A10 COFFEE BREAK East Oregonian Saturday, August 7, 2021 DEAR ABBY Friend forced to play role in couple’s melodrama this year he told me that he was not planning If you disclose what you know, you will lose on getting back together with her, but he’s your housemate. The message you want to here almost every day, insisting on deliver falls into that category. From your description of Isaac, he’s spending time with us. It’s frustrating since I feel Jen a user and a player. She would be deserves more. She’s very anxious, better off without him in her life. But she must arrive at that conclu- and told me during the breakup that she didn’t want me telling her any sion herself. (After their breakup, details about him that she wouldn’t she should have realized he couldn’t want to hear. I’m now wondering be counted on.) Sometimes people if I have used that as an excuse to have to learn the hard way, and Jen JEANNE spare her from all the things I feel appears to be one of them. If you PHILLIPS she ought to know. I don’t know how uncouple your life from theirs and ADVICE I would even broach the subject, spend less time with them, it will be and it’s making me irritable around healthier for you. Dear Abby: There are several same- them. Help! — Hoping I’m A Good Friend Dear Hoping: Jen made clear that she sex couples within our circle of friends and doesn’t want to hear any bad news from you. former co-workers. Whether male or female, Dear Abby: I have two good friends who dated all through college until “Isaac” broke up with “Jen” in a very stressful and dramatic way. We were all living together in a house, and he broke up with her to date a girl he liked from his newspaper club. We used to host parties for the club, and the girls would openly fl irt with him in front of Jen. During the mess of the breakup, I learned that Isaac had known for a while he wanted to end things with Jen, and stayed with her only because he wanted to have enough people for a nice student house. Fast-forward three years: We are out of college, and I still live with Jen. Isaac relies on her for all his emotional needs and says she’s his “best friend.” She can’t say no to him or distance herself because she’s still hoping that “maybe” something could happen. Earlier each has a husband and wife. We are not sure how it is decided who will assume which role; and we don’t feel comfortable asking what might be too intrusive a question regarding their relationships. We would appreciate it if you could fi nd the answer, if there is one. — Curious in the East Dear Curious: Unlike with straight couples, who defi ne their spouse as “husband” or “wife,” when male couples marry, both spouses refer to their partner as “husband.” With female couples, the spouses are both called “wife.” Household tasks usually fall to whomever does them best or wants to do them. Roles are assigned according to ability and circumstance, rather than imitating tradi- tional marital duties. (By the way, the same applies to some opposite-sex couples as well.) DAYS GONE BY From the East Oregonian 100 Years Ago Aug. 7, 1921 Shortly after noon today the 41 persons representing the federated commercial organizations of Umatilla county making the tour of Grant county in the interests of good roads were ready to proceed to Heppner, where the night will be spent. A Pendleton-to-California highway is the solution of the road problems that confront Umatilla, Grant, Harney and Lake counties, sentiment of Grant county people indicates. A spirited meeting was held at Ritter last night which was presided over by County Commissioner Caverhill of Grant county, and sentiment expressed at the meeting overwhelmingly favors the construction of such a road. That the state will be asked to assist in such a program was the idea that was expressed by several speakers. 50 Years Ago Aug. 7, 1971 A Chicago banker is giving Dennis and Cleo Gett of Hermiston’s Western Auto Store an opportunity “to start paying our bills again.” The banker and his son were back- packing in a high meadow of the headwaters of the North Fork of the Imnaha River in the Wallowa Mountains when they found a checkbook belonging to the Getts. Thursday, Gett said he and his wife lost the checkbook while on a special hunt last winter in the Wallowas. The Hermiston couple owns a cabin and horse corrals in the mountains out of Baker, and make frequent pack trips in the area. 25 Years Ago Aug. 7, 1996 After 20 years of service to Pendleton, Amtrak will eliminate its Pioneer passenger train in November. In an inter-offi ce memo leaked to the press Wednesday, Amtrak offi cials in Washington, D.C., said the Pioneer was being eliminated to “shift capacity that provides the best market opportunities” and to “improve Amtrak’s bottom line economic performance.” Pioneer’s thrice-weekly passen- ger service eastbound to Boise and on to Chicago, and every other day westbound to Portland and Seattle, will end Nov. 10. After that, only Union Pacifi c freight trains will use the line. THIS DAY IN HISTORY On Aug. 7, 1998, terror- ist bombs at U.S. embas- sies in Kenya and Tanzania killed 224 people, including 12 Americans. In 1782, Gen. George Washington created the Order of the Purple Heart, a decoration to recognize merit in enlisted men and noncom- missioned offi cers. In 1789, the U.S. Depart- ment of War was established by Congress. In 1942, U.S. and other allied forces landed at Guadalcanal, marking the start of the fi rst major allied off ensive in the Pacifi c during World War II. (Japanese forces abandoned the island the following February.) In 1964, Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin reso- lution, giving President Lyndon B. Johnson broad powers in dealing with reported North Vietnamese attacks on U.S. forces. In 1971, the Apollo 15 moon mission ended success- fully as its command module splashed down in the Pacifi c Ocean. In 1989, a plane carrying U.S. Rep. Mickey Leland, D-Texas, and 14 others disap- peared over Ethiopia. (The wreckage of the plane was found six days later; there were no survivors.) In 1990, P resident George H.W. Bush ordered U.S. troops and warplanes to Saudi Arabia to guard the oil-rich desert kingdom against a possible invasion by Iraq. In 2000, Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore selected Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman as his running mate; Lieberman became the fi rst Jewish candidate on a major party’s presidential ticket. In 2008, A U.S. military jury at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base gave Osama bin Laden’s driver a surprisingly light 5-1/2-year sentence for aiding terrorism, making him eligible for parole in just fi ve months. (The U.S. later transferred Salim Hamdan to his home country of Yemen, which released him in Janu- ary 2009.) In 2010, Elena Kagan was sworn in as the 112th justice and fourth woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. In 2012, Jared Lee Loughner agreed to spend the rest of his life in prison, accepting that he went on a deadly shooting rampage at an Arizona political gather- ing in 2011 and sparing the victims a lengthy, possibly traumatic death-penalty trial. In 2015, Colorado theater shooter James Holmes was spared the death penalty in favor of life in prison after a jury in Centennial failed to agree on whether he should be executed for his murder- ous attack on a packed movie premiere that left 12 people dead. Today’s Bir thdays: Singer Lana Cantrell is 78. Actor John Glover is 77. Actor David Rasche is 77. Former diplomat, talk show host and activist Alan Keyes is 71. Actor Caroline Aaron is 69. Comedian Alexei Sayle is 69. Actor Wayne Knight is 66. Rock singer Bruce Dickinson is 63. Actor David Duchovny is 61. Actor Delane Matthews is 60. Actor Harold Perrineau is 58. Jazz musician Marcus Roberts is 58. Actor David Mann is 55. Actor Charlotte Lewis is 54. Actor Sydney Penny is 50. Actor Greg Serano is 49. Actor Michael Shannon is 47. Actor Charlize Theron is 46. Rock musician Barry Kerch is 45. Actor Eric Johnson is 42. Actor Randy Wayne is 40. CHURCH Featured this Week: DIRECTORY Community Worship Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church 565 W. HERMISTON AVE. Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles 565 W. HERMISTON AVE. St. Johns Episcopal Church N.E. Gladys Join Ave & Us 7th, Hermiston 541-567-6672 JOIN OUR INCLUSIVE CONGREGATION ON OUR JOURNEY WITH JESUS Services 9:00am Sundays In-person or streaming on Facebook or Zoom PENDLETON LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH Sunday Service: 9am & 6pm Tuesday Kingdom Seekers: 7pm Wednesday Bible Study: 7pm We offer: Sunday School • Sign Language Redeemer Episcopal Church 241 SE Second St. Pendleton (541)276-3809 www.pendletonepiscopal.org Sunday Holy Communion: 9am Wednesday Holy Communion: Noon M-F Morning Prayer 7am on Zoom All Are Welcome The Salvation Army Center for Worship & Service Sunday Worship Service 9:30 - Sunday School 10:30 - Worship Service Interpreters • Nursery • Transportation • & more! Wednesday Bible Study Pastor Dan Satterwhite 541.377.4252 5:30 Family Fellowship Meal • 6:00 Bible Study Sunday Mornings COME AS YOU ARE 417 NW 21st St. • Pendleton, OR 97801 www.facebook.com/ PendletonLighthouseChurch 150 SE Emigrant (541) 276-3369 1st Service: 8:30am 2nd Service: 10:30am Includes Children’s Services ONLINE and IN-PERSON SERVICES SUNDAYS S U N D A Y S | | 8:30 8 : 0 0 AM AM & & 1 9:45 0 : 0 0 AM AM OPEN HEARTS – OPEN DOOR www.graceandmercylutheran.org Sunday Worship 8:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. (Nursery Provided) Fellowship, Refreshments & Sunday School Check Out our Facebook Page or Website for More Information 541-289-4535 541.276 .18 94 | 712 SW 27 TH ST. www.pendletoncog.com love God, love people, and make disciples who make disciples FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH in Mission for Christ LCMC Sunday Worship.........9:00 AM Bible Study......10:15 AM Red Lion Hotel ( Oregon Trail Room ) Pastor Weston Walker Grace and Mercy Lutheran Church, ELCA (First United Methodist Church) 191 E. Gladys Ave. / P.O. Box 1108 Hermiston, Oregon 97838 Also Live Stream at PendletonFirst.com Community Presbyterian Church 14 Martin Drive, Umatilla, OR 922-3250 Worship: 10 AM Sunday School at 11:30 Solid Rock Community Church 140 SW 2nd St Hermiston, OR 97838 541-567-6937 Worship Service: 11:00AM Sunday School: 9:45 Pastor Wilbur Clark SundayEvenings Celebrate Recovery: 6:00 201 SW Dorion Ave. PendletonPresbyterian.com Worship Services On Facebook 10:00am Sundays Facebook.com/PendletonPresbyterian Wednesday Evenings Family Night: 6:00 pm Pendleton First Assembly of God 1911 SE Court Ave. PO Box 728 541.276.6417 pendletonfirst.com To advertise in the Church Directory, please contact Audra Workman 541-564-4538 or email aworkman@eastoregonian.com