WE ARE HIRING! E4 OCTOBER 2021 WE’RE HIRING AT OUR PENDLETON, E E E OREGON LOCATION 501 NW WESTGATE, PENDLETON, OREGON 97801 OPENINGS PRODUCTION BAGGER/ SET UP / OPERATOR, FORKLIFT, MAINTENANCE TECH We Offer: • Excellent pay starting at $ 16.55 hr baggers/ $ 18.55 hr Operators • $ 25+/hr Maintenance Tech (DOE) Referral bonuses bonuses of of $ 750 & $ 1000 • • Referral Medical plan, plan, dental dental & & vision vision ion • • Medical ion starting at $ .07 a month 54.07 .07 .07 • Shift Premiums: 2 nd Shift = $ 0.85 3 rd shift = $ 1.05 Full time time with with benefits benefits *3 *3 shifts shifts • Full Full time with benefits *3 shifts no no • Part time hours (5 hrs per day/no no benefits) benefits) Equal Opportunity Employer: Minority/Female/ Disability / Veteran CALL (541) 966-5901 or APPLY ONLINE: WWW.NEWLYWEDSFOODS.COM/COMPANY/CAREERS More resumé tips Your resumés will be the first impression of you that recruiters will get, so you need to make sure your resumé is impressionable. Here’s some tips to get you started: Resumé myths There are plenty of myths and tales when it comes to resumés. Some are rules or standards that are outdated and others are trends that have passed. We’ve got a list of those myths to avoid as you are writing your resumé. Needing references on your resumé is one of the myths that have become outdated. You will need references, but you won’t exactly need to state them on your resumé. Recruiters will ask for references when you apply for the position. References won’t really matter until the later stages of your application process and you can just state those references to them or send them an email with them listed. Another debunked myth is about the length of your resumé. The “standard” resumé is said to be one page, easy to read and to-the-point. Although two of those things actually matter, the length of your resumé does not. Your resumé should be one page if you do not have much job experience or barely getting into the work force. It could also be one page because you are using experience for a certain position. But other than that, use two or three pages as needed. Don’t be afraid to show off your value on that resumé by listing all applicable experience and achievements on your resumé. Another myth is one we are all afraid of is that spelling errors disqualify you. It’s important you make sure you proofread your resumé and correct everything you see misspelled or wrong, but at the same time grammatical errors don’t mean your resumé ends up tossed aside. Your resumé format doesn’t matter. There is no certain guaranteed way to make your resumé appeal more to people and recruiters other than what is in your resumé. Your skills and experience matter over the format; today recruiters are more worried about that and your social skills. Format has been a factor in resumés that have stressed job-seekers everywhere. Relax, most recruiters don’t care what format your resumé is in as long as it is neat and clean. When listing job experience, most people use years to show how long they were with a company. As we said before, you want all the information in your resumé to support you and sell yourself to the recruiter — you never want to leave room for interpretation. Add months to your start and end dates. Don’t let recruiters get suspicious and question your loyalty and experience.