A6 RECORDS East Oregonian Saturday, November 20, 2021 OBITUARIES Ou r loving mother, g ra nd mot her, and great-grandmother passed away peacefully on Nov. 11, 2021. Mickey was born on Jan. 16, 1943, to Ruth and Charles Montee and raised in Pendleton, Oregon. She married Thomas Doepke and they had three daugh- ters. Mom was a member of the high school dive team, a ballet dancer, queen of the county fair, dancer and instructor for the Happy Canyon Can Can dancers and a successful real estate broker opening her own offi ce, Action West Realty. She was named Realtor of the year in 1983. She was a wonderful host- ess and hosted many memo- rable parties and dinners for Michal Faye ‘Mickey’ (Montee) Doepke Dana Elizabeth Black Jan. 16, 1943 — Nov. 11, 2021 Pendleton Dec. 25, 1962 — Nov. 14, 2021 Bismarck, N.D. Doepke family and friends. Mom was very supportive of her daughters and became involved in all their activi- ties as well as being support- ive of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Mom had many lifetime friends that she cherished and held close to her heart who were considered family. Her chil- dren, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were her greatest joy and good- byes were always followed with “love you, sweet pea.” She will be missed by all. She is survived by her spouse, Thomas Doepke; her daughers, Teri (David) Williamson, Bobi Doepke Sampson, Dawn (Scott Taylor) Doepke; her grand- children, Travis (Melissa) Wu r tz, Trevor Wu r tz, Kohl Griffi th, Mykal Peter- son, Jessi Peterson, Shelby (Daniel Reinhard) Mattey, and Kyle Tilton; her siblings, Diana (Rollie) Hewitt, Roger (Chris) Montee, Jeffrey (Donna) Montee, Kath- leen Gallaher, Mark (Cheri) Montee and Bill (Debbie) Montee. She was preceded in death by her father, Charles Montee and mother, Ruth (Corey) Isaac. At her request there will be no memorial service. We love you, sweet pea! Wilbur Louis Jones Jr. Carrie Simons Oct. 22, 1929 — Nov. 14, 2021 Pendleton Jan. 21, 1984 — Nov. 12, 2021 Walla Walla Wilbur Louis Jones Jr., Bill is survived by his 92, died Sunday, Nov. 14, wife, Nettie; his children, 2021, at a local care facility. Tammy Hulse (Mike), He was born Oct. 22, 1929, in Terri Eickstaedt, James, Wallowa, Oregon, to Wilbur and Roy (Julie); grandchil- and Agnes Jones. dren, Eric, Erin, He graduated Ashley, Eliza- from Ukiah High beth, Dacoda, School, Ukiah, Kathryn, Kait- Oregon, in 1947. lyn, Karolyn, Bill worked Jarrett, Jasmine various logging and Jordon; and jobs after high great-grandchil- school. In dren, Kaden, September 1957, Shelby, Lind- Bill started work- say, Natalie and ing for Pendleton Ashley. Grain Growers Jones Jr. Bill was and, except work- predeceased by ing for a short time with the parents, Wilbur and Agnes Oregon State Grain Inspec- Jones; and brothers, Joseph tion Dept., worked for Pend- and Roy. leton Grain Growers for over Viewing will be held 31 years. Monday, Nov. 22, 2021, Bill married Nettie Jean from 8 a.m. to noon at Farmer on April 1, 1959, in Burns Mortuary, Pendle- Pendleton, Oregon. They ton. Graveside service will had four children together, be held Monday, Nov. 22, Tammy, Terri, James and 2021, at 2 p.m. at Skyview Roy. Memorial Park, Pendleton. Bill enjoyed anything Reception following service that got him into the woods will be held at the VFW at — elk and deer hunting, 1221 SE Court Place, Pend- mushroom hunting, fi sh- leton. Arrangements are ing, huckleberry pick- with Burns Mortuary of ing and camping. He also Pendleton. Sign the online enjoyed gardening and guestbook at www.burns- family gatherings. mortuary.com. Carrie Simons, 37, died her three children, Roy Friday, Nov. 12, 2021, in Humbert, Allie Sasser and Portland, Oregon. She was Ellcie Simons; grandmother, born on Jan. 21, 1984, in Betty Simons; mother, Walla Walla, Washington, Roxanne Sears; siblings, to Roxanne Sears. Doug Si mon s, Car rie tr uly C a s s ie S e a r s , lived life large, Brent ( Nicole) to the fullest, and Sears, Cody lit up every room (Michelle) Sears, with her one-of- Sheena (Jeremy) a-k i nd laug h. Thompson, and There was never a Br it t ney (Jo e) dull moment with Field; and many Carrie! nieces and neph- Her biggest ews. passion and life She is preceded Simons in death by her motivators were g randfather, her kids and her granny. She also loved chat- Leonard Simons; and dad, ting with friends and family. Rowland Sears. She would make time for Memorial contributions anyone that wanted it and can be made to Mountain would always show up for View-Colonial DeWitt, those who needed her. She for a memorial fund for had a special way of reaching Carrie’s children for upcom- people in a deep and genu- ing special events and their ine way. If you didn’t listen future. to her — she wasn’t afraid to A memorial service will be held Sunday, Nov. 21, get a bit bossy. She was beautiful inside 2021, at 1 p.m. at Mountain and out, talented, competi- View-Colonial DeWitt, 1551 tive, and loved with all she The Dalles Military Road, had. She made her own rules Walla Walla. Friends and along the way and never gave family may share memo- up on herself or those she ries of Carrie and sign the loved. online guestbook at mounta- She is sur vived by inview-colonialdewitt.com. DEATH NOTICES Elodie Ann Banks Gloria Mendiola Craig R. Norman Sept. 19, 1947 — Oct. 23, 2021 Pendleton Nov. 10, 1966 — Sept. 20, 2021 Hermiston Jan. 25, 1966 — Nov. 15, 2021 Pendleton Elodie Ann Banks, 74, of Pendle- ton, died Oct. 23, 2021, at Sacred Heart Providence Hospital in Spokane. She was born Sept. 19, 1947, in Prairie City, to Dexter and Mary Yokom. A celebra- tion of life will be 2-5 p.m. at Sundown Grill & Bar-B-Q, 233 S.E. Fourth St., Pendleton. Gloria Mendiola, 54, of Hermiston, died Sept. 20, 2021, in Portland. She was born Nov. 10, 1966, in Hollister, California. Recitation of the rosary will be held Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2021, at 1 p.m. at Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church, Hermiston, followed by Mass of Christian burial at 1:30 p.m. Burial will be at the Hermiston Cemetery. Arrangements are with Burns Mortu- ary of Hermiston. Share memories of Gloria with her family at burnsmor- tuaryhermiston.com. Craig R. Norman, 55, of Pendleton, died Nov. 15, 2021, in Pendleton. He was born Jan. 25, 1966, in Gettysburg, South Dakota. Arrangements are with Burns Mortuary of Pendleton. Sign the online guestbook at burnsmortuary.com. Robert W. Carey Nov. 19, 1942 — Nov. 17, 2021 Pendleton Robert W. Carey, 78, of Pendle- ton, died Nov. 17, 2021, at his home. He was born Nov. 19, 1942, in Port- land. Arrangements are with Burns Mortuary of Pendleton. Sign the online guestbook at burnsmortuary. com. Michael John Dinneen Nov. 25, 1952 — Nov. 16, 2021 Beaverton Michael John Dinneen, 68, of Beaver- ton, died Nov. 16, 2021, in Beaverton. He was born Nov. 25, 1952. Arrangements are with Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home of Milton-Freewater. Raul Mendiola III March 16, 1990 — Aug. 30, 2021 Hermiston Raul Mendiola III, 31, of Hermiston, died Aug. 30, 2021, at his home. He was born March 16, 1990, in Mission, Texas. Recitation of the rosary will be held Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2021, at 1 p.m. at Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church, Herm- iston, followed by Mass of Christian burial at 1:30 p.m. Burial will follow at the Hermiston Cemetery. Arrangements are with Burns Mortuary Hermiston. Share memories of Raul with his family at burnsmortuaryhermiston.com. Darrell Wayne Partin Oct. 8, 1957 — Nov. 17, 2021 Walla Walla Darrell Wayne Partin, 64, of Walla Walla, died Nov. 17, 2021, at the Walla Walla Veterans. He was born Oct. 8, 1957. Arrangements are with Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home of Milton-Freewater. Jerry R. Swart Jan. 13, 1943 — Nov. 16, 2021 Formerly of Irrigon Jerry R. Swart, 78, former Irrigon resi- dent, of Kennewick, Washington, died Nov. 16, 2021, in Kennewick. He was born Jan. 13, 1943, in Enterprise. At his request, no service will be held. Arrange- ments are with Burns Mortuary of Herm- iston. Share memories of Jerry with his family at burnsmortuaryhermiston.com. UPCOMING SERVICES SATURDAY, NOV. 20 Scaplehorn, Bob — Graveside service with military honors at 1 p.m. at the Herm- iston Cemetery. VanHouten, Corey — Celebration of life at 2 p.m. at the Pendleton Convention Center, 1601 Westgate. SUNDAY NOV. 21 Black, Dana — Graveside service at 1 p.m. at the Athena Cemetery. Simons, Carrie — Memorial service will be held Sunday, Nov. 21, 202, at 1 p.m. at Mountain View-Colonial DeWitt, 1551 The Dalles Military Road., Walla Walla. MONDAY, NOV. 22 Jones, Wilbur Jr. — Viewing 8 a.m. to noon at Burns Mortuary of Pendleton, 336 S.W. Dorian Ave., Pendleton. Grave- side service will be at 2 p.m. at Skyview Memorial Park, Pendleton. A reception will follow at the Pendleton VFW, 1221 S.E. Court Place. TUESDAY NOV. 23 Mendiola, Gloria — Recitation of the rosary at 1 p.m. at Our Lady of Angels VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: www.EastOregonian.com Catholic Church, 565 W. Hermiston Ave., Hermiston, followed by Mass of Christian burial at 1:30 p.m. Burial will follow at the Hermiston Cemetery. Mendiola, Raul III — Recitation of the rosary at 1 p.m. at Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church, 565 W. Hermiston Ave., Hermiston, followed by Mass of Christian burial at 1:30 p.m. Burial will follow at the Hermiston Cemetery. Ramig, Lois — Memorial service at 11 a.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 210 N.W. Ninth St., Pendleton. Dana Elizabeth Black, years to Dana’s life. They 58, Bismarck, passed away moved back to New Salem, Nov. 14, 2021. North Dakota, to Craig’s A graveside service will great-grandfather’s farm. be held 1 p.m., There they Sunday, Nov. raised a ng us cattle and a border 21, at the Athena Cemetery. collie dog named Dana was Jet and Dana’s cat named Pugs- born in Pend- ley. Dana enjoyed leton, Oregon, her time at the to Charles and farm, keeping Rust y Black. the yard mowed There she joined and looking nice. her older sister, Black She helped with Lea, living in the cattle, spring Gibbon, Oregon. They grew up together and calving and making hay. enjoyed many adventures. Her favorite was raising the Her youth revolved around bummer calves and graining horses and animals. the replacement heifers. She attended grade She was Craig’s go-to school at Athena, Oregon, person for any help he until the family moved to needed. She spent many a Orofi no, Idaho. There, she day on her four-wheeler with finished her school years their border collie, Jet, riding and graduated from Orofi no the calving pasture. Some High School in 1982. Dana days, time slipped away and participated in sports, 4-H they spent all day watching and horse events. Later she the calves. attended Lewis-Clark State Dana battled health prob- College in Lewiston. lems from a young age. She Dana moved with her always stayed positive and parents to Weippe, Idaho, as long as the doctors could where she was always her fi gure out her problem, she mom’s sidekick and helper, would take the medicine and traveling many a mile make the best out of the situ- retrieving school buses or ation. She had an unbelievable looking at horses. Dana enjoyed the yearly trip to the desire to live every day. She Pendleton Round-Up and was a fi ghter. Happy Canyon night show, They enjoyed the NFR where she was a worker, for nine consecutive years, checking in contestants and her favorite was the year on the hay crew when she they met her sister and was younger. If she could, brother in-law, John and Lea she would talk all day about VanHouten, there. her love for the Round-Up. Dana enjoyed a life- She had many friends and time spent with her sister’s relatives to see each year. family, extended Black She earned a lifetime pass family, and Craig’s family with 40-plus years of work- in North Dakota. Holidays ing at the rodeo. were always celebrated and She loved the mountains Dana put on a great meal and yearly hunting trips and a decorated house. She with her dad, Charlie. They enjoyed family and friends hunted every year and was her door was always open. an excellent shot and very She is survived by seldom came home with her best friend, Craig empty hands. Albers; sister, Lea (John) In 1991, Dana met Craig VanHouten; niece, JaDee Albers and when the Black VanHouten; great-neph- family accepted him, she ews, Carter and Tucker; joined him in Lewiston, Juli- great-niece in-law, Ali aetta and Grangeville, Idaho. VanHouten; great-niece and She enjoyed helping him nephew, Rietta and Mason; with remodeling their houses aunts, Tiny and Wanda; that they lived in and hunting and numerous cousins and with Craig and Charlie in the extended family. Grangeville area. She was preceded in When her doctor in Gran- death by her parents; and geville heard about ties to nephew, Corey VanHouten. North Dakota, he suggested Memorials contributions moving there because all may be sent to the American the specialist doctors she Diabetes Association. would ever need were there. To share memories of Eliminating long distance Dana and sign the online traveling. The doctors and guestbook, visit www.east- specialists added many good gatefuneral.com. Edna ‘Marie’ Kellogg Jan. 20, 1944 — Nov. 12, 2021 Ione Edna “Marie” Kellogg, Cardinals sidelines and 77, of Ione, died peacefully bleachers! at her home Friday, Nov. 12, Marie is survived by her 2021. A graveside service children, Robyn Skaggs was held Friday, of Irrigon, Jeff Nov. 19, 2021, Ball and his at the Heppner wife Armida of Beaverton, Kevin Masonic Ceme- tery. Ball and his wife Marie’s birth- Tricia of Fayette- date was Jan. 20, ville, Georgia, and 1944, she was one Dawn Eynetich of three daugh- and her husband ters and son, born Jeff of Ione; her to Ellis and Betty sister, Rita Britt Hughes Petty- and her husband Kellogg john. She was Roger; a brother, born and raised Rick Pettyjohn; in Heppner where she grad- grandchildren, RJ, Jonathan, uated from Heppner High Jeremy, Joshua, Megan, School. Carson, and Carter; as well Her true passion was as three great-grandchildren. She was preceded in supporting her grandkids. She loved attending their death by her parents, Ellis sporting events, and every- and Betty Pettyjohn; and a thing they were involved in. sister, Marilyn Kellogg. Arrangements are with Therefore, memorial contri- butions may be made to the Sweeney Mortuary of Cardinal booster Club, P.O. Heppner. You may sign the Box 402, Ione, OR 97843. online condolence book at She will be missed on the sweeneymortuary.com. Celebration of Life A celebration of life for Elodie Banks will be held on December 11, 2021 from 2-5PM at Sundown Grill (Raphael's) 233 SE 4th St., Pendleton for all of her friends and family.