East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 19, 2022, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 11, Image 11

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Saturday, March 19, 2022
East Oregonian
Jealousy leads to cracks in trio’s relationships
DEAR ABBY: My best friend of a few
years, “Leia,” and I are very close. We were
basically a unit, spending every day together.
But now I have a girlfriend, “Kara.” She’s a
mutual friend of both of us.
Kara and I have been together for only
a few months, but I already care about her
very much. I don’t want things to change. The
problem is, she’s jealous of the connection I
have with Leia, and Leia feels ditched, like
I’m not spending enough time with her.
I know the conventional advice is to dump
one or the other, but I care about them both
too much to lose either one, and I need to fi nd
a balance instead. How do I go about having
a best friend and a relationship at the same
DEAR PULLED: Start by telling Kara
that if you wanted a romance with Leia, it small or out of the way they were, I was
would have already happened, and that your always happy to help. Recently, though, I
friendship with Leia is important to
have been noticing that when I ask
you. Then tell Kara you care about
for help in return, there are very few
people I can actually rely on.
her and feel there could be a future
with her, but only if she’s able to
I know a lot of people consider
control her jealousy and insecurity
me naive and gullible because of
my willingness to help, but I have
where Leia is concerned.
After that, explain to Leia that
reached the point where I don’t want
you care about your friendship very
to do anything for anyone unless
much and don’t want her to feel
they’re sincere about their friend-
ship. How do I politely show them
neglected, but now that you have
a girlfriend, you have less time to
I’m not as clueless and naive as they
spend with her than you did in the
think I am? — FRUSTRATED
past. Then cross your fi ngers.
DEAR ABBY: From the time I was a
DEAR FRUSTRATED: You don’t have
child, I’ve always wanted to be helpful. If to be confrontational or unpleasant. Accom-
people asked me for favors, no matter how plish that goal by being less helpful — far
less helpful — to those who don’t return the
favors you bestow.
DEAR ABBY: We are planning our
daughter’s wedding and trying to fi gure out
how to politely ask the groom’s mother to help
with the fi nances. When is the best time, or
should I ask the groom to do it? We don’t
think he wants to ask her. — QUESTION-
session” with your daughter and her fi ance.
If the wedding they’re planning is too rich
for your budget, it is important to make it
plain now. As to who should ask his mother
to contribute, that question should come from
your daughter’s fi ance, after which a conver-
sation may or may not begin with your soon-
to-be in-law.
100 years ago — 1922
Ashland won the interscholastic basketball championship
of Oregon from Pendleton Saturday night, 45 to 22. They are
a fast team and deserved the championship, according to Dick
Haney, Buckaroo coach. Pendleton had played bang-up ball
against North Bend and Eugene in the preliminary games
of the tournament and won hands down. They had their off
game against Ashland. Pendleton had two shots to Ashland’s
one in the championship game but failed to connect with
the basket. Holmgrim was crippled in the fi rst game, which
slowed him up considerable. Lawrence, who starred in the
fi rst two games, was sick at the time of the fi nal contest but
was on the fl oor fi ghting for the local team. Ashland had
a three year tournament team of huskies who could play
basketball, according to reports. They also have a coach
who deserves much credit for the showing made by his team.
50 years ago — 1972
Blue Mountain Community College agricultural students
may be able to earn while they learn during the summer.
Riley Freeman, BMCC ag instructor, proposed to the
college board of education that a profi t arrangement be made
for farming 60 acres of irrigated land which the college
leases near Eastern Oregon Hospital and Training Center.
Freeman proposed the college receive the fi rst $3,500 gross
from the farming operation and thereafter the profi ts be
on a share basis. In addition, students would be paid $1 an
hour for their labor. Eastern Oregon Hospital has agreed
to buy all the produce raised. Freeman said he had a fi rm
commitment from six students, including one woman, and
he hoped there would be 10 by the time the project began.
“We want it to be realistic,” said one member of the board
who is experienced in farming. “Maybe we should arrange
it so they’d go broke.”
25 years ago — 1997
Ione Elementary School took fi rst place nationwide among
schools of under 200 enrollment and second in Oregon for
schools of all sizes in the 16th annual Elementary Knowledge
Master Open. Ione was the smallest school competing in the
academic competition. The students correctly answered 92 of
the 100 questions. The contest is a test aimed at challenging
fi fth graders, but because of its small enrollment, Ione had
to call upon students in the lower grades as well. In addition
to six fi fth graders, the team had six fourth graders and three
third graders participating. Overall, Ione placed 71st out of
1,600 schools vying for top scores, all of them larger than
Ione. Teams competed via computers and points were based
on accuracy and speed in answering the questions. A school
of 2,100 in Oklahoma was the overall winner.
In 1859, the opera
“Faust” by Charles Gounod
premiered in Paris.
In 1931, Nevada Gov.
Fred B. Balzar signed a
measure legalizing casino
In 1942, during World
War II, President Franklin
D. Roosevelt ordered men
between the ages of 45 and
64, inclusive, to register for
non-military duty.
In 1977, the series fi nale
of “Mary Tyler Moore” aired
on CBS-TV, ending the situ-
ation comedy’s seven-season
In 1987, televangelist Jim
Bakker resigned as chairman
of his PTL ministry organi-
zation amid a sex and money
scandal involving Jessica
Hahn, a former church secre-
In 1991, Polish Presi-
dent Lech Walesa arrived in
Washington for his fi rst state
visit to the United States.
In 1995, after a 21-month
hiatus, Michael Jordan
returned to professional
basketball with his former
team, the Chicago Bulls.
In 1997, artist Willem de
Kooning, considered one of
the 20th century’s greatest
painters, died in East Hamp-
ton, New York, at age 92.
In 2003, President George
W. Bush ordered the start of
war against Iraq. (Because
of the time diff erence, it was
early March 20 in Iraq.)
In 2007, a methane gas
explosion in a Siberian coal
mine killed 110 workers.
In 2013, Pope Francis offi -
cially began his ministry as
the 266th pope, receiving the
ring symbolizing the papacy
and a wool stole exemplify-
ing his role as shepherd of
his 1.2-billion strong fl ock
during a Mass at the Vatican.
In 2020, President Donald
Trump focused attention on a
malaria drug, chloroquine, as
a possible coronavirus treat-
ment; the FDA issued a state-
ment saying that there were
“no FDA-approved therapeu-
tics” to treat COVID-19.
Ten years ago: An assail-
ant on a motorbike opened
fi re with two handguns in
front of a Jewish school in
the southern French city of
Toulouse, killing a rabbi,
his two young sons and a
girl. (The gunman, French-
born Mohammed Merah,
was killed in a gunfi ght with
police after a 32-hour stand-
off at his apartment; he had
also killed three French
paratroopers.) The Justice
Department announced it had
begun an investigation into
the fatal shooting of 17-year-
old Trayvon Martin in Flor-
ida by a neighborhood watch
captain, George Zimmer-
man. (No federal civil rights
charges were fi led; Zimmer-
man was acquitted of
second-degree murder after
claiming self-defense.)
F ive ye ar s a go:
Author-columnist Jimmy
Breslin, the legendary street-
smart chronicler of wise guys
and underdogs, died at his
Manhattan home at age 87.
One year ago: President
Joe Biden and Vice Presi-
dent Kamala Harris visited
Atlanta, days after a white
gunman killed eight people,
most of them Asian Amer-
ican women, in the Atlanta
area. The United States
accused China of commit-
ting “genocide and crimes
against humanity” against
Uyghur Muslims and other
minorities; China accused
the U.S. of discrimination
“and even savage murder of
people of African and Asian
descent.” Four men described
as leaders of the far-right
Proud Boys were indicted
on charges stemming from
the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.
(The four remain jailed and
are awaiting trial.) The U.S.
cleared President Joe Biden’s
goal of injecting 100 million
coronavirus shots, more than
a month before his target date
of his 100th day in offi ce.
Today’s Bir thdays:
Actor Renee Taylor is 89.
Actor Ursula Andress is 86.
Singer Clarence “Frogman”
Henry is 85. Singer Ruth
Pointer (The Pointer Sisters)
is 76. Actor Glenn Close is
75. Actor Bruce Willis is
67. Actor-comedian Mary
Scheer is 59. Playwright
Neil LaBute is 59. Actor
Connor Trinneer is 53. Rock
musician Gert Bettens (K’s
Choice) is 52. Rapper Bun
B is 49. Rock musician Zach
Lind (Jimmy Eat World) is
46. Actor Virginia Williams
is 44. Actor Abby Brammell
is 43. MLB pitcher Clayton
Kershaw is 34. Actor Craig
Lamar Traylor is 33. Actor
Philip Bolden is 27.
Sunday Service: 9am & 6pm
Tuesday Kingdom Seekers: 7pm
Wednesday Bible Study: 7pm
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Pastor Dan Satterwhite
417 NW 21st St. • Pendleton, OR 97801
Solid Rock
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140 SW 2nd St Hermiston, OR 97838
Worship Service: 11:00AM
Sunday School: 9:45
Pastor Wilbur Clark
Our Lady of Angels
Catholic Church
241 SE Second St. Pendleton
Sunday Holy Communion: 9am
Wednesday Holy Communion: Noon
M-F Morning Prayer 7am on Zoom
Worship Services On Facebook
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All Are Welcome
14 Martin Drive,
Umatilla, OR
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201 SW Dorion Ave.
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Sunday School 10:00 a.m. (Nursery Provided)
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Pastor Weston Walker
Grace and Mercy Lutheran Church, ELCA
(First United Methodist Church)
191 E. Gladys Ave. / P.O. Box 1108
Hermiston, Oregon 97838
The Salvation Army
215 N. Main • Pendleton
10:30 - Worship Service
Sundays at 11:00am
In Person worship Sundays
at 11:00am
5:30 Family Fellowship Meal • 6:00 Bible Study
32742 Diagonal Rd.
Hermiston, OR
Office Phone: 541-276-5358
Hours: M-F 9:00am-1:00pm
Iglesia Católica Nuestra
Señora de los Ángeles
Center for Worship & Service
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Wednesday Bible Study
150 SE Emigrant
(541) 276-3369
St. Johns
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Ave & Us
7th, Hermiston
Services 9:00am Sundays
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Sunday Worship.........9:00 AM
Bible Study......10:15 AM
Red Lion Hotel
( Oregon Trail Room )
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