East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 31, 2021, Page 6, Image 6

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East Oregonian
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Richard David Bronson
Donell James ‘Donnie’ Smock
William Dean Williams
April 8, 1958 — July 26, 2021
Oct. 17, 1932 – July 27, 2021
Prosser, Washington
Jan. 16, 1953 — July 19, 2021
Bronson hunting, fi shing, cutting
weighed 11 lbs., 15 oz., fi rewood, racing horses,
when he was born April team roping and chas-
8, 1958, to
ing wild horses.
Virgil Bronson
He was a horse-
and L. Videll
man. One of his
(Burke) Bron-
favorite horses
son of Pendle-
he bought from
the killer pen.
ton, Oregon. He
was raised at
She was a beau-
Cayuse on the
tiful paint horse,
family’s horse
and would only
ard won his
ard to ride her.
fi rst horse race
He named her
at the age of 9
Laurie Darlin.
in Boise, Idaho. He won
many races following ex-wife Karlene Hatley;
until he couldn’t make the children Byron Sam
required weight anymore of Omak, and Jesse,
Kylie and Billy Bron-
at age 12.
In 1981 he married son of Pendleton; grand-
Karlene J. Brehm; they children Tyler, Blake,
later divorced. Together Cohen, Winn, Jessa,
they had three children, Laykin, Baylor, Taitym
Jesse, Kylie and Billy. He and Maclyn; sisters
shared his love for horses Verna Patrick and Lawa-
with them, as well as nda Bronson; as well as
sports and the outdoors.
nieces and nephews.
In 1987, Richard and
He was proceeded
his family moved to in death by his father
Thorne Bay, Alaska. Virgil Bronson, mother
He worked at the sort- L. Videll (Burke) Bron-
ing yard stacking logs son, sister Violet Burke
ready for export. He McGuire, and brothers
later worked in southern Ronald Bronson, Wendell
Alaska running a loader.
Bronson, Vern Bronson
In 1992 they moved and Bryson (Bub) Bron-
back to Cayuse and he son.
worked for CTUIR in
Burns Mortuary of
Richard Pendleton is in charge
worked as a logger and of arrangements. Sign
heavy equipment opera- the online guestbook at
w w w.bu r n smor t u a r y.
tor, and built grain bins.
His hobbies included com.
Donell James “Donnie” ther, Alex McCorkell, passed
Smock, 88, of Weston, away. Throughout his years,
he stayed involved
Oregon, passed
in his community
away on July
and received many
2 7, 2 0 21 a t
awards and recog-
Health and Rehab
Center. A cele-
bration of life will
survived by his
be held at a later
fou r ch ild ren ,
date at the Smock
twins Donita (Ed)
Ranch where
Eaton, Dor thy
Donnie was a third
( E r i c) B e c k-
generation farmer.
with, A ngela
Don n ie was
(Cecil) Kelly and
born to James and
Tim Smock and
Atress Smock on
Linda Hall; nine
October 17, 1932,
g r a nd ch i ld r e n ,
in Walla Walla,
17 great-grand-
Washington. As a
children and two
young boy, he began carv- great-great-grandchildren.
ing cars, planes and caterpil-
He was preceded in death
lars with amazing detail. He by his wife, Mary, on Novem-
also enjoyed leather work and ber 22, 2012.
shared his gifts with family
Due to our family’s love
and friends. Donnie also for books, we would respect-
loved hunting with his son fully request contributions
and Lelan and Jeff Oharra. be made to the Friends
He loved taking drives and of the Weston Library
eating licorice ice cream with through Munselle-Rhodes
his daughters.
Funeral Home, 902 S. Main,
Donnie served in the Milton-Freewater, OR 97862.
Navy until 1960. In 1966, he To leave a condolence online,
took over as cemetery sexton visit www.munsellerhodes.
in Weston when his grandfa- com.
William Dean Williams, and he loved them very well.
Jr. (Bill) passed away on July They remember his cuddles
19, 2021. Bill was born in and horsey rides on his back,
Prosser, Washington, on and the many, many books
Jan. 16, 1953, the second he read to them.
of Bill and Tere-
Bi l l l ove d
sita Williams’ six
the outdoors,
hiking and hunt-
On Aug. 24,
ing. He loved
1974, Bill married
helping people.
the love of his
He went on a
life, Pam White.
mission outreach
At that time,
to Honduras and
made two service
Bill transferred
trips to Zambia.
t o WSU a nd
Bill also loved
attended there
to work with his
for a year and a
half before leav-
hands and was
ing to work full time at The always involved in some
McGregor Company. He kind of project at his home
worked for The McGregor or for others.
Company until 2001.
Bill Williams was
Bill and Pam were joined preceded in death by his
by a son, Christopher, in parents, Bill Sr. and Tere-
1980 and a daughter, Jenni- sita Williams, and two infant
fer, in 1982. Bill was a sisters. He is survived by
loving and involved father his wife of 47 years, Pam
who taught his children life Williams; children Chris
lessons about Jesus, family (K ristin) Williams of
Athena, Oregon, and Jenni-
and service to others.
Bill began attending fer (Jason) Don of Prosser,
Athena Christian Church Washington; grandchildren
in 1991 and, with encour- Helen and Patrick Williams
agement from the pastor and Wyatt, Katie and Merritt
and elders, came to know Don; three brothers, two
Jesus Christ as his Lord sisters, and numerous other
and Savior. In 2001, Bill family members.
A graveside service will
was called to a different
occupation and that fall be held Saturday, Aug. 7, at
he enrolled in Boise Bible 9:30 a.m. at Prosser Ceme-
College, completing a bach- tery, followed by a celebra-
elor’s degree in three years tion of life at Grandview
with a preaching empha- Church of Christ at 11 a.m.
sis. In 2006, he accepted a
Memorial contribu-
position as pastor of Sunrise tions may be made to Boise
Christian Church in Ontario, Bible College or Hearts for
Oregon, where he served for Zambia missions, in care
13 years. He retired in 2019 of Grandview Church of
and he and Pam moved back Christ.
to Prosser in 2020.
You may leave a message
Another delight of his life for the family at www.
was his fi ve grandchildren Prosserfuneralhome.com.
Loretta Videll Bronson
Aug. 10, 1931 — July 27, 2021
Loretta Videll Bron-
ball teams from across
son, 89, of Cayuse,
the Pacifi c Northwest and
beyond for over 30 years.
Oregon, died July 27,
Videll always
Videll wa s
opened her
born in Cayuse,
home, especially
Oregon, on Aug.
to her horse track
and basketball
10, 1931, to Eliz-
abeth “Lizzie”
fa m ilies. She
Wo o d s a n d
was known for
Richard Burke
her good cook-
Sr. When she
ing, and when
was a young girl,
family or friends
about 5 years
came to visit, she
would always
old, her father
gave her a retired
whip them up a
racehorse and
homemade meal.
she learned to ride. Horses
Later in life, Videll was
and racing were an inte- an avid bingo player, and
gral part of her life as she she was always ready to
became an accomplished play. She enjoyed visit-
rider, owner, and cham- ing her bingo partners,
pion for horsemanship.
and often traveled around
Videll mar ried her the Northwest with her
husband Virgil of 63 years daughter Verna to play
in 1955 after they met at in big games. She loved
a wild horse round-up. to garden, and growing
They raised their fi ve boys tomatoes and zucchini
Ronald, Richard, Wendell, were her favorite. Videll
Ver n and Br yson and was a lover of reading
daughter Lawanda at their and always had a stack
ranch in Cayuse, Oregon. of books to share. You
They raised their children could find Videll in the
to love horses, just the way stands at the gym attend-
they did, and the family ing basketball games, or
participated in horse races other sports to show her
across the western United love and support. She
States. Videll loved trav- especially enjoyed cheer-
eling to California and ing on her grandchildren
racing at county fairs like and great-grandchildren
Pomona and Ferndale. in big games at the gym or
In 1993, Videll’s favor- watching them laugh and
ite horse, Good Courage, play a small game of base-
won the Harvest Handicap ball in her backyard.
taking home the $30,000
Videll will always be
purse. For more than 50 known for her bright smile
years, the family partic- and her contagious laugh.
ipated in the Pendleton She was a strong woman,
Round-Up, winning the who stuck up for what she
chief’s race, squaw race, believed in. She loved her
Indian relay and baton family and her friends and
her people.
Videll’s legacy lives on
Videll is survived by her
through her early leader- daughters Verna Patrick
ship in the successes of and Lawanda Bronson of
the Confederated Tribes Pendleton, Oregon, and
of the Umatilla Indian her many grandchildren
Reservation (CTUIR). In and great-grandchildren.
addition to serving on the Videll was preceded in
Board of Trustees, Videll her death by her brothers
played a key role in found- Richard Burke Jr., Edgar
ing the Columbia Inter- Saluskin, Antone Tappo
Tribal Fish Commission and Charles Tappo; sister
(CRITFC) and establish- Ernestine Watters; her
ing Yellowhawk Tribal sons Wendell Bronson,
Health Center where she Bryson Bronson, Ronald
was one of Yellowhawk’s Bronson, Vern Bronson
first community health and Richard Bronson; her
representatives, conduct- daughter Violet (Burke)
ing home health visits to McGuire and son-in-law
Tribal members. She also Brian McGuire; and her
led eff orts to secure fund- husband Virgil Bronson.
ing for vocational and
V i d e l l ’s Wa s h a t
higher education programs s e r v i c e s we r e h el d
for tribal members and, Wed nesd ay, July 28,
in her role as an alco- 2021, at her family ranch
hol and drug counselor, in Cayuse, Oregon. The
Videll started the BAAD Final Seven were held at
— Basketball Against the ranch in Cayuse on
Alcohol and Drugs — Thursday, July 29, 2021,
Basketball Tournament, followed by burial at
attracting youth basket- Agency Cemetery.
Bonnie A. Ferguson
Baker City
Jan. 15, 1938 — July 18, 2021
Bonnie A. (Hoskins) until he passed away in 2011.
Ferguson of Baker City, After Lee’s passing, Bonnie
Oregon, (formerly
joined her daugh-
of Umatilla County,
t e r, Rox A n ne,
Oregon) passed
in Baker Cit y,
away Sunday, July
Oregon, until her
18, 2021, at her
passing Sunday,
residence in Baker
July 18, 2021.
City, Oregon, at the
Bon n ie wa s
age of 83.
a lov i ng w ife
Bon n ie wa s
and mother. She
born on Jan. 15,
enjoyed sewing,
1938, to Ernest
canning, fishing,
and Juanita (Hayes)
hunting, gardening,
Hoskins in Umap-
and just spending
ine, Oregon. She then married time with family and friends.
the love of her life, Lee A.
She was preceded in death
Ferguson, on Aug. 2, 1954.
by her parents, three brothers,
Bonnie spent most of one sister, and her loving and
her life raising four beau- devoted husband of 67 years,
tiful daughters. She and Lee A. Ferguson.
Lee owned and operated an
Bonnie is survived by
antique store in Hermiston, her four daughters, Peggy of
Oregon, from 1982-1992 Crescent City, Sharla of Mt.
known as Tee Pee Antiques. Vernon, RoxAnne of Baker
In 1992, Lee and Bonnie City, and Misty of Alaska;
decided to retire and move and several grandchildren
to Stanfi eld, Oregon, where and great-grandchildren.
they enjoyed gardening, visit-
At this time there will be a
ing Vegas and the mountains, private family-only ceremony
hunting and fi shing. After this at the request of Mrs. Bonnie
adventure, Lee and Bonnie Ferguson. The family will
packed up and moved to have a celebration of life to
North Powder, Oregon, in be announced at a later date.
Arrangements are with
When Bonnie was diag- Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer
nosed with dementia in Chapel, Baker City. Leave
2007, she was cared for by condolences for the family
her loving husband, Lee, at www.grayswestco.com.
Kimberley Ann Cunningham-Mealey
Sept. 18, 1970 — July 25, 2021
Kimberley Ann Cunning-
ham-Mealey passed away on
July 25, 2021, in Tillamook,
Oregon, at the age of 50.
Kim was born on Sept.
18, 1970. Kim and her family
moved to the Port Orchard
area in western Washington
and she graduated from Penin-
sula High School in 1989.
Kim was a loving, caring,
happy woman who spent most
of her life as a caregiver. She
was a nursing assistant and
in home health where she
loved caring for seniors. Most
recently, while living in Pend-
leton, Oregon, Kim was the
secretary of the Lifeways Peer
Group. She was also a member
of the GOBHI caucus. Kim
was also as proud member of
the Church of Jesus Christ of
the Latter-day Saints. She had
been baptized and was excep-
tionally happy in embracing
her faith and her relationship
with the Lord.
Kim is survived by her
sisters Kathy and Karen.
She also had two children,
who were the light of her
life, Jackie and Emily. She
was indeed a proud mom!
Her uncles, Les and Mike
Flower, as well as numerous
cousins also survive her. Kim
was preceded in death by her
mom Linda and her dad Jim.
All who knew and loved
Kim hope she rests in peace in
the loving arms of her Heav-
enly Father. No services are
planned at this time.
St. Anthony Hospital, Pendleton
July 21, 2021
ROHDE — Gailen and Justin Rohde of Helix: a boy,
Charlie Ryan Rohde.
July 22, 2021
SULLIVAN — Shay L. and Brodey J.P. Sullivan of
Pendleton: a boy, Braxton James Sullivan.
July 24, 2021
MENTZER — NaKesha and Adam Mentzer of Pendleton:
a boy, Cooper Dale Mentzer.
July 27, 2021
HENDERSHOT — Savannah L. Wells and Anthony
M.-C. Hendershot of Pendleton: a boy, Legend John-
Cole Hendershot.
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Joanne Ison
August 29, 1934 — July 17, 2021
Joanne Ison went to be mothers. God brought many
with the Lord while in her children across her path. Her
home Saturday, July 17, door was always open.
2021, surrounded
Joanne worked
by family and
as a cook and
waitress most of
her life and was
married to the
well known for
her cooking. The
love of her life,
Earl Ison, for 25
master of many
years. She was
hobbies li ke
painting, cooking
born in Oceola,
and ceramics. Her
Ohio, and was
an enrolled tribal
true passion was
member of the
quilting. She took
up quilting and
Nor th Dakota
Turtle Mountain tribe.
taught quilting classes for
She was preceded in many years, her most recent
death by her husband, Earl quilting group was the Pilot
Ison; mother Mary Camp- Rock Sew Sisters.
bell (Bercier); father Robert
She loved the mountains,
Cambell of The Dalles, camping, mushroom pick-
Oregon; sister Gwen Fisher ing, fishing, sewing and
of The Dalles, Oregon; sitting around her kitchen
brother James Campbell; table with company and
and her daughter, Sheryl feeding them her creations
Pet t y joh n ( K i rk ha m , she gleaned from her cook-
She is survived by her
Joanne Ison will be
brother, Dwight (Buzz) missed by many. In the
Cambell; her daughter, spring when the mushrooms
Sheila Dyer; son Robert are coming out and the fi sh
Rooper of Pendleton, can be caught, there will be a
Oregon; and her grandchil- gathering of family, friends
dren Carrie Campbell-Turk, and food to celebrate her life
M i r a nd a D ye r-Ruck- followed by her ashes being
man, Keenan Rooper, spread over the mountains
Kody Rooper and Saman- and secret places she loved.
tha Brown. She had many
Arrangements are with
great-grandchildren she Anderson’s Tribute Center,
helped to raise and they were The Dalles. Share online
very dear to her heart. She condolences with the family
was also the grandmother to at www.andersonstribute-
the children without grand- center.com.
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Estimated jackpot: $1
Lucky Lines
Estimated jackpot: $41,000
Powerball: 5
Power Play: 3
Estimated jackpot: $186
Win for Life
Pick 4
1 p.m.: 9-3-8-3
4 p.m.: 6-9-7-2
7 p.m.: 3-1-5-2
10 p.m.: 8-1-0-0
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Lucky Lines
Estimated jackpot: $42,000
Pick 4
1 p.m.: 4-8-8-4
4 p.m.: 5-0-6-4
7 p.m.: 3-1-0-8
10 p.m.: 0-8-3-1
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Obituaries and notices can be submitted by email to obits@
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