East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 03, 2021, Page 6, Image 6

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East Oregonian
Saturday, July 3, 2021
Barbara-Lee Pinkerton
Ryan Lee Telford
Leon Ray Pollick
Nov. 21, 1931 — June 28, 2021
Sept. 20, 1984 — June 24, 2021
Nov. 19, 1951 — June 20, 2021
Barbara-Lee (Raymond) all over the state for games,
Pinkerton, age 89, of Pend- rodeos, and other events
leton, Oregon, died June 28, over the years. She was an
2021, in the comfort of her avid sports fan, cheering on
RV while vacationing on her favorite teams daily.
Barbara-Lee was prede-
the central Oregon Coast.
She was born Nov. 21, 1931, ceased by her husband,
i n Pe nd let on
Allan Pinker-
to Raphael and
ton; her parents,
Gladys Raymond
Ruff and Gladys
of Helix.
Raymond; and
B a r b a -
her brother Royal
ra-Lee attended
Raymond. She
Oregon St ate
is survived by
College, where
her children Jim
she met and later
Pinkerton, Don
married Allan
and Catherine
Robert Pinker-
Pinkerton and
ton on Sept. 8,
Nancy Thomp-
1951. Allan and
son; her grand-
Barbara farmed for several children Melissa, Allan,
years on his family farm Andrew, Alixanne, Nicole,
near Moro, and then several Jamie and Lace; and her
more years on her family great-grandchildren August
farm near Helix, until devel- and Samuel.
oping their own farm oper-
A time for visitation
ation near Pendleton. They is scheduled for Friday,
later spent several enjoy- July 9, 2021, from 12:00 to
able winters in Surprise, 4:30 p.m. at the Pendleton
Arizona, and visited numer- Pioneer Chapel, 131 S.E.
ous other states before Byers Ave., Pendleton. A
returning to live full time in family graveside service
will be held at 10 a.m.
Barbara-Lee enjoyed Saturday, July 10, 2021, at
her year as Round-Up prin- Skyview Memorial Park.
Memorial contributions
cess in 1949, and had a life-
long love of the horses she may be made to the First
raised. She was active in the Presbyterian Church of
Presbyterian Church, the Pendleton, c/o Pendleton
Helix Women’s Club, and Pioneer Chapel, 131 S.E.
the Oregon State Univer- Byers Ave., Pendleton, OR
sity Mom’s Club. Barba- 97801.
ra-Lee and Allan were very
Online condolences may
supportive of their chil- be sent to www.pioneer-
dren’s activities, traveling chapel.com.
Ryan Lee Telford, 36, tries entitled “The Youth
passed away on June 24, Speak Out,” available from
2021, following a two-year Amazon.com.
battle with amyotrophic
Besides his parents,
lateral sclerosis (ALS), Ryan leaves behind his
also known as
stepfather Tony
Lou Geh r ig’s
Jones; sisters
Disease. Ryan
Sherry (Telford)
was residing at
Acci me a nd
his family’s home
Jenny (Telford)
in Pendleton,
Carlisle; broth-
Oregon. He was
ers Nick Jones
with his mother at
and Jason Jones;
the time of pass-
ing and is now at
Dennis Lenhart
peace in his heav-
Wa n d a
enly home.
Telford; nephew
Ry a n w a s
Gabriel Accime;
born on Sept. 20, 1984, to and uncles, aunts and
DeeDee (Lenhart) Jones several cousins.
The family would like
and Ray Telford. He was
an avid fisherman, and to thank Ryan’s care-
frequently fished McKay taker, Anna Dockins, who
Creek, the Columbia and provided phenomenal care
Umatilla rivers, Wallowa for Ryan during the most
Lake and many other diffi cult days of his battle
Oregon and Washing- with ALS. Cindy Jackson
ton lakes and rivers. He also helped care for Ryan,
also enjoyed gardening as did the Good Shepherd
and farming on the family Home Health and Hospice
wheat farm. Ryan loved to Team.
travel and visited several
Relatives and friends are
countries, including Israel, welcome to join the family
Jordan, Germany, Switzer- for a graveside service on
land and China.
Saturday, July 10, at 10 a.m.
Ryan helped his mother at Mountain View Ceme-
DeeDee for 10 years at tery, 2120 S. Second Ave.,
Pendleton Good Samari- Walla Walla. There will be
tan Ministries, where he a no-host lunch following
often shared his life story the service at El Sombrero
with clients and those seek- Mexican Restaurant, 4 W.
ing counseling. He also had Oak St., Walla Walla.
a big heart for his family
Memorial donations can
and helped take care of be made to Pendleton Good
his grandmother Wanda Samaritan Ministries, 39
Telford. Some of Ryan’s S.E. Emigrant Ave., Pend-
fondest memories were leton, OR 97801; and the
from his time in the West ALS Association, Oregon
Bank serving handicapped and S.W. Washington Chap-
children at Rose of Jeru- ter, 700 N.E. Multnomah
salem. He also assisted on St., No. 210, Portland, OR
a medical mission trip to 97232.
Burns Mortuary of
Haiti with his mother and
sister Sherry.
Pendleton is in charge of
Ryan’s life story can be arrangements. Sign the
found in a new book from online guestbook at www.
Good Samaritan Minis- burnmortuary.com.
enjoyed hunting for
Pollick of Hermis-
ton was born Nov.
Leon married
19, 1951, in Pend-
Cheryl Fay Parrish
on June 4, 1977, in
leton, Oregon, the
Stanfi eld.
son of Eldon and
He was preceded
Nadine (Mitchell)
Pollick. He passed
in death by Cheryl,
away in Hermiston
his wife of 43 years,
on Sunday, June
on Feb. 28, 2021. He
20, 2021, at the age
was also preceded
of 69.
in death by his
Leon grew up
parents, and a sister,
living in Stanfi eld,
Nina Berman.
Oregon, where he
He is survived
attended school,
by his children
graduating from
Sandra (RJ) Fran-
high school in the
cis, Dean (Tia)
Class of 1970. After high Pollick, Johnny (Tiffany)
school, he served in the U.S. Pollick and Jeff rey (Sandra)
Navy for several years. After Pollick; 19 grandchildren; 14
his honorable discharge, he great-grandchildren; sisters
returned to Stanfi eld where he Susan Dyken and his twin
continued to reside until 2009. sister, Dawn Pierman; brother
He lived in the Treasure Valley Ken Pollick; and several
area of Idaho from 2009 until nieces and nephews.
returning to Hermiston in
A graveside service will be
held at 10 a.m. on Saturday,
Leon worked as a machin- Aug. 7, 2021, at the Pleasant
ist for the Union Pacifi c Rail- View Cemetery in Stanfi eld.
road at the Hinkle location
Burns Mortuary of Herm-
throughout his career. He iston is in care of arrange-
retired from the railroad in ments. To leave an online
the late 1990s.
condolence for the family,
Leon attended the Herm- please go to www.burnsmor-
iston Christian Center and he tuaryhermiston.com.
Jerold Duane Dillavou
Aug. 23, 1931 — June 27, 2021
Jerold Duane
of them and took
Dillavou, 89, was
them on many
born Aug. 23,
1931, in Jeffer-
They were very
son, Iowa, to
involved in all
Max and Bessie
their school and
Di l lavou. He
athletic events.
passed June 27
They loved him
with his family
— he was their
around him.
He grew up in
He belonged
Ralston, Iowa. In
to the Masonic
1945, they moved
temple for over
to Bly, Oregon,
50 years and was
a past master. His
to join family.
passion was golf-
He g raduated
ing, and he was a
high school in
member of the
Bly and in 1951
he joined the Air Force. In Echo Hills Golf Club and
four years, he worked his golfed until he was 85 with
way up to be the young- his best friend, Pat Davis.
est ever staff sergeant. His He especially enjoyed trav-
career was spent working eling to Mexico with family
on B-36 airplanes.
and friends to golf. He
He married his high loved to fi sh and hunt deer
school sweetheart, Darlene and elk with his hunting
Hadley, on March 15, buddies. He was a member
1953. They lived in El of the Free Methodist
Paso, Texas, until he was Church. He was involved
honorably discharged in in church and community
1955, and moved back to events wherever they lived,
Bly. Their son, Gary, was and helped anyone in need.
born in 1957. They lived on He loved to tell stories and
Gerber Ranch for 12 years could entertain folks for
where Darlene cooked hours and get tickled again
for the ranch hands. Jerry at his own stories.
worked at the lumber mill
He was preceded in
in Bly and worked his way death by his parents, his
up to superintendent.
brothers Jack, Rex and
In 1980, he and Darlene Mike, and his sister Shirley.
moved to Sabah, Malay- He is survived by his loving
sia, to build and manage wife, Darlene of Pendleton;
a saw mill for Weyerhae- son Gary (Linda) of Pend-
user. He and Darlene made leton; grandson Shane
a good life in a tiny lumber (Rachael) of La Grande,
camp, Silam, in the middle Oregon; twin granddaugh-
of the jungle and were ters Katie and Nicole of
loved and respected by Boise, Idaho; great-grand-
everyone. They belonged son Kellen; many nieces
to the Anglican church in and nephews who call
Laha Datu and made many him their Uncle Pill, and
friends in the community. he meant the world to
Their amah (maid), Violeta them; and his little poodle
Limod, was like a daugh- and constant companion,
ter to them, and on their Cinder.
return to the U.S. she came
The family would like
with them. They traveled to thank the staff at DaVita
extensively in Asia, Jerry Dialysis and Good Shep-
making many trips to herd Home Health and
Japan and other countries Hospice for their care and
to negotiate for equipment. support.
In 1986 they moved to
A funeral service will
North Bend, Washing- be held Tuesday, July 6,
ton, working as a plywood at 11 a.m. at Pendleton
manager for Weyerhae- Pioneer Chapel. A recep-
user. In 1989 he worked tion will follow at 1 p.m. at
at the mill in Raymond, the Pendleton Convention
Washington, as project Center.
In lieu of f lowers,
manager, and retired in
1995. He moved to Pendle- donations can be made to
ton, Oregon, in 1996 to be Outreach Food Pantry in
Pendleton, Oregon.
close to family.
His grandchildren were
Online condolences may
the light of his life. He and be sent to www.pioneer-
Darlene loved to take care chapel.com.
Boyd D. Sharp
Feb. 22, 1936 — June 29, 2021
Boyd D. Sharp
t o Um a t i l l a ,
of Umatilla was
Oregon, where he
kept busy serv-
born Feb. 22,
ing the commu-
1936, in Grand
nity. In Umatilla,
Coulee, Wash-
he was involved
ington, the son
with Landing
of Edward and
Days, volu n-
Hallie (Bower)
Sharp. He passed
teered at the
away in Hermis-
library, served on
ton, Oregon, on
the city council,
Tuesday, June 29,
volunteered for
2021, at the age
reading programs
of 85.
at Umatilla
Boyd t rav-
schools and was
elled extensively
active with the
throughout the
museum. He also
enjoyed going
Pacific North-
west throughout his child- to Club 24 in Hermiston
hood, attending schools where he exercised 4 to 5
in Eastern Washington, days a week. He trained so
Eastern Oregon and Idaho. he could walk the Camino
He married Anne Corrine de Santiago trail in Europe,
Turcotte in Spokane, which he did three times.
Boyd enjoyed elk hunt-
Washington, on June 24,
1956. The couple lived in ing in the Granite area
Spokane, Baker City, Pend- and loved spending time
leton and Klamath Falls in the mountains. He went
before moving to Umatilla on several salmon fi shing
in 2000.
excursions in Canada and
Boyd served in the U.S. he would often take family
Air Force for seven years. members on fi shing trips.
He worked as a pastor for
Boyd was preceded in
the Church of God in Baker death by his wife of 61
City and Spokane. He years, Anne, on Feb. 2,
then attended Whitworth 2018; his parents; and three
University in Spokane brothers, Terry, Carroll and
where he received his bach- Ed.
elor’s degree in psychology.
He is survived by his
He continued his education sons Rocky Sharp and
at Oregon State University, Mike (Jo) Sharp; daughters
where he completed his Deb (Joel) Underwood, Sue
master’s degree.
Sharp and Barbara (Mark)
Boyd worked through- Lizotte; 13 grandchildren,
out his career as a drug Cindy, Shane, Rachel,
and alcohol counselor. He Aaron, Anna, Andrea, Joe,
started the Baker County Stephanie, Leah, TJ, Chan-
Council Alcohol and tal, Josh and Bella; and 14
Drug Program. He later great-grandchildren.
A memorial service will
ran a similar program in
Pendleton. He worked as be held at 10 a.m. Satur-
a drug and alcohol coun- day, July 10, 2021, at Burns
selor in correctional facili- Mortuary of Hermiston,
ties in Baker, Umatilla and 685 W. Hermiston Ave.
Klamath counties. He also
Family suggest memo-
authored a book, “Chang- rial contributions be made
ing Criminal Thinking.” He to St. Jude Children’s
taught college courses on Research Hospital in his
changing criminal thinking memory.
for a short time in Klamath
To leave an online
condolence for the family,
In 2000, Boyd retired please go to www.burns-
from counseling and moved mortuaryhermiston.com.
Maurice Herbert ‘Maury’ Hudson
June 1, 1930 — June 27, 2021
Maurice Herbert
attire was green and
(Maury) Hudson,
Maur y’s dr y
91, previously of
sense of humor
Roseburg, died
and thoughtful
Sunday, June 27,
demeanor earned
in Seattle, Wash-
him many friends,
ington. Mau r y
and he enjoyed
was born June 1,
gathering with his
1930, in Pendle-
book club for over
ton, Oregon, and
grew up in Coombs
30 years, orga-
nizing an annual
He graduated
trip to the Oregon
Shakespeare Festi-
from Pendleton
val, and traveling
High School in
the globe. But of
1948 and earned a
utmost importance
bachelor’s degree
in business admin-
to him, Maury was
istration from University of a loving husband and father.
He was preceded in death
Oregon in 1952. Maury met
the love of his life and soul- by his wife Patricia (Pat) Lane
mate at U of O and married Hudson; parents James Lowell
Patricia (Pat) Boyle on Aug. and Mary (Mamie Hartnett)
9, 1952. They had four chil- Hudson of Pendleton; broth-
dren and spent 41 happy years ers Bob Hudson of Portland,
together before Pat’s death in Ron Hudson of Pendleton, and
Charles Hudson of Oregon
From 1952-1954, Maury City; and nephews Scott
served in the United States Hudson and Jim Hudson.
Survivors include his son,
Army as a first lieutenant
in the Finance Corps. After Gregory Lane Hudson and
discharge, he had a long career his wife Leilani Valera of Oak
in banking and real estate Grove, Oregon; son Patrick
that began at First National Maurice Hudson and his wife
Bank of Oregon, with branch Kristi of Bothell, Washing-
assignments in Cottage ton; daughter Mary Eliza-
Grove, North Bend, Spring- beth (Libby) Hudson and her
field and Eugene. In 1971 husband Robert Freimark of
he joined Douglas National Bainbridge Island, Washing-
Bank as a vice president and ton; daughter Heather Zaida
moved his family to Roseburg. Hudson and her husband John
He concluded his career as a Van Deursen of Seattle, Wash-
co-owner of Douglas County ington; six grandsons and
two granddaughters; and two
Title before retiring in 1997.
Throughout his life, Maury great-grandchildren.
celebrated his Oregon roots,
A Celebration of Life will
taking pride in his connection take place at the First Presby-
to the Pendleton Round-Up, terian Church of Roseburg at
where during high school 1 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 7.
Contributions in Maury’s
he played in the Happy
Canyon band. He returned honor may be made to the
often to attend the Pendleton Family Development Center
Round-Up. A great supporter (https://www.fdcroseburg.
of his alma mater, he was a fan org/), Community Cancer
of Duck Football, long before Center, or the First Presby-
they became a winning team. terian Church of Roseburg
After retirement, most of his Memorial Fund.
No services scheduled
LAMMEY, JAMES — Memorial service at 11 a.m. at Pendleton
Lighthouse Church, 417 N.W. 21st St.
DILLAVOU, JAROLD — Funeral service at 11 a.m. at Pendleton
Pioneer Chapel, Folsom-Bishop, 131 S.E. Byers Ave., Pendleton. A
reception will follow at the Pendleton Convention Center, 1601
LOTT, MARY — Visitation at 10 a.m. followed by funeral services at
11 a.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Five Mile
Building, 6032 N. Five Mile Road, Boise, Idaho.
The East Oregonian publishes paid obituaries. The obituary can
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Obituaries may be edited for spelling, proper punctuation and
style. Expanded death notices will be published at no charge. These
include information about services.
Obituaries and notices can be submitted by email to obits@
eastoregonian.com, by fax to 541-276-8314, placed via the
funeral home or in person at the East Oregonian offi ce. For more
information, call 541-966-0818 or 1-800-522-0255, ext. 221.