RECORDS Thursday, July 29, 2021 East Oregonian A5 OBITUARIES Michael L. Jones Nicholas Barry Broun Paul Thomas Shuey Mission Sept. 11, 1958 — July 21, 2021 Paterson, Washington Oct. 10, 1953 — July 21, 2021 Hermiston Jan. 18, 1947 — July 23, 2021 Michael Louis Jones And siblings, Lillian Burns died July 21, 2021, in of Mission, Oregon, Lydia McKenzie of Boise, Idaho. Mississippi, Michael was born Septem- Linda Jones ber 11, 1958, of Mission, Brenda (Gail) in Pendleton, Shippentower O regon, to Bert & Eliza- of Mission, beth Jones. Calvin Jones Michael of Mission, grew up Pa u l ( Li z) i n At hena , Jones of Oregon, and Mission, Wes graduated (Dana) Jones from Pend- of Mission, Jones leton Hig h and Charlie (Hattie) Jones School i n 1977, and spent some time of Mission, Lynn Sue Jones in the Treasure Valley. He of Mission. And numerous worked on a Hot Shot Crew nieces and nephews. for the U.S. Forest Service Michael is preceded in and also for CTUIR Fish- death by his parents, Bert eries and at the Wildhorse & Elizabeth Jones; sisters, Casino Golf Course as well Pam Harrison, Cindy Jones as the hotel and Arrow- Smarlowit, William “Willie head. Michael enjoyed the Jon” Jones. outdoors when he would go Dressing service was fi shing, camping and hunt- held Friday, July 23, 2021, ing, as well as many sports followed by Washat service including basketball, soft- at the Long house. Final ball, volleyball, pool and seven at seven was held golf and horseshoes. Saturday, July 24, 2021, at Michael is survived by the Agency Long House his signifi cant other of 18 followed by Burial at years, Carmalita M. Chal- Agency Cemetery. akee, of Mission; stepchil- Burns Mortuary of dren, Sheena Spino and Pendleton is in charge of Marqus George, both of the arrangements. Sign the Mission; and his fur babies, online guestbook at www. Ms. Blitz and Beastmode. Nicholas Barry Broun, Nick became the honorary age 67, passed away peace- uncle of the Crow Family fully in his home on July and never missed a football game or important 21, 2021. He was event to show his born October 10, 1953, to Dr. James support. and Mrs. Evelyn Nick is survived by his sister, Jack- Broun in Pendle- ton, Oregon. Nick ly n Alling ton; went to Hermiston and her four boys, School District and A l e x Wa g e n - attended Oregon blast (Germany), State. Charles and Kath- Nick was a eryn Wagenblast Broun Jack of all trades (VA), Seth and throughout his life, Claire Wagenblast his most recent job being in (TX), and Max and Amanda Paterson at Sandpiper Farms. Wagenblast (VA). As well as Nick would often be found his nieces from his brother, at The Paterson Store visit- Mike and Linda Broun ing with the locals and could (WA), Michelle and Cory always be counted on to help Kiehn (WA), Tricia and Ping a friend. He was well known Lee (NJ), and Lisa and Jeff for his quick wit, joking Pietz (WA). He was a favor- personality and booming ite great-uncle of his many laugh. When Nick laughed, nieces and nephews. one couldn’t help but join Nick is preceded in death along. by his father, mother, two Although Nick didn’t have brothers, Jack Jr. and Mike, any of his own children, he and great-nieces, Kirah doted on his great-nieces Brown and Rachel Lee. A graveside service will and great-nephews, travel- ing great distances to cele- be held at Heppner Masonic brate Christmas and loving Cemetery on Thursday, July his role of the spoiling uncle. 29, 2021, at 1 p.m. Paul Thomas Shuey of an expert rating. He also Hermiston was born Jan. enjoyed playing games, 18, 1947, in San camping, deep Francisco, Cali- sea f ishing, backpacking and fornia, the son spending time of Maurice and with his family. Doris (Staff ord) Shuey. He passed Paul married away on Friday, Vicki Bates in July 23, 2021, in Canoga Park, Hermiston at the California, on age of 74. April 10, 1971. Pa u l g r e w He is survived Shuey by his wife of 50 up and attended school in Canoga yea r s, Vick i; Park, California. After daughter A mber and high school, he worked husband Mike Kellison; for McDonnell Douglas son Trent Shuey; grand- Aircraft for a couple years. children Keegan and Kaiti; He then went to college at brother Robert Shuey; two UCLA, where he studied sisters, Barbara Abdul- radiology. lah and Kathy Lopez; and He worked as a radiog- many extended family rapher his entire career in members. medical facilities in South- He was preceded in ern California, Nevada and death by his parents. Hermiston, Oregon. He A graveside service worked for Good Shepherd will be held Thursday, July Hospital in Hermiston from 29, 2021, at 10 a.m. at the 1998 until 2011, when he Hermiston Cemetery. moved to Fernley, Nevada. Burns Mortuary of In 2020, he moved back to Hermiston is in care of Hermiston to be closer to arrangements. To leave an family. online condolence for the Paul was an avid chess family, please go to www. player who played in many burnsmortuaryhermiston. tournaments and held com. Jim Rackley Gresham Oct. 8, 1945 — July 23, 2021 Jim Rackley passed away Warberg in basketball, and peacefully with his wife, Bob White in baseball. Elyn, and his beloved dogs, The group of athletes that Teddy and Tessie, Jim played with by his side. Jim in high school is considered the met his wife, greatest group Elyn, and they married in 1990. of athletes to go Elyn shares Jim’s through the halls love of animals. of Pendleton High School. As juniors Jim was often referred to as Dr. and seniors, these Doolittle since at h letes were he was unable to league champi- Rackley turn his back on ons in football, an injured crea- basketball, base- ture. He was always ready ball and golf. to nurse them back to health Moreover, Jim Rackley and was known to feed any was one of the nicest and wildlife that came to their most popular students in his door. class. One of the highlights Jim and Elyn enjoyed of his life was being selected entertaining their many into the Buckaroo Football friends. Those friends will Hall of Fame in 2007. tell you “Rackley Hospi- After high school Jim tality” is unsurpassed. Jim attended Boise State for one knew no strangers. He could year, while playing football. strike up a conversation Then he went on to Idaho with anyone. He was one of State where he continued to the nicest, most sincere guys play football. He received you’ve ever met. his college degree with a Jim grew up in Pendle- bachelor of science degree ton. His very best friends in education. were and are from Pendle- He taught for eight years ton. He was loyal to the core at Pocatello High School to all of them. They loved and while teaching physical the Rack. education, he coached high He was an outstand- school football, wrestling ing three sport athlete for and baseball. After that, Pendleton High School. Jim moved back to Portland, Jim graduated in 1964. He where he pursued several was a three-year letterman career paths. He settled in at in football. He played on Batesville Casket Company three league championship where he worked for 22 teams. He was an all-league years. He retired in 2012. and all-state receiver. Rack Jim was preceded in was selected to play in the death by his father, Hal Shrine game for the state’s Rackley; his mother Dixie outstanding seniors. Rackley; and his brother, He was a two-year Moody Rackley. He is letterman in basketball and survived by his wife, Elyn played on two league cham- of Gresham, Oregon; his pionship teams. He and his brother, Ernie (Tina) Rack- Buckaroo teammates played ley of Troy, Michigan; in two state tournaments at brother-in-law, Michael Dean Senda (Elena) of Glen- Mac Court in Eugene. Jim was a two-year view, Illinois; and many letterman in baseball and nieces and nephews. In lieu played on two league cham- of fl owers, please donate to pions. His junior season, the any animal rescue or shelter. Bucks played in the State A celebration of Jim Championship game against Rackley’s life will be held Madison and Rick Wise and Sunday, September 5, 2021, lost. at 1 p.m. at the Eagles Lodge Jim had the pleasure for on Main Street in Pendleton. playing for three of Pendle- Jim Rackley was a great guy ton’s greatest coaches, Don and a loyal Pendleton Buck- Requa in football, Dale aroo, through and through. OBITUARY POLICY The East Oregonian publishes paid obituaries. The obituary can include small photos and, for veterans, a fl ag symbol at no charge. Obituaries may be edited for spelling, proper punctuation and style. Expanded death notices will be published at no charge. These include information about services. Obituaries and notices can be submitted by email to, by fax to 541-276-8314, placed via the funeral home or in person at the East Oregonian offi ce. For more information, call 541-966-0818 or 1-800- 522-0255, ext. 221. Ronald George Caldwell Oregon City July 3, 1944 — June 30, 2021 Ronald George Caldwell career at BMCC. Widely was born July 3, 1944, in revered in Pendleton, Oregon, Riverside, California, and as “the psych prof.,” he shep- died June 30, 2021 in Oregon herded hundreds through City, Oregon. the tricky fi elds of He was a gentle- psychology, human man and a scholar. sexuality and the Loving, smar t, social sciences. He talented, funny and taught all of us a kind, he was the passion for life. best of us. Cliches His own life for sure, though wa s s e r iou sly the man was noth- threatened in 2002 ing but genuine. due to sudden liver failure of unknown Ronnie died at Caldwell home after a brief etiology. He was period of in-home fortunate to fi nd a hospice surrounded by his match and a liver transplant at family. OHSU, aff ording him 17 more He loved fishing, back- precious years, and the abil- packing, bicycling and tennis, ity to watch his fi rst grandson but mostly he loved to walk. graduate high school, and to Few men walked like Ronnie meet four others. did. Though he was passion- Recovering from the ate about food, drink and transplant and retiring sports, walking seemed to be after 31 years of service at his real sustenance. Whether BMCC, Ronnie pursued a hoofi ng miles down a sandy new passion — harmonica. coastline or trudging over Like so many things in his a mountain pass, Ronnie life, Ronnie embraced his adored nature and explored music, practicing daily, and the world on his feet. jamming out in pubs during Even more pivotal, Ronnie weekends. He even took his loved his family. He was an skills to Hawaii where he exemplary husband. For learned to play in the Aloha 55 years, he never lost his style. Through his music he commitment of marriage to earned an additional iden- his Donna. Together they tity as the “Blues Harmonica built a union of respect and Man.” honor, coupled with uncon- Inf luence paired with ditional love. As a father, he excitement, joy and love are was the ultimate role model, the gifts Ronnie gave this guiding his two sons through world. His stories and our the mazes of early life and memories will be lasting, the hardships of adulthood. treasured gifts. Later he became a proud Ronnie was preceded in grandfather, bending over death by his parents, Vivian backwards and always being (Root) and George Caldwell present to show his grandkids of Visalia, California; and the wonders of humanity and in-laws, Juanita (Cooper) the world. He leaves them and Rex McDaniel who rest at with powerful memories of Willamette National Ceme- flying kites on the beach, tery. He is survived by his the intrigue of board games wife, two sons and fi ve grand- and so many stories of life’s children. promise. A celebration of life will Ronnie was a student, be held at the Great Pacifi c mentor and teacher. He was Wine & Coffee Co. on raised in Visalia, California, Sunday, Aug. 1, 2021, from then attended Chico State 1-4 p.m. Arrangements are earning his BS and MS. In with Pendleton Pioneer 1969, he began a lifelong Chapel, Folsom-Bishop. MEETINGS THURSDAY, JULY 29 WEST EXTENSION IRRIGATION DISTRICT, 9 a.m., Columbia Improvement District, 501 E. Columbia Ave., Boardman. (Lisa Baum 541-922-3814) FRIDAY, JULY 30 No meetings scheduled MONDAY, AUG. 2 STOKES LANDING SENIOR CENTER BOARD, 6 p.m., Stokes Land- ing Senior Center, 150 Columbia Lane, Irrigon. (Karen 541-922- 3137) HEPPNER PLANNING COMMISSION, 7 p.m., Heppner City Hall, 111 N. Main St. (541-676-9618) MILTON-FREEWATER PLANNING COMMISSION, 7 p.m., Milton-Freewater City Hall, 722 S Main St. 6:30 p.m. study session, 7 p.m. regular meeting. Join the meeting by calling 253-215- 8782, meeting ID 883 8155 4242, password 987835. (Lisa Wasson 541-938-8235) UMATILLA CITY COUNCIL, 7 p.m., Umatilla City Hall council chambers, 700 Sixth St. (Note: change of date due to National Night Out) (Nanci 541-922-3226 ext. 105) TUESDAY, AUG. 3 UMATILLA MORROW RADIO & DATA DISTRICT, 1:30 p.m., Umatilla County Fire District 1 Station #23, 78760 Westland Road, Hermiston or via teleconference, call in: 351-999-4544. (Shawn Halsey 541-966-3774) PENDLETON SCHOOL DISTRICT WORK SESSION, 3 p.m., Pend- leton School District offi ce, 107 N.W. 10th St. (541-276-6711) DEATH NOTICES Loretta V. Bronson Pendleton Aug. 10, 1931 — July 27 , 2021 Loretta V. Bronson, 89, of Pendleton died Tuesday, July 27, 2021, at St. Anthony Hospital. She was born Aug. 10, 1931, in Cayuse, Oregon. A procession and Washat Service was held July 28 from Burns Mortuary of Pendleton to The Ranch. The Final Seven is Thursday, July 29 at 7 a.m. at The Ranch, 49750 River Road, Pendleton, followed by burial at Agency Cemetery. Arrangements are with Burns Mortuary of Pendleton. Sign the online guestbook at www. Richard D. Bronson Pendleton April 8, 1958 — July 26, 2021 Richard D. Bronson, 63, of Pendleton died Monday, July 26, 2021, in Portland, Oregon. He was born April 8, 1958, in Pendleton. Viewing will be held Thursday, July 29 from 2- 3 p.m. at Burns Mortuary of Pendleton. Washat Service to be held Thursday, July 29 at 7 p.m. at The Ranch, 49750 River Road, Pendleton. Final Seven is Friday, July 30 at 7 a.m., also at The Ranch, followed by burial at Agency Cemetery. Arrangements are with Burns Mortuary of Pendleton. Sign the online guestbook at www. Beverly M. ‘Bev’ Cullers Hermiston Oct. 7, 1950 — Nov. 3, 2020 Beverly M. “Bev” Cullers, 70, of Hermiston, died Tues- day, Nov. 3, 2020, in Hermiston. She was born Oct. 7, 1950, in Walla Walla, Washington. A celebration of life will be held Saturday, Aug. 7, at 10 a.m. at 33890 River View Drive, Hermiston. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrangements. Share memories with the family at www. Bonnie A. Ferguson Baker City Jan. 15, 1938 — July 18, 2021 Former Umatilla County resident Bonnie A. (Hoskins) Ferguson, 83, of Baker City died Sunday, July 18, 2021, at her home. She was born Jan. 15, 1938, in Umapine. A cele- bration of life will be announced at a later date. Arrange- ments are with Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, Baker City. Leave condolences for the family at www.gray- Josie Lucille Fry Battle Ground, Washington June 16, 1921 — July 27, 2021 Former Milton-Freewater resident Josie Lucille Fry, 100, died Tuesday, July 27, 2021, in Battle Ground, Wash- ington. She was born June 16, 1921. Arrangements are with Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home of Milton-Freewater. Margaret Anne Pilch Pendleton Feb. 19, 1929 — July 24, 2021 Margaret Anne Pilch, 92, of Pendleton, died Saturday, July 24, 2021, at her home. She was born Feb. 19, 1929, in Auburn, Nebraska. Arrangements are with Pendleton Pioneer Chapel, Folsom-Bishop. Online condolences may be sent to Donell J. ‘Donnie’ Smock Weston Oct 17, 1932 — July 27, 2021 Donell J. “Donnie” Smock, 88, of Weston died Tuesday, July 27, 2021, in Milton-Freewater. Arrangements are with Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home in Milton-Freewater. Debbie G. Tolman Pendleton May 6, 1952 — July 22, 2021 Debbie G. Tolman, 69, of Pendleton, died Thursday, July 22, 2021, at a local care facility. She was born May 6, 1952, in Ontario. Burns Mortuary of Pendleton is in charge of the arrangements. Sign the online guestbook at www.