B8 CLASSIFIEDS East Oregonian 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted Community Counseling Solu- tions is in search of a Full time, 40 hour/week Billing Special- ist in Umatilla County. CCS offers innovative services in behavioral health throughout Oregon. This Billing Special- ist will have the opportunity to be part of CCS’ billing team and expand skills in patient accounts receivable. This individual will demonstrate exceptional professionalism to patrons, community part- ners, and coworkers. This position provides back up for the front office, familiarity with multi phone systems and electronic health records is a plus. Successful candidates must possess a high school diploma, or equivalent and Experience in accounting or bookkeeping preferred. A cur- rent Driver’s License, ability to pass a background check and personal auto insurance coverage: $300,000 in bodily injury and $100,000 in prop- erty damage. Hourly wage for this position ranges from $17.60 to $25.00, DOEE and includes a excellent benefit package. If interested please fill out an application on the CCS Website at https://com- munitycounselingsolutions. org/apply-with-us/ Position open until filled. You can find your dream home... Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Department of Public Safety-Umatilla Tribal Police Dept. Police Officer $51,431.16-$54,002.742 an- nual DOE/DOQ Full Time with the benefits package-Safe- ty Sensitive/Non-Exempt. Performs law enforcement and crime prevention work, including patrol, and investi- gation. Enforce federal, state, and local laws. Communications Officer $36,986.04 -$50,238.22 an- nual DOE/DOQ Full Time with the benefits package-Safety Sensitive/Non-Exempt. The Communications Officer is directly responsible for the operation of all office radio and telephone communica- tions equipment, maintain- ing a close watch on patrol activities in the field, and for the general office need of the agency. The Communica- tions Officer also dispatches fire/medical emergencies. Positions are open until filled. For Employment Applica- tion or Vacancy Announce- ment please visit the Tribes website at https://ctuir.org/ career-opportunities/ or call (541)429-7180 IT’S WORTH IT! GET A CLASS AD! It’s so easy to get your Classified ad! Just call Check out our real estate listings in the classifieds! 800-962-2819 ADDING a room to your home? Furnish it with items advertised in the classifieds. 651 Help Wanted Ione School District #2 WE ARE HIRING! Licensed: AG Teacher, Secondary Math Teacher, PE Teacher, Part Time Preschool Teacher Classified: Head of Maintenance For application instructions please visit https://intermountain.tedk12. com/hire OFFICE AND NEWSROOM ASSISTANT The East Oregonian offers a full-time multifunctional ca- reer in our downtown Pend- leton newspaper office. The person hired for this position will support a cross section of all our operations, with a fo- cus on outstanding customer service. Primary responsibilities include: Smart and proactive support for our newsroom. This re- quires good communication skills and a high level of abil- ity to carry out multiple tasks throughout the day. Professional, prompt and thorough interactions with walk-in and phone custom- ers on all matters, including classified, display and legal advertising, subscriptions, business and news ques- tions, coverage requests and news tips. Preparing content for pub- lication, including collating business data; proofreading advertising and news; typing; downloading submitted ma- terials such as legal notices, law-enforcement reports, calendar items, weather data and the whole gamut of local items that appear in our pub- lications. Assisting advertising custom- ers by connecting them with the sales team and assisting with information on special projects such as Round Up and Parent Magazine. Minimum qualifications: Abil- ity to work with minimal su- pervision and in a team en- vironment. Ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously and accurately. Proficiency in word processing, electronic communication, spreadsheet and database software. Ex- cellent phone skills, good spelling and grammar. This full-time position works 37.5 hour work weeks, Mon- day through Friday, in our downtown Pendleton office. Go here to apply: https:// www.applicantpro.com/ openings/eomediagroup/ jobs/1875320-490973 Saturday, July 31, 2021 651 Help Wanted Do you have the desire to help others struggling with addiction? If so, CCS would love for you to join our team! Over the last decade CCS has been expanded with rapid growth. It is an exciting time for Community Counseling Solutions and is the perfect time to begin your career with a company that is not slow- ing down. CCS is recruiting for 2 full time, 1.0 FTE, Alco- hol and Drug Counselors in Pendleton, Oregon. Home of the famous Pendleton Round- up, Pendleton is full of history and culture and perfect for the outdoor enthusiast. We are looking for someone who un- derstands the complexity of addiction and is willing to help change the lives of individuals battling this disease by pro- viding client centered individ- ual, group, and family therapy and education. This position requires a high school diplo- ma and the ability to become state certified as an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation Special- ist (CADC) within 18 months of employment. Those recov- ering from a substance use disorder must be able to doc- ument continuous abstinence from drugs and/or alcohol for a period of at least 2 years. Successful applicants must have a valid Oregon Driver’s license, $300,000 in personal auto insurance and $100,000 for bodily injury and property damage, and must be able to pass a criminal background check. Wages for this position range from $17.60 to $25.00 an hour, DOEE Enjoy com- petitive wages, with excel- lent benefits and continuous training. Position is open until filled. EOE. 101 Legal Notices EO-11519 NOTICE OF SELF STORAGE SALE Please take notice Keylock Storage - Pendleton located at 1220 Airport Rd., Pendleton, OR 97801 intends to hold a sale to sell the property stored at the Facility by the below list of Occupants whom are in de- fault at an Auction. The sale will occur as an online auction via www.storagetreasures.com on 8/11/2021 at 12:00PM. Patricia Dehler unit #A008; Angelo Tow- ers unit #K16. This sale may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Certain terms and con- ditions apply. See manager for details. July 24, 31, 2021 Something for everyone in the Classifieds WHY WAIT! GET YOUR CLASS AD NOW! SELL IT! BUY IT! CLASSIFIEDS! 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices EO-11532 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – TOWING SERVICES EO-11536 PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Boardman Planning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing for a Variance request In accordance with the Boardman Development Code on August 18, 2021 The City of Umatilla is request- ing proposals for towing ser- vices. A full copy of the RFP is available at www.umatilla-city.org/ administration/page/ request-proposal-towing- services Completed RFPs are due to the City of Umatilla, by 12 p.m. Mon- day, August 16, 2021. Mailed proposals should allow normal mail delivery time to ensure timely receipt of proposals. Faxed or electronic proposals will NOT be accepted. Submit one (1) original and three (3) copies of your proposal in a sealed envelope marked “TOWING SERVICES RFP” to: Melissa Ince, Finance & Admin- istrative Services Director City of Umatilla 700 6th Street PO Box 130 Umatilla, OR 97882 Publish July 30, August 7, 2021 EO-11523 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF UMATILLA No. 21PB05548 In the Matter of the Estate of ) MONTA RAE PICKERD, ) Deceased. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JOSEPH PICKERD has been appointed personal rep- resentative of the above-refer- enced estate. All persons hav- ing claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the under- signed personal representative at O’HANLON LAW OFFICES, LLC, PO Box 628, Pendleton OR 97801, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the lawyer for the personal rep- resentative, Monte G. Ludington Dated and first published on July 17, 2021. By: /s/Joseph Pickerd Personal Representative Publish July 17, 24, 31, 2021 IT WILL SELL EMAIL : CLASSIFIEDS @ EASTOREGONIAN . COM I N C LASSIFIEDS ! GET A JOB... The purpose of this notice is to obtain public comment on a variance request for the con- struction of a fence exceeding height standards for tax lot 600 of Morrow County Tax Map 4N 25 09AD (361 NE Turner Ct.), for the Boardman Regional Cri- sis Center. This request will be processed using a Class C Vari- ance, Type III Procedure in ac- cordance with Boardman Devel- opment Code chapter 4.1.500. You are invited to attend the hearing, or submit written com- ments at Boardman City Hall on the above-mentioned proposed variance. (s) Barry Beyeler Community Development Director Posted: July 30, 2021 Published: July 31, 2021 EO-11533 CITY OF PENDLETON INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids for the 2021 Man- hole Rehabilitation Project will be received by the City of Pend- leton, c/o Bob Patterson, Public Works Director, 500 SW Dorion Avenue, Pendleton, OR 97801 until 2:30 pm local time on the 26th day of August, 2021, plainly marked “2021 Manhole Rehabilitation Project”. All bidders must be prequalified and all prequalifications must be submitted to the City by 1:00 pm the day before the bid opening. Bid opening will be available via Zoom or at the Public Works Di- rector’s office conference room located at that same address as above at 2:30 pm local time August 26, 2021. Contact the Public Works Director’s office at 541 966-0202 or Jutta Ha- liewicz at 541 966-0240, jutta. haliewicz@ci.pendleton.or.us for the Zoom link. A copy of the bid documents may be ob- tained for a non-refundable fee of $25.00 from the Public Works Director’s office located at the same address as above or by calling (541) 966-0202. A copy is also available online at the OregonBuys website: https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/ view/login/login.xhtml or on the City of Pendleton’s web- site: www.pendleton.or.us/ rfps. For the nearest location of a review copy, contact the Public Works Director’s office. Bid documents will be avail- able until 5:00 pm, August 20, 2021. EO Publish: July 31, 2021 check out the employment Classifieds today! CLASSIFIEDS Introducing Eastern Oregon Events The Eastern Oregon place to find everything Events Calendar is the place to find everything happening in Eastern Oregon including all events from A to Z! Auditions, Bird Watching and Concerts … to Youth Camps and Zumba Classes! If it’s happening, it’s posted in the Eastern Oregon Events Calendar! Have posted your events? It’s fast It’s and fast easy! Have you posted your events? and easy! v e r u o y d e t s o p u o y you e v a H 1. 2. 3. 4. Simply go to EasternOregonEvents.com and click on the Calendar tab Click on the + Add Event button Simply go to Set up an account using your email or Facebook/Google+ login Enter your details Set up an event account using your email or Facebook/Google+ login Enter your event details And we can help you promote your event! Just contact your Advertising Consultant: Just contact your Advertising Consultant • East Oregonian: 800-522-0255 • Hermiston Herald: 541-567-6457 • Blue Mountain Eagle: 541-575-0710 • Wallowa County Chieftain: 541-426-4567 Wallowa County Chieftain: 541-426-4567 For additional calendar posting assistance, For additional calendar team posting contact our calendar at assistance, online@eomediagroup.com