East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 25, 2021, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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East Oregonian
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Terri Lee Hahn
Aug. 31, 1948 — Sept. 16, 2021
After a beautiful life rich many strangers were dear to
with self-discovery, love and Terri. She embraced humans
adventure, Terri Lee Hahn in their entirety, flaws and
said goodbye to her friends, all, and was always ready
family and the
with a compassion-
ate ear and hugs. She
earthly plain to
continue on to the
could laugh at some-
next chapter of her
thing silly and cry
journey on Sept.
with you when you
16, 2021.
needed it most, all in
the same afternoon.
Terri, one of 11
Ter r i wal ked
children from two
combined fami-
through the world
lies, was born to
with a vibrant,
Donald Fullerton
almost childlike
and Jean (Grub)
wonder. Travel,
Fu l le r t o n o n
whether to the
Aug. 31, 1948, in Pendleton, grocery to try a new kind of
Oregon. She married Ron Kombucha, with her kids on
Hahn in 1966 and followed road trips in the family van,
him from Navy port to or on a flight to a foreign
port until eventually, the land, like China, Tibet,
couple resettled in Pendle- Japan, Europe or Mexico,
ton. Together, they had two energized her and brought
sons, Dean in 1966 and Andy even more color and depth to
in 1973. During her sons’ her world. In art classes, she
school years, she took a job made beautiful stained glass
as a school bus driver so she pieces. On trips to Breiten-
could be home for them every bush, Indralaya and Holly-
afternoon. Subsequently, she hock in Canada, she explored
spent 20 years working at her spiritual awareness and
Blue Mountain Community strove always for increased
College. She and Ron also love and understanding.
spent over 20 years running
Terri hoped, in retirement,
Full Circle Bodywork & to make many more trips with
Massage practice out of Ron, including nearby to their
their home; Terri had many beloved Country Fair and as
devoted clients who appre- far away as Vietnam, but alas,
ciated her strong hands and was diagnosed shortly there-
sharp elbows.
after with Alzheimer’s.
When Terri’s son, Andy,
Wherever Terri’s spirit
married Addie and the pair rests now, she has lodged
produced two grandsons, herself here into the hearts of
Oslo and then Ansel, Terri too many to count. Her affec-
was overjoyed. In anticipation tion, humility and kindness
of Oslo’s birth in 2011, Terri made the world a brighter,
took juggling and ukulele more forgiving place. In
lessons so she could be a 2017, shortly after her demen-
“cool grandma” and provide tia diagnosis, she was visit-
her grandkids with live enter- ing her son’s family home.
tainment as they grew. A In an ordinary moment, with
skilled thrifter, she created her then 6-year-old grand-
magnificent wardrobes for son running laps around the
herself and both grandkids kitchen, she turned to Oslo
for very little money and and paused to rest her hand on
made holidays unforgetta- his arm. “If I never saw you
ble with ever-patient, many- again,” she said, “I would love
hours-long Easter egg hunts you to the ends of the earth.”
and hotel suites decorated for Given who she was, we trust
Christmas’ at McMenamins Terri felt this way about many
whose paths she crossed.
Terri drew loving souls We too, as those who were
toward her; not surpris- honored to receive her love,
ingly, she had armfuls of feel the same way about her.
The Hahns will host a
special friends she main-
tained close ties with until celebration of life when the
the very end. Good friends, COVID-19 risk declines
family, animals, neighbors, — hopefully sometime this
massage clients and even spring.
Bill Feigner
May 8, 1943 — Sept. 23, 2021
Bill Feigner, 78, of Milton-Freewater, died Thursday,
Sept. 23, 2021, at Milton-Freewater Health and Rehabilita-
tion Center. He was born May 8, 1943. Arrangements are
with Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home of Milton-Freewater.
Raul Mendiola III
March 16, 1990 — Aug. 30, 2021
Raul Mendiola III, 31, of Hermiston died Aug. 30, 2021,
at his home. He was born March 16, 1990, in Mission, Texas.
Arrangements are pending with Burns Mortuary of Hermis-
ton. Please share memories of Raul with his family at burns-
John Alan Bennett
Nov. 5, 1950 — Sept. 18, 2021
Baker City
John Alan Bennett, 70, died Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021, at
St. Alphonsus Medical Center in Boise. He was born Nov.
5, 1950. A celebration of life will be held Saturday, Oct. 2
at 11 a.m. at Gray’s West & Company Pioneer Chapel in
Baker City. A reception will follow at Coles Tribute Center.
Arrangements are with Gray’s West & Company Pioneer
Chapel. To light a candle for John, or to send condolences to
his family, please visit grayswestco.com.
Bonnie Lucille Chinn
Sept. 28, 1927 — Sept. 19, 2021
College Place
Bonnie Lucille Chinn, 93, of College Place, Washing-
ton, died Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021, at Providence St. Mary
Medical Center, Walla Walla. She was born Sept. 28, 1927.
Arrangements are with Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home of
Duane Godsey Wood
April 29, 1940 — Sept. 20, 2021
Duane Godsey Wood
was born April 29, 1940,
and passed away on
Monday, Sept. 20, 2021.
He was born to Marvin and
Vada Wood in Baker City.
He was the fifth of five
children, Darrell, Melvin,
Darwin and Carol.
He is survived by his
sister, Carol; wife, Chris;
and six children, their wives
and families: Robert and
Heather Wood, Jeffrey and
Jennifer Wood, Kimberly
and David Nall, Leslie and
Nathan Kerns, Melissa and
Travis Stoddard, David and
Etta Wood; 26 grandchil-
dren; and 11 great-grand-
children and as of today
three more on the way.
Duane’s first wife, Ardythe,
passed away in 2008. Upon
marrying Chris in 2010,
Duane gained eight other
children; 16 grandchil-
dren; and two great-grand-
Duane spent most of his
childhood in Union. He
was active in sports and
disinterested in school. He
played football, basketball
and track. He was the state
high jump champion in
1958. He loved to hunt and
worked with his dad in the
logging business.
Duane grew up knowing
Ardythe Wilde, and would
sit behind her and pull her
hair in school. Ardythe’s
parents were the stake
missionaries and taught
Duane the gospel of Jesus
Christ. A year after his
baptism, Duane went on a
mission to Kentucky. Upon
return from his mission in
1962, he married Ardythe
in the Logan Utah Temple.
Duane graduated from
Oregon State University
with a degree in micro-
biology. They eventually
settled in Pendleton where
they raised their six chil-
dren. Duane’s love of the
outdoors led to many camp-
ing trips and trips to the
Duane loved his Heav-
enly Father and Jesus
Christ. As a member of
the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints, he
served with the youth for
many years, was a bishop
in the Pendleton first ward
and president of the Walla
Walla Stake. He served a
mission to Okinawa, Japan,
with Ardythe in 2004.
Upon Ardythe’s death in
2008, Duane became reac-
quainted with Christine
Baxter from La Grande and
they were married in 2010.
The distance of their chil-
dren led them to travel all
over the United States and
Duane was diagnosed
with idiopathic pulmonary
fibrosis in 2012. This was
the cause of his persistent
cough. As big of a burden
as his cough was, he said it
reminded him that he was
alive. Duane was quietly
patriotic and loved this
land. He found deep respect
as he walked in nature. He
said it spoke to him and told
him, “Be Good.”
Joyce Marie Weathermon (Evans)
Nov. 12, 1958 — Sept. 17, 2021
Joyce Marie Weather- ing activities, spending time
mon (Evans) was born in with her grandchildren,
Toppenish, Washington, crafting, quilting and family
on Nov. 12, 1958. She grew campouts.
up in Richland
Joyce is preceded
and Benton City,
in death by her
Wa s h i n g t o n ,
mother and step-
father, Louise and
where she gradu-
ated from Ki-Be
Lloyd Jud k i n s;
High School in
step-sister, Bambi
Judkins; and step-
Joyce attended
b r o t h e r, Lloyd
business college
Judkins II.
as well as Eastern
She is survived
Oregon Univer-
by her husband,
sity where she
Lynn Weather-
mon; child ren,
studied early
childhood development.
Justin (Catherine) Weather-
In 1980, she married the mon, Danielle (James) Snell,
love of her life, Lynn Weath- Crystal (David) Olden;
grandchildren, Brooks,
After moving to Stan- Isabelle and Henry; her
field in 1990, Joyce opened father, David Evans; her
a daycare and also started sister, Tina Rossine; and
a daycare program at the brother, Allen Evans.
local high school where she
A celebration of Joyce’s
later became the high school life will be held at the Island
secretary. Joyce and Lynn City City Hall, 10605 Island
retired to Tollgate in 2019 Ave., Oct. 3 at 11 a.m.
where they would travel Friends and family may
and spend time with their share memories of Joyce
and leave condolences to the
Joyce’s passions were family at mountainview-co-
raising her children and lonialdewitt.com.
attending their many sport-
Shannon Leigh Byler
April 4, 1966 — Sept. 16, 2021
Nampa, Idaho
The family of Shannon team was the Boise State
Leigh Byler are heartbroken Broncos, and you could see
to announce her passing on her at almost every home
Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021, game (even when she was
living in Vancou-
after a decades
ve r, Wa sh i ng-
long battle with
ton, and Portland,
cancer at her
home in Nampa,
Oregon). In addi-
Idaho, with loved
tion to her beloved
ones. Shannon’s
Broncos, Shannon
spirit and zest
also loved root-
ing for the Seat-
for life was that
of someone that
tle Seahawks and
does not come
Seattle Mariners
along very often,
and could be seen
and she passed
from time-to-time
at those games.
leaving many,
many friends both personal Shannon also had her hand
and online whom she loved in drag racing and was at
dearly and they in turn loved the track pretty much every
her. It is not a stretch to say weekend during race season
that if you knew Shannon, and loved watching her
you loved her, and she gave soulmate, Scott Utter, race
at places like Woodburn.
that love right back.
Shannon had a smile and Needless to say, Shannon
sparkling eyes that would was a sports fanatic.
Shannon also loved her
light up a room when she
walked into it, so much so job. Shannon was a senior
that people were drawn to loan processor and worked
her. Shannon’s love for them at Summit Mortgage in
was evident in the way she Vancouver for many years
treated them and helped and loved it. Shannon
them in whatever way she enjoyed helping people
with loans and especially
A lt houg h Sha n non spending time with her
battled cancer for many, co-employees whom she
many years, she was always considered to be family.
positive and upbeat. In fact,
Shannon was prede-
if you didn’t know Shan- ceased by her grandpar-
non had cancer, you would ents, Warren and Mary
not have been able to tell Dale Keeney, and Lloyd and
because she lived her life Dorothy Galde; her uncles,
with such gusto. Shan- Pete Galde, Ted Galde and
non also did her best to lift Michael Keeney; and her
others up and help them aunt, Kris Keeney. Shan-
battle whatever they were non is survived by her
dealing within.
father, Warren Keeney; her
Shannon was a loving mother, Susan Reiman; her
mother, daughter, sister, brothers, Mick Keeney and
soulmate and friend. Shan- Jacob Keeney; her sister,
non doted on her children Jetta Meadows; her daugh-
and grandchildren, going ter, Jen Byler; and son,
to most (if not all) of their Logan Byler; Jen’s daughter,
athletic games. Shannon Brooklyn; and son, Luca;
was particularly excited that her soulmate, Scott Utter;
her granddaughter played numerous aunts, uncles and
varsity softball and that her cousins.
grandson had started play-
In lieu of flowers, the
ing T-ball.
family asks that a dona-
Shannon loved football tion be made in her name to
and baseball. Her favorite breast cancer research.
Patsy Marie ‘Pat’ Vincent
March 15, 1937 — Sept. 20, 2021
Patsy Marie “Pat”
Later they moved to
Vincent, 84, died Sept. 20, Ukiah and together with
2021, at her home in Ukiah. their son, ran a restaurant/
She was born March 15, gas station/laundromat.
1937, in John Day
Pat pumped her
to Donald Alexan-
last tank of gas
der and Ida Cora
at age 81. Pat
“Ullman” Sheff.
was an excellent
Patsy moved
cook who made
with her family to
the best pies and
Ukiah in 1941. In
potato salad ever
1955, she gradu-
and was warm
a nd welcom-
ated from Ukiah
ing to those who
High School and
frequented the
then on Aug.
business. In her
14 she married
later years, she
James Douglas
“Doug” Vincent. In 1964, loved baking desserts for her
they packed their five little Bunko and Bingo friends.
children into a school bus Pat was much loved by the
they had converted into a many hunters and mush-
camper and drove to Alaska. room gatherers who made a
They lived for a while in point of visiting when they
Fairbanks, Alaska, and came through Ukiah every
Valdez, Alaska, and then year.
settled in Alaska Village for
Survivors include her
several happy years. After children, Neena Leran of
Doug sustained a perma- Wasilla, Alaska, Vonnie
nently disabling injury and Ceja of Vancouver, Wash-
their son, Douglas, died, ington, Terrie Lockwood
they packed up and returned of Portland, Dan Vincent of
to Oregon in 1975.
Ukiah; sisters, Betty Barber
Over the years, Pat and of Ukiah, Nancy Rogers
Doug worked side-by-side of Irrigon, Joedy Flitner of
(and with some of their Mountain View, Wyoming;
children) as they owned uncle, Westley Hearld of
and operated several small Pilot Rock; eight grandchil-
businesses. They owned dren, 12 great-grandchil-
a truck repair shop. They dren and numerous nieces
rebuilt wrecked trucks and and nephews.
custom built water tank
A graveside service
trucks, with Pat climbing will be held at 11 a.m. on
inside and welding them Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2021,
from the inside while Doug at Ukiah Cemetery. A recep-
welded from the outside. tion will follow at the Ukiah
Pat created beautiful tuck- Senior Center. Share online
and-roll upholstery for the condolences with the family
at pioneerchapel.com.
Saturday, Sept. 25
Barker, Stephanie —
Celebration of life at 3 p.m. at
Victory Park Square, Herm-
Bush, Bill — Celebration
of life picnic at noon at Hat
Rock State Park picnic area,
near Umatilla.
Farr, Amber — Celebra-
tion of life 1-4 p.m. at Spillway
Park, near Umatilla. Desserts
and bottled water available.
Bring lawn chairs, and favorite
pictures and stories to share.
Nickerson, Robert —
Graveside funeral service at
2 p.m., Pilot Rock Cemetery.
Reception to follow at Life
Church, 222 S.W. Third St.,
Pilot Rock.
Osgood, Kaylee — Cele-
bration of life service at 1 p.m.
at the Family Worship Center,
330 Eighth St. N.E., Irrigon.
Pettit, Chuck — Grave-
side service with military
honors at 11 a.m. at the Herm-
iston Cemetery. Celebration of
life gathering follows, noon to
3 p.m. at the Eastern Oregon
Trade and Event Center, 1705
E. Airport Road, Hermiston.
P l o y h a r, C o l l e e n
— Graveside memorial
service at 10 a.m., Heppner
Masonic Cemetery.
Schutter, Francis and
Vonna — Celebration of life at
1 p.m. at the Morrow County
Fairgrounds, 97836 High-
way 74, Heppner. A meal will
Slabik, Raymond — Mass
of Christian burial at 10 a.m.,
St. Helen Catholic Church 740
S.W. Birch St., Pilot Rock, with
graveside burial following at
the Pilot Rock Cemetery; with
refreshments afterwards at the
Waldman, Sue — Cele-
bration of life and Mass
at 11 a.m. at St. Andrew’s
Mission Church, 48022 St.
Andrews Road, Mission, with
a lunch to follow.
Wickers, Roger —
Memorial service at 3 p.m. at
the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, 15 Grant St.,
Wood, Duane — Funeral
service at 1 p.m. at the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints, 609 N.W. 12th St.,
Tuesday, Sept. 28
Beck, Roscella — Memo-
rial service at 11 a.m., Peace
Lutheran Church, 210 N.W.
Ninth St., Pendleton.