A12 CLASSIFIEDS East Oregonian 102 Public Notices 102 Public Notices EO-12071 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow Probate Department Case No. 22PB04823 EO-12029 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE n the Matter of the Estate of Keith Erwin Tallman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Timmy D. Tallman has been appointed and has qualified as the Personal Representative of the above named Estate. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers, within four months after the date of the first publication of this No- tice, as stated below, to the Per- sonal Representative, c/o Dale L. Smith, 61141 S Hwy 97, PMB 306, Bend, OR 97702, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the Personal Repre- sentative, or the attorney for the Personal Representative. /s/ Dale L. Smith Bar No. 79398 Attorney for Personal Representative Publish May 31, June 7, 14, 2022 Get Your Class Ad Today! 101 Legal Notices On June 22, 2022 at the hour of 10:00 a.m. at the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office main entrance, 4700 NW Pioneer Place, Pendle- ton, Oregon, the defendant’s in- terest will be sold, subject to redemption, in the real property commonly known as: 122 SW 10th St, Pilot Rock, OR 97868. The court case number is 21CV15182. DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY F/K/A BANKERS TRUST COM- PANY OF CALIFORNIA, N.A., AS TRUSTEE, FOR UCFC MH TRUST 1997-4 is plaintiff, and KENNETH L. NORQUIST; SUSAN E. NORQUIST; TMS MORTGAGE INC., DBA THE MONEY STORE; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC.; LVNY FUND- ING LLC; RAY KLEIN INC., DBA PROFESSIONAL CREDIT SERVICE; AND ALL OTHER UN- KNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN OR IN- TEREST IN THE REAL PROP- ERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 122 SW 10TH ST, PILOT ROCK, OR 97868 is defendant. The sale is a public auction to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check, in hand, made out to Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office. For more information on this sale go to: www.oregonsheriffssales.org Published: May 24, 31, June 7, 14, 2022 GIVE your budget a break! Check today’s classified ads for excellent buys on the items you need. 102 Public Notices EO-12025 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE On June 22, 2022 at the hour of 10:00 a.m. at the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office main entrance, 4700 NW Pioneer Place, Pendle- ton, Oregon, the defendant’s in- terest will be sold, subject to redemption, in the real property commonly known as: 132 SE ELM STREET, PILOT ROCK, OREGON 97868. The court case number is 20CV06880. UMPQUA BANK, an Oregon state-chartered bank is plaintiff, and GREATER EASTERN ORE- GON DEVELOPMENT CORPO- RATION, INC,; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA acting through the RURAL HOUSING SERVICE or successor agency, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE; STATE OF OREGON, DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES (Estate Ad- ministration Unity); JAMI LYNN WILSON AS AFFIANT OF THE SMALL ESTATE OF KATHLEEN L. WILSON; JAMI LYNN WILSON AS DEVISEE OF THE SMALL ESTATE OF KATHLEEN L. WIL- SON; and OCCUPANTS OF THE PREMISES is defendant. The sale is a public auction to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check, in hand, made out to Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office. For more information on this sale go to: www.oregonsheriffssales.org Published: May 24, 31, June 7, 14, 2022 BUYER meets seller every day of the week in the classified columns of this newspaper. CLASSIFIEDS 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices Tuesday, June 7, 2022 102 Public Notices 102 Public Notices 102 Public Notices EO-12030 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE EO-12044 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF UMATILLA Case No. 22PB03823 EO-12092 PUBLIC NOTICE City of Boardman Land Use Hearing On June 22, 2022 at the hour of 10:00 a.m. at the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office main entrance, 4700 NW Pioneer Place, Pendle- ton, Oregon, the defendant’s in- terest will be sold, subject to redemption, in the real property commonly known as: 1290 W Poplar Ave., Hermiston, OR 97838. The court case number is CV150835. DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE ON BEHALF OF THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF NATIXIS REAL ESTATE CAP- ITAL TRUST 2007-HE2, MORT- GAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007- HE2 is plaintiff, and VINCENTE JUAREZ; MASTER FINANCIAL INC.; MORTGAGE ELEC- TRONIC REGISTRATION SYS- TEMS, INC.; OREGON AFFORDABLE HOUSING AS- SISTANCE CORPORATION; HERMELINDA JEPPERSON AKA HERMELINDA JUAREZ; STATE OF OREGON; AND PER- SONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN is defendant. The sale is a public auction to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check, in hand, made out to Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office. For more infor- mation on this sale go to: www.oregonsheriffssales.org Published: May 24, 31, June 7, 14, 2022 Dated: 04-21-2022 JANEWAY LAW FIRM, LLC, Successor Trustee 1499 SE Tech Center Place, Suite 255, Vancouver, WA 98683 www.logs.com/janeway_law_firm Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 JLF 19-125992 Publish May 24, 31, June 7, 14, 2022 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been ap- pointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal repre- sentative at 808 Adams Avenue, PO Box 967, La Grande, Oregon, 97850, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the per- sonal representative, or the lawyer for the personal represen- tative, Brent H. Smith, Baum Smith LLC, 808 Adams Avenue, PO Box 967, La Grande, OR 97850. Dated and first published on May 24, 2022. /s/ Kalin Shockey Personal Representative PO Box 130 Eltopia, WA 99330 Phone: 509-297-4245 LAWYER FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Brent H. Smith OSB No. 065971 Baum Smith, LLC 808 Adams Avenue PO Box 967 La Grande, OR 97850 Phone: (541) 963-3104 Fax: (541) 963-9254 email: office@baumsmith.com Publish May 24, 31, June 7, 2022 JLF 19-125992 EO-12001 TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Juan Gomez, a single person, whose address is 574 E Reeder Drive (shown on DOT as 574 Reeder), Hermiston, OR 97838 as grantor to First American Title Insurance Company, as Trustee, in favor of Bank of America, N.A., as named Beneficiary, dated March 5, 2007, recorded March 6, 2007, in the mortgage records of Umatilla County, Oregon, as Instrument No. 2007-5160096, PennyMac Loan Services, LLC is the present Beneficiary as defined by ORS 86.705(2), as covering the following described real property: as covering the following described real property: Lot 19, Block 1, HERMISTON PARK PLAT NO. 2, an Addition to City of Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 574 E Reeder Drive (shown on DOT as 574 Reeder), Her- miston, OR 97838. Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to sat- isfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor’s failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $780.47, from March 1, 2019, monthly payments in the sum of $778.60, from January 1, 2020, monthly payments in the sum of $804.45, from January 1, 2021, monthly payments in the sum of $789.00, from November 1, 2021 and monthly payments in the sum of $797.79, from January 1, 2022, plus prior accrued late charges in the amount of $667.21, plus the sum of $3,572.96 for advances, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $79,859.44, together with accrued interest in the sum of $12,977.25 through April 30, 2022, together with interest thereon at the rate of 5% per annum from May 1, 2022, plus prior accrued late charges in the amount of $667.21, plus the sum of $12,963.05 for advances, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on September 6, 2022, at the hour of 1:00 PM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance to the Umatilla County Courthouse, located at 216 S.E. 4th Street, in the City of Pendleton, OR, County of Umatilla, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to con- vey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his suc- cessors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.778 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the prin- cipal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee’s fees and attorney’s fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.778. Notice is further given that reinstatement or payoff quotes requested pursuant to ORS 86.786 and ORS 86.789 must be timely communicated in a written request that complies with that statute, addressed to the trustee’s “Reinstatements/Payoffs – ORS 86.786” either by personal delivery or by first class, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the trustee’s address shown below. Due to potential conflicts with federal law, persons having no record legal or equitable interest in the subject property will only receive informa- tion concerning the lender’s estimated or actual bid. Lender bid information is also available at the trustee’s website, www.logs.com/janeway_law_firm. In construing this notice, the masculine gender in- cludes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word “grantor” includes any suc- cessor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words “trustee” and “beneficiary” include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. With- out limiting the trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Oregon law requires the trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manu- facturing methamphetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective pur- chasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trustee’s sale. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a dis- charge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. In the Matter of the Estate of Patricia Dale Turk, Deceased. The City of Boardman City Coun- cil will hold the following hearing of public interest on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at the Boardman City Hall, 200 City Center Circle, Boardman, Oregon 97818 in the Council Chambers. For information on meeting par- ticipation via Zoom please visit the City of Boardman’s webpage at www.cityofboardman.com. Appeal AP22-004: City of Board- man, holder of right-of-way. 1st John 2:17 LLC and Jonathan Tall- man, appellant. The property is described as right of way adja- cent to tax lots 3100, 3204, 3209, 3206, and 3201 of Assessor’s Map 4N2510 and tax lots 400 and 403 of Assessor’s Map 4N2511. The area is zoned Service Center and is in the southeast quadrant of the Port or Morrow Inter- change. The appeal is against Zoning Permit ZP21-068 which approves the construction of road within right-of-way dedicated for road and related purposes. Crite- ria for the appeal are found in the BDC Chapter 4.1 Types of Appli- cations and Review Procedures. Opportunity to voice support or opposition to the above applica- tions or to ask questions will be provided. Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter or failure to provide sufficient specificity to af- ford the decision maker an oppor- tunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals on those is- sues. Copies of the staff report and all relevant documents will be avail- able on or before June 21, 2022. For more information, contact Carla McLane, Planning Official, at (541) 481-9252 or by email at mclanec@cityofboardman.com. Dated this 3rd day of June 2022 PUBLISHED: June 7, 2022 It’s so easy to get your Classified ad! Just call 800-962-2819 Class- if- ieds CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS WHY WAIT! GET YOUR CLASS AD NOW! Something for everyone in the Classifieds Classified Ads work hard for you! 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices EO-12082 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the East Umatilla Fire & Rescue Board of Directors will be he ld on June 16th, 2022 at 7:00 pm at 103 W. Main Street We ston, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 as approved by the East Umatilla Fire & Rescue Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 103 W. Main Street, Weston, Oregon, between the hours of 9:00a.m. and 4:00p.m. or online at www.eufr.org. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a cash basis of accounting. Contact: Dave Baty TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Telephone: 541-566-2331 Email: firechief@eufr.org FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES Actual Amount 2020-2021 Beginning Fund Balance/Net Working Capital 93,354.56 28,466.28 655,174.67 592,901.58 Fees, Licenses, Permits, Fines, Assessments & Other Service Charges Federal, State & all Other Grants, Gifts, Allocations & Donations All Other Resources Except Current Year Property Taxes Current Year Property Taxes Estimated to be Received Total Resources Adopted Budget Approved Budget This Year 2021-2022 Next Year 2022-2023 470,000.00 26,500.00 4,972,000.00 605,500.00 441,200.42 420,000.00 430,000.00 1,811,097.51 6,494,000.00 1,518,000.00 FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION Personnel Services 716,829.72 854,800.00 961,000.00 Materials and Services 261,446.87 300,000.00 312,500.00 Capital Outlay 415,031.78 5,144,000.00 95,000.00 Debt Service 77,808.75 0.00 0.00 Contingencies 339,980.39 195,200.00 149,500.00 1,811,097.51 6,494,000.00 1,518,000.00 Total Requirements FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS AND FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES (FTE) BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM NONE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING NONE PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Permanent Rate Levy (rate limit $1.0012 per $1,000) Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Approved 2020-2021 $1.0012 This Year 2021-2022 $1.0012 Next Year 2022-2023 $1.0012 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS LONG TERM DEBT NONE Estimated Debt Authorized, But Not Incurred on July 1 NONE Publish June 7, 2022 IT’S IN YOUR INBOX before your mailbox Sign up for free digital access Call 800-781-3214 375,000.00 23,500.00 22,000.00 667,500.00 East Oregonian subscribers can receive daily email updates and uninterrupted digital delivery on a computer, tablet and smartphone EastOregonian.com