B14 East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Tuesday, November 9, 2021 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M. SCHULZ A son’s career in ‘family business’ comes at a cost FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE B.C. PICKLES BEETLE BAILEY BY LYNN JOHNSTON BY MASTROIANNI AND HART BY BRIAN CRANE guarantee he gets the business in Dear Abby: My ex-husband the event of Dad’s demise. (No and I have been divorced 24 one lives forever, as the saying years and, now that our children goes.) If Dad refuses, your son are grown, we have minimal will be better off looking for an- contact. We see and speak to other job rather than waste any each other only when there’s a more of his time. wedding or a birthday party for Dear Abby: Almost 40 years our grandson. J EANNE ago, I betrayed a friend. She was Three years ago, our 34-year- P HILLIPS a classmate, and we went to the old son went to work for his ADVICE same church. Along with others, father with the promise that I suggested she was someone “someday the business would be who slept around and had an his.” Our son left a well-paying job to work for his father, but from past STD. At the time, I didn’t even complete- experience I know my ex isn’t trustwor- ly understand what an STD was; I just thy. He often lies to get what he wants, went along with the crowd. I have often and his promises rarely come to fruition. regretted that day. I was never the kind Now I’m hearing from former in-laws of person to do that to someone. I have I’ve remained close to, as well as our oth- felt awful for publicly shaming her. I tried reaching out to her on Face- er children, that my ex does nothing but complain and belittle our son. He shares book, but she will not acknowledge me. every mistake our son has made over the I really don’t blame her. Our 40th class last three years and even personal infor- reunion is coming up soon, and I see on mation about our son’s finances. Natu- the class website she plans to be there. I rally, it upsets me to hear these things. would like to see some of our classmates, What do I do? Should I tell my son what but I’m ashamed. With all my heart, I am his father is saying about him? Do I con- sorry for what I did back then, but I am front my ex, even though I’m sure he will afraid she might call me out on it. What deny saying these things? Or should I just should I do? — Ashamed In Texas Dear Ashamed: Stop stalking your butt out, because, after all, my son is an former classmate on Facebook to adult? — Caught In The Middle Dear Caught: Talk to your son. Tell soothe your guilty conscience. You may him what these relatives are repeating not have known back in high school to you. It’s better than remaining silent what an STD was, but you were aware and letting him stay in the dark. How he of the cruelty of slut-shaming. Attend chooses to deal with his father after that the reunion, and if she “calls you out,” is up to him — including telling dear old apologize to her privately and hope she Dad he needs something in writing to forgives you. BY MORT WALKER DAYS GONE BY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND JOHN MARSHALL 100 Years Ago Nov. 11, 1921 Twenty-seven members of our own Troop D, famous as Pendleton’s cavalry regiment, have during the past six months made claims for increased compensation or for hospital- ization, according to records of the Umatilla county Red Cross. Aid given to the pleas of Umatilla county ex-service men is made possible through the Red Cross, but the orga- nization must have funds to carry on the work. The 1921 Roll Call now in progress is necessary if there is to be money to carry on the peace-time program of “The Greatest Mother in the World.” Instead of the work of the Red Cross growing less, it is constantly growing greater. In addition to civilian cases, many ex-service men who at the end of the war seemed in good health, are now suffering from after effects. 50 Years Ago Nov. 11, 1971 The Oregon Court of Appeals ruled that the Hermiston School District had no right to reduce the salary of Robert W. George when it dismissed him as head football coach at the high school. George was employed on a three- year contract at a $9,300 annual salary base plus $2,000 for coaching. At the end of the 1968 season, after one year of the contract, the school board dismissed George as coach but retained him as a teacher. At the same time the board canceled the $2,000 extra salary. 25 Years Ago Nov. 11, 1996 Memories were shared and new ones made on Veterans Day in Heppner, when more than 100 area residents gathered to dedicate a new flagpole and memorial at the Mini-Park on Highway 74 at the edge of town. A highlight of the mid-day event was a flyover by two F-15 fighter jets. The Air National Guard jets, from the 142nd Fighter Wing in Portland, were the grand finale of the dedication of a marble plaque engraved with the names of Morrow County residents who lost their lives while serving their country. The flagpole was the donation of Bud Batty, who served in the 391st Bomb Squadron in World War II and flew 54 missions as a navigator. It was Batty who came up with the idea of a jet fighter flyover. The marble plaque was made possible through donations and compliments of the garden club project started in June when a Blue Star Marker was dedicated, a tribute to all those who have served or will serve in the military. TODAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY PARKER AND HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN On Nov. 11, 1620, 41 Pilgrims aboard the May- flower, anchored off Mas- sachusetts, signed a com- pact calling for a “body politick.” In 1831, former slave Nat Turner, who’d led a slave uprising, was execut- ed in Jerusalem, Virginia. In 1921, the remains of an unidentified Ameri- can service member were interred in a Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cem- etery in a ceremony pre- sided over by President Warren G. Harding. In 1938, Irish-born cook Mary Mallon, who’d gained notoriety as the disease-carrying “Ty- phoid Mary” blamed for the deaths of three people, died on North Brother Is- land in New York’s East River at age 69 after 23 years of mandatory quar- antine. In 1966, Gemini 12 blasted off on a four-day mission with astronauts James A. Lovell and Ed- win “Buzz” Aldrin Jr. aboard; it was the tenth and final flight of NASA’s Gemini program. In 1972, the U.S. Army turned over its base at Long Binh to the South Vietnamese, sym- bolizing the end of direct U.S. military in- volvement in the Vietnam War. In 1987, following the failure of two Supreme Court nominations, Presi- dent Ronald Reagan an- nounced his choice of Judge Anthony M. Ken- nedy, who went on to win confirmation. In 1992, the Church of England voted to ordain women as priests. In 1998, President Clinton ordered warships, planes and troops to the Persian Gulf as he laid out his case for a possible at- tack on Iraq. Iraq, mean- while, showed no sign of backing down from its refusal to deal with U.N. weapons inspectors. In 2003, in Galves- ton, Texas, millionaire Robert Durst was found not guilty of murder- ing Morris Black, an el- derly neighbor who Durst said he’d killed acciden- tally. PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE