A6 RECORDS East Oregonian Saturday, August 7, 2021 OBITUARIES Darcia Faye Porter Pendleton July 2, 1953 — Aug. 4, 2021 Darcia Faye (Mentzer) ter, often making clothes and Porter of Pendleton, Oregon, quilts for her family, even passed away on Aug. 4, 2021, entering a number of quilts in local shows and fairs. Many at home with family. Darcia was born to Leon- loved ones received animal ard and Betty (Rice) quilts as children, Mentzer on July 2, and then quilts 1953, in Pendleton, made with love. Oregon. Raised in Her devotion Pilot Rock, Oregon, to her family will Darcia met Kent never be ques- Porter while attend- tioned as we recall ing school together all the memo- in Pilot Rock, ries. Everything Oregon. They were we do or will do united in marriage in our lives will on Nov. 3, 1972. Porter be because of the infl uence she gave To this union they welcomed Tisha, Melissa, to her children. Karissa and Kyle over the next Darcia is survived by her eight years. husband Kent Porter at their She was a homemaker and home, children Tisha Porter raised their children before of Pendleton, Melissa Porter volunteering at the school of Adams, Karissa Porter of to be involved with her chil- Pilot Rock and Kyle Porter dren. She did everything from of Pendleton, brother Doug cooking in the school kitchens (Robin) Mentzer, sister to working in the classrooms. Donna Christensen, her An accomplished pianist, she fi ve grandchildren and two played accompaniment for great grandsons, fi ve nieces choir for several years. After and four nephews. She was returning to the workforce, predeceased by her parents, Darcia was a bank teller and Leonard and Betty, brothers administrative assistant for David and Daryl Mentzer, and many years. father-in-law Lincoln Porter. She was also a very proud Special thank you to grandma of her fi ve grand- Good Shepherd Healthcare children: Cortley (Williams) and Vange John Memorial Jerome, Jacob Headley Porter, Hospice for their wonderful Madaline White, Morgan support at the end. Graveside services will Gaines and Karsen Davis. But her care extended to any be held on Tuesday, Aug. 10, friend of her children who 2021, at 2 p.m. at Skyview needed anything, at any time. Memorial Park. There will be She was aff ectionately known a fellowship gathering follow- as “Mom” by a number of ing at the Pilot Rock Commu- students while working at nity Center. Pilot Rock schools. Arrangements are handled Darcia was an accom- through Pendleton Pioneer plished seamstress and quil- Chapel, Folsom-Bishop. Margaret Anne Pilch Wesly Darren Kilgore Pilot Rock Feb. 19, 1929 — July 24, 2021 Pendleton Nov. 29, 1966 — July 8, 2021 Margaret Anne Pilch the time for the rest of her life. She enjoyed gardening was born to Walter and Elinor Kuenning and raised with Jay, bridge club, camp- in Auburn, Nebraska. She ing, mushrooming, skiing married a hometown boy, with her family, holiday tradi- Myles Jay Pilch, in 1951. tions, and time with family and friends, as They ventured well as trips to out by moving to visit family in and teaching in Nebraska and various towns in to her beloved multiple states, Oregon coast. landing fi nally in Pilot Rock, where Margaret was they raised their preceded in death two boys and lived by her parents out the remainder and husband. of their 61 years She is survived together. Pilch by her sons Todd After her boys (DeAnn) and Tim started school, she began (Valerie), her grandchildren teaching again. A few years Moira Curry (Neil), Matthew in she started to organize an (Lydia), Jotham (Chantal), actual library/media center Micah, Sarah Mossman for Pilot Rock Elementary, (Joah), and great-grandchil- using knowledge gained by dren Sam, Vincent, Gabriel, working at Auburn Library Abigail, Naomi, Anastasia, as a young adult and her great Elizabeth, Lillie-Ann, Selah, love for books. She retired Cohen, Jairus and Liara. Celebration of Life (and from teaching after nearly 40 years. going home) will be at Tues- While in Pilot Rock, day, Aug. 10, 2021, at 10 a.m. Margaret’s life was changed at Pendleton Baptist Church; for all eternity by her new graveside to follow. relationship with Jesus. She Online condolences may became involved with, even be sent to www.pioneer- teaching, multiple Bible chapel.com. studies, AGLOW, Lutheran Contributions can be Brotherhood and serving made in Margaret’s name her church. She talked about to Hope with Options-Preg- Jesus and things she was nancy Care, 311 S.E. Dorion learning from the Bible all Ave., Pendleton, OR 97801. Wesly Darren Kilgore, role as a dad will forever 54, lost his courageous be his paramount, proudest four-year battle with ALS accomplishment and great- on July 8, 2021. Wes was est legacy. born in Enterprise, Oregon Stubborn, tenacious on Nov. 29, 1966. He was and steadfast are words a n easygoi ng that descr ibe baby, an adven- his battle with turous boy, and as ALS. He fought a teen could best what he called be described as the “little thief in night” with the fearless, a little most honorable naughty, and a amount of deter- profoundly loyal mination imag- friend. He loved life, hunting, fi sh- inable. He always ing and camping prided himself on Kilgore not losing very and his favorite many fi ghts, and place on earth to dwell was the Zumwalt he fought this one to the Prairie. bitter end. He conceded to After graduating from the dominance of the thug Enterprise High School, and passed away at home, Wes attended BMCC where surrounded by his wife and he earned his associate’s children and the unwavering degree in criminal justice. love of those closest to him. Wes had an amazing career Wes gained a lot of full of many opportunities wisdom from life-lessons and advancements. From and was a believer in the 1991-98, he worked for La power of God and the infl u- Grande Police Department; ence of AA. The seren- 1998-2000 at the Pendleton ity prayer was a part of his Police Department; 2000- daily existence the last six 02 lieutenant at the Umatilla years of his life. Wes was County Jail; then in 2002- loved deeply, will be missed 15 was the chief of police for greatly, and cherished the city of Enterprise. always. In the spirit of Wes’s Wes would want to be wishes to not have a “sad remembered as a dad, a son funeral — have a party” and a friend. He is survived there will be a celebration by his wife of 33 years, of Wesly Darren Kilgo- Sherri Kilgore, children, re’s life on Saturday, Aug. Addie and Kade, parents 21, 2021, at 2 p.m., at the Jim and Ernestine Kilgore, Joseph Methodist Church sister Staci Kilgore, and followed by a remembrance numerous cousins, aunts/ get-together for family uncles, nieces/nephews and friends at the Joseph and many dear friends. His Community Center. UPCOMING SERVICES SATURDAY, AUG. 7 COOLEY, CRAIG — Graveside service at 10 a.m. at Olney Cemetery, Pendleton. CULLERS, BEV — Celebration of life at 10 a.m. at 33890 River View Drive, Hermiston. HUDSON, MAURY — Celebration of life gathering at 1 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Roseburg, 823 S.E. Lane Ave. NELSON, SUE — Memorial service at 11 a.m. at the First Pres- byterian Church, 201 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. PAYNE, JERAD SCOTT — Remembrance of life at 11 a.m. at the Community Bible Church, 5807 Umatilla Ave., Kennewick. PETERSON, MAIMA — Funeral service at 11 a.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 950 S.W. 11th St., Hermiston. Burial will follow at the Hermiston Cemetery. POLLICK, LEON — Graveside service at 10 a.m. at Pleasant View Cemetery, Stanfi eld. POTTER, CURTIS — Memorial service from 1-3 p.m. at the Pendleton Eagles Lodge, 428 S. Main St. WELLS, LAURA — Graveside service at 11 a.m at the Hermis- ton Cemetery, followed by a celebration of life gathering and luncheon at Maxwell Siding Event Center, 145 N. First Place, Hermiston. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM — Graveside service at 9:30 a.m. at the Prosser Cemetery, 1601 Paterson Road, Prosser, Washington; followed by a celebration of life at 11 a.m. at the Grandview Church of Christ, 116 Fir St., Grandview, Washington. SUNDAY, AUG. 8 MONDAY, AUG. 9 POELING, EVA — Celebration of life service at 10 a.m. at Columbia View Community Church, 1230 E. Highway 730, Irri- gon. TUESDAY, AUG. 10 PILCH, MARGARET — Celebration of life at 10 a.m. at Pendle- ton Baptist Church, 3202 S.W. Nye Ave., with a graveside service to follow. PORTER, DARCIA — Graveside services at 2 p.m. at Skyview Memorial Park, 70116 S. Highway 395, Pendleton. A fellowship gathering will follow at the Pilot Rock Community Center, 285 N.W. Cedar Place. Pendelton May 21, 1927 — June 7, 2021 IRRIGON MARINA PARK ALL CONCERTS START AT 7:00PM Monday, August 9th CALE MOON (Country) Funded by Morrow County Unified Recreation District Sponsored by North Morrow Community Foundation For information call: Donna @ 541-922-3197 St. Anthony Hospital, Pendleton July 28, 2021 BETERAN — Magdalena and Hector Beteran of Umatilla: a boy, Eden Quincy Beteran. Aug. 3, 2021 KLINE — Amy and John Kline of Pendleton: a boy, Cody Allen Kline. EDWARDS — Jacquelyn and Shawn Edwards of Pend- leton: a girl, Caylynn LaRae Edwards. Good Shepherd Medical Center, Hermiston July 27, 2021 MEJAI — Alexandra Ramirez and Daniel Mejai of Umatilla; a girl, Esperanza Reanessmay Mejai. July 28, 2021 WILSON — Danyell Sowell and Tucker Wilson of Hermiston: a boy, Tucker Ryker Stone Wilson. July 31, 2021 LECLAIR — Nerissa and Blake LeClair of Hermiston: a girl, Alaynah May LeClair. No services scheduled. Robert Paul McKenzie Robert passed away at his Caps and the North Fork of home with his family. Robert the John Day. He liked work- graduated from Pendleton ing on his rental properties. In High School. He attended his 90s he would walk to town college at Reed College and daily, wearing his favorite hat. Southern College of Rober t is Optometry. Robert survived by his served a year in the fou r ch ild ren: Army, stationed in daughters Barbara Alaska. He played Heiple of John the clarinet in the Day, Linda With- Army Band. errite, and Kathy On his return to McClure of Pend- Pendleton he joined leton, and son his father, Dr. H.S. Randy McKenzie McKenzie, in his of Pendleton. He practice. McKenzie was preceded in Rob e r t wa s death by his wife an active member in the Huela McKenzie and a son, community. He belonged to Ronald McKenzie. Kiwanis, Elks, Shriners and There will be no services. the Masons for over 50 years. He was buried at the Helix Robert loved to hunt and fi sh. Cemetery next to his parents. He loved packing into the Online condolences may wilderness on horseback. His be sent to www.pioneer- favorite places were the Eagle chapel.com. BIRTHS The most valuable and respected source of local news, advertising and information for our communities. eomediagroup.com The CTUIR Needs YOU to provide input on its Strategic Energy Plan Help shape the Energy Vision and future of energy management for the CTUIR by completing this anonymous 10-minute survey by Monday, Aug. 23: https://bit.ly/ CTUIREnergy Background Information The CTUIR is developing a Strategic Energy Plan. The plan will serve as a tool for the CTUIR to use in achieving energy goals in both the near- and long- term by integrating energy, environmental, economic development, and community interests in the same way that a business might create a vision and a business model around sustainability. As a starting point, this survey asks for your feedback on energy priorities. For more information about the CTUIR Strategic Energy Plan, please visit: https://ctuir.org/news/ CTUIR-Strategic- Energy-Plan-Survey/ OBITUARY POLICY The East Oregonian publishes paid obituaries. The obituary can include small photos and, for veterans, a fl ag symbol at no charge. Obituaries may be edited for spelling, proper punctuation and style. Expanded death notices will be published at no charge. These include information about services. Obituaries and notices can be submitted by email to obits@ eastoregonian.com, by fax to 541-276-8314, placed via the funeral home or in person at the East Oregonian offi ce. For more information, call 541-966-0818 or 1-800-522-0255, ext. 221.