East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 09, 2021, Page 3, Image 3

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Thursday, December 9, 2021
East Oregonian
Hermiston gym owner returns to roots
Cindee Henderson
says smaller gym
location is perfect
for her, clients
East Oregonian
Power Fitness in Hermis-
ton is up and running right
where the owner wants it —
in a small building next to her
That’s where Cindee
Henderson began her physical
training business eight years
ago. After some success,
she opened other locations,
which she has since closed.
Henderson said she could not
be happier to return to where
she started.
“There seemed to be a
market for larger group train-
ing, which I thought we could
grow into,” Henderson said,
explaining why she moved
into a couple of different loca-
tions — first the Cornerstone
Building in Hermiston for a
couple of years and then the
2120 Building off of Highway
395 in Hermiston for another
five years. She said she found
it easier at the time to get
insured in the building rather
than in her home, but she has
solved that problem, too.
While in 2120, she had
seven staff trainers and
offered fitness classes, but the
business did not grow the way
she wanted, she said.
“The large classes that we
wanted to do just didn’t take
off with our client base,” she
She said she mostly works
with older women who don’t
want to be in a large gym and
prefer the “close camarade-
rie” encouraged by a smaller,
Erick Peterson/East Oregonian
Cindee Henderson picks up some equipment in her training
studio, Nov. 24, 2021, in a small building next to her home in
less industrial space.
This suits Henderson
just fine, because she also
likes smaller settings and
smaller groups more. In her
current location, available
by appointment only, she
has one-on-one sessions and
group workouts of up to six
“A lot of them have been
with me for six or seven
years, or I know them really
well,” she said.
She described her classes
as “functional fitness,” with
unique routines based on
the needs of her clients, her
observation and their feed-
back. They use resistance
bands, dumbbells, barbells
and kettlebells.
Her gym in the 2120
Building closed in March
2020, just as the pandemic
was starting, she said. Then
she opened for a few weeks
in June 2020 and a few weeks
in July. When she was open,
she said, she had people wear
masks and “followed all the
rules” to protect herself and
her older clients. Meanwhile,
trainers came and went, she
She said the closings and
uncertainty gave her a chance
to step back and ask if it was
really what she wanted. At
65 years old, she decided
she did not want to spend the
time and effort it would take
to build a large gym.
“This is it,” she said,
motioning around toward her
small location and its equip-
ment. “My clients and I love
Man armed with hunting knives loses
to police armed with less-lethal round
East Oregonian
iston Police Chief Jason
Edmiston reported officers
early Tuesday, Dec. 7, used
less-lethal rounds to subdue
and arrest a man who refused
to drop knives and threatened
to kill the officers.
Police at about midnight
responded to a residence in the
1000 block of West Hermiston
Avenue on a report of a man,
Matthew Earns, 30, armed
with a gun. Four Hermiston
officers — one was still in field
training — responded, Edmis-
ton said.
Officers found Earns in
the parking lot, but instead of
a gun, according to Edmis-
ton, Earns pulled out two large
hunting knives.
“Earns kept officers at bay
with the knives for approx-
imately one hour,” he said.
“During that time, Earns
threatened to kill each officer
more than once. Earns was
highly intoxicated and still
drinking during the encounter.
At one point, Earns stabbed a
knife into the Tonneau cover
of a department pickup.”
Edmiston also said police
repeatedly told Earns, who
jail records show is 6 feet tall
and weighs 230 pounds, to
drop the knives, but he would
not. And as he was advanc-
ing on police, one officer shot
Earns with a 40 mm less-lethal
Even then, Edmiston said,
Earns did not drop the knives,
so police shot him a second
The police chief explained
given Earns’ state, the 40 mm
rounds — which are about
1.6 inches in diameter, have a
plastic body and a sponge nose
— were the best options. The
weapon is accurate, he said,
while a Taser stun gun needs
both prongs to hit a person to
be effective. Edmiston said
if one of the prongs missed
Earns, the situation could have
been much worse.
Police took Earns to the
emergency department at
Good Shepherd Medical
Center, Hermiston, for X-rays,
Edmiston said, and once
medical staff cleared him, it
was off to the Umatilla County
Jail, Pendleton.
After taking Earns into
custody, police questioned
his girlfriend and her elderly
mother. Edmiston reported
officers found Earns strangled
his girlfriend and threw her on
the floor and forced her mother
into a bedroom and threatened
to kill her if she came out.
During an arraignment
the morning of Dec. 7, the
Umatilla County District
Attorney’s Office brought
initial charges against Earns
of felony strangulation, three
counts of unlawful use of a
weapon, two counts of menac-
ing, one count of second-de-
gree criminal mischief and
two counts of harassment. The
court set his bail at $150,000.
Former Echo boys basketball coach
files lawsuit for more than $200K
Aaron Noisey
alleges gender
discrimination in
lawsuit against
school district
East Oregonian
ECHO — The former
head coach for the Echo
High School boys basketball
team has filed a discrimina-
tion lawsuit against the Echo
School District.
Aaron Noisey, through the
Dolan Law Group, a Port-
land firm, filed the complaint
Thursday, Dec. 2, in Umatilla
County Circuit Court. Noisey
seeks $203,391 — $2,391
in economic damages and
noneconomic damages of at
least $200,000.
Echo School District
Superintendent Raymon
Smith said he received a
copy of the lawsuit but the
district could not comment
on pending litigation, and
the district’s insurer would
handle representation.
The district employed
Noisey from 2018-20 as an
alternative education teacher,
head high school boys basket-
ball coach, assistant high
school girls basketball coach
and assistant high school
football coach. According
to the eight-page complaint,
Smith in March 2020 asked
Noisey if he was interested
in taking over the head high
school girls basketball coach
During the next few
months, according to the
court filing, “Smith made
it clear that the job was
(Noisey’s) to turn down,” and
Noisey said he wanted to take
over the position.
The complaint claims
Noisey applied for the job
in May 2020 and on June 9
had an in-person interview
for the job with a committee
that included Athletic Direc-
tor Don Walker, high school
football coach Thomas
VanNice and school board
member Jennifer Cox.
The complaint also claims
the district interviewed
Brandi Russell, district math
teacher, physical education
teacher and middle school
girls basketball coach.
After the inter view,
Walker told Noisey he did
not get the job because the
district wanted a woman
coaching the girls team.
The complaint claims
Noisey asked the district
several times to rectify
the gender discrimination,
including an in-person meet-
ing with Smith and Walker
that resulted in Walker agree-
ing to write an apology for
discriminating against him.
That letter came in an
email Sept. 24, 2020, accord-
ing to the complaint, but was
not an apology, although
it acknowledged Noisey’s
gender was a reason he did
not get the job. Noisey on
Oct. 12, 2020, gave the Echo
School District a tort claim
Following that, the
district became a difficult
place for Noisey to work, the
complaint alleges, with once
friendly co-workers now
excluding him. Noisey left
the district in early June.
A public meeting, at which proposed supplemental budgets for Umatilla County, State of Oregon for
the fiscal year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 will be discussed, will be held in Room 130, Umatilla
County Courthouse, 216 S.E. Fourth Street, Pendleton, Oregon. The meeting will take place on the
1st day of December at 9:00 a.m. A copy of the supplemental budget documents may be inspected or
obtained on or after November 25, 2021 at the Umatilla County Courthouse, Room 116 between the
hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Fund: Emergency Mgmt Grants
State Revenue
Materials & Services
Transfers In
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The Emergency Management Grants Program requires a supplemental budget to ap-
propriate funding not known at adoption of the budget. This requires a decrease in State Revenue
of $86,632, an increase in Transfers In of $10,000, a decrease in Materials & Services of $25,500, a
decrease in Capital Outlay of $57,582 and an increase in Contingency of $9,450
Fund: Economic Development Program
Federal Revenue
Materials & Services $1,846,626
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The Economic Development Program requires a supplemental budget to appropri-
ate funding not known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Federal Revenue of
$100,000 and an increase in Materials & Services of $100,000.
Fund: Central Water Project
Transfers In
Materials & Services $2,112,885
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The Central Water Program requires a supplemental budget to appropriate funding not
known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Transfers In of 2,000,000 and an in-
crease in Materials & Services of $2,000,000.
Fund: Economic Development Reserve
Transfers In
Materials & Services
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The Economic Development Reserve Program requires a supplemental budget to ap-
propriate funding not known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Transfers In of
$100,000 and an increase in Materials & Services of $100,000.
Fund: Facilities Reserve Program
Transfers In
Capital Outlay
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The Facilities Reserve Program requires a supplemental budget to appropriate funding
not known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Transfers In of $500,000 and an
increase in Capital Outlay of $500,000.
Fund: Public Works
Transfers In
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The Public Works Program requires a supplemental budget to appropriate funding not
known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Transfers In of $2,000,000 and an
increase in Contingency of $2,000,000.
Fund: GF-General County
Transfers Out
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The General County Program requires a supplemental budget to appropriate funding
not known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Transfers Out of $10,000 and a
decrease in Contingency of $10,000.
Fund: GF-Communicable Disease
State Revenue
Personnel Services
Materials & Services $9,833,112
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The Communicable Disease Program requires a supplemental budget to appropri-
ate funding not known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in State Revenue of
$1,100,000, an increase in Personnel Services of $500,000 and an increase in Materials & Services
of $600,000.
Fund: GF-Health Department
Federal Revenue
Materials & Services 9,873,112
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The Health Department Program requires a supplemental budget to appropriate funding
not known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Federal Revenue of $40,000 and
an increase in Materials & Services of $40,000.
Fund: Parks
Transfers In
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The Parks Program requires a supplemental budget to appropriate funding not known
at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Transfers In of $150,000 and a increase in
Contingency of $150,000.
Beginning Balance
Personnel Services
Materials & Services
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The SE63 Peer Program requires a supplemental budget to appropriate funding not
known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Beginning Balance of $214,000, a
decrease in Personnel Services of $260,000, an increase in Materials & Services of $503,000 and a
decrease in Contingency of $29,000.
Fund: HUMAN SERVICES-SE66 Treatment
Beginning Balance
Personnel Services
Materials & Services
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The SE66 Treatment Program requires a supplemental budget to appropriate funding
not known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Beginning Balance of $76,000, a
decrease in Personnel Services of $177,000, an increase in Materials & Services of $408,000 and a
decrease in Contingency of $155,000.
Beginning Balance
Personnel Services
Materials & Services
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The SE66 IDPF Program requires a supplemental budget to appropriate funding not
known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Beginning Balance of $14,000, a de-
crease in Personnel Services of $10,000 and an increase in Materials & Services of $24,000.
Fund: HUMAN SERVICES-SE80 Gamble Prevention
Beginning Balance
Materials & Services
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The SE80 Gamble Prevention Program requires a supplemental budget to appropriate
funding not known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Beginning Balance of
$22,000 and an increase in Materials & Services of $22,000.
Fund: HUMAN SERVICES-2145 Alcohol/MH Tax
Beginning Balance
Personnel Services
Materials & Services
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The 2145 Alcohol/MH Tax Program requires a supplemental budget to appropriate fund-
ing not known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Beginning Balance of $12,000,
a decrease in Personnel Services of $12,000 and an increase in Materials & Services of $116,000 and
a decrease in Contingency of $92,000.
Fund: HUMAN SERVICES-School Based MH
Beginning Balance
Personnel Services
Materials & Services
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The School Based MH Program requires a supplemental budget to appropriate funding
not known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Beginning Balance of $35,000, a
decrease in Personnel Services of $13,000 and an increase in Materials & Services of $48,000.
Fund: Assessment & Taxation
Beginning Balance
Materials & Services
Local Revenue
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The Assessment & Taxation Program requires a supplemental budget to appropriate fund-
ing not known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Beginning Balance of $50,000,
an increase in Local Revenue of $250,000 and an increase in Materials & Services of $300,000.
Fund: Capital Purchases Management
Beginning Balance
Capital Outlay
Transfers In
Revised Total Fund Resources
Revised Total Fund Requirements
Comments: The Capital Purchases Management Program requires a supplemental budget to appro-
priate funding not known at adoption of the budget. This requires an increase in Beginning Balance
of $100,000, an increase in Transfers In of $140,000 and an increase in Capital Outlay of $240,000.
Publish December 9, 2021