KATHRYN B. BROWN Owner ANDREW CUTLER Publisher/Editor ERICK PETERSON Hermiston Editor/Senior Reporter TuESDAy, JuLy 19, 2022 A4 Founded October 16, 1875 OUR VIEW Be mindful of summer’s heat impact N o one can do much about the weather except note its sever- ity, and in the next few weeks the region will enter one of its typi- cally hot periods so area residents should be aware of how to stay cool and safe. That might be a tall order for some. Those of us who must work outside on a regular basis do not have the oppor- tunity to simply stop our labors and go find some shade or an air-conditioned building. Others — such as those who lack housing — also are in the bullseye when it comes to extreme weather conditions, whether it is dangerous cold temps or a severe heatwave. Hopefully, the region will not face the kind of high temperatures it faced last summer. Then, a seemingly endless heat blanket descended on the Pacific Northwest and baked the region. The tips to avoid an injury from heat are simple and relatively easy to adopt. Residents should wear light, loose clothing, avoid high-en- ergy, outdoor activities and, perhaps most important, drink plenty of fluid, including water. It also is a good idea to keep a close watch on each other to ward off a seri- ous heat injury. An injury from heat often can manifest itself in cramps, headache or dizziness and confu- sion. Those types of symptoms are the body’s way of warning it is in seri- ous distress, and they should not be ignored. These all seem like simple — almost no-brainer — types of steps and suggestions but as we roll into the deep summer it can be easy to forget that heat is as dangerous as extreme cold temperatures. In a way we all can get complacent regarding how quick heat can sap our body and then create a serious medical situation. We all want to enjoy the great vistas and mountains our area offers every summer. Finding a great place to camp or spending a day out in the woods is one of the key attributes to our region, why it is such a great place to live, work and play. But we also want to make sure we are, and we don’t underestimate how fast extreme heat can injure. EDITORIALS Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the East Oregonian editorial board. Other columns, letters and cartoons on this page express the opinions of the authors and not necessarily that of the East Oregonian. LETTERS The East Oregonian welcomes original letters of 400 words or less on public issues and public policies for publication in the newspaper and on our website. The newspaper reserves the right to withhold letters that address concerns about individual services and products or letters that infringe on the rights of private citizens. Letters must be signed by the author and include the city of residence and a daytime phone number. The phone number will not be published. Unsigned letters will not be published. SEND LETTERS TO: editor@eastoregonian.com, or via mail to Andrew Cutler, 211 S.E. Byers Ave., Pendleton, OR 97801 A successful SCOTUS coup ALEX HOBBS PASTURES OF PLENT Y recently finished the new Patrick Radden Keefe anthology “Rogues.” A modern-day muckraker, Keefe has spent his professional career chronicling the lies and misdeeds of the worst among us. As Keefe puts it, “grifters, killers, rebels and crooks.” Halfway through the book, I stumbled across a familiar figure: Donald Trump. Specifically how reality television maven Mark Burnett performed a singular act of prestidigitation by transforming Trump from a Manhattan punchline to leader of the free world. Through carefully curated camera angles, cutting room floor edits and manufactured moments of corporate authority, Burnett was able to pull off the impressive grift of peddling Trump to the masses as a worldly entrepreneur. Like Louis Napoleon III reincarnated, Trump began his lordship over the dispossessed and immiserated much like the despotic final French emperor — with spectacle. After all, Louis Napoleon was a man who Karl Marx described in his 18th Brumaire as, “the serious buffoon who no longer takes world history for a comedy but his comedy for world history.” Reading the Keefe piece was partic- ularly nauseating not because it shed light on the former president but because last month, the three activist Supreme Court justices appointed by our very own serious buffoon, a man propelled to the position of the presidency by a reality I television producer, helped set America on a course of generationally irrevocable damage. Let’s look at the overturning of Roe. The methodology used to adjudicate this decision not only was shoddy and predetermined but blatant in its hypoc- risy. Significantly from Justice Clar- ence Thomas, who claimed Roe should be overturned because the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment doesn’t apply. That returning the right to abortion back to state legislators doesn’t actually place an undue burden on anyone. The fact that democracy has been gerryman- dered to near extinction in many states is a mere technicality. The end justifies the means. Granted, judicial review isn’t supposed to hinge on majority opin- ion. But it is, however, supposed to be beholden to sound logic. Thomas’ argument starts to unravel with the tiniest amount of scru- tiny because he will do anything, say anything to satisfy his originalist world- view. To this end, he applied the oppo- site logic to Bruen, striking down “may issue” gun laws, arguing they violate the Due Process Clause. It’s worth noting that states with may issue gun laws have some of the lowest rates of gun violence in the country. So which version of the 14th Amendment actually matters? At this current moment, that’s essentially a rhetorical question. To the conservative justices, it doesn’t matter. We now get to look on as Republicans feign concern over families and Demo- crats naval gaze. One has to wonder what was stopping Republicans from providing for families before Roe? Were women and children held hostage in a bid to overturn Roe? As lawmakers like Marco Rubio would have us believe, now that the final hurdle is cleared, like fire- men beneath a burning building, legisla- tors will hold out their arms and urge the tenants of the flaming wreckage to jump to safety. No, we know this is patently false. There will be no sudden realignment for Republicans in post-Roe America. No clamor to ensure mothers will bring a child into a world unburdened. These babies will be born into a country with no guaranteed health care, no child care, or parental leave and the highest rates of maternal mortality among developed countries. The endless tragic iterations of why a mother might choose to seek abor- tion care is a song that will go unheeded, unheard. We get to look on as sovereignty is robbed from Native tribes, Environmen- tal Protection Agency authority stripped, Miranda rights undermined and habeas corpus upended. Worse yet, the court has granted cert to Moore v. Harper, a case that could spell absolute catastrophe for democracy: Whether or not state legisla- tures are empowered to regulate federal elections — not state judiciaries. States could then theoretically pass laws in which legislators can pick their own slates of electors without regard to the popular vote. If this sounds like something Trump and Ginni Thomas just tried to do — you’d be correct. What a happy bit of happenstance for all the serious buffoons to come. ——— Alex Hobbs is a former educator turned full-time homeschooling mom. She has a degree in political science from Oregon State University. YOUR VIEWS Idaho Power lacks adequate planning for B2H For 13 years Idaho Power Co. has been trying to rail- road the 310-mile-long B2H, Boardman to Hemingway power lines through Eastern Oregon. No one wants it, but Idaho Power keeps pushing, trying to outflank the public and government agencies, state and federal. By the time they go into service they will be archaic, but Idaho Power gets around 10% of building cost bonus, most of which will go into stockholders’ pockets. Nor does Idaho Power have an adequate fire plan for when the lines break and start fires, as it did in Paradise, Califor- nia, when PG&E ignited fire. Death toll: 85 people. Nor has weed control from building the project been properly addressed. The power lines cross the Oregon Trail numerous times, but Idaho Power Co. could care less about preserving them or the heritage that goes with them: Their plan is to place their lines directly in front of the $16 million Oregon Trail interpretive center outside of Baker City. The list goes on. Whit Deschner Pendleton Quit throwing falsehoods To the nice gentleman from Bend about showing proof of citizen to vote. I totally agree and it’s done that way, and has always been done that way. Show me one person who was not a legal citizen to vote, anywhere please. Have proof and facts then I will ask you why you haven’t reported that person to the proper authori- ties so that they may me prose- cuted under our current voting state laws. Quit throwing falsehoods into our county, we have enough problems to deal with without you stoking a burned out flame. May God bless you, and may God bless America. Juan Chavez Stanfield CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES U.S. PRESIDENT Joe Biden The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20500 Comments: 202-456-1111 GOVERNOR Kate Brown 160 State Capitol 900 Court St. Salem, OR 97301-4047 503-378-4582 U.S. SENATORS Ron Wyden 221 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg. Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5244 La Grande office: 541-962-7691 Jeff Merkley 313 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-3753 Pendleton office: 541-278-1129 REPRESENTATIVES Bobby Levy, District 58 900 Court St. NE, H-376 Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1458 Rep.BobbyLevy@state.or.us Greg Smith, District 57 900 Court St. NE, H-482 Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1457 Rep.GregSmith@state.or.us U.S. REPRESENTATIVE Cliff Bentz 2185 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 202-225-6730 Medford office: 541-776-4646 SENATOR Bill Hansell, District 29 900 Court St. NE, S-415 Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1729 Sen.BillHansell@state.or.us