A16 East Oregonian PEANUTS FOR BETTER OR WORSE COFFEE BREAK BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE BEETLE BAILEY BY MORT WALKER Tuesday, July 27, 2021 DEAR ABBY Young adult struggling as a full-time caregiver Dear Abby: I’m 23 years old and with my 5- and 8-year-old daugh- caring for my two grandparents. My ters. When the older one was 6, my dad, their only son, lives with them, wife taught her not to let me see her but avoids them at all costs, no naked when using the bathroom and matter how much I beg him to help. bathing. That broke my heart. I’m He causes more problems than he OK with it now, but my wife is now solves. I graduated from college last discouraging them from sitting on year, but because of all the doctor my lap. I’m a loving and responsible Jeanne appointments, nurse visits and the dad, and I would never do any harm Phillips attention they need, there’s no way to my kids, or do the things my wife ADVICE I can work. My life is completely thinks I will do. What should I do? absorbed in caring for them. — Not Trusted in California I’m going crazy! They don’t want to leave Dear Not Trusted: What you should do their home and won’t pay me or anyone else is discuss with her the reasons for her fears to care for them, but they need round-the- about the safety of your daughters. The clock care. I’m not asking for help with them, answer may be that when she was small, she I’m asking for help with balance. How can I was molested by a male relative she trusted. be a young adult and full-time caregiver? — There is nothing wrong with 5-year-old and In Difficult Circumstances 8-year-old girls sitting on their father’s lap. Dear I.D.C.: You can’t. The longer you What is troubling is your wife’s reaction to it. allow this to continue, the more trapped you Dear Abby: My husband of six months will become. Contact senior services and (whom I do not live with) refuses to agree inform them about what’s going on with your not to contact his ex-girlfriends. He refuses dad and your grandparents. Then find a job. to send me copies of emails or texts from I am sure there are many available openings them, and won’t agree to allow me to send a right now. You may have to continue living polite, but firm, email requesting they stop with your grandparents for a while, but as contacting him, even though his therapist soon as you can manage it, you should live said it was OK to send. What should I do? — Distrustful in New York independently. As to your father, tell him that if he Dear Distrustful: The person you doesn’t accept at least some of the respon- married clearly isn’t ready for the responsi- bilities of being a husband. Ask him if he’s sibility for his parents’ care, you will report willing to meet with a licensed marriage him to adult protective services for neglect. It may not make you popular, but if you and family therapist. If he is unwilling, talk don’t assume control of your future, you will to a lawyer about an annulment. If you do, become increasingly isolated. you may save yourself years of frustration Dear Abby: I have a strong, healthy bond and heartache. DAYS GONE BY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE From the East Oregonian 100 Years Ago July 27, 1921 Steaks, roasts and chops of juicy buffalo meat will be available for the Christmas dinner of Pendleton people, for the Pendle- ton Trading Co. today ordered for holiday delivery a half-ton buffalo from the famous “Scotty” Philip buffalo herd of genuine North American bison at Fort Pierre, South Dakota. The animal will be shipped here with the head and hide on it, both of which are very valuable and which will be mounted by the Pendleton Trading Co. The meat will be sold at cost and a large demand is anticipated. 50 Years Ago July 27, 1971 Fire destroyed part of the Western Farmers Association complex at Adams Monday. Several other fires broke out in nearby areas and sheriff’s deputies said arson was suspected in some of the blazes. Loss at Adams was estimated at $150,000- $200,000 by Bob Ver Burg, WFA manager at Adams. The fire leveled a grain storage bin and a warehouse. He said the loss was insured. The fire cut five telephone lines and disrupted service to Adams, Athena, Weston and Milton-Freewater. Cause of the fire prob- ably was an overheated bearing, Ver Burg said. Adams firemen, all volunteers, said the fire started so high in the grain storage bin that it was out of reach of their small fire truck’s little pump. 25 Years Ago July 27, 1996 A high-speed chase was almost stalled before it started Friday when a bank robber tried to flee the crime scene but locked the keys inside his getaway car. The robber had to bust the driver’s-side window of his car with the gun he used in the apparent robbery before he could flee the U.S. Bank in La Grande, police said. The gaffe was the lucky break police needed. A suspect, Tom Omar Doty, 23, of Spokane, was arrested near the Wildhorse casino near Pendleton after a 35-mile chase that reached speeds of 115 mph. He was being held in the Union County Jail in La Grande, said Oregon State Police Sgt. John Collins. In addition to a charge of first-degree robbery, Doty may also face additional federal bank robbery charges and a charge of attempted murder in connection with trying to run over an OSP trooper. TODAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN On July 27, 1996, terror struck the Atlanta Olympics as a pipe bomb exploded at Centennial Olympic Park, directly killing one person and injuring 111. (Anti-gov- ernment extremist Eric Rudolph later pleaded guilty to the bombing, exonerat- ing security guard Rich- ard Jewell, who had been wrongly suspected.) In 1866, Cyrus W. Field finished laying out the first successful underwater tele- graph cable between North America and Europe (a previ- ous cable in 1858 burned out after only a few weeks’ use). In 1909, during the first official test of the U.S. Army’s first airplane, Orville Wright flew himself and a passenger, Lt. Frank Lahm, above Fort Myer, Virginia, for one hour and 12 minutes. In 1919, race-related riot- ing erupted in Chicago; the violence, which claimed the lives of 23 Blacks and 15 whites, lasted until Aug. 3. In 1921, Ca nad ia n researcher Frederick Banting and his assistant, Charles Best, succeeded in isolating the hormone insulin at the University of Toronto. In 1953, the Korean War armistice was signed at Panmunjom, ending three years of fighting. In 1960, Vice Presi- dent Richard M. Nixon was nominated for president on the first ballot at the Repub- lican National Convention in Chicago. In 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed the Kerner Commission to assess the causes of urban rioting, the same day Black militant H. Rap Brown told a press conference in Washington that violence was “as Ameri- can as cherry pie.” In 1974, the House Judi- ciary Committee voted 27-11 to adopt the first of three arti- cles of impeachment against President Richard Nixon, charging he had person- ally engaged in a course of conduct designed to obstruct justice in the Watergate case. In 1980, on day 267 of the Iranian hostage crisis, the deposed Shah of Iran died at a military hospital outside Cairo, Egypt, at age 60. In 1981, 6 -year-old Adam Walsh was abducted from a department store in Hollywood, Fla., and was later murdered. (His father, John Walsh, became a well- known crime victims’ advo- cate.) In 1995, the Korean War Veterans Memorial was dedicated in Washington by President Bill Clinton and South Korean President Kim Young-sam. PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE