East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 11, 2021, Page 6, Image 6

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East Oregonian
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Barbara Jean Schleede
(Taylor) passed peacefully
from this world on July 3,
2021, surrounded by her
family. A celebration of life
will be at a later date when
it is safer to gather together.
Barbara was born on May
30, 1932, in Snoqualmie,
Washington, to Robert and
Irene Taylor. Their second
daughter, she joined older
sister, Beverly, and was later
joined by siblings, Dale,
Bertie & Merly.
Barbie, as she was known,
spent her early years living
in the Snoqualmie Valley,
roaming the hills around her
family’s home. Barbara loved
that part of the country and
went back regularly for many
years. In 1947 her family
relocated from North Bend,
Washington, to College
Place, where her parents
owned the Malt Shop, a
local hangout for students
at Walla Walla University.
She was raised Seventh-day
Adventist and had a very
personal relationship with
the Lord throughout her life.
She graduated from Auburn
Adventist Academy where
she made many lifelong
friends in 1951.
Back in College Place,
Barbara met Wally Schleede,
a handsome man with wavy
black hair and an infec-
tious sense of humor from
the neighboring town of
Milton-Freewater. He loved
hanging out and “work-
ing” with her at her parent’s
Malt Shop and she quickly
realized he was the genu-
ine thing. On Dec. 28, 1952,
Wally and Barbara were
married in College Place.
They eventually settled in
Pendleton, where they both
remained until they passed.
On Dec. 6, 1954, their fi rst
daughter, Kathryn, was born
followed by daughters, Becki
and Linda, and finally on
what Barbara vowed would
be her last child, a son, Rich-
ard, arrived. A stay-at-home
mom, Barbara was very
involved with her children’s
school and social activities
and their friends who were
always welcomed into her
Barbara Jean Schleede (Taylor)
Carmen Rosetta Harns
May 30, 1932 — July 3, 2021
Aug. 24, 1946 — Sept. 3, 2021
home. Everybody wanted to Valor, Saving Grace, Safe
come to her house!
Haven and Cason’s Place
Once Richard started to name a few. She made
school, Barbara was ready quilts for many teachers and
to go back to work and for friends of her kids and
grandkids. Her
went to work
quilts in all colors,
in food service
patterns, and sizes
for t he lo ca l
are spread all over
school district.
the country and
She worked first
beyond and have
at Washing ton
provided warmth
then West Hills
and comfort to
School until it
someone when
closed and she
was transferred to
they needed it
Sunridge Middle
most. Her family
School where she
st ill pract ices
remained until she
passing certain
retired. She watched many “shared” quilts around the
Pendleton kids grow up and family so everyone has a
kept tabs on many of them as chance to enjoy them.
The year of she and Wally’s
Barbara loved to sew, fi rst 50th wedding anniversary, she
making dresses and Barbie made everyone in the family
doll clothes for her daughters a new bed-sized Christmas
and early in the ‘70s shifting quilt and several years ago at
to quilt making. She quickly a family reunion she fi nished
became hooked and started 23 quilts that were shared with
making quilts out of any family members from across
fabric she could get her hands the country. She was beyond
on. She joined the local quilt- generous with her art, donat-
ing group, the Blue Mountain ing many wall hangings and
Piece Makers Guild, where quilts to a variety of charity
she was a long-time member auctions over the years. In
including a stint or two in 1993, as a member of the Blue
the President position. She Mountain Piece Makers Quilt
loved fellowshipping with Guild she and daughter, Kathi,
others who also were hooked were thrilled to participate
on quilting and attended in piecing and quilting the
many events, classes, shows Oregon Trail Sesquicenten-
and gatherings with others nial Commemorative Quilt.
While she loved quilting
suff ering from the quilting
infliction! She made a lot and, in fact, it’s what gave
of friends who remained her a purpose after losing
friends for life. She loved her Wally Bear in 2007 and
her quilting friends very oldest daughter and fellow
much and looked so forward quilter Kathi in 2011, she
to the twice-yearly retreats ADORED being a Gram
to the Meacham Hotel. She and Great Gram. When she
loved the camaraderie she learned of the impending
found in later years quilting arrival of her first grand-
weekly with the ladies at the son, she vowed to be the best
Lutheran church and at the Gram ever and she was that
Pilot Rock Grange. Her quilt- and more. She loved each of
ing buddies were some of her her seven grands and five
dearest held friends.
great-grands deeply and
While her family both unconditionally. She took
immediate and extended, them on adventures, taught
are blessed with many of them tips and tricks, made
her handmade treasures them the coolest birthday
she also donated hundreds cakes and beautiful quilts
and hundreds of quilts of all and was always available to
sizes to numerous charities just listen and share some
including Ronald McDonald of her wisdom. She loved
House, Doernbecher Chil- each of them for the indi-
dren’s Hospital, Quilts of vidual humans that they are,
Monday, Sept. 13
At he n a -We s t o n
School District, 6 p.m.,
Weston-McEwen High
School outdoors, 540 E.
Main St., Athena. Join
the meeting at https://bit.
ly/3z60byx or dial 1-866-
899-4679, access code
994-430-477. (Paula Warner
Pend leton S chool
District, 6 p.m., Pendleton
School District offi ce, 107
N.W. 10th St. (541-276-6711)
Adams City Coun-
cil, 6:30 p.m., Adams City
Hall, 190 N. Main St. (541)
Hermiston City Coun-
cil, 7 p.m., Hermiston
Community Center, 415 S.
Highway 395. Live-stream
via YouTube https://bit.ly/
HermistonYouTube or by
phone 206-462-5569, meet-
ing ID 322-962-8667. (541-
ter City Council, 7 p.m.,
Milton-Freewater Public
Library, 8 S.W. Eighth Ave.
{h3 style=”text-align:
center;”}Tuesday, Sept. 14{/
Pendleton Parks &
Recreation Commission,
noon, via Zoom at https://bit.
ly/3E16veg, or call 253-215-
8782; for both use the same
meeting ID 850 3114 4200,
and passcode 028572.
(Melissa Porter 541-276-
Wednesday, Sept. 15
Por t of Mor row
Commission, 1:30 p.m.,
Port of Morrow via Zoom
at https://bit.ly/3z1nMQU,
meeting ID: 331 156 427, or
call 1-253-215-8782. (Brandy
Warburton 541-481-7678)
Intermountain Educa-
tion Service District, 4 p.m.,
district offi ce, 2001 S.W. Nye
Ave., Pendleton. Budget
hearing during regular
meeting. (Danielle Sackett
Umat i l la Hospital
District, 6 p.m., Umatilla
Medical Clinic, 1890 Seventh
St. (541-922-3104)
Weston City Coun-
cil, 6 p.m., Gizmo (Weston
Food Pantry entrance), 114 E.
Main St. Code enforcement
work session in addition
to special meeting. (Sheila
Jasperson 541-566-3313)
Oregon Trail Library
District, 6:30 p.m., district
office, 200 S. Main St.,
Boardman. Call for Zoom
login info. (Kathy Street
Thursday, Sept. 16
East Umatilla County
Ambulance Area Health
District, 7 p.m., district
office, 431 E. Main St.,
Athena. (541-566-3813)
Wednesday, Sept. 8, 2021
Jackpot: $2.9 million
Lucky Lines
Estimated jackpot: $14,000
Powerball: 21
Power Play: 2
Jackpot: $409 million
Win for Life
Pick 4
1 p.m.: 3-6-9-8
4 p.m.: 1-8-9-5
7 p.m.: 7-2-2-3
10 p.m.: 3-7-6-1
Thursday, Sept. 9, 2021
Lucky Lines
Jackpot: $15,000
Pick 4
1 p.m.: 1-6-4-7
4 p.m.: 3-8-1-8
7 p.m.: 6-9-2-3
10 p.m.: 7-6-5-8
and they loved their Gram
fiercely. She loved going
for a drive in the mountains
and going to Wallowa Lake
or Emigrant Springs. She
loved going to the ocean
and successfully executed
many family vacations to
She loved jazz and clas-
sical music and had a huge
stack of CDs next to her
sewing machine. She loved
to listen to audio books while
quilting. An avid reader of
both print and audio books,
she was a frequent patron
at the local library. She
loved going camping. She
had an incredible memory
when it came to people. She
didn’t like people to call
her sweetie or honey! She
loved everything royal. She
loved going to GP for lunch
and they knew her order by
heart! She loved the West-
ward Ho! Parade. She loved
OPB. She loved paraglid-
ing at Wallowa Lake. She
loved reading. She loved
the Olympics. She loved fall
time. She loved having the
WHOLE family home for
the holidays. She was the
original Macgyver when it
came to making something
out of nothing. She loved to
have a little stitching project
with her wherever she went.
She loved a good visit with a
dear friend or loved one. She
loved her Lord Jesus. She
loved chocolate the MOST!
But, more than anything,
even more than chocolate,
she loved spending time
with her family and cher-
ished those times the most.
Our family gatherings will
never be the same without
Gram who we will forever
Barbara was preceded in
death by her husband, Wally;
daughter, Kathi; and siblings,
Beverly and Dale.
Donations in her honor
may be made to the Pendle-
ton Library. If you can attend
Barbara’s celebration of life
and are the proud owner of a
Barbara quilt, we invite you
to bring it with you. Online
condolences may be sent to
Carmen was born in St.
She was preceded
Joseph, Missouri, to Merlin in death by her parents;
and Nellie Tarter. She was brother, Willard; and sister,
the third born of six chil- Beverly.
dren. As a child, she loved
She is survived by
playing baseball
her husband,
and riding her
Charles (Bob)
Morgan horse. She
Harns; daugh-
was the enforcer
ter, Tina Harns;
of the family
and son-in-law,
Jesse Garrett, of
and wouldn’t let
Irrigon; grand-
anyone touch her
children, Derek
C a r m e n
of Hermiston,
worked hard all
Colton of Irri-
her life at various
gon, Elliot t
jobs. She worked
and Car men
at Lamb Weston,
of Clarksville,
she was a motor rewinder, TN; son, Chuck Harns and
cashier, and met the love of daughter-in-law Amanda
her life while waitressing in Harns of Kennewick, WA;
grandchildren, Paige and
She met Bob Harns Conner of Kennewick and
mid-September of 1969 Bryson of Wilsonville;
and the couple married on brother, Leon of Eugene;
July 17, 1970, in Powell sister, Lila of Des Moines,
Butte, Oregon. They have Iowa and Linda of Council
two loving children who Bluff s, Iowa; best friend,
think the world of their Marilyn Helling; and four
The couple moved to
No services are planned
Irrigon, Oregon in the at this time. Burns Mortu-
summer of 1972 and have ary of Hermiston is in care
made it their home since. of arrangements.
To leave an online condo-
Carmen enjoyed crochet-
ing, painting, bowling and lence for the family, please
most of all spending time go to www.burnsmortuary-
with her grandchildren.
Judy Hough
Jan. 23, 1948 — Sept. 6, 2021
Judy Hough was born
Jan. 23, 1948, in Walla
Walla, Washington. She
passed away peacefully
Sept. 6, 2021, surrounded
by family. A private family
gathering will be held.
In lieu of fl owers, those
who wish may make contri-
butions in Judy’s memory
to Vange John Memorial
Hospice c/o Burns Mortu-
ary of Hermiston, P.O. Box
289, Hermiston, OR 97838.
She is survived by her
sons Donnie (Joleen) Horn-
ing, Hermiston; Rich-
ard Horning, Hermiston;
sisters, Anna (Lyle) Hopper,
Hermiston; Sandra Jones,
Walla Walla, Washington;
grandchildren and several
nieces and nephews.
Preceded in death by
parents, Gerald D. and June
Jones; and brother, Gerald
D. Jones Jr.
Please share memories
of Judy with her family at
Bur ns Mortuar y of
Hermiston is in care of
KayLee A. Osgood
June. 11, 1986 — Aug. 9, 2021
Lewis Lee Turner
Feb. 11, 1927 — Sept. 5, 2021
Lewis Lee Turner of
He worked most of
Milton-Freewater passed his life (66 years) on the
away Sunday, Sept. 5, 2021, Williams Ranch in Umap-
at Park Manor
ine, Oregon.
Center in Walla
survived by his
Walla at the age
wife, Sue Turner,
of 94.
of almost 75 years;
He was born
brother, Elmer
Turner; daughter,
Feb. 11, 1927,
Mar ily n Peter-
i n Boswell,
son; a nd son,
Oklahoma, to
Jimmye (Dayna)
William Henry
Tu r n e r ; f i v e
and Min nie
Maribelle (John-
g r a ndch i ld r e n ;
son) Turner. His
14 great-grand-
father was blind so Lewis c h i l d r e n ,
went to work early in life great-great-grandchildrren
to help support his family. with two more on the way,
He met his wife-to-be as well as numerous nieces
when they were in the fi rst and nephews.
grade. She moved away
Funeral services will
for a while, but returned be held Tuesday, Sept. 14,
and Lewis started courting 2021, at 2 p.m. at Munselle-
her. The couple married Rhodes Funeral Home, 902
on September 16, 1946, in S. Main, Milton-Freewater,
a double ceremony with Oregon 97862. Interment
Lewis’s sister, Minnie Mae will follow at Milton-Free-
Turner, and Sue’s brother, water Cemetery. Masks
JB Allen, in Soper, Okla- will be required for attend-
Lewis and Sue had two
To leave a online condo-
children, Marilyn Peterson lence visit www.munseller-
and Jimmye Turner.
KayLee A. Osgood, 35, died on Aug. 9, 2021, at her home
in Irrigon. She was born on June 11, 1986, in Fort Lewis,
Washington. A celebration of life service will be held on
Saturday, Sept. 25, 2021, at 1 p.m. at the Family Worship
Center, Irrigon. Please share memories of KayLee with her
family at burnsmortuaryhermiston.com. Arrangements are
with Burns Mortuary of Hermiston.
Jesse D. ‘Bud’ Holden Jr.
Nov. 6, 1926 — Sept. 7, 2021
Jesse D. “Bud” Holden Jr., 94, of Hermiston, died on
Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2021, in Hermiston. He was born Nov.
6, 1926, in Baker. A visitation time for family and friends
was held. At Bud’s request there will be no service. Please
share memories of Bud with his family at burnsmortuary-
hermiston.com. Arrangements are with Burns Mortuary
of Hermiston.
Antonio ‘Tony’ Rodriguez
Oct. 22, 1959 — Sept. 7, 2021
Antonio “Tony” Rodriguez, 61, died on Tuesday, Sept. 7,
2021, at his home in Umatilla. He was born Oct. 22, 1959,
in Quincy, Washington. Arrangements are pending. Please
share memories of Tony with his family at burnsmortuary-
hermiston.com. Arrangements are with Burns Mortuary
of Hermiston.
The East Oregonian publishes paid obituaries. The obituary
can include small photos and, for veterans, a fl ag symbol at no
charge. Obituaries may be edited for spelling, proper punctuation
and style. Expanded death notices will be published at no charge.
These include information about services.
Obituaries and notices can be submitted by email to obits@
eastoregonian.com, by fax to 541-276-8314, placed via the
funeral home or in person at the East Oregonian offi ce. For more
information, call 541-966-0818 or 1-800-522-0255, ext. 221.
Tuesday, Sept. 14
Paris, Ron — Celebration of life at 1 p.m. at Hat Rock
State Park, Hermiston.
Turner, Lewis — Funeral services at 2 p.m.
at Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home, 902 S Main
St, Milton-Freewater. Interment will follow at the
Milton-Freewater Cemetery.
Saturday, Sept. 25
Bush, Bill — A celebration of life picnic at 12 noon at
Hat Rock State Park picnic area, near Umatilla.
Waldman, Sue — Celebration of life and mass at
11 a.m. at St. Andrew’s Mission Church, 48022 St.
Andrews Road, Mission, with a lunch to follow.
Osgood, KayLee — Celebration of life service at 1 p.m.
at the Family Worship Center, 330 8th St. NE, Irrigon.
Roger, Wickers — Memorial service at 3 p.m. at the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 15 Grant St.,
Jeremy Kurtis
13 Sept. 1983 - 30 Sept. 2003
Not a day
goes by that I
dont’ think of you!