RECORDS Tuesday, July 27, 2021 East Oregonian OBITUARIES A5 DEATH NOTICES Bonnie Louise Tennant Minnie Balkin Klein Ronald ‘Ronnie’ Caldwell Hermiston Sept. 20, 1941 — July 25, 2021 Weston Feb. 19, 1917 — July 17, 2021 Oregon City July 3, 1944 — June 30, 2021 Bonnie Louise Tennant of spouses: Richard and Carol Hermiston was born Sept. 20, Baher, Gordon and Janelle 1941, in Great Falls, Montana, Baher, Susan Midland, the daughter of George and Nikki and Scott Thomp- Betty (Nansel) Tennant. son; her siblings James A beautiful soul (Ji m) Te n n a nt left us on July 25, of He r m ist on , 2021, in Hermis- Virginia Bridges ton. Bonnie was of Ok la hom a 79 years of age. and GeorgeAnne Bon n ie wa s Dyer of Hermis- loved by many and ton; and numerous had a wonderful grandchildren and heart, made many great-grandchil- laugh and was dren. The family is always there for Tennant holding a private whoever needed it. She loved to go celebration of life. to the beach and enjoyed just In lieu of fl owers, you can watching and listening to the make a donation to Vange sound of the ocean. Everyone John Memorial Hospice who knew her knows that she or remember her however never missed watching her brings you peace. beloved Seahawks team. Burns Mortuary of Herm- She was preceded in death iston is in care of arrange- by her parents Betty and ments. To leave an online George and brother Daniel. condolence for the family, Bonnie is survived by please go to www.burnsmor- her four children and their Minnie Balkin Klein believer in prayer. She passed away peacefully in would start each day before her home on Saturday, July breakfast, and end each day 17, 2021, surrounded by her at bedtime with prayers in family. At the age of 104, this Hebrew, for all family and beautiful woman f r ie nd s goi ng had seen so much through a hard in her lifetime and time. had incredible One of Minnie’s stories to tell. fondest memo- Min nie was ries was when her great-grandson born in Chicago, asked her to come Illinois, on Feb. 19, 1917, to parents to his second grade Samuel and Mary class on her 99th Balkin. She grew birthday for his Klein up in Chicago, “Show & Tell.” where her parents He was so proud of operated a hand laundry. his 99-year-old grandmother Being the wife of an Air and wanted his classmates Force pilot, Minnie always to meet her. She sat and told felt very fortunate to travel the children what school was the world and live in places like when she was growing many people are not famil- up and told them to always iar with, such as the Azores, respect their elders. and Kwajalein in the Marshall Minnie had an uncle Islands. Minnie and her by the name of Herman husband Mel endured much Hurwitz, who told her stories discrimination in her earlier about being friends with years. She told a story of Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickok. going with her Min nie is father when she survived by her was a little girl daughter Andrea to look for an apartment to live, G r e e r ( Ly n n) but many places of Weston; son Norman Klein of where they went had signs up that Sardinia, Italy; read “No Dogs or granddaughters Jews Allowed.” Gretchen Crowder Although most of (Michael) of West Minnie’s parents’ Richland, Wash- relatives were ington, Hillary killed during the Holocaust, P u mph rey (Scot t) of she and her parents chose to Touchet, Washington, and live their life without anger. Kim Klein of Bausman, In her 20s, Minnie worked Pennsylvania; grandsons for Marshall Fields Depart- Adrian Klein (Molly) of ment Store, in their Millinery Portland, Oregon, and Eric Department designing hats. Klein (Malia) of Anchorage, She was very successful there Alaska; great-grandchildren until they learned that she was Kyler, Cooper, Kase and Jewish, and then was let go. Piercly Pumphrey, Rowan Minnie married Melvin and Olivia Klein, Hudson Klein on Dec. 5, 1937. Melvin Klein, and Marlo Houser; and passed away from complica- many nieces, nephews and tions of ALS on Sept. 3, 1993. cousins. She was preceded in Minnie and Melvin were death by her husband Melvin very proud and devoted active in 1993, and brothers Leo and member of every Jewish Sol Balkin. community where they lived The family wishes to throughout all of Mel’s mili- extend a huge thank you to tary career moves. She lived Walla Walla Community through much discrimina- Hospice, Dr. Scott Fry and tion throughout her years, but his staff , caregivers Yvonne never let that get her down. Dickison, Lisa Uptain, No matter what she was going Rosalie Pupo and Melanie through, she always remained Hearn, and the entire Weston very upbeat and positive and community that embraced you very rarely ever heard her. her complain about anything. A graveside service will She loved everyone she met be held on Friday, July 30, and in return everyone loved 2021, at 1 p.m. at Mountain her. Up until COVID hit, View Cemetery, Walla Walla, everyone who came to see Washington, with a Celebra- Minnie could not leave until tion of Life to follow at the she gave them a hug and sang Weston Community Church her favorite song, “A Bushel in Weston, Oregon. Visita- tion will be at Munselle- and A Peck.” Minnie was a member Rhodes Funeral Home in of the Jolly Circle Club ever Milton-Freewater, Oregon, since she moved to Weston in on Thursday, July 29, 2021, 1996. At the age of 95, Minnie from 5-7 p.m. and also on hand wrote her 28-page auto- Friday, July 30, 2021, from biography with memories of 10-11:30 a.m. her wonderful life. In the Memorial contributions closing of her autobiogra- can be made to Temple Beth phy, Minnie wrote, “When Israel in Walla Walla, or to the Good Lord wants me, The Diskin Orphan Home I’m ready. I’ve led a life, in of Israel, through Munselle- my wildest dreams, I never Rhodes Funeral Home. thought to myself I was capa- To leave an online condo- ble of living.” lence, visit www.munseller- Minnie was a great Former Pendleton resident Ronald “Ronnie” Caldwell, 76, of Oregon City, died Wednesday, June 30, 2021, at his home. He was born July 3, 1944, in Riverside, California. A celebration of life will be held Sunday, Aug. 1, from 1-4 p.m. at the Great Pacifi c Wine & Coff ee Co. in Pend- leton. Arrangements are with Pendleton Pioneer Chapel, Folsom-Bishop. Share online condolences with the family at Billie Lee Monahan Hermiston Nov. 15, 1956 — July 22, 2021 Billie Lee Monahan of her friends. She took great Hermiston was born Nov. 15, pride in manicuring her lawn 1956, in Seattle, Washington, and caring for her yard. the daughter of William and She was preceded in death Elizabeth O’Dell. by her parents; She passed away in three brothers, Lee, Portland, Oregon, Michael and Keith; on July 22, 2021, at and a sister, Maria. the age of 64. She is survived Billie grew up by her children Dan and attended her (Yvette) Mona- schooling in East- han, John (Dallas) ern Oregon and Monahan, Becky Eastern Washing- (Toeknee Jungst) ton. After high Monahan and Cami Monahan school, she married (Mike Kau) Mona- Bill Monahan on han; 11 grandchil- Nov. 21, 1975, in Pilot Rock, dren, Trevor, Chris, Austin, Oregon. From this union four Cori, Taytum, Hayden, children were born: Dan, Ashley, Lexi, Zach, Maci and John, Becky and Cami. The Annika; two sisters, Lorraine couple divorced several years Walden and Karen Harrell; later. and many extended family Billie resided in Umatilla, members. Heppner and Hermiston A graveside service will be during her adult life. She held Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021, at worked as a manager for Rite 10 a.m. at Olney Cemetery in Aid in Hermiston for many Pendleton. years. She also worked in the Family suggest memorial maintenance department of donations in Billie’s memory Good Shepherd Hospital for be made to Hermiston Little 12 years. She retired in 2020. League Baseball. Billie was passionate about Burns Mortuary of Herm- baseball on a local level as well iston is in care of arrange- as being a Dodgers and Braves ments. To leave an online fan. She also enjoyed dancing, condolence, please go to camping, sewing and playing www.burnsmortuaryherm- pinochle with her sisters and PUBLIC SAFETY FRIDAY, JULY 23 9:18 a.m. — Hermiston police received a report from a caller who said she was putting away her groceries in a parking lot off South Highway 395 on July 17 when a shopping cart hit her car. Two people pointed at each other, she reported, and one of the two then got in a car and drove off . She said she saved her receipt so she has the exact time she was there. 9:38 a.m. — The Umatilla County Sheriff ’s Offi ce responded to a report of an assault on the 200 block of East Airport Road, Hermiston. 5:05 p.m. — Hermiston police responded to a report of an assault on the 600 block of North- west 11th Street. 6:03 p.m. — A caller at Love’s Travel and County Store, 78665 Tower Road, Boardman, reported the theft of her wallet from her purse. 11:26 p.m. — A 911 caller reported a fi ght in Hermiston on North First Street. SATURDAY, JULY 24 11:55 a.m. — A caller at Love’s Travel and County Store, 78665 Tower Road, Boardman, reported a 20-year-old female followed them off Interstate 84 and con- fronted and yelled at them. Local law enforcement responded. 3:07 p.m. — A Hermiston res- ident reported her ex-boyfriend was outside her apartment on Southwest Ninth Street because she could see him on her app. She said she already fi lled out paperwork to trespass him. He was gone, though, by the time police arrived. 8:26 p.m. — A man asked to speak to a Morrow County sher- iff ’s deputy about his daughter’s boyfriend assaulting her. 9:11 p.m. — Hermiston police received a report of child abuse or neglect. 9:44 p.m. — The Morrow County Sheriff ’s Offi ce received a report of possible child abuse or neglect in Hepper. Sheriff ’s dep- uties took an initial report and referred the case to Oregon State Police. 11:40 p.m. — Hermiston police received a report of child abuse or neglect. SUNDAY, JULY 25 10:59 a.m. — Hermiston police responded to the 1500 block of East Hurlburt Avenue for a burglary. Police took a report. 7:10 p.m. — Hermiston police responded to the 300 block of Southeast 15th Street on a report of an assault. 10:16 p.m. — A caller reported possible domestic vio- lence at a residence on North- east Elder Street, Heppner. A Morrow County sheriff ’s deputy contacted the parties involved. ARRESTS, CITATIONS July 23 Boardman police at 7:47 p.m received a report that a 17-year- old girl was with a neighbor in Boardman who was older and intoxicated. Offi cers responded and arrested Juan W. Lopez, 22, for menacing, second-degree dis- orderly conduct and fi rst-degree possession of a forged instru- ment, which is a felony. Oregon State Police arrested Matthew Steven M. Berthel, 35, of Hermiston, for driving under the infl uence of intoxicants. Oregon State Police at about 5:10 p.m. responded to a crash on the westbound side of Interstate 82 near milepost 10 and arrested Brandon M. Rice, 35, of Rich- land, Washington, for the follow- ing: DUII, reckless driving, off en- sive littering, and three counts of reckless endangering. July 24 Umatilla police arrested Refu- gio Tomas Reynosa Sanguino, 19, for second-degree disorderly conduct and assault of a public safety offi cer. Pendleton police arrested Jacob Mclain Gonsalves, 38, for misdemeanor possession of methamphetamine and felony strangulation. July 25 The Morrow County Sheriff ’s Offi ce arrested Rachel L. Doug- las for domestic violence assault and released her on her own recognizance. Umatilla Tribal Police arrested Joaquin Gamboa, 55, for crimi- nal activity in drugs, dangerous drugs and disorderly conduct. The Morrow County Sher- iff ’s Offi ce and other agencies at about 11:35 p.m. responded to a vehicle that rolled at McNab Lane and Smith Road, Ione, and trapped a person inside. An ambulance took one per- son to Pioneer Memorial Hos- pital, Heppner. The sheriff ’s offi ce arrested Damon Locke for DUII and released him on his own recognizance. LOTTERY Friday, July 23, 2021 Megamillions 13-17-19-40-69 Megaball: 17 Megaplier: 3 Estimated jackpot: $138 million Lucky Lines 03-08-09-16-18-23- 28-31 Estimated jackpot: $36,000 Pick 4 1 p.m.: 0-0-0-8 4 p.m.: 3-2-2-7 7 p.m.: 0-9-4-0 10 p.m.: 2-0-2-8 Saturday, July 24 2021 Powerball 01-04-11-59-67 Powerball: 10 Power Play: 2 Estimated jackpot: $174 million Megabucks 05-22-30-32-37-41 Estimated jackpot: $5.7 million Lucky Lines 03-08-09-16-18-24- 27-30 Estimated jackpot: $37,000 Pick 4 1 p.m.: 2-2-6-9 4 p.m.: 0-3-5-2 7 p.m.: 6-9-8-0 10 p.m.: 8-9-0-3 Win for Life 06-17-47-68 Sunday, July 25, 2021 Lucky Lines 01-06-09-14-18-24- 27-32 Estimated jackpot: $38,000 Pick 4 1 p.m.: 0-4-4-2 4 p.m.: 1-7-7-5 7 p.m.: 8-5-0-6 10 p.m.: 9-9-1-1 Craig W. Cooley Echo Oct. 1, 1950 — Jan. 28, 2021 Craig W. Cooley, 70, of Echo, died Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021, in Walla Walla, Washington. He was born Oct. 1, 1950, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. A graveside service Saturday, Aug. 7, at 10 a.m. at Olney Cemetery, Pendleton. Burns Mortuary of Pendleton is in charge of the arrange- ments. Sign the online guestbook at www.burnsmortuary. com. Erma ‘Lavonne’ Morford Lexington Jan. 10, 1930 — July 23, 2021 Erma “Lavonne” Morford, 91, of Lexington, died Friday, July 23, 2021, in Hermiston. She was born Jan. 10. 1930, in Lexington. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrangements. Eva M. Poeling Irrigon Feb. 4, 1928 — July 16, 2021 Eva M. Poeling, 93, of Irrigon, died Friday, July 16, 2021, in Portland. She was born Feb. 4, 1928, in Henryetta, Okla- homa. A celebration of life service will be held Monday, Aug. 9, at 10 a.m. at Columbia View Community Church, Irrigon. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrange- ments. Share memories with the family at www.burnsmor- Francis ‘Frank’ Ross Pendleton Sept. 26, 1935 — June 29, 2021 Francis “Frank” Ross, 85, of Pendleton, died Tuesday, June 29, 2021, at his home. He was born Sept. 26, 1935, in Heppner. A celebration of life will be held Saturday, July 31, from 3:30-6 p.m. at the Pendleton Eagles Lodge. Arrangements are with Pendleton Pioneer Chapel, Folsom- Bishop. Online condolences may be sent to John L. Staats Hermiston March 30, 1950 — July 24, 2021 John L. Staats, 71, of Hermiston, died Saturday, July 24, 2021, in Hermiston. He was born March 30, 1950, in Grand Junction, Colorado. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrangements. Mary Boley Wallan Redding, California May 28, 1922 — Dec. 21, 2020 Former Athena resident Mary Boley Wallan, 98, of Redding, California, died Dec. 21, 2020, in Redding. She was born May 28, 1922, in Kahoka, Missouri. Graveside services will be held Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021, at 10 a.m. at the Athena Cemetery. Light refreshments will follow at Athena Baptist Church. Laura Wells Hermiston March 21, 1960 — Feb. 3, 2021 Laura Wells, 60, of Hermiston, died Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021, at her home. She was born March 21, 1960, in Fuller- ton, California. A graveside service will be held Saturday, Aug. 7, at 11 a.m. at the Hermiston Cemetery. A celebration of life gathering will follow immediately at the Maxwell Center, with a luncheon provided. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrangements. Share memories with the family at UPCOMING SERVICES TUESDAY, JULY 27 No services scheduled WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 PHILLIPS, LOLA — Memorial service at 1 p.m. in the chapel at Burns Mortuary, 685 W. Hermiston Ave., Hermiston. THURSDAY, JULY 29 KLEIN, MINNIE — Visitation from 5-7 p.m. at Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home, 902 S. Main St., Milton-Freewater. SHUEY, PAUL — Graveside service at 10 a.m. at the Hermiston Cemetery. THORNE, JIM — Visitation from 3-6 p.m. at Herring Groseclose Funeral Home, 315 Alder, Walla Walla. OBITUARY POLICY The East Oregonian publishes paid obituaries. The obituary can include small photos and, for veterans, a fl ag symbol at no charge. Obituaries may be edited for spelling, proper punctuation and style. Expanded death notices will be published at no charge. These include information about services. Obituaries and notices can be submitted by email to, by fax to 541-276-8314, placed via the funeral home or in person at the East Oregonian offi ce. For more information, call 541-966-0818 or 1-800- 522-0255, ext. 221. One solution for oxygen at home, away, and for travel Blazing Fast Internet! Introducing the INOGEN ONE – It’s oxygen therapy on your terms No more tanks to refi ll. No more deliveries. No more hassles with travel. The INOGEN ONE portable oxygen concentrator is designed to provide unparalleled freedom for oxygen therapy users. It’s small, lightweight, clinically proven for stationary and portable use, during the day and at night, and can go virtually anywhere — even on most airlines. Inogen accepts Medicare and many private insurances! 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