East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 31, 2021, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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East Oregonian
6:23 a.m. — A caller reported horses and cows were near
Interstate 84, Boardman.
7:37 a.m. — Pendleton police responded to a disturbance
on the 1400 block of Southwest 37th Street.
8:33 a.m. — Hermiston police responded to the 100 block
of West Laird Avenue on a complaint of people yelling in the
9:37 a.m. — A resident in Boardman reported her adult son
passed out, hit his head and was foaming at the mouth. He
was conscious but unable to talk. An ambulance responded
and transported the man to Good Shepherd Medical Center,
9:39 a.m. — A resident on Southwest Third Street, Irrigon,
reported three or four dogs killed his chickens and he has
video of it. The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office responded and
cited Dalia Villegas three times for having a dog that is a pub-
lic nuisance.
11:50 a.m. — Hermiston police responded to a report of a
disturbance on the 600 block of East Newport Avenue.
12:40 p.m. — A caller reported man walking on Kangaroo
Court Lane, Irrigon, dropped blue rubber gloves. The caller
said this person and maybe one more could be looking to
steal from residences.
2:07 p.m. — A Hermiston resident reported he was selling
his camera for $400 and a woman sent him two checks for
$1,000 and he suspects this is a scam.
The following crimi-
nal sentences have been
County Circuit Court:
Jose Elias Joaquin Gaspar,
18, of Hermiston, pleaded
guilty to charges from 2019
of driving under the influ-
ence of intoxicants and reck-
less driving; sentenced to
two years probation, includ-
ing an alcohol treatment
program, 90 days suspension
of driver’s license and $590 in
fines and fees.
There were no criminal
sentences during the last
week in Morrow County
Circuit Court.
East Oregonian
Umatilla County Sher-
iff’s Office gave its online
jail roster a cleansing – the
mugshots of inmates are
gone from the page.
“In accordance with
House Bill 3273, the Umatilla
County Sheriff’s Office will
no longer be publishing
booking photos on the jail
roster or with press releases
on social media,” the sher-
iff’s office announced in a
press release Wednesday,
Dec. 29. “This legislation
prohibits law enforcement
agencies from releasing
booking photos except in
specified circumstances.”
According to the sheriff’s
office, the circumstances are
1) To the person depicted
in the booking photo.
2) To another law
enforcement agency, or to
a law enforcement officer
employed by another law
enforcement agency, for a
law enforcement purpose.
3) To the public, if the law
enforcement agency deter-
mines that there is a law
enforcement purpose for the
release, including but not
limited to assistance with
the apprehension of a fugi-
tive or a suspect in a criminal
investigation, or the identifi-
cation of additional criminal
4) To a state mental hospi-
tal upon the admission to
the hospital of the person
depicted in the booking
5) To a party in a criminal
proceeding resulting from
Marriage licenses have
been registered in Umatilla
County for:
Saraya Katherine Wise, 28,
and Darrell Anthony Montez,
29, both of Umatilla.
the arrest during which the
booking photo was obtained.
6) To the victim of the
offense for which the person
depicted in the booking
photo was arrested.
7) Upon the conviction
of the person depicted in the
booking photo, if the convic-
tion results from the arrest
during which the booking
photo was obtained.
The sheriff’s office posted
on its Facebook page about
the change, and that has
drawn more than a hundred
One poster stated: “Good.
Photos are posted before a
person is even convicted. If
you were innocent and your
mug was out there for eter-
nity, I don’t think you’d be
happy about it. Some states
don’t post until someone is
proven guilty, which makes
more sense.”
Another stated, “Consid-
ering the number for
for-profit companies that
abuse these photo-releases,
this is a positive change.”
But others were criti-
cal of the new law, assert-
ing this amounts to
protecting or coddling crim-
inals. Rep. Bobby Levy,
R-Echo, chimed in as well:
“I voted no on this bill.”
She did not explain why.
Levy was one of four
state representatives who
voted against the bill, which
passed in the House 54-4.
It had a tougher time in the
Senate, where it passed
17-13, primarily along party
The new law goes into
effect Saturday, Jan. 1.
Recovery offers
faith-based support
STANFIELD — A faith-
based program launched
several years ago at Stanfield
Baptist Church continues to
provide support to people
that may be struggling.
Based on the 12 steps
of Alcoholics Anonymous,
Celebrate Recovery is a
Christ-centered program
for those dealing with hurts,
pain and a variety of addic-
tions. It started with less
than two dozen attend-
ees in 1991 at a California
church. Since then, more
than 35,000 churches across
the globe offer the ministry
as a way to facilitate healing
through the power of God.
Scott Zielke, associate
pastor of congregational care
at Stanfield Baptist, said the
program provides a path to
healing for everything from
anger and money issues to
sexual addictions and alco-
hol or drug abuse. It centers
around establishing and
nurturing a personal rela-
tionship with Jesus Christ.
T he g roup meet s
Mondays at 6 p.m. Zielke
said a typical gather-
ing begins with a time of
worship, as well as celebrat-
ing recovery milestones of
ton, vs. Joseph Minazadeh, of
Stanfield, seeks $500.
There were no lawsuits
of note during the past
week in Morrow County
Circuit Court.
The following lawsuits
have been filed in Umatilla
County Circuit Court (inter-
est, court costs and fees
not listed):
John R. Dunn, of Hermis-
Umatilla County nixes
inmate photos from web
those in attendance. In addi-
tion, a lesson is presented
or someone shares their
testimony. The attendees
then break into smaller
gender-specific groups to
delve further into sharing
and providing support to
each other.
Celebrate Recovery
meets Mondays, 6-8 p.m.
at Stanfield Baptist Church,
310 E. Wheeler Ave. For
more information, call
Zielke at 541-571-6886 or
the church at 541-449-3313.
Stay tuned for
Oldies Night
TER — BJ the DJ is hoping
to take the chill out of the
new year during Oldies
Night in Milton-Freewater.
The free event is Saturday,
Jan. 8, 7-10 p.m. at Wesley
United Methodist Church,
816 S. Main St., Milton-
Bob Jones said Oldies
Night will be canceled if the
church’s community room
is needed to be used as a
warming shelter. For more
information, contact Jones
at dubuquer70@gmail.com,
541-938-7028 or search Face-
book for “Milton-Freewater
& Beyond Happenings.”
— EO Media Group
Friday, December 31, 2021
Elizet Paola Sanchez, 24,
of Boardman, and Rodrigo
Tejeda, 29, of Hermiston.
Crystal Gail Daggett, 40,
and Tandy Lynn Bamford, 43,
both of Milton-Freewater.
Tarrie Grace Lincoln, 22,
and Lane Mathew Clack, 26,
both of Hermiston.
Jeremy Wayne Smith,
44, of Portland, and Jenni-
fer Lynn Bond-Quist, 43, of
Heppner Planning Commission, 7 p.m., Heppner City
Hall, 111 N. Main St. (541-676-9618)
Pendleton School District work session, 8 a.m., Pendle-
ton School District 16, 107 N.W. 10th St. (541-276-6711)
Umatilla Morrow Radio & Data District, 1:30 p.m.,
Boardman City Hall, 200 City Center Circle, or via teleconfer-
ence by calling 351-999-4544. (Shawn Halsey 541-966-3774)
Stanfield City Council, 6 p.m., Council chambers, 150 W.
Coe Ave. (541-449-3831)
Boardman City Council, 7 p.m., Boardman City Hall, 200
City Center Circle. For a Zoom link, visit, www.cityofboard-
man.com. (kpettigrew@cityofboardman.com 541-481-
Umatilla City Council, 7 p.m., Umatilla City Hall, 700
Sixth St. (Nanci Sandoval 541-922-3226)
Pendleton City Council, 7 p.m., Pendleton City Hall, 500
S.W. Dorion Ave. (Donna Biggerstaff 541-966-0201)
Stanfield Irrigation District, noon, district office, 100
W. Coe Ave. Call for the teleconference number, to request
agenda or to be added to the agenda. Organizational meet-
ing followed by regular board meeting. (541-449-3272)
Blue Mountain Community College Board, 5 p.m.,
workshop; 6 p.m., meeting, BMCC, 2411 N.W. Carden Ave.,
Pendleton, or via Zoom. For login information, visit www.
bluecc.edu. (Shannon Franklin 541-278-5951)
Umatilla Rural Fire Protection District, 7 p.m., Umatilla
Fire Department, 305 Willamette Ave. (541-922-2770)
St. Anthony Hospital,
Dec. 14, 2021
EZELL — Elizabeth Ezell
and Trent Ezell of Hermiston:
a boy, Emmett William Ezell.
Dec. 15, 2021
Arzine Eileen McKay: a boy,
River Ace McKay-Speedis.
Dec. 16, 2021
BAIRD — Ashley Lynn
Fox and Steven Michale Baird
of Pendleton: a girl, Zivah
Maschell Baird.
Cynthia Ilin Macias and Jason
Chad Billman of Hermiston:
a girl, Diana Irain Macias-Bill-
Dec. 23, 2021
KING — Darshae Irene
King and Phillip Dwayne King
of Helix: a boy, Kurtis Phillip
John King.
Good Shepherd Medical
Center, Hermiston
Dec. 15, 2021
WELLS — Breanna E. Wolf
and Jeremy E. Wells of Herm-
iston: a girl, Megan MacKen-
zie Wells.
Dec. 21, 2021
Lynn Robinson and James
Hayes Robinson III of Herm-
iston: a boy, James Hayes
Robinson IV.
Dec. 22, 2021
FOX — Mahaila Ellen Fox
and Jordon Edward Fox of
Hermiston: a girl, Camryn
Ryder Fox.
MENDOZA — Lesly Agui-
lar and Marcos Mendoza of
Hermiston: a boy, Marcos
Cain Mendoza.
Friday, Dec. 31
Currin, Ron — Celebration
of life, 1:15 p.m. at the Pendle-
ton Convention Center, 1601
Jan. 1-2
No services
Monday, Jan. 3
Dummert, Delores —
Graveside service, 1 p.m. at the
Hermiston Cemetery.
Tuesday, Jan. 4
Jones, Bonnie — Grave-
side service, 10 a.m. at Olney
Cemetery, Pendleton.
Wednesday, Jan. 5
Gunderson, Eddie —
Graveside service, 11 a.m. at
the Heppner Masonic Ceme-
tery. A luncheon follows at the
Heppner Elks Lodge, 142 N.
Main St.
Thursday, Jan. 6
No services
Friday, Jan. 7
Martuscelli, Cyndi —
Graveside service, 11 a.m. at
Mountain View Cemetery,
Walla Walla.
The East Oregonian publishes paid obituaries;
death notices and information about services are
published at no charge. Obituaries can include
small photos and, for veterans, a flag symbol at no
charge. Obituaries can be submitted via the funeral
home, by email to obits@eastoregonian.com or
in person at the East Oregonian office. For more
information, call 541-966-0818.
Benjamin Edward Michael
Nov. 16, 1954 — Dec. 15, 2021
Pilot Rock
B e n j a m i n E d w a r d eating good food, playing
Michael, a resident of Pilot cards, spending time with his
Rock, went to his final rest- uncles, cousins, brothers and
ing place on Dec. 15, 2021, close family friends. Occa-
in his home, surrounded by sionally, they even made time
his loved ones. He
for a hunt or two.
H i s f a vo r-
passed away at the
age of 67.
ite thing above
Ben was born
all else was to
on Nov. 16, 1954,
spend time with
to James and Patri-
his children and
cia Michael at St.
g randchild ren.
Anthony Hospital in
He would do
Pendleton, Oregon.
anything in his
He attended both
power to expe-
Pilot Rock Elemen-
rience life and
tary and Pilot Rock
make memories
High School, gradu-
with them, and
ating with the class of 1972. show them how much he
Two years later, he got his truly loved them.
Ben is preceded in death
associate’s degree in crim-
inal justice from Treasure by his father, Jim Michael;
Valley Community College, and wife, Marla Michael. He
where he also played college is survived by his mother,
Patricia Michael; brothers,
Ben met and married the Tom, Don and John Michael;
love of his life, Marla Jobes, his son, Nick Michael, and
also of Pilot Rock. Ben and wife, Allie Wilgus; his
Marla have two children, daughter, Shalena Gandy,
Nick Michael and Shalena and husband, Trevor Gandy;
Gandy. Ben resided and as well as his three grandchil-
raised his family in Pilot dren, Caden Rugg, Teagan
Rock. Ben and Marla were Rugg and Ariah Gandy.
later divorced but remained
There will be a small
lifelong friends.
graveside memorial Satur-
Ben wholehear tedly day, Jan. 8, 2022, at 1 p.m.
enjoyed the outdoors, at the Pilot Rock Ceme-
whether that be hunting, tery for close family and
fishing, camping, going for friends. A celebration of life
a drive in the mountains will be held at a date to be
or taking one of his many announced later this spring
motorcycles for a ride. He for all who would like to
grew up hunting and camp- attend.
ing in the Blue Mountains
Arrangements are with
near Indian Lake. He abso- Pendleton Pioneer Chapel,
lutely loved the time spent Folsom-Bishop. Online
at the family cabin during condolences may be sent to
hunting season, telling jokes, www.pioneerchapel.com.
Willie Sue (Allen) Turner
Dec. 21, 1925 — Dec. 25, 2021
Willie Sue Turner of housewife and mother. Sue
Milton-Freewater, Oregon, and Lewis belonged to the
passed away Dec. 25, 2021, Touchet Community Church
at Park Manor Rehabilita- where they were known as
tion Center in Walla Walla, Mama and Papa Turner by
Washington, at
young and old
the age of 96. She
was born on Dec.
Sue is survived
21, 1925, to Bertha
by her daughter,
Melissa Mer i-
Marilyn Peterson;
mon and Thomas
and son, Jimmye
Franklin Allen.
(Dayna) Turner;
five grandchildren,
She was born in
her grandmother’s
14 great-grand-
living room in
ch i ld r e n , f ive
Boswell, Okla-
child ren and
She met the
numerous nieces
love of her life (Lewis and nephews.
She was preceded in death
Turner) when she was in
the first grade. Her family by her parents, brother and
moved away for a while her husband of almost 75
then moved back and Lewis years.
started courting her. The
Funeral services will
couple were married on be held on Tuesday, Jan. 4,
Sept. 16, 1946, in a double 2022, at 2 p.m. at Munselle-
ring ceremony with Lewis’s Rhodes Funeral Home, 902
sister, Minnie Mae Turner, S. Main, Milton-Freewater,
and Sue’s brother, JB Allen, OR 97862. Interment will
follow at Milton-Freewater
in Soper, Oklahoma.
Sue and Lewis had two Cemetery. Masks will be
children, Marilyn Peterson required for attendees. To
and Jimmye Turner. She had leave an online condolence,
a few jobs that she worked visit www.munsellerhodes.
at but she was mostly a com.
David Lou Cummings
Aug. 20, 1941 — Dec. 30, 2021
David Lou Cummings, 80, of Weston, died Dec. 30, 2021,
at his home. He was born Aug. 20, 1941. Arrangements are
with Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home of Milton-Freewater.
Larry Raymond English
Feb. 21, 1935 — Dec. 29, 2021
Larry Raymond English, 86, of Athena, died Dec. 29, 2021,
at Providence St. Mary Medical Center, Walla Walla. He was
born Feb. 21, 1935. Arrangements are with Munselle-Rhodes
Funeral Home of Milton-Freewater.
Duane Ward Hancock
May 12, 1965 — Dec. 27, 2021
Duane Ward Hancock, 56, of Pendleton, died Dec. 27, 2021,
at his home. He was born May 12, 1965, in Utah. Arrange-
ments are with Pendleton Pioneer Chapel, Folsom-Bishop.
Online condolences may be sent to www.pioneerchapel.com.
Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2021
Jackpot: $7.7 million
Lucky Lines
Estimated jackpot: $61,000
Powerball: 11
Power Play: 2
Jackpot: $483 million
Win for Life
Pick 4
1 p.m.: 7-3-3-7
4 p.m.: 2-9-5-6
7 p.m.: 5-1-4-9
10 p.m.: 7-3-9-8