EASTERN OREGON Saturday, March 26, 2022 East Oregonian A7 An Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife trail camera captured this undated image of wolves. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife/Contributed Photo Wolves at the door Federal judge redraws wolf management map, Grant County is ground zero By STEVEN MITCHELL Blue Mountain Eagle JOHN DAY — A judge’s deci- sion to restore federal protections for gray wolves last month has put Grant County at ground zero for relisting the predators under the Endangered Species Act. The decision drew a dividing line between wolf populations that can continue to be managed by state agencies and those that will once again be governed by more restric- tive federal rules. In most of Oregon, the dividing line is Highway 395, which runs right through the middle of Grant County. While the ruling does not change anything for wolves in the eastern- most part of the state, it does cover wolves in the western two-thirds of Oregon and puts them back on the federal endangered species list. Before last month’s ruling, wolves in Western Oregon had been under the fi rst phase of the state wolf plan, which allowed for killing wolves in defense of live- stock and guard animals in limited circumstances. Specifi cally, wolves could be killed if caught chasing or biting livestock or in situations where the state could confi rm that a pack had depredated four times in six months. Even then, before ranchers could use deadly force in a wolf attack, they had to have been using non-le- thal deterrents such as electric fenc- ing or hazing and had to show those methods had not worked to stop the attacks. Those options are now off the table, with federal protections back in place on Oregon’s west side. Meanwhile, ranchers east of Highway 395, where wolves are under state management, can still shoot wolves caught biting, chas- ing or killing livestock or working dogs. In many cases, ranchers are likely to have one herd of cattle on both sides of the highway. And with areas of known wolf activity in both the East and West Murder- ers Creek Wildlife Units on either side of the road, Grant County fi nds itself at the center of the long-run- ning culture war fl ashpoint around wolves returning to the West. Gray wolves were among the fi rst animals protected after the passage of the Endangered Species Act in 1973, and the decision has remained a hot-button issue ever since. Predators have a long and controversial history in the West. The debate over protecting endan- gered species, especially wolves, has pitted urban liberals against rural ranchers concerned about losing their livestock to predators. Roy Vardanega, a third-genera- tion Oregon rancher, became Grant County’s first confirmed victim of wolf depredation last May, when fi ve cattle on his Fox Valley ranch were attacked and killed — although only one of the deaths was determined by investigators to be a defi nite wolf kill. He said the liberal elites who supported restoring the federal protections of wolves do not under- stand that the livelihood of indepen- dent ranchers like him is at stake — especially now that one of the few tools ranchers had to take out wolves that habitually prey on live- stock has been taken away. Vardanega said it is easy for city dwellers to romanticize wolves because they do not have to live with them. M.T. Anderson, a rancher in Izee, lost a cow last month to a suspected wolf attack, although state investigators were not able to confi rm wolves caused the animal’s death. Anderson said he followed all of the protocols when wolves were Wolves at the door A federal judge has redrawn the map for managing wolves in the West, and Grant County is at ground zero Umatilla County 101 84 Portland Pendleton La Grande 5 Grant County 20 26 West Murderers Creek 20 101 Eugene Bend Redmond 5 84 John Day East Murderers Creek 20 20 Coos Bay Who makes the call? 395 Salem Burns OREGON Malheur County 395 78 395 Harney County Grants Pass Medford Klamath Falls Source: Oregon Oregon Fish & Wildlife Source: Department of Fish and Wildlife delisted, adding that it was hardly “open season” on wolves before last month’s court ruling to put the predators back on the federal endangered list. All the state rules did, he said, was give him the legal right to protect his livestock and working dogs. “And they just take that away,” Anderson said. “It’s the people that make these decisions, such as the judge who ruled to overturn the delisting. They’ve never had to deal with this kind of situation. It’s easy to sit in a courtroom and (make that decision). It’s not so easy when you’re the guy on the ground.” Anderson said it’s hard to fathom that now, west of 395, where federal rules apply, it would be a felony for him to shoot a wolf that was killing his cattle. Anderson said livestock owners now have no recourse when a wolf essentially steals their animals, something he fi nds antithetical to the country’s founding principles. “That’s not how it works in America,” Anderson said. “That’s not how it is supposed to work.” Even before last month’s court decision returned some wolf popu- lations to federal control, many Oregon ranchers were already suspicious of the state’s wolf plan, part of a policy structure that they believe is rigged against them by a hyper-liberal majority in Salem. Vardanega said he does not trust ODFW and believes the agency has made wolf depredation too hard to prove. The reason, he said, is because the agency has to toe a left-leaning political line. Thus, the process of establishing wolf depredation is fundamentally skewed to favor an environmentalist agenda. Not only that, he said ranch- ers suff er in ways that the current system doesn’t even touch. In addition to above-average losses in circumstances where they can’t prove wolf kills, non-lethal measures mean a lot of additional work for ranchers that involves extra vigilance and the cost of paying a range rider upwards of $1,500 a month. Along with paying the range rider, Vardanega said he is often anxiously awake at 2 a.m., casting spotlights into the dark to defend his herds. Why were wolves relisted? Environmental groups sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and former Interior Secretary David 95 EO EO Media Media graphic Graphic Areas of known wolf activity – Murderers Creek Federal wolf delisting boundary Bernhardt in 2021, after the Trump administration removed wolves from the endangered species in the waning days of his term. The conservation groups argued the delisting was premature. In last month’s ruling, Judge Jeffrey S. White of the United States District Court for the North- ern District of California said U.S. Fish and Wildlife did not take into account wolves outside the Great Lakes and Northern Rocky Moun- tain regions when the agency proclaimed wolf conservation a success and removed the apex pred- ators’ federal protections. Ironically, removing wolves from the endangered species list is one goal that conservative and liberal administrations have long had in common. Even though the decision to delist wolves came down during the Trump administration, attor- neys for the Biden administration defended the rule that removed protections, arguing wolves were resilient enough to bounce back even if their numbers dropped sharply due to intensive hunting. Not only that, but other Demo- cratic and Republican administra- tions have tried to delist wolves over the years, failing every time. The last attempt to take wolves off the endangered list came during the Obama years. According to John Williams, who chairs the wolf committee of the Oregon Cattlemen’s Asso- ciation, the U.S. Fish and Wild- life Service has 60 days to decide whether to appeal the U.S. District Court ruling. So far, Williams said, the cattlemen’s association has not heard if the agency intends to contest the decision. Williams said the judge denied the livestock industry’s request for intervenor status, which would have given groups like his the abil- ity to appeal. Meanwhile, the Center for Biological Diversity, one of the environmental groups behind the lawsuit that overturned the Trump administration’s delisting decision, is trying to extend federal wolf protections still further. Collette Adkins, carnivore conservation director and senior attorney for the center, said the organization fi led a petition with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last year to restore protections for wolves throughout the North- ern Rocky Mountains — includ- ing Eastern Oregon, thus putting to blaming wolves. Rep. Mark Owens, R-Crane, was one of the bill’s chief sponsors. He contends environmental groups targeted the bill not on its merits but simply because killing it would make their supporters feel good about protecting wolves. “Bumper-sticker politics won the day without substance,” Owens said. Federally listed (USFWS) State management (ODFW) wolves east of Highway 395 under federal jurisdiction as well. Adkins said the agency would respond sometime this year. The Blue Mountain Eagle attempted to interview representa- tives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for this story, but an agency spokesperson declined the newspa- per’s request. A question of trust Ranchers who lose livestock to wolf depredation are supposed to be compensated for the value of the animals, but getting paid is not as simple as fi ling a claim. First, the cattleman’s associa- tion’s Williams said, the livestock producer has to fi nd the carcass — and they need to fi nd it quickly, before decomposition makes it impossible to identify as a wolf kill. Then, he said, an investigation has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was wolves that killed the animal. If a wolf kill is confirmed, Williams said, the rancher can submit a request for compensation through their county’s compensa- tion committee. That’s assuming the rancher’s county has a commit- tee — not all counties do. Finally, he said, there has to be money available in the county’s compensation fund. Those funds can be depleted by prior claims, and counties must apply to the state for more money on an annual basis. The cattlemen’s association supported House Bill 4127, a measure in the 2022 Legislature to provide an additional $1 million for the state’s wolf compensation fund to reimburse ranchers for dead and missing livestock and the cost of non-lethal methods for preventing wolf attacks. After a public hearing last month, the bill died in committee without ever getting the chance for a fl oor vote. Oregon Wild, which joined the Center for Biological Diversity and four other environmental groups in the lawsuit that restored federal endangered status for wolves, opposed HB 4127. Danielle Moser, coordinator of Oregon Wild’s wildlife program, said she wanted to see more trans- parency in the compensation program. Other critics argued that the wolf compensation fund is prone to misuse, and putting more money into it would encourage ranchers not to look for missing animals but instead simply default There were 49 confi rmed wolf depredations across the state last year, according to Ryan Torland, a district biologist with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. ODFW will continue to be the agency conducting depredation investigations, Torland said, even in parts of Oregon where wolves are now under federal jurisdic- tion. However, he added, only the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be able to authorize lethal take of wolves in those areas. “As far as I know ... they have not approved the take of any wolves while the wolves have been on the endangered species list,” he said. “They possess that authority while listed, and ODFW does not.” Torland said an ODFW inves- tigation of a possible wolf depre- dation is similar to a detective’s evaluation of a crime scene. He told the Eagle that biologists gather information and send it to the agen- cy’s wolf experts in La Grande, who make the call whether a wolf was responsible for the death of an animal. He said ODFW investigators operate much like sheriff ’s depu- ties, who would submit evidence from a crime scene to the district attorney to decide whether there is enough to prove someone commit- ted a crime. Grant County Sheriff Todd McKinley agreed with that assess- ment. “It is not much diff erent than a fairly major crime scene,” McKin- ley said. “You’ve got something that’s been killed or attacked, and you’ve got to fi nd the facts. And if you’re going to do it, you better put the eff ort into it and do it right.” McKinley had something like that in mind when he invited Baker County Sheriff Travis Ash to speak to the Grant County Stockgrow- ers Association about how Baker County handles wolf depreda- tions during the group’s meeting at the Grant County Fairgrounds on March 17. Ash said he has heard the complaints, concerns and argu- ments from livestock producers regarding wolf depredations and how ODFW investigates them. However, he said, Baker County is about fi ve or six years down the road from where Grant County is when it comes to wolf depredations. The sheriff said his offi ce runs parallel investigations of wolf kill- ings along with ODFW and docu- ments everything it fi nds so there is an independent record. Ash encouraged the ranchers at the meeting to forge good relation- ships with the state wildlife biolo- gists in their district. While he has butted heads with the top offi cials at ODFW, Ash said he is on good terms with the district biologists in his county. “Build those relationships with those guys that have to do the work,” Ash said. “And under- stand, though, that if the evidence isn’t there, they have to say that the evidence is not there.” McKinley’s staff is gearing up to do depredation investigations in Grant County. McKinley told the stockgrowers that Undersheriff Zach Mobley and Sgt. Danny Komning have been through ODFW’s wolf training and that he could get other deputies trained as well.