorite farms, so when the they’re tending toward the economic tide turns, they cheaper products.” can produce the variety that As farms Kind Leaf has people are used to. Cannabis: VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: KEEP IT LOCAL A9