A12 CLASSIFIEDS East Oregonian 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices Thursday, June 9, 2022 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices EO-12098 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING EO-12093 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Echo Fire District #7-403 will be held on June 15, 2022 at 7:30 pm at Echo Fire Station 1, 301 Main Street, Echo, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 as approved by the Echo Fire District Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at Echo Library between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as used the preceding year. If different, the major changes and their effect on the budget are: Contact: Jody Furness TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Telephone: 541-276-0292 Fees, Licenses, Permits, Fines, Assessments & Other Service Charges Federal, State and All Other Grants, Gifts, Allocations and Donations Revenue from Bonds and Other Debt Interfund Transfers / Internal Service Reimbursements All Other Resources Except Property Taxes Property Taxes Estimated to be Received A public meeting of the City of Hermiston will be held on June 13, 2022 at or after 7:00 pm at the Hermiston Community Center, 415 S Hwy 395, Hermiston, Oregon, Umatilla County. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 as approved by the City of Hermiston Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at City Hall, 215 NE Gladys Street, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or online at www.hermiston.or.us. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. Contact: Mark Krawczyk Email: jody1@wtechlink.us TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Approved by District Board 2020-21 121,225 0 37,822 0 0 33,498 0 This Year 2021-22 143,960 0 14,075 348,385 0 32,985 99,337 Next Year 2022-23 90,000 0 0 0 0 3,000 131,790 192,545 638,742 224,790 Total Resources Telephone: (541) 567-5521 Actual Amount Adopted Budget Approved Budget 2020-21 This Year 2021-22 Next Year 2022-23 Beginning Fund Balance/Net Working Capital 24,906,760 20,550,547 Fees, Licenses, Permits, Fines, Assessments & Other Service Charges 1,898,739 1,673,170 1,834,800 Federal, State and all Other Grants, Gifts, Allocations and Donations 4,807,275 7,859,860 12,896,693 Revenue from Bonds and Other Debt All Other Resources Except Current Year Property Taxes FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION 23,466 29,300 66,407 87,550 44,938 361,458 0 126,862 0 0 0 161,112 Total Requirements 134,811 29,300 97,550 22,000 63,500 0 75,940 766,282 288,290 26,400 26,400 7,457,952 5,774,659 35,129,023 24,698,132 25,680,486 6,812,750 6,798,480 7,104,380 80,739,718 69,064,541 65,273,616 Current Year Property Taxes Estimated to be Received FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION Personnel Services 12,171,987 13,759,777 14,556,809 Materials and Services 15,930,338 17,757,367 17,471,900 Capital Outlay 5,537,387 17,161,804 14,072,075 Debt Service 4,196,506 4,495,652 4,416,743 Interfund Transfers 7,131,941 7,457,952 5,774,659 0 7,112,595 7,799,022 Contingencies 125,296 196,000 64,000 0 1,123,394 1,118,408 45,093,455 69,064,541 65,273,616 Unapp Ending Balance & Reserve for Future Expenditure Name of Organizational Unit or Program Total Requirements FTE for that unit or program Echo Fire District Chief No FTE's - volunteer Fire Personnel Reimbursement (Volunteers) No FTE's - volunteer firemen Assistant Chief No FTE's - volunteer Contract Service - Secretary/Treasurer FTE: 1 Non-Departmental / Non-Program FTE Total Requirements Total FTE 1,300 1,300 1,300 21,166 27,000 27,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,500 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 24,666 31,000 31,000 Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Imposed Permanent Rate Levy (rate limit 0.5853 per $1,000) Local Option Levy Levy For General Obligation Bonds 0.5853 30000 0 0.5853 30000 0 FTE for that unit or program GO BONDED DEBT FUND CITY COUNCIL 524,619 692,980 0 0 0 33,804 65,599 67,027 Rate or Amount Approved 0.5853 30000 63500 9 9 9 1,192,109 1,010,363 7 7 5 0 0 431,372 FTE 5 5 125,485 140,450 0 FTE 0 0 0 522,979 753,538 833,378 3 3 3 352,806 362,000 297,000 101 Legal Notices 0 0 0 460,914 592,378 600,157 FTE 4 4 4 681,341 692,811 731,981 6 6 6 45,550 61,002 66,861 1 1 1 299,742 591,328 585,615 FTE Email:troy.jerome@pilotrocksd.org MUNICPAL POOL Current Year Property Taxes, other than Local Option Taxes 933,989 1,065,800 1,092,450 Current Year Local Option Property Taxes 0 353,160 0 462,600 0 454,500 Revenue from State Sources Revenue from Federal Sources Interfund Transfers 11,851 3,846,828 279,403 775,201 10,000 10,081,484 1,006,484 130,000 10,000 8,181,805 745,452 130,000 All Other Budget Resources 8,519,700 0 0 $17,001,682 $23,494,013 $20,324,406 $2,779,266 1,855,904 1,075,460 728,685 11,680,288 302,457 772,346 130,000 250,000 750,000 $20,324,406 1 1 1 870,359 963,386 1,024,415 9 9 9 567,588 749,304 874,159 9 9 9 164,123 257,569 256,122 FTE COMMUNITY CENTER 1 1 1 41,186 63,258 64,064 FTE HARKENRIDER CENTER 0 0 0 63,472 68,000 62,000 FTE PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER 0 0 0 5,374,589 5,887,789 6,169,885 FTE POLICE OPERATIONS 32 32 34 1,855,651 1,950,474 1,843,007 FTE STATE TAX STREET 7 7 7 797,654 903,230 998,800 FTE 0 0 0 5,005,644 6,095,130 6,198,318 FTE SEWER 9 9 10 3,754,393 5,198,772 5,608,073 8 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,325,061 12,392,203 15,468,683 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 171,395 273,000 141,000 FTE WATER FTE RECREATION SPECIAL REVENUE FTE RESERVE FTE MUNICIPAL COURT SPECIAL REVENUE $3,777,777 30.50 2,436,783 18.00 217,500 3.00 11,990,000 0.00 0 772,346 130,000 250,000 750,000 $20,324,406 51.50 FTE MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL REVENUE 0 0 0 9,885,629 11,828,457 12,495,134 FTE HERMISTON ENERGY SERVICES 1 1 1 1,064,982 1,775,591 1,874,653 FTE REGIONAL WATER 1 1 1 18,203 45,037 35,000 FTE CHRISTMAS EXPRESS SPECIAL REVENUE 0 0 0 28,054 103,118 84,014 FTE LAW ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL REVENUE FTE LIBRARY SPECIAL REVENUE FTE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING The 2022-23 budget was based on 51% of state resources at $9.3 billion. This affords the District to maintain current staffing levels and programs and honor negotiated agreements. The District will also continue on all facility improvements and additions with the funds from the Bond that the community passed in November 2020. This budget supports the District goals and each student's success. Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Approved 4.7632 $450,000 11 145,173 FTE LIBRARY TRANSIENT ROOM TAX FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY FUNCTION $2,491,685 $3,714,257 1000 Instruction 26.50 30.50 FTE 1,938,259 2,351,994 2000 Support Services 17.00 18.00 FTE 3000 Enterprise & Community Service 169,474 242,750 3.00 3.00 FTE 4000 Facility Acquisition & Construction 532,032 15,340,000 0.00 0.00 FTE 0 0 5000 Other Uses 542,388 715,012 5100 Debt Service* 775,201 130,000 5200 Interfund Transfers* 0 250,000 6000 Contingency 10,552,643 750,000 7000 Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance $17,001,682 $23,494,013 Total Requirements 45.50 51.50 Total FTE * not included in total 5000 Other Uses. To be appropriated separately from other 5000 expenditures. 11 142,436 FTE Approved Budget Next Year 2022-23 $9,710,199 FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION $2,257,139 $3,084,815 Salaries Other Associated Payroll Costs 1,319,954 1,805,391 708,521 3,479,463 Purchased Services 473,122 648,644 Supplies & Materials 83,592 12,366,688 Capital Outlay Other Objects (except debt service & interfund transfers) 289,122 264,000 Debt Service* 542,388 715,012 775,201 130,000 Interfund Transfers* 0 250,000 Operating Contingency Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance & Reserves 10,552,643 750,000 $17,001,682 $23,494,013 Total Requirements 11 132,930 FTE MUNICPAL BUILDINGS RECREATION Adopted Budget This Year 2021-22 $10,737,645 4.7632 $275,000 0 339,000 FTE Actual Amount Last Year 2020-21 $2,281,550 Permanent Rate Levy (Rate Limit 4.7632 per $1,000) Levy For General Obligation Bonds 0 329,500 PARKS PARKS/UTILITY LANDSCAPING Telephone: 541-443-8291 Rate or Amount Imposed 0 364,625 FTE FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES Total Resources 5 FTE LEGAL FTE A public meeting of the Pilot Rock School District will be held on June 15, 2022 at 7:30 pm. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 as approved by the Pilot Rock School District Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 101 NE Cherry Pilot Rock, Oregon between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., This Budget is for an annual l budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the basis of accounting used during the preceding year. Other Revenue from Local Sources Revenue from Intermediate Sources 3 654,929 AIRPORT EO-12096 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Beginning Fund Balance 0 642,502 BUILDING INSPECTIONS 101 Legal Notices TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS 0 568,926 FTE $0 Contact: Troy Jerome, Superintendent/Budget Officer FTE FINANCE COURT Estimated Debt Authorized, But Not Incurred on July 1 $500,000 4.7632 $458,000 ENTERPRISE ZONE PROJECT FUND General Obligation Bonds Other Bonds Other Borrowings Total June 9, 2022 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Estimated Debt Outstanding July 1 $9,813,555 $1,415,000 $28,240 $11,256,795 Estimated Debt Authorized, But Not Incurred on July 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 1,648,699 0 0 0 689,360 627,793 627,793 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 165,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,348,498 877,836 0 FTE HARKENRIDER CENTER CONSTRUCTION FTE FTE 2017 FF&C UTILITY BONDS FTE 2017 FF&C HURA BONDS FTE FTE matters to your family & friends Refer a friend to the East Oregonian Visit eastoregonian.com/refer CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION FUND 0 0 239,608 1,065,572 0 0 0 0 5,276,740 2,802,253 2,492,087 0 0 0 44,719,405 69,064,541 65,273,616 123 123 127 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Not Allocated to Organizational Unit or Program FTE Total Requirements 0 33,000 2,206,674 2017 FF&C TPA BONDS Local news 0 35,800 0 FTE EOTEC OPERATIONS 0 2,005 318,360 2016 FF&C ELECTRIC BONDS LONG TERM DEBT 634,018 1,091,628 FTE MANAGER/PLANNING TRANSPORTATION STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Estimated Debt Outstanding on July 1. 101 Legal Notices Name of Organizational Unit or Program CITY PLANNING PROPERTY TAX LEVIES General Obligation Bonds Total June 9, 2022 FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS AND FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES (FTE) BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM FTE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING NONE LONG TERM DEBT 64,840 Special Payments FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM 11,956,198 7,120,331 Interfund Transfers / Internal Service Reimbursements Total Resources Personnel Services Materials and Services Capital Outlay Debt Service Interfund Transfers Contingencies Email: mkrawczyk@hermiston.or.us FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES Actual Amount Adopted Budget Beginning Fund Balance/Net Working Capital 101 Legal Notices Total FTE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING The 2022-23 budget is $65,273,616 which is $3,790,925 less than the 2021-2022 budget. This represents 5.48 percent less than last years adopted budget. PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Approved 2020-2021 This Year 2021-22 Next Year 2022-23 Permanent Rate Levy (rate limit $6.086 per $1,000) $ 6.086 $ 6.086 $ 6.086 Levy For General Obligation Bonds $ 315,800 $ 316,580 $ 317,480 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS LONG TERM DEBT Estimated Debt Outstanding on July 1 General Obligation Bonds $1,010,000 Other Bonds $51,287,188 Other Borrowings Total Estimated Debt Authorized, But Not Incurred on July 1 $0 $52,297,188 Publish June 9, 2022 EastOregonian.com UPCOMING GARAGE OR ESTATE SALE? Call 1-800-962-2819 to advertise it in our classified section and get your sale out there! BUY IT! SELL IT! FIND IT! CALL 1-800-962-2819 Class- if- ieds