A12 East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Thursday, April 28, 2022 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M. SCHULZ Widower doubts whether intimacy can occur again FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE B.C. PICKLES BEETLE BAILEY BY LYNN JOHNSTON BY MASTROIANNI AND HART BY BRIAN CRANE While your religious beliefs Dear Abby: My wife of 41 may not allow you to have sex years passed away four years before marriage, there is no ago. I’m in my mid-60s. I have reason why the subject can’t be sought grief counseling to fully honestly discussed. process her loss. The counselor Dear Abby: My daughter has encouraged me to maintain asked if her girlfriend could stay and expand my peer relation- with us until the two of them ships. The counselor has also J EANNE move out in a month. To help encouraged dating, which I have P HILLIPS them out, my husband and I tried, but no romances have re- ADVICE agreed. The problem is, the girl- sulted. friend is very insecure about her My wife was diagnosed with weight. She’s on the heavier side, bipolar type 2 mental disorder, which progressed the longer she lived. and my daughter’s weight is average. I When she died, I was glad she no lon- don’t want her to feel uncomfortable ger had to suffer with her mental illness. around us because I watch what I eat. With the onset of menopause and the Advice? — Weighty Issue In Washington Dear Weighty Issue: Ask your daugh- bipolar, her libido had dropped dramati- cally. The counselor has assured me that ter if mentioning these topics makes if romance develops, sexual relations can her girlfriend uncomfortable. Until she leaves, refrain from discussing topics that happen with women my age. Because of my religious convictions, I make her uncomfortable in her presence. Dear Abby: I am 60 and disabled. I will not have sexual relations before mar- riage. My question concerns a woman’s desperately would like a dog. Working at desire for sexual relations at this stage a shelter isn’t an option. I added up all of life. Are sexual relations something the pluses and minuses, and the minuses that can be mutually enjoyed, or just a were more plentiful. HOWEVER, the requirement of marriage? — Wondering pluses are SO tempting. Logically, I know it would not be fair In Iowa Dear Wondering: Allow me to put to either of us. Any advice? — Nurturer your concerns to rest. Seniors are not In New York Dear Nurturer: Rescue a dog who clones of each other. Some enjoy sex into their 80s; others do not. If both partners needs nurturing as much as you do. are comfortable with their bodies and Adopt an older one from an animal res- willing to accommodate the inevitable cue, and you may save two lives at once. changes that come as their bodies age, That said, it’s important you discuss they can enjoy sex as much as couples those pluses and minuses with a veteri- narian and take out pet insurance. who are younger. BY MORT WALKER DAYS GONE BY 100 years ago — 1922 GARFIELD BY JIM DAVIS The Milton Eagle announces that it is deter- mined to not print anything but the strict truth regarding any candidate during the campaign. This is not only right, but good policy, too. The East Oregonian long ago adopted that rule. While it is for the Democratic ticket, it has a host of intelligent Republican readers who, however they differ from us politically, have learned that whenever the East Oregonian publishes any specific statement regarding a candidate, its truth can be implicitly relied upon. 50 years — 1972 BLONDIE BY DEAN YOUNG AND JOHN MARSHALL From the outside the new Burger Shoppe in south Pendleton doesn’t look big enough to even have a grill to fry its hamburgers. And it isn’t. “All of our hamburgers are cooked in compact microwave ovens,” said the establish- ment’s manager, Bob Peickert, Pendleton. He said that is why he can put all of the equipment needed for a hamburger stand into an eight by ten foot building. The Burger Shoppe, the first of the nationwide chain in Eastern Oregon, opened two weeks ago. “The pace of the world is getting faster and everything has to keep up,” said Peickert. “And the microwave oven is fast and clean.” The oven works on the same principle as a police radar system, Peickert said. Beams are reflected off the oven walls and pass through the material to be cooked. As the beam passes through it rearranges the molecular structure just as heat from a stan- dard oven would. He said if a person were to put a hand in the oven while it was still on the hand would be severely damaged because the beams would rearrange its molecules just as it would a hamburger. 25 years ago — 1997 The skies have been stormy of late, but the future looks bright for the Tamustalik Cultural Institute. Not only is construction at the museum and cultural center progressing three months ahead of schedule, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation just received a $275,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the landmark project. And tribal officials are even planning to invite President Bill Clinton to the grand opening, scheduled for May 1998. The institute will include interpre- tive exhibits, an auditorium, gift shop and cafe for visitors as well as space for artifact storage, classrooms and administrative offices. Consid- ered the “crown jewel” of the resort, which will eventually include an RV park as well as a golf course that’s nearly complete, Tamustalik is expected to create 35 jobs. TODAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY PARKER AND HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN On April 28, 1994, for- mer CIA official Aldrich Ames, who had passed U.S. secrets to the Soviet Union and then Russia, pleaded guilty to espio- nage and tax evasion, and was sentenced to life in prison without parole. In 1788, Maryland be- came the seventh state to ratify the Constitution of the United States. In 1952, war with Ja- pan officially ended as a treaty signed in San Francisco the year before took effect. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower resigned as Supreme Allied com- mander in Europe; he was succeeded by Gen. Mat- thew B. Ridgway. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson or- dered U.S. Marines to the Dominican Republic to protect American citizens and interests in the face of a civil war. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter accepted the resignation of Sec- retary of State Cyrus R. Vance, who had opposed the failed rescue mission aimed at freeing Ameri- can hostages in Iran. (Vance was succeeded by Edmund Muskie.) In 2001, a Russian rocket lifted off from Cen- tral Asia bearing the first space tourist, California businessman Dennis Tito, and two cosmonauts on a journey to the interna- tional space station. In 2011, convicted sex offender Phillip Gar- rido and his wife, Nancy, pleaded guilty to kidnap- ping and raping a Califor- nia girl, Jaycee Dugard, who was abducted in 1991 at the age of 11 and res- cued 18 years later. (Phil- lip Garrido was sentenced to 431 years to life in pris- on; Nancy Garrido was sentenced to 36 years to life in prison.) In 2015, urging Ameri- cans to “do some soul- searching,” President Ba- rack Obama expressed deep frustration over re- curring Black deaths at the hands of police, riot- ers who responded with senseless violence and a society that would only “feign concern” with- out addressing the root causes. PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE