A12 East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Thursday, July 14, 2022 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M. SCHULZ Husband’s dishonesty is putting marriage in peril FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE B.C. PICKLES BEETLE BAILEY BY LYNN JOHNSTON BY MASTROIANNI AND HART BY BRIAN CRANE promise to put money in the Dear Abby: I am married to savings account and lied to you a man from a different country, about where the money is going. culture and religion. We have Could it have gone someplace an amazing relationship, and he other than to his parents? You is my best friend. We do every- have a right to know. thing together — grocery shop, You may be able to resolve date nights, travel, etc. He is a this with the help of a licensed wonderful husband. The only J EANNE mediator or counselor. problem is he doesn’t contribute P HILLIPS Dear Abby: I am a mother of financially. I have told him time ADVICE two and grandmother of three. and again that this is going to be I have a few cousins I socialize a big problem for us. with occasionally, but I can’t say In his country, the people are poor, so he sends money to his fam- I’m particularly close to any of them. I ily. His parents are wonderful, humble enjoy spending most of my time with my people and I love them dearly. He doesn’t children, grandchildren and husband. One of my cousins has been pestering earn as much as I do, but I do not feel that should stop him from making some me to have a family reunion. Every time financial contribution to OUR LIFE. I we talk, he brings up the subject, as well as other family members we have lost pay for everything. We had agreed that after he paid off touch with. I have told him and his wife his debts, he would put a certain amount that I am not interested in hosting a fam- of money in the savings, which would ily reunion, and quite frankly, wouldn’t still leave him $1,000 for himself. For the be interested in attending one, either. I don’t want to seem harsh, but I have last three months he has made no con- tributions, and when I asked about it, he little interest in reuniting with many of said he doesn’t know what he did with my cousins, and I find large family gath- erings stressful. I feel like they are trying the money. He’s obviously lying. I am so furious that I’m considering to bully me into hosting and/or attend- divorce. I have never told him not to help ing something I have said time and again his family, and I have been very gener- I’m not interested in. What should I do? ous with them as well. But it worries me — Nagged In New Jersey Dear Nagged: The next time he brings that he is only concerned with his family back home and not the well-being of the up the subject of your hosting a family family we have built together. — Money’s reunion, laugh. Then tell him the folks who should do it are him and his wife The Issue In Mississippi Dear Money’s The Issue: Your “won- because you are not interested. Then derful” husband has reneged on his change the subject. BY MORT WALKER DAYS GONE BY 100 years ago in the East Oregonian GARFIELD BY JIM DAVIS L.E. Lieuallen has bought a new 1922 Dodge truck for ranch use. Rev. Luther preached his farewell sermon Sunday and will leave Thurs- day for Springfield, Oregon, to take command of the work up there. Adams community regrets to see him go and he has the best wishes of the new community for his best success in his new home. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hales and grandson, Jack, returned to their home in Adams after two weeks of touring to Hood River and near Portland on their vacation for an outing. 50 years ago in the East Oregonian BLONDIE BY DEAN YOUNG AND JOHN MARSHALL Pendleton’s American Legion baseball team heads into the homestretch this week- end. Pendleton, 13-5 on the season and 7-1 in league play through last weekend, heads out this weekend for four non-counters. Satur- day Pendleton plays a 6:30 p.m. doubleheader in Hood River. Sunday Pendleton is at The Dalles for a 1 p.m. pair. July 22 Pendleton winds up its season with two league games with La Grande, at 6 p.m. in Pendleton. The Pendleton team is continuing its hot hitting pace. Through last week Pendleton was hitting .306 as a team. 25 years ago in the East Oregonian One out of five adult chinook salmon will not make it through the upper Grande Ronde River this summer. Instead, the fish will be trapped in a temporary weir and taken to Lookingglass Hatchery, where their offspring will wait to return to the river. It’s called supplementation, and the Confeder- ated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reserva- tion and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife are using it to increase the number of salmon in the upper Grande Ronde after years of posting dwindling numbers. “We’re lucky if a spawning pair returns a spawning pair,” said Gary James, manager of the tribes’ fisheries program, about the decline of the chinook population in the river. TODAY IN HISTORY In 1789, in an event symbolizing the start of the French Revolution, citizens of Paris stormed Bastille On July 14, the 2004, the prison and released the seven Senate scuttled a consti- prisoners inside. tutional amendment ban- In 1798, Congress (Forty- passed ning gay marriage. the Sedition Act, making it a eight senators voted to federal crime to publish false, advance the 12 scandalous or measure malicious — writ- short of the 60 needed — ing about the United States and 50 voted to block it). government. In 1881, 1789, outlaw in an William event In symbolizing start of H. Bonney Jr., the alias “Billy the Kid,” French Revolution, the was shot and killed citizens stormed by Sheriff of Pat Paris Garrett in Fort the Bastille prison and New re- Sumner in present-day leased the seven prisoners Mexico. In 1912, American folk inside. singer-songwriter Woody In 1798, Congress Guthrie Land Is Your passed (“This the Sedition Act, Land”) in Okemah, making was it a born federal crime Oklahoma. to publish false, scandal- 1933, all German polit- ous In or malicious writing ical parties, except the Nazi about the United States Party, were outlawed. government. In formally In 1945, 1881, Italy outlaw Wil- declared war on Japan, its liam H. Bonney Jr., alias former Axis partner during “Billy War the II. Kid,” was shot World In 1976, Jimmy Carter won the Democratic presiden- tial nomination at the party’s convention York. Pat and killed in by New Sheriff In 1980, the Republican Garrett in Fort Sumner in national convention opened in present-day New Mexico. Detroit, where nominee-ap- In 1912, American folk parent Ronald Reagan told a singer-songwriter Woody welcoming rally he and his Guthrie was born in Oke- supporters were determined mah, Oklahoma. to “make America great In 1933, all German again.” political except In 2004, parties, the Senate scut- the Nazi Party, were out- tled a constitutional amend- lawed. banning gay marriage. ment In 1976, Jimmy (Forty-eight senators Carter voted won the Democratic to advance the measure presi- — 12 dential nomination at and the short of the 60 needed — 50 voted convention to block it). in New party’s In 2009, disgraced finan- York. cier In Bernard arrived 1980, Madoff the Republi- at the national Butner Federal Correc- can convention tional in where North opened Complex in Detroit, Carolina to begin serv- nominee-apparent Ronald ing a 150-year sentence for Reagan told a welcoming his Ponzi scheme. rally massive he and his supporters (Madoff died in to prison in were determined “make April 2021.) America great again.” In 2015, world powers fi- and In Iran 2009, struck disgraced a deal to curb Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for relief from inter- national sanctions. In 2016, terror Madoff struck nancier Bernard Bastille Day celebrations in arrived at the Butner Fed- the Riviera city of eral French Correctional Com- Nice large truck plowed plex as in a North Carolina to into a festive crowd, killing begin serving a 150-year 86 people in an attack claimed sentence massive by Islamic for State his extremists; Ponzi scheme. (Madoff the driver was shot dead by died in prison in April police. 2021.) Today’s Bir thdays: In 2015, Actor Nancy world Olson powers is 94. and Iran struck a deal to Rock musician Chris Cross curb Iran’s nuclear (Ultravox) is 70. Actor pro- Jane gram in is exchange re- Lynch 62. Actor for Jackie lief from Earle Haley international is 61. Actor Matthew sanctions. Fox is 56. Rock musician Ellen Reid struck (Crash In 2016, terror Test Dummies) is 56. Rock Bastille Day celebrations singer-musician Tanya in the French Riviera city Donelly is 56. Former child of Nice as a large truck actor is 52. plowed Missy into Gold a festive R&B singer Tameka Cottle crowd, killing 86 people (Xscape) is 47. Hip-hop musi- in an attack claimed by cian “taboo” (Black Eyed Islamic State extremists; Peas) is 47. Actor Scott Porter the driver was shot dead is 43. Actor/writer/producer by police. Phoebe Waller-Bridge is 37. TODAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY PARKER AND HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE