A16 East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Tuesday, October 19, 2021 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M. SCHULZ Ex doesn’t know reader’s rape destroyed marriage FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE B.C. PICKLES BEETLE BAILEY BY LYNN JOHNSTON BY MASTROIANNI AND HART BY BRIAN CRANE er mentions my name on Face- Dear Abby: Thirty-five years book. Should I bring this up? ago I was raped by a stranger. — Current Wife In Texas He told me he would kill me if Dear Current Wife: By all I ever told anyone. I never told means bring it up — all of it — my husband (now ex-), mostly and tell him how it makes you because I was afraid if I did he feel. He may be trying to keep would never touch me again. So his late wife’s memory alive by I lived with the secret. It eventu- J EANNE wishing her happy birthday on ally tore our marriage apart and P HILLIPS Facebook, but as far as Face- we divorced. ADVICE book’s reach may be, I’m pretty Although we have both sure the messages don’t reach moved on and remarried, we the great beyond. That he would have remained in touch. I am 60 now and he is 64. I yearn to tell him the mention her birthday and not yours is in- story before one of us leaves this Earth. sensitive. And comparing you to her, un- Please advise me on this. — Still Not less the comparison is favorable, is more of the same. Over It In Maryland Dear Abby: We invited friends over to Dear Still Not Over: If it will bring you comfort, reveal the secret you hid enjoy our bounty from a successful fish- from your ex-husband. However, before ing trip. They live about an hour away. you do, I urge you to first disclose it to They accepted our invitation, then fol- someone trained to help victims of rape. lowed up with, “Can you put us and our If there’s a rape treatment center near two dogs up overnight if we drink too you, please make an appointment. If much?” I replied that we meant the in- there isn’t one, a referral from your doc- vitation for humans only this time. They tor to a licensed mental health profes- replied, “We’re sorry you don’t want our well-behaved ‘girls’ in your newly remod- sional would also be beneficial. Dear Abby: My husband and I have eled home.” And, Abby, they didn’t come! been married a year and a half, although Was I wrong? Should I have handled this we’ve been together off and on for more better? I’m kind of feeling like they were than 13 years. I sometimes get the feeling wrong. — Animal Lover, But ... Dear Lover: I’m also kind of feeling that he married me only because he was tired of being alone. He often compares they overreacted. If you preferred they me to his late wife, and he always com- not bring uninvited guests, whether of memorates both her birthday and the the two-footed or four-footed variety, you were within your rights to refuse to day she passed away. Every year he posts happy birthday, have them. Please stop second-guessing and her name, on Facebook, but he nev- yourself. BY MORT WALKER DAYS GONE BY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND JOHN MARSHALL 100 Years Ago Oct. 19, 1921 It’s possible, unless there is some inter- ference with the course of present events, that Pendletonians may have the privilege of looking at a beaver dam built within city limits. E. A. Averill vouches for the truth of the statement. There has been one soli- tary beaver operating along the Walters mill race and river since last February and Sunday night the little animal felled a cottonwood tree on the mill race. The tree is about 100 yards below the Main street bridge, and the beaver has been gnaw- ing away on it at intervals since early last spring. There are some obstacles to the realization of the beaver’s plans for a dam, however, because the first tree has lodged against another smaller tree, and Averill is watching with a great deal of interest to see what action the “engineer” will take to overcome the obstacle. 50 Years Ago Oct. 19, 1971 How do Pendleton’s barbers feel about the current long hair fashion among young men and boys? Do they hate it, and are they trying to influence a change back to the close- cropped haircut? No, said several shop owners interviewed in a two-day survey of the tonso- rial situation here. “We simply don’t see the long-haired kids,” said Tony Svetich, owner of the Town and Country barber shop next to Stewart’s Market, “They chop off their own hair, or have their girl friends do it.” Kenny McKowen of the Western Barber Shop of SE 1st, across from the Tapadera, said he has no idea how long the long-hair fashion will last. “I’ve never seen hair so long,” he said, as he clipped away the fuzz on the neck of busi- nessman Jim Hartley. Hartley was getting a standard American haircut — short on the top and in back, no sideburns. 25 Years Ago Oct. 19, 1996 The City Council of Pendleton voted unanimously Tuesday to shut off the old air raid siren atop City Hall that has announced noon in piercing decibels for about four decades. The downtown City Hall siren will be formally disconnected Nov. 1. Margaret Sams, who own and operates Cut It Again Sams next to City Hall, says she hates the idea of losing the lunch whistle. “It’s been a real part of Pendleton since after the war,” Sams said. “It’s a Pendleton tradition.” TODAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY PARKER AND HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN On Oct. 19, 2001, U.S. special forces began op- erations on the ground in Afghanistan, opening a significant new phase of the assault against the Taliban and al-Qaida. In 1781, British troops under Gen. Lord Corn- wallis surrendered at Yorktown, Virginia, as the American Revolution neared its end. In 1789, John Jay was sworn in as the first Chief Justice of the United States. In 1944, the U.S. Navy began accepting Black women into WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Ser- vice). In 1953, the Ray Brad- bury novel “Fahrenheit 451,” set in a dystopian future where books are banned and burned by the government, was first published by Ballantine Books. In 1960, the Rev. Mar- tin Luther King Jr. was arrested during a sit-down protest at a lunch counter in Atlanta. (Sent to prison for a parole violation over a traffic offense, King was released after three days following an appeal by Robert F. Kennedy.) In 1977, the supersonic Concorde made its first landing in New York City. In 1987, the stock mar- ket crashed as the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 508 points, or 22.6 percent in value, to close at 1,738.74 in what came to be known as “Black Monday.” In 2002, in York, Pa., former mayor Charlie Robertson was acquitted and two other men were convicted in the shotgun slaying of Lillie Belle Al- len, a young Black wom- an, during riots that tore the city apart in 1969. In 2010, the Pentagon directed the military to accept openly gay recruits for the first time. In 2015, Canadians voted for a sharp change in their government as the Liberals led by Jus- tin Trudeau, the son of a former prime minister, won a landslide victory to end Conservative Stephen Harper’s near decade in office. PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE