East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 09, 2021, Page 36, Image 36

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NOVEMBER 9–17, 2021
Pinochle: All are welcome;
1 p.m.; Union County Senior Cen-
ter, 1504 N. Albany, La Grande.
Jackpot Bingo: Doors open
at 12:30 p.m., games at 1 p.m.;
Baker County Senior Center,
2810 Cedar St., Baker City.
Bookminders Book Club:
1:30-3 p.m.; Hermiston Public
Library, 235 E. Gladys Ave.
Kids in the Kitchen: After-
school cooking club for 3rd-5th
grades; 3:45-4:45 p.m.; Catherine
Creek Community Center, 667 N.
Main St., Union.
Bingo: Doors open at 5 p.m.,
games at 6 p.m.; Union County
Senior Center, 1504 N. Albany, La
Hatrockhounds Gem & Min-
eral Society: 6:30 p.m.; free; First
Christian Church, 775 W. High-
land Ave., Hermiston.
Teen iCraft: All teens wel-
come; 4 p.m.; free; Community
Room, Cook Memorial Library,
2006 Fourth St., La Grande.
Bingo: Hosted by Elgin Lions;
doors open at 6 p.m., games at
6:30 p.m.; Elgin Community Cen-
ter, 260 N. 10th Ave.
Veterans Day Parade & Spa-
ghetti Dinner: 11 a.m., Adams
original work in a virtual concert;
7-9 p.m.; join livestream at www.
MONDAY 11/15
Boardman Quilt Group:
9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; Boardman
Senior Center, 100 Tatone St.
Jackpot Bingo: Doors open
at 5:30 p.m., games at 6 p.m.;
Baker County Senior Center,
2810 Cedar St., Baker City.
Oregon Trail Gem & Mineral
Society: 6 p.m.; Pendleton City
Hall community room, 501 SW
Emigrant Ave.
The Observer, File
The annual Veterans Day Parade in La Grande was canceled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it will return at
11 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021.
Avenue, La Grande; spaghetti din-
ner follows at American Legion
Hall, 301 Fir St. (free to members,
$5 other veterans and the public).
Knitting Group: Noon-2 p.m.;
Painted Sky Center for the Arts,
118 Washington St., Canyon City.
12 Aces Pinochle: 1 p.m.;
Union County Senior Center,
1504 N. Albany, La Grande.
Desert Belles Garden Club:
1 p.m.; Hermiston; call 541-567-
8019 for location.
Pendleton Bird Club: Guest
speaker; everyone welcome;
7 p.m.; join virtual gathering via
Zoom link at www.pendletonbird-
FRIDAY 11/12
Piano Jam: Join ragtime pia-
nist Keith Taylor for an hour of
free music; 4 p.m.; Crossroads
Carnegie Art Center, 2020 Au-
burn Ave., Baker City.
Pinochle Social Club:
7-9 p.m.; Union County Senior
Center, 1504 N. Albany St., La
Holiday Bazaar: 9 a.m.-
noon; Presbyterian Friendship
Center, 1204 Spring Ave., La
Mary Stewart Christmas
Craft Sale: Homemade, hand-
made and upcycled items;
9 a.m.-noon; Milton-Freewater
Community Building, 109 NE
Fifth St.
Online Writing Workshop —
The Secret of Energy: One-day
workshop led by Karen Auvinen;
10 a.m.-2 p.m.; $120; register at
Hip & Handmade: Infor-
mal drop-in arts and crafts for
grownups; 10:30-11:30 a.m.;
free; Pendleton Center for the
Arts, 214 N. Main St.
Tunesmith Night: Three
songwriters sharing their
Storytime at Grant County
Library: 10 a.m.; 507 S. Canyon
Blvd., John Day.
Storytime at Baker County
Library: 10 a.m.; 2400 Resort
St., Baker City.
Pinochle: 1 p.m.; Union
County Senior Center, 1504 N.
Albany, La Grande.
Jackpot Bingo: Doors open
at 12:30 p.m., games at 1 p.m.;
Baker County Senior Center,
2810 Cedar St., Baker City.
Laser Tag Games: Dinner
available; 4:30-8 p.m.; John Day
Elks Lodge, 140 NE Dayton St.
Kids in the Kitchen: After-
school cooking club for 3rd-5th
grades; 3:45-4:45 p.m.; Cath-
erine Creek Community Center,
667 N. Main St., Union.