East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 09, 2021, Page 38, Image 38

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NOVEMBER 9�17, 2021
Check out class offerings at
Pendleton Center for the Arts
Go! staff
ENDLETON — Want to learn
to play the ukulele or guitar?
Dabble in crafts or painting?
Pendleton Center for the Arts
has a full roster of classes and
workshops each week at the
center, 214 N. Main St. To regis-
ter, go to www.pendletonarts.org.
Here’s a look at what you can try:
Hip & Handmade: Every Sat-
urday adults are invited to drop
in beginning at 10:30 a.m. for a
casual, no pressure get-togeth-
er to work on a diff erent project
each week. There’s no need to
pre-register, and no cost.
Spin In: This fi ber-oriented
gathering is held on the fi rst
Saturday of the month. Those
who spin, knit, crochet or do any
creative handwork are welcome.
No cost.
Adult Painting with Arlen
Clark: In a weekly class from
6-8 p.m. on Tuesdays, Clark
leads students through fi nd-
ing their own voice as a painter,
using his techniques as a
jumping-off point. The setting
is relaxed and casual while also
providing the watchful eye of an
experienced painter. Materials,
including one canvas, paints
and brushes, will be provided.
Class size is very limited, and
good fi tting masks are required.
Cost per four-week session is
$100 for members or $105 for
nonmembers. There is also a
$20 materials fee.
Modern Board Game Night:
This gathering is held on the
fi rst Tuesday of each month
from 6:15-7:15 p.m., facilitated
by Karl Davis. Attendance is
free. Class size is limited, and
good fi tting masks are required.
According to the art center,
“because it’s diffi cult to dis-
tance with this activity, we are
asking that participants bring
proof of vaccination to their
fi rst session.”
Beginning Adult Ukulele:
Held Tuesdays from 6:15-
7:15 p.m. and taught by Ian
Summerfi eld, this workshop
is for adults who want to learn
to play the ukulele. Bring your
own instrument, or borrow one
from the center. Class size is
limited, and masks are required.
Cost is $60 members, $65
nonmembers. Advanced players
can send an email to director@
pendletonarts.org to be on a
waiting list for future classes.
Guitar for Beginners: Learn
basic guitar skills and build a
foundation for playing all kinds
of music in this workshop with
Charlie Herrington on Tuesdays
from 6-7 p.m. No guitar experi-
ence is necessary. Class size is
limited, and masks are required.
Students can join anytime at
a pro-rated price. Cost is $55
members, $60 nonmembers.
Guitar for Beginners 2:
Charlie Herrington leads this
continuation of a guitar work-
shop on Tuesdays from 7:15-
8:15 p.m. Students can join
anytime at a pro-rated price.
Cost is $55 members, $60 non-
11am-8pm Tuesday-Saturday
A class on “Hand Built Clay Forms” meets Tuesdays at the Pendleton Center
for the Arts.
members. Class size is limited
and masks are required.
Hand Built Clay Forms:
Brian Purnell leads this class on
Tuesdays from 6-7 p.m. Those
interested are asked to email
classes@pendletonarts.org to
be on a waiting list for the next
session. The class is for begin-
ner, intermediate and advanced
students. No experience is
necessary. Class size is limited
to four people. Masks and proof
of vaccination are required. Cost
is $100 members, $105 non-
members. There is also a $15
materials fee.
Drawing to See: Led by Shari
Dallas, this workshop is held on
Wednesdays from 6-7:30 p.m.
The four-part series is open to all
abilities. Cost is $95 members,
$100 nonmembers. The materi-
als fee is $15.
141 Main St. John Day OR