East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 05, 2022, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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Saturday, February 5, 2022
East Oregonian

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Andy Nicolais/East Oregonian
According to data from Umatilla County Public Health, the number of new COVID-19 cases in the county is on a steep decline since the last days of January 2022.
Yellowhawk makes Hines permanent CEO
East Oregonian
MISSION — Yellowhawk Tribal
Health Center turned to a familiar
face for its open CEO position.
On Tuesday, Feb. 1, Yellowhawk
announced it was removing the
interim tag from CEO Aaron Hines
and was naming him the permanent
chief executive of the clinic.
“Aaron has served as the Interim
for the past several months and
proved to be an asset and leader for
Yellowhawk,” Confederated Tribes
of the Umatilla of Indian Reser-
vation Health Commission Chair
Shawna Gavin said in a statement.
“We (the Commission) are excited
and looking forward to the outlook
that Aaron brings, he has a fresh
take on our vision and work, and
we are excited to have the opportu-
nity to continue working with him
Hines is a longtime tribal offi -
cial, having served six years on
the CTUIR Board of Trustees as
the General Council chair and
treasurer. He’s also served on the
boards for the Affi liated Tribes of
Northwest Indians, the National
East Oregonian, File
Aaron Hines speaks in 2011 during a candidates forum. Hines at the time
was chair of the General Council of the Confederated Tribes of the Uma-
tilla of Indian Reservation. Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center on Tuesday,
Feb. 1, 2022, announced Hines is its new CEO after serving as interim CEO
since May 2021.
Congress of American Indians and
Nixyaawii Community Financial
Hines holds a bachelor’s degree
in business administration from
Eastern Oregon University and is
pursuing a master’s degree in health
care business administration from
Oregon Health & Science Univer-
sity and Portland State University.
Hines had been serving as
interim CEO since May 2021,
when his predecessor Lisa Guzman
resigned. Hines had been working
as Yellowhawk’s human resources
director prior to his appointment.
Pulliam is holding two meet-
and-greets for the public Feb. 10.
The fi rst is at 9 a.m. at the Port
of Morrow Riverfront Center, 2
PENDLETON — Republican Marine Drive N.E., Boardman.
candidate for Oregon governor The second is with the Pendle-
Stan Pulliam, mayor of Sandy, ton Roundup Women at 5 p.m. at
announced Thursday, Feb. 3, the Roosters Country Kitchen, 1515
upcoming start of his Main Street Southgate Place, Pemdleton, near
the Roundup Athletic
Heroes Tour, including
Club. For that, RSVP
stops in Eastern Oregon.
“We’re excited to be
com or text 541-310-8582.
meeting with Main Street
Pulliam that day also is
business owners, commu-
taking a tour of Martha’s
nity leaders and concerned
House in Hermiston.
Oregonians at the next few
The transitional shelter
stops of our bus tour,” Pull-
provides temporary hous-
iam said in a press release.
ing to homeless fami-
“We’re going to continue
to highlight Main Street heroes, lies with the goal of getting them
including small business owners, into permanent traditional hous-
veterans, law enforcement and fi rst ing. That event is not open to the
responders who are truly the back- public.
bone of our local communities.”
— EO Media Group
Pulliam brings
campaign to
Eastern Oregon
The most valuable and
respected source of local news,
advertising and information for
our communities.
A Mystery by
We’re closing our doors
After serving Pendleton
for 20 years, it is
time to retire.
All jewelry, watches, clocks and
giftware drastically reduced for
immediate sale
Directed by
Produced by
including cases, furniture, displays,
even some tools and equipment
All sales are final!
Take advantage of these great
deals just in time to buy for
Valentine's Day!
JAN. 28, 29, FEB 4, 5, 11 & 12 AT 7:30 PM. FEB. 6 & 13 AT 2 PM.
Box office hours: 6:30-7:30 pm Friday and Saturday and 1-2 pm Sunday during the weeks of the shows only.
By permission of Samuel French | 1130 E. Sumach | 509-529-3683 | Tickets: $20 | Reserve yours online at LTWW.org