A14 East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Thursday, June 9, 2022 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M. SCHULZ Daughter doesn’t want mother’s commentary FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE B.C. PICKLES BEETLE BAILEY BY LYNN JOHNSTON BY MASTROIANNI AND HART BY BRIAN CRANE Dear Abby: I have wrestled Dear Abby: I am a 29-year- with this for a year. I thought old woman in a healthy, loving I had a good friend. I had a relationship with my boyfriend pacemaker implanted, and eight of 2 1/2 years. We talk about months later I broke my elbow. marriage and kids and are com- Both times I was hospitalized. mitted to each other. He re- Not once did she come to see cently bought a home, and we me or send a card, even though live together. My issue is with J EANNE she is a card lover. I overlooked my mother. I feel she won’t be P HILLIPS it until my son’s death made me happy with me until I’m married ADVICE rethink our friendship. She sent and have children. me some fruit but didn’t make She and Dad met and were one call to see how we were do- married within six months, so to her, any relationship that lasts longer ing, no visitation, nothing. She didn’t than that without marriage or an engage- send a sympathy card either. I now regard her as selfish, and I can ment must not be the real deal. It has been extremely frustrating over the past no longer bring myself to be friends couple of years. She slips in judgmental with her. We all make mistakes, that’s true, but three times with no support comments all the time. If I try to defend my life and our rela- from her is more than I can accept. I tionship, she says I’m too defensive and now feel we weren’t friends at all. Am I must be unhappy. If I say nothing, which wrong? We have many dear friends who has been my approach for the past six were there when we needed them. They months or so, her snide comments con- cried with us, consoled us, brought food, tinue. I want a good relationship with stayed with us. Are my feelings valid? her, but I am not sure where to go from — Abandoned In Florida Dear Abandoned: Where feelings are here. Marriage and kids are in our future but not for some time. Help! — It’s My concerned, there is no “right” or “wrong.” Sometimes people feel extremely uncom- Life In Colorado Dear I.M.L.: Perhaps it’s time to draw fortable about what they should say or the line. Tell your mother you know she do when a difficult situation arises such loves you and is concerned for your wel- as an illness, an accident or a death. That fare, but you do not plan to marry any- your friend made herself absent when one on her timeline. Then say, calmly, you needed her support is unfortunate. that her comments are hurtful, and you Not knowing her, I can’t guess her rea- need her to quit the needling, or she will son, and neither can you. So before YOU be seeing a lot less of you. Be prepared to abandon HER, you should ask her that question. follow through. BY MORT WALKER DAYS GONE BY 100 years ago — 1922 GARFIELD BY JIM DAVIS After calmly enjoying a repast of several boxes of strawberries, unknown marauderers last evening moved a safe from the office of the Pacific Fruit & Products Co. plant at 414 Main street into the ante-room, piled sacks of peanuts upon it and then blew the safe, securing for their trouble a small amount of cash. Fingerprints, empty strawberry boxes and the ruined safe remain as the only evidence. The ante-room contains sawdust and this is thought to be the reason for moving the safe, as the sawdust, with the sacks of peanuts, deadened the sound. 50 years ago — 1972 BLONDIE BY DEAN YOUNG AND JOHN MARSHALL A new fire truck has been delivered to the Irrigon Rural Fire District. Constructed by Western States Fire Apparatus Co. of Corne- lius, Ore., on a 900 series Ford truck chassis, the unit is fitted with a 1,000-gallon tank and a 1,000-gallon per minute pump. The 276 horse- power provided by the 534 cubic-inch motor, coupled with a two-range, four-wheel drive, should give top performance for both house and brush type fires, Fire Chief Don Adams said. The truck was delivered by Ken Good and training sessions were conducted two days by him. The unit replaces a 1942 Chevrolet truck with a 500-gallon tank and pump. Adams said it brings water available on wheels to about 2,500 gallons. The purchase was financed by an eight- year serial levy. A fire house built several years ago will house the three units owned by the district. The fire district was formed in 1946. It was among the first organized in Oregon. 25 years ago — 1997 “Devotion in Motion” interweaves music and dance to deliver a Christian message. Gethsemane Ministries of Portland began the program in 1994. This inter-denominational group started by exploring the Biblical roots of different forms of worship and praise. The group focused on Hebrew Israeli dance, incor- porated with Christian songs of praise. Timbrel (tambourines) became part of the vision. Patterns with choreography emerged from the stories of scripture. The group grew, making the Sons of Zion and the Daughters of Zion inte- gral parts of the ministry. Now, Gethsemane Ministries travels with their joyful message and have participated in the annual “March for Jesus.” This summer, the group will take their message on a tour of Europe, as well. First, however, Pendleton Faith Center is bringing this moving program to The Salvation Army Center at Southeast Emigrant and First Street. There is no admission charge for this unique dance. TODAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY PARKER AND HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN On June 9, 2004, the body of Ronald Rea- gan arrived in Washing- ton to lie in state in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda be- fore the 40th president’s funeral. In 1915, guitarist, song- writer and inventor Les Paul was born in Wauke- sha, Wisconsin. In 1940, during World War II, Norway decided to surrender to the Nazis, effective at midnight. In 1954, during the Senate Army-McCarthy hearings, Army special counsel Joseph N. Welch berated Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, R-Wis., ask- ing: “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?” In 1969, the Sen- ate confirmed Warren Burger to be the new chief justice of the United States, succeeding Earl Warren. In 1972, heavy rains triggered record flood- ing in the Black Hills of South Dakota; the result- ing disaster left at least 238 people dead and $164 million in damage. In 1978, leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints struck down a 148-year-old poli- cy of excluding black men from the Mormon priest- hood. In 1983, Britain’s Conservatives, led by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, won a decisive election victory. In 1986, the Rogers Commission released its report on the Challenger disaster, criticizing NASA and rocket-builder Mor- ton Thiokol for manage- ment problems leading to the explosion that claimed the lives of seven astro- nauts. In 1993, the science- fiction film “Jurassic Park,” directed by Steven Spielberg, had its world premiere in Washington, D.C. In 2020, hundreds of mourners packed a Hous- ton church for the funeral of George Floyd, a Black man whose death during a Minneapolis arrest in- spired a worldwide reck- oning over racial injus- tice. PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE